diff DOCS/faq.html @ 1682:dba45a1aafad

*** empty log message ***
author gabucino
date Fri, 24 Aug 2001 18:48:13 +0000
parents a5cb1b1d47a8
children 390bbb52e371
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/DOCS/faq.html	Fri Aug 24 16:28:26 2001 +0000
+++ b/DOCS/faq.html	Fri Aug 24 18:48:13 2001 +0000
@@ -1,314 +1,458 @@
+<P><B><A NAME=5>5. FAQ section</A></B></P>
+<TD COLSPAN=3><P><B><A NAME=5.1>5.1 Compilation</A></B></P>
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+What's the problem with gcc 2.96 ?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+gcc 2.96 is RedHat's UNOFFICIAL (it can be found only on RedHat sites, or
+RedHat distributions) and BUGGY gcc release. gcc 2.96 is TOTALLY
+unsupported by <B>MPlayer</B>, because it simply SKIPS MMX codes, it just does
+not compile it. Important: this is NOT an <B>MPlayer</B>-specific problem,
+numerous other projects (DRI, avifile, etc..) have problems with this shit
+too.<BR>** DO NOT USE gcc 2.96 !!! **
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <A NAME=5>5. FAQ section</A>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Great, I have gcc 3.0.1 from RedHat/Mandrake, then I'm fine--!
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+No :) Their gcc 3.0.1 was compiled with gcc 2.96, so they are
+buggy shit too.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Now then. What should I use?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Any of gcc 2.95 series.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <A NAME=5.1>5.1.  Compilation</A>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+SDL output doesn't work or compile. Problem is ....
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+It is tested with newest SDL (probably runs on 1.1.7+).
+It does NOT work with 1.1.6, 1.1.5 1.1.4 1.1.3 1.0.4 etc, don't ask.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: What's the problem with gcc 2.96 ?
-  </B>A: gcc 2.96 is RedHat's UNOFFICIAL (it can be found only on RedHat sites, or
-     RedHat distributions) and BUGGY gcc release. gcc 2.96 is TOTALLY
-     unsupported by <B>MPlayer</B>, because it simply SKIPS MMX codes, it just does
-     not compile it. Important: this is NOT an <B>MPlayer</B>-specific problem,
-     numerous other projects (DRI, avifile, etc..) have problems with this shit
-     too.
-     ** DO NOT USE gcc 2.96 !!! **
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I am still having trouble compiling with SDL support. gcc says something
+about "undefined reference to `SDL_EnableKeyRepeat'"   What's now?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Where did you install the SDL library? If you installed in /usr/local
+(the default) then edit the top level config.mak and add
+"-L/usr/local/lib " after "X_LIBS=" Now type make. You're done!
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+It doesn't compile, and it misses uint64_t inttypes.h and similar things...
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+copy etc/inttypes.h to <B>MPlayer</B> directory (cp etc/inttypes.h .)
+try again... if fail, contact us
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: Great, I have gcc 3.0.1 from RedHat/Mandrake, then I'm fine--!
-  </B>A: No :) Their gcc 3.0.1 was compiled with gcc 2.96, so they are
-     buggy shit too.
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I have Pentium III but ./configure doesn't detect SSE
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Only kernel versions 2.4.x supports SSE (or try latest 2.2.19 or newer, but
+be prepared for problems)
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I have G200/G400, how to compile/use mga_vid driver?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Read all this documentation.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Are there rpm/deb/... packages of <B>MPlayer</B>?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+You can make a .deb package for yourself, check section <A HREF="documentation.html#6.1">6.1</A>.
+It's _STRONGLY_ discouraged to use precompiled packages
+of <B>MPlayer</B>, since it (currently) _highly_ depends on compile-time
+options and optimizations!
+Precompiled packages are COMPLETELY unsupported by the <B>MPlayer</B> team!
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: Now then. What should I use?
-  </B>A: Any of gcc 2.95 series.
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+During 'make', MPlayer complains about X11 libraries. I don't understand,
+I DO have X installed!?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+...but you don't have the X development package installed. Or not
+correctly. It's called XFree86-devel* under RedHat, and xlib6g-dev* under
+Debian.  Also check if the /usr/X11 symlink exists (this can be a problem on
+Mandrake systems). It can be created with the<BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>$ ln -sf /usr/X11R6 /usr/X11</CODE><BR>
+ command. Also check the /usr/include/X11 link :<BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>$ ln -sf /usr/X11R6/include/X11 /usr/include/X11</CODE><BR>
+Your distribution may differ from the Linux Filesystem Standard.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+What about DGA driver? I can't find it!!!
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+./configure autodetects your DGA driver. If -vo help doesn't show
+DGA, then there's a problem with your X installation.
+Try ./configure --enable-dga (and RTFM)
+Alternatively, try SDL's DGA driver with '-vo sdl:dga' options.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: SDL output doesn't work or compile. Problem is ....
-  </B>A: It is tested with newest SDL (probably runs on 1.1.7+).
-     It does NOT work with 1.1.6, 1.1.5 1.1.4 1.1.3 1.0.4 etc, don't ask.
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I can't compile SVGAlib.. I'm using 2.3/2.4 kernel.
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+You have to edit SVGAlib's Makefile.cfg and comment "BACKGROUND = y" out.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I compiled MPlayer with libcss/libdivxdecore support, but when
+I try to start it, it says:<BR>
+<CODE>&gt; error while loading shared libraries: libcss.so.0: cannot load
+shared object file: No such file or directory</CODE><BR>
+I checked up on the file and it IS there in /usr/local/lib.
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+What are you doing on Linux? Can't you install a library? Why do
+we get these questions? It's not <B>MPlayer</B> specific at all! Add
+/usr/local/lib to <B>/etc/ld.so.conf</B> and run <B>ldconfig</B> .
+Or install it to /usr/lib , because if you can't solve the /usr/local
+problem, you are careless enough to do such things.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD COLSPAN=3><B><A NAME=5.2>5.2. General questions</A></B>
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: I am still having trouble compiling with SDL support. gcc says something
-     about "undefined reference to `SDL_EnableKeyRepeat'"   What's now?
-  </B>A: Where did you install the SDL library? If you installed in /usr/local
-     (the default) then edit the top level config.mak and add
-     "-L/usr/local/lib " after "X_LIBS=" Now type make. You're done!
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+What about DVD playing ?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Read the CD/DVD section .
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+-xy option doesn't work with x11 driver (-vo x11)
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+x11 driver doesn't support scaling, but XF86VidMode support is now
+used: you must specify the -vm and the -fs switch, and you're done.
+Make sure you have the right Modelines in your XF86Config file, and
+try if the DGA driver (and SDL's DGA driver, see RTFM) works for you.
+It's much faster. If SDL's DGA works too, use that, it'll be EVEN faster!
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: It doesn't compile, and it misses uint64_t inttypes.h and similar things...
-  </B>A: copy etc/inttypes.h to <B>MPlayer</B> directory (cp etc/inttypes.h .)
-     try again... if fail, contact us
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+What is the meaning of numbers in the status line?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+See: <CODE>A:   2.1  V:   2.2  A-V: -0.167  ct:  0.042   57  41%   0%  2.6% 0</CODE><BR>
+<LI>A: audio position in seconds
+<LI>V: video position in seconds
+<LI>A-V: audio-video difference in seconds (delay)
+<LI>ct: total A-V sync correction done
+<LI>frames played (counting from last seek)
+<LI>video codec cpu usage in percent (for mpeg it includes video_out too!)
+<LI>video_out cpu usage for avi, 0 for mpg (see above)
+<LI>audio codec cpu usage in percent
+<LI>frames needed to drop to maintain A-V sync
+<I>Most of them are for debug purposes, and will be removed soon.</I>
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: I have Pentium III but ./configure doesn't detect SSE
-  </B>A: Only kernel versions 2.4.x supports SSE (or try latest 2.2.19 or newer, but
-     be prepared for problems)
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Why is video_out cpu usage zero (0%) for mpeg files?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+It's not zero, but it's built in into codec, so can't be measured separated.
+You should try to play the file using -vo null and then -vo ... and check
+the difference to see video_out speed...
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+What's XMMP? (is it XMMS or XMPS but mispelled?)
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+It's a new project, see http://frozenproductions.com for details
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+There are error messages about file not found /usr/lib/win32/....
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Download & install w32codec.zip from *our* FTP
+(avifile's codec package has different DLL set)
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: I have G200/G400, how to compile/use mga_vid driver?
-  </B>A: Read all this documentation.
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Are there any mailing lists on MPlayer?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Yes! See RTFM on how to subscribe them!
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I've found a nasty bug when I tried to play my favourite video!!
+Who should I inform?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+See Appendix <A HREF="bugreports.html">C</A>.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I have problems playing files with ... codec. Can I use'em?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Check http://mplayer.sourceforge.net/DOCS/codecs.html,
+if it doesn't contain your codec, read
+http://mplayer.sourceforge.net/DOCS/CODECS, and contact us.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Umm, what is "IdegCounter"?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+A mixture of a hungarian and an english word. In english, "Ideg" means
+"nerve", and is pronounced as something like "ydaegh" . It was first used
+to measure the nervousness of A'rpi, after some (umm) "mystic" disappearance
+of CVS code ;)
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+LIRC doesn't work, because ...
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Are you sure you use "mplayer_lirc" instead of "mplayer"?
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Subtitles are very nice, the most beautiful I've ever seen, but they slow
+down the playing! I know it's unlikely...
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+After running ./configure , edit config.h and replace #undef FAST_OSD with
+<CODE>#define FAST_OSD</CODE>. Then recompile.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: Are there rpm/deb/... packages of <B>MPlayer</B>?
-  </B>A: You can make a .deb package for yourself, check section <A HREF="documentation.html#6.1">6.1</A> .
-     It's _STRONGLY_ discouraged to use precompiled packages
-     of <B>MPlayer</B>, since it (currently) _highly_ depends on compile-time
-     options and optimizations!
-     Precompiled packages are COMPLETELY unsupported by the <B>MPlayer</B> team!
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+The OSD is flickering!
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+You use a vo driver with single buffering (x11,xv). With xv,
+use -double option.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+What exactly is this libavcodec?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+It's from Gerard Lantau's ffmpeg package (http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net).
+It has C language DivX ;-) and OpenDivX alpha 47 codec.  Some benchmarks
+showed that its DivX seems to be even faster than DirectShow codec without
+preprocessing, and only a few percent slower than ProjectMayo's DivX4
+decoder. It uses YV12 pixel format, so old Voodoo users can use it for YUV.
+Also, open the possibility to play DivX on virtually every computer that
+has a C compiler. Kinda great stuff, isn't it?
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+But configure tells me "Checking for libavcodec ... no"!
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+You need to get libavcodec from FFmpeg's CVS. Read the instructions in
+the <A HREF="codecs.html#">ffmpeg section</A>.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<B><A NAME=5.3>5.3. File playing problems</A></B>
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+...... works with avifile/aviplay while doesn't with MPlayer.
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+<B>MPlayer</B> != avifile
+The only common thing between these players is the Win32 DLL loader.
+The codecs (dll) sets, syncronization, demultiplexing etc is totaly
+different and shouldn't be compared.
+If something works with aviplay it doesn't mean that <B>MPlayer</B> should do
+it and vice versa.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Audio goes out of sync playing .avi file.
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Try with -bps or -nobps option
+if still bad, send me (upload to ftp) that file, I'll check.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: During 'make', <B>MPlayer</B> complains about X11 libraries. I don't understand,
-     I DO have X installed!?
-  </B>A: ...but you don't have the X development package installed. Or not
-     correctly. It's called XFree86-devel* under RedHat, and xlib6g-dev* under
-     Debian.  Also check if the /usr/X11 symlink exists (this can be a problem on
-     Mandrake systems). It can be created with the
-	$ ln -sf /usr/X11R6 /usr/X11
-     command. Also check the /usr/include/X11 link :
-	$ ln -sf /usr/X11R6/include/X11 /usr/include/X11
-     Your distribution may differ from the Linux Filesystem Standard.
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Indeo 3.x/4.x movies are viewed upside-down!!!?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+It's a known bug (really it's a bug/limitation of the DLL codec)
+Try if your vo driver supports the -flip switch.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Indeo 3.x,4.x video doesn't work at 32bpp resolutions (16,24 bpp are ok).
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+It's a known bug (really it's a bug/limitation of the DLL codec).
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I've got 'MPlayer interrupted by signal 11' in module audio_setup or
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+This is highly unlikely, since the mp3lib rewrite. Contact us, it may be
+a bug. Possibly it's a damaged file, try with -afm 4.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+MPlayer exits with something error when using l3codeca.acm.
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Check 'ldd /usr/local/bin/mplayer' output. If it contains<BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x4???????)</CODE><BR>
+where "?" is any number then it's ok, the error is not here. If it is:<BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x00??????)</CODE><BR>
+then there is problem with your kernel/libc. Maybe you are using some
+security patches (for example Solar Designer's OpenWall patch) which
+forces loading libraries to very low addresses.
+Because l3codeca.acm is a non-relocatable DLL, it must be loaded to
+0x00400000, we can't change this. You should use non-patched kernel,
+or use <B>MPlayer</B>'s -afm 1 option to disable using l3codeca.acm.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: What about DGA driver? I can't find it!!!
-  </B>A: ./configure autodetects your DGA driver. If -vo help doesn't show
-     DGA, then there's a problem with your X installation.
-     Try ./configure --enable-dga (and RTFM)
-     Alternatively, try SDL's DGA driver with '-vo sdl:dga' options.
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+My computer plays M$ DivX AVIs with resolutions ~ 640x300 and stereo mp3
+sound too slow. When I use -nosound switch, everything is ok (but quiet).
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Those files probably have 48Khz audio, and your soundcard/driver can't play
+it correctly. Audio downsampling isn't implemented in <B>MPlayer</B> (yet).
+Maybe use the SDL driver, with <B>-ao:sdl</B> 
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+MPlayer dies with "MPlayer interrupted by signal 4 in module: decode_video".
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Try running <B>MPlayer</B> on the machine you compiled on. Or recompile. Don't
+use <B>MPlayer</B> on different CPU than it was compiled on.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: I can't compile SVGAlib.. I'm using 2.3/2.4 kernel.
-  </B>A: You have to edit SVGAlib's Makefile.cfg and comment "BACKGROUND = y" out.
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I have problems with [your window manager] and fullscreen xv/xmga/sdl/x11 modes..
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Use the -fsmode switch. See example.conf or manpage.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+But it works with avifile!
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+So what?
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: I compiled <B>MPlayer</B> with libcss/libdivxdecore support, but when
-    I try to start it, it says :
-	  > error while loading shared libraries: libcss.so.0: cannot load
-	  > shared object file: No such file or directory
-    I checked up on the file and it IS there in /usr/local/lib.
-  </B>A: What are you doing on Linux? Can't you install a library? Why do
-    we get these questions? It's not <B>MPlayer</B> specific at all! Add
-    /usr/local/lib to <B>/etc/ld.so.conf</B> and run <B>ldconfig</B> .
-    Or install it to /usr/lib , because if you can't solve the /usr/local
-    problem, you are careless enough to do such things.
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Then avifile is better!
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Then use avifile, it has nice GUI and nice C++ code :)
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I got this playing mpeg files: Can't find codec for video format 0x10000001!
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+You have old version of codecs.conf at ~/.mplayer/. Upgrade it from etc/
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+After starting mplayer under KDE(1/2) I just get a black screen and nothing 
+happens, after about one minute the video starts playing.
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+The KDE arts sound daemon is blocking the sound device, either wait the time
+until video starts or you disable the arts-daemon in kontrollcenter.
+If you want to use arts sound, specify audio output via SDL (ao=sdl), and
+make sure your SDL can handle arts sound. Yet another option is to start
+mplayer with artsdsp.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I have an AVI that plays with grey screen with -vc odivx, and green with -vc divx4 .
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+It's not a DivX file, but an M$ MPEG4v3 . Update your codecs.conf.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
+<B><A NAME=5.4>5.4. Video/audio driver problems (vo/ao)</A></B>
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <A NAME=5.2>5.2.  General questions</A>
-  <B>Q: What about DVD playing ?
-  </B>A: Read the CD/DVD section .
-  <B>Q: -xy option doesn't work with x11 driver (-vo x11)
-  </B>A: x11 driver doesn't support scaling, but XF86VidMode support is now
-     used: you must specify the -vm and the -fs switch, and you're done.
-     Make sure you have the right Modelines in your XF86Config file, and
-     try if the DGA driver (and SDL's DGA driver, see RTFM) works for you.
-     It's much faster. If SDL's DGA works too, use that, it'll be EVEN
-     faster!
-  <B>Q: what is the meaning of numbers in the status line?
-  </B>A: see:
-         </B>A:   2.1  V:   2.2  A-V: -0.167  ct:  0.042   57  41%   0%  2.6% 0
-     -   </B>A: audio position in seconds
-     - V: video position in seconds
-     - A-V: audio-video difference in seconds (delay)
-     - ct: total A-V sync correction done
-     - frames played (counting from last seek)
-     - video codec cpu usage in percent (for mpeg it includes video_out too!)
-     - video_out cpu usage for avi, 0 for mpg (see above)
-     - audio codec cpu usage in percent
-     - frames needed to drop to maintain A-V sync
-     Most of them are for debug purposes, and will be removed soon.
-  <B>Q: Why is video_out cpu usage zero (0%) for mpeg files?
-  </B>A: It's not zero, but it's built in into codec, so can't be measured separated.
-     You should try to play the file using -vo null and then -vo ... and check
-     the difference to see video_out speed...
-  <B>Q: What's XMMP? (is it XMMS or XMPS but mispelled?)
-  </B>A: It's a new project, see http://frozenproductions.com for details
-  <B>Q: There are error messages about file not found /usr/lib/win32/....
-  </B>A: Download &amp; install w32codec.zip from *our* FTP
-     (avifile's codec package has different DLL set)
-  <B>Q: Are there any mailing lists on <B>MPlayer</B>?
-  </B>A: Yes! See RTFM on how to subscribe them!
-  <B>Q: I've found a nasty bug when I tried to play my favourite video!!
-     Who should I inform?
-  </B>A: See Appendix <A HREF="bugreports.html">C</A> .
- <B>Q: I have problems playing files with ... codec. Can I use'em?
-  </B>A: Check http://mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/DOCS/codecs.html,
-     if it doesn't contain your codec, read
-     http://mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/DOCS/CODECS, and contact us.
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Ok, -vo help shows DGA driver, but it is babbling about permissions!
+Help me!
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+It works only if running as root! It's a DGA limitation.
+You should become to root (su -), and try again.
+Another solution is making mplayer SUID root, but its NOT RECOMMENDED!<BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>chown root /usr/local/bin/mplayer</CODE><BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>chmod 750 /usr/local/bin/mplayer</CODE><BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>chmod +s /usr/local/bin/mplayer</CODE><BR>
+<B>!!!! BUT STAY TUNED !!!!</B><BR>
+This is a *BIG* security risk! *NEVER* do this on a server or on a computer
+can be accessed by more people than only you because they can gain root
+privilegies through suid root mplayer!!!<BR>
+!!!! SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ... !!!!
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: Umm, what is "IdegCounter" ?
-  </B>A: A mixture of a hungarian and an english word. In english, "Ideg" means
-     "nerve", and is pronounced as something like "ydaegh" . It was first used
-     to measure the nervousness of A'rpi, after some (umm) "mystic" disappearance
-     of CVS code ;)
-  <B>Q: LIRC doesn't work, because ...
-  </B>A: Are you sure you use "mplayer_lirc" instead of "mplayer" ?
-  <B>Q: Subtitles are very nice, the most beautiful I've ever seen, but they slow
-     down the playing! I know it's unlikely...
-  </B>A: After running ./configure , edit config.h and replace #undef FAST_OSD with
-     #define FAST_OSD . Then recompile.
-  <B>Q: The OSD is flickering!
-  </B>A: You use a vo driver with single buffering (x11,xv). With xv,
-     use -double option.
-  <B>Q: What exactly is this libavcodec?
-  </B>A: It's from Gerard Lantau's ffmpeg package (http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net).
-     It has C language DivX ;-) and OpenDivX alpha 47 codec.  Some benchmarks
-     showed that its DivX seems to be even faster than DirectShow codec without
-     preprocessing, and only a few percent slower than ProjectMayo's DivX4
-     decoder.  It uses YV12 pixel format, so old Voodoo users can use it for YUV.
-     Also, open the possibility to play DivX on virtually every computer that
-     has a C compiler. Kinda great stuff, isn't it?
-  <B>Q: But configure tells me "Checking for libavcodec ... no"!
-  </B>A: You need to get libavcodec from FFmpeg's CVS. Read the instructions in
-     the <A HREF="codecs.html#">ffmpeg section</A> .
-  <A NAME=5.3>5.3.  File playing problems</A>
-  <B>Q: ...... works with avifile/aviplay while doesn't with <B>MPlayer</B>
-  </B>A: <B>MPlayer</B> != avifile
-     The only common thing between these players is the Win32 DLL loader.
-     The codecs (dll) sets, syncronization, demultiplexing etc is totaly
-     different and shouldn't be compared.
-     If something works with aviplay it doesn't mean that <B>MPlayer</B> should do
-     it and vice versa.
-  <B>Q: audio goes out of sync playing .avi file
-  </B>A: try with -bps or -nobps option
-     if still bad, send me (upload to ftp) that file, I'll check.
-  <B>Q: Indeo 3.x/4.x movies are viewed upside-down!!!?
-  </B>A: It's a known bug (really it's a bug/limitation of the DLL codec)
-     Try if your vo driver supports the -flip switch.
-  <B>Q: Indeo 3.x,4.x video doesn't work at 32bpp resolutions (16,24 bpp are ok)
-  </B>A: It's a known bug (really it's a bug/limitation of the DLL codec)
-  <B>Q: I've got '<B>MPlayer</B> interrupted by signal 11' in module audio_setup or
-     decode_audio.
-  </B>A: This is highly unlikely, since the mp3lib rewrite. Contact us, it may be
-     a bug. Possibly it's a damaged file, try with -afm 4 .
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+When using Xvideo, my Voodoo 3/Banshee says:<BR>
+X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)<BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;Major opcode of failed request:  147 (MIT-SHM)<BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;Minor opcode of failed request:  1 (X_ShmAttach)<BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;Serial number of failed request:  26<BR>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;Current serial number in output stream:27<BR>
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Your driver is old, update it. Either download (at least) DRI version 0.6
+from <A HREF="http://dri.sourceforge.net">http://dri.sourceforge.net</A>,
+or use the DRI cvs.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: <B>MPlayer</B> exits with something error when using l3codeca.acm
-  </B>A: Check 'ldd /usr/local/bin/mplayer' output. If it contains
-          libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x4???????)
-     where "?" is any number then it's ok, the error is not here. If it is:
-	libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x00??????)
-     then there is problem with your kernel/libc. Maybe you are using some
-     security patches (for example Solar Designer's OpenWall patch) which
-     forces loading libraries to very low addresses.
-     Because l3codeca.acm is a non-relocatable DLL, it must be loaded to
-     0x00400000, we can't change this. You should use non-patched kernel,
-     or use <B>MPlayer</B>'s -afm 1 option to disable using l3codeca.acm.
-  <B>Q: My computer plays M$ DivX AVIs with resolutions ~ 640x300 and stereo mp3
-     sound too slow. When I use -nosound switch, everything is ok (but quiet).
-  </B>A: Those files probably have 48Khz audio, and your soundcard/driver can't play
-     it correctly. Audio downsampling isn't implemented in <B>MPlayer</B> (yet).
-     Maybe use the SDL driver, with <B>-ao:sdl</B> 
-  <B>Q: <B>MPlayer</B> dies with "<B>MPlayer</B> interrupted by signal 4 in module: decode_video".
-  </B>A: Try running <B>MPlayer</B> on the machine you compiled on. Or recompile. Don't
-     use <B>MPlayer</B> on different CPU than it was compiled on.
-  <B>Q: I have problems with [your window manager] and fullscreen xv/xmga/sdl/x11
-     modes..
-  </B>A1: Use the -fsmode switch. See example.conf or manpage.
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+When using Xvideo, I can't play DivX avis with my Voodoo 3/Banshee!
+It says:<BR>
+Xvideo image format: 0x32315659 (YV12) planar<BR>
+Xvideo image format: 0x30323449 (I420) planar<BR>
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A1:</TD><TD>
+See the previous answer.
+</TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A2:</TD><TD>
+Since 0.18pre4 we support libavcodec from the ffmpeg package. It contains
+a C language DivX and OpenDivX decoder. The DivX decoder uses YV12 format
+for output, thus it should work for you. Compile in libavcodec support.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: But it works with avifile !
-  </B>A: So what?
-  <B>Q: Then avifile is better !
-  </B>A: Then use avifile, it has nice GUI and nice C++ code :)
-  <B>Q: I got this playing mpeg files: Can't find codec for video format 0x10000001 !
-  </B>A: You have old version of codecs.conf at ~/.mplayer/. Upgrade it from etc/
-  <B>Q: After starting mplayer under KDE(1/2) I just get a black screen and nothing 
-     happens, after about one minute the video starts playing.
-  </B>A: The KDE arts sound daemon is blocking the sound device, either wait the time
-     until video starts or you disable the arts-daemon in kontrollcenter.
-     If you want to use arts sound, specify audio output via SDL (ao=sdl), and
-     make sure your SDL can handle arts sound. Yet another option is to start
-     mplayer with artsdsp.
-  <B>Q: I have an AVI that plays with grey screen with -vc odivx, and green
-     with -vc divx4 .
-  </B>A: It's not a DivX file, but an M$ MPEG4v3 . Update your codecs.conf.
-  <A NAME=5.4>5.4.  Video/audio driver problems (vo/ao)</A>
-  <B>Q: Ok, -vo help shows DGA driver, but it is babbling about permissions!
-     Help me!
-  </B>A: It works only if running as root! It's a DGA limitation.
-     You should become to root (su -), and try again.
-   Another solution is making mplayer SUID root, but its NOT RECOMMENDED!
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+OpenGL (-vo gl) output doesn't work (hangup/black window/X11 errors/...).
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+Your opengl driver doesn't support dynamic texture changes (glTexSubImage)
+It's known not to work with nVidia's binary shit.
+It's known to work with Utah-GLX/DRI and Matrox G400 card. Also with
+DRI and Radeon card. It won't work with DRI others than these.
+it will not work with 3DFX cards because the 256x256 texture size limit.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-	chown root /usr/local/bin/mplayer
-	chmod 750 /usr/local/bin/mplayer
-	chmod +s /usr/local/bin/mplayer
-                           !!!! BUT STAY TUNED !!!!
-    This is a *BIG* security risk! *NEVER* do this on a server or on a computer
-    can be accessed by more people than only you because they can gain root
-    privilegies through suid root mplayer!!!
-                       !!!! SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ... !!!!
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+I have an nVidia TNT/TNT2 card, and I have a band with strange colours,
+right under the movie! Whose fault is this?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+It's the nVidia X driver's. These bugs are ONLY with the TNT/TNT2 cards,
+and we can't do anything about it, it's not our bug.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: When using Xvideo, my Voodoo 3/Banshee says:
-     X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private resource
-     denied)
-      Major opcode of failed request:  147 (MIT-SHM)
-      Minor opcode of failed request:  1 (X_ShmAttach)
-      Serial number of failed request:  26
-      Current serial number in output stream:27 
-  </B>A: Your driver is old, update it. Either download (at least) DRI version 0.6
-     from http://dri.sourceforge.net , or use the DRI cvs.
+<B><A NAME=5.5>5.5. Feature requests</A></B>
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: When using Xvideo, I can't play DivX avis with my Voodoo 3/Banshee !
-     It says:
-      ...
-      Xvideo image format: 0x32315659 (YV12) planar
-      Xvideo image format: 0x30323449 (I420) planar
-      ...
-  </B>A1: See the previous answer.
-  A2: Since 0.18pre4 we support libavcodec from the ffmpeg package. It contains
-      a C language DivX and OpenDivX decoder. The DivX decoder uses YV12 format
-      for output, thus it should work for you. Compile in libavcodec support.
-  <B>Q: OpenGL (-vo gl) output doesn't work (hangup/black window/X11 errors/...)
-  </B>A: your opengl driver doesn't support dynamic texture changes (glTexSubImage)
-     it's known not to work with nVidia's binary shit.
-     it's known to work with Utah-GLX/DRI and Matrox G400 card. Also with
-     DRI and Radeon card. It won't work with DRI others than these.
-     it will not work with 3DFX cards because the 256x256 texture size limit.
+<TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>Q:</TD><TD WIDTH=100%><B>
+Is there a hint on how to watch QuickTime and RealMedia movies in MPlayer?
+</B></TD><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN=top>A:</TD><TD>
+There's no way to do it. Therefore these formats deserve to die in flames.
+Theoretically you can reverse engineer Real codecs built for Linux (they
+are available as .so files), but in practice that's really difficult, even
+if you know how the compiler used by Real is making assembler code.
+As for QuickTime, it's possible to play some old movies and this
+capability will be added to mplayer soon, but newer clips are all Sorenson
+encoded, and that codec is built-in deep in the QT executable, there's
+no way to use it.
+</TD><TR><TD COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD><TR>
-  <B>Q: I have an nVidia TNT/TNT2 card, and I have a band with strange colours,
-     right under the movie! Whose fault is this?
-  </B>A: It's the nVidia X driver's. These bugs are ONLY with the TNT/TNT2 cards,
-     and we can't do anything about it, it's not our bug.
-  <A NAME=5.5>5.5.  Feature requests</A>
-  <B>Q: Is there a hint on how to watch QuickTime and RealMedia movies in MPlayer?
-  </B>A: There's no way to do it. Therefore these formats deserve to die in flames.
-     Theoretically you can reverse engineer Real codecs built for Linux (they
-     are available as .so files), but in practice that's really difficult, even
-     if you know how the compiler used by Real is making assembler code.
-     As for QuickTime, it's possible to play some old movies and this
-     capability will be added to mplayer soon, but newer clips are all Sorenson
-     encoded, and that codec is built-in deep in the QT executable, there's
-     no way to use it.
+<HR>MPlayer documentation project