diff libmpdemux/video.c @ 2567:ea6158be8103

video frame reading cleanup
author arpi
date Tue, 30 Oct 2001 20:36:20 +0000
children 8e3875816f6d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libmpdemux/video.c	Tue Oct 30 20:36:20 2001 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// read video frame
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "mp_msg.h"
+#include "help_mp.h"
+#include "stream.h"
+#include "demuxer.h"
+#include "stheader.h"
+#include "parse_es.h"
+#include "mpeg_hdr.h"
+static mp_mpeg_header_t picture;
+int video_read_properties(sh_video_t *sh_video){
+demux_stream_t *d_video=sh_video->ds;
+// Determine image properties:
+  // display info:
+    sh_video->format=sh_video->bih->biCompression;
+    sh_video->disp_w=sh_video->bih->biWidth;
+    sh_video->disp_h=abs(sh_video->bih->biHeight);
+  break;
+ }
+   // Find sequence_header first:
+   videobuf_len=0; videobuf_code_len=0;
+   mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_V,"Searching for sequence header... ");fflush(stdout);
+   while(1){
+      int i=sync_video_packet(d_video);
+      if(i==0x1B3) break; // found it!
+      if(!i || !skip_video_packet(d_video)){
+        if(verbose)  mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_V,"NONE :(\n");
+        mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_MpegNoSequHdr);
+	return 0;
+      }
+   }
+   mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_V,"OK!\n");
+//   sh_video=d_video->sh;sh_video->ds=d_video;
+//   mpeg2_init();
+   // ========= Read & process sequence header & extension ============
+   if(!videobuffer) videobuffer=(char*)memalign(8,VIDEOBUFFER_SIZE);
+   if(!videobuffer){ 
+     mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_ShMemAllocFail);
+     return 0;
+   }
+   if(!read_video_packet(d_video)){ 
+     mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_CannotReadMpegSequHdr);
+     return 0;
+   }
+   if(mp_header_process_sequence_header (&picture, &videobuffer[4])) {
+     mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_BadMpegSequHdr); 
+     return 0;
+   }
+   if(sync_video_packet(d_video)==0x1B5){ // next packet is seq. ext.
+//    videobuf_len=0;
+    int pos=videobuf_len;
+    if(!read_video_packet(d_video)){ 
+      mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_CannotReadMpegSequHdrEx);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    if(mp_header_process_extension (&picture, &videobuffer[pos+4])) {
+      mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_BadMpegSequHdrEx);
+      return 0;
+    }
+   }
+//   printf("picture.fps=%d\n",picture.fps);
+   // fill aspect info:
+   switch(picture.aspect_ratio_information){
+     case 2:  // PAL/NTSC SVCD/DVD 4:3
+     case 8:  // PAL VCD 4:3
+     case 12: // NTSC VCD 4:3
+       sh_video->aspect=4.0/3.0;
+     break;
+     case 3:  // PAL/NTSC Widescreen SVCD/DVD 16:9
+       sh_video->aspect=16.0/9.0;
+     break;
+     default:
+       fprintf(stderr,"Detected unknown aspect_ratio_information in mpeg sequence header.\n"
+               "Please report the aspect value (%i) along with the movie type (VGA,PAL,NTSC,"
+               "SECAM) and the movie resolution (720x576,352x240,480x480,...) to the MPlayer"
+               " developers, so that we can add support for it!\nAssuming 1:1 aspect for now.\n",
+               picture.aspect_ratio_information);
+     case 1:  // VGA 1:1 - do not prescale
+       sh_video->aspect=0.0;
+     break;
+   }
+   // display info:
+   sh_video->format=picture.mpeg1?0x10000001:0x10000002; // mpeg video
+   sh_video->fps=picture.fps*0.0001f;
+   if(!sh_video->fps){
+//     if(!force_fps){
+//       fprintf(stderr,"FPS not specified (or invalid) in the header! Use the -fps option!\n");
+//       return 0;
+//     }
+     sh_video->frametime=0;
+   } else {
+     sh_video->frametime=10000.0f/(float)picture.fps;
+   }
+   sh_video->disp_w=picture.display_picture_width;
+   sh_video->disp_h=picture.display_picture_height;
+   // bitrate:
+   if(picture.bitrate!=0x3FFFF) // unspecified/VBR ?
+       sh_video->i_bps=1000*picture.bitrate/16;
+   // info:
+   mp_dbg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_DBG2,"mpeg bitrate: %d (%X)\n",picture.bitrate,picture.bitrate);
+   mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO,MSGL_INFO,"VIDEO:  %s  %dx%d  (aspect %d)  %4.2f fps  %5.1f kbps (%4.1f kbyte/s)\n",
+    picture.mpeg1?"MPEG1":"MPEG2",
+    sh_video->disp_w,sh_video->disp_h,
+    picture.aspect_ratio_information,
+    sh_video->fps,
+    picture.bitrate*0.5f,
+    picture.bitrate/16.0f );
+  break;
+ }
+} // switch(file_format)
+return 1;
+int video_read_frame(sh_video_t* sh_video,float* frame_time_ptr,unsigned char** start,int force_fps){
+    demux_stream_t *d_video=sh_video->ds;
+    demuxer_t *demuxer=d_video->demuxer;
+    float frame_time=1;
+    float pts1=d_video->pts;
+//    unsigned char* start=NULL;
+    int in_size=0;
+    *start=NULL;
+  if(demuxer->file_format==DEMUXER_TYPE_MPEG_ES || demuxer->file_format==DEMUXER_TYPE_MPEG_PS){
+        int in_frame=0;
+        //float newfps;
+        //videobuf_len=0;
+        while(videobuf_len<VIDEOBUFFER_SIZE-MAX_VIDEO_PACKET_SIZE){
+          int i=sync_video_packet(d_video);
+	  void* buffer=&videobuffer[videobuf_len+4];
+          if(in_frame){
+            if(i<0x101 || i>=0x1B0){  // not slice code -> end of frame
+#if 1
+              // send END OF FRAME code:
+              videobuffer[videobuf_len+0]=0;
+              videobuffer[videobuf_len+1]=0;
+              videobuffer[videobuf_len+2]=1;
+              videobuffer[videobuf_len+3]=0xFF;
+              videobuf_len+=4;
+              if(!i) return -1; // EOF
+              break;
+            }
+          } else {
+            //if(i==0x100) in_frame=1; // picture startcode
+            if(i>=0x101 && i<0x1B0) in_frame=1; // picture startcode
+            else if(!i) return -1; // EOF
+          }
+	  //if(grab_frames==2 && (i==0x1B3 || i==0x1B8)) grab_frames=1;
+          if(!read_video_packet(d_video)) return -1; // EOF
+          //printf("read packet 0x%X, len=%d\n",i,videobuf_len);
+	  // process headers:
+	  switch(i){
+	      case 0x1B3: mp_header_process_sequence_header (&picture, buffer);break;
+	      case 0x1B5: mp_header_process_extension (&picture, buffer);break;
+	  }
+        }
+        // if(videobuf_len>max_framesize) max_framesize=videobuf_len; // debug
+        //printf("--- SEND %d bytes\n",videobuf_len);
+//	if(grab_frames==1){
+//	      FILE *f=fopen("grab.mpg","ab");
+//	      fwrite(videobuffer,videobuf_len-4,1,f);
+//	      fclose(f);
+//	}
+	*start=videobuffer; in_size=videobuf_len;
+	//blit_frame=decode_video(video_out,sh_video,videobuffer,videobuf_len,drop_frame);
+#if 1
+    // get mpeg fps:
+    //newfps=frameratecode2framerate[picture->frame_rate_code]*0.0001f;
+    if((int)(sh_video->fps*10000+0.5)!=picture.fps) if(!force_fps){
+            mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_WARN,"Warning! FPS changed %5.3f -> %5.3f  (%f) [%d]  \n",sh_video->fps,picture.fps*0.0001,sh_video->fps-picture.fps*0.0001,picture.frame_rate_code);
+            sh_video->fps=picture.fps*0.0001;
+            sh_video->frametime=10000.0f/(float)picture.fps;
+    }
+    // fix mpeg2 frametime:
+    frame_time=(picture.display_time)*0.01f;
+    picture.display_time=100;
+    videobuf_len=0;
+  } else {
+      // frame-based file formats: (AVI,ASF,MOV)
+    in_size=ds_get_packet(d_video,start);
+    if(in_size<0) return -1; // EOF
+//    if(in_size>max_framesize) max_framesize=in_size;
+//    blit_frame=decode_video(video_out,sh_video,start,in_size,drop_frame);
+  }
+//  vdecode_time=video_time_usage-vdecode_time;
+//------------------------ frame decoded. --------------------
+    // Increase video timers:
+    sh_video->num_frames+=frame_time;
+    ++sh_video->num_frames_decoded;
+    frame_time*=sh_video->frametime;
+    if(demuxer->file_format==DEMUXER_TYPE_ASF && !force_fps){
+        // .ASF files has no fixed FPS - just frame durations!
+        float d=d_video->pts-pts1;
+        if(d>=0 && d<5) frame_time=d;
+        if(d>0){
+          if(verbose)
+            if((int)sh_video->fps==1000)
+              mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_STATUS,"\rASF framerate: %d fps             \n",(int)(1.0f/d));
+          sh_video->frametime=d; // 1ms
+          sh_video->fps=1.0f/d;
+        }
+    } else
+    if(demuxer->file_format==DEMUXER_TYPE_MOV && !force_fps){
+        // .MOV files has no fixed FPS - just frame durations!
+	frame_time=d_video->pts-pts1;
+    }
+    if(demuxer->file_format==DEMUXER_TYPE_MPEG_PS) d_video->pts+=frame_time;
+    if(frame_time_ptr) *frame_time_ptr=frame_time;
+    return in_size;