view libmpcodecs/ae_faac.c @ 19932:0b5b9cbbc74e

Move calculation of text parameters (number of lines, height, etc.) from wrap_lines_smart() into a separate function. Call it for every event, even those that do not require line wrapping. This fixes randomly wrong positioning of 'Banner' events.
author eugeni
date Fri, 22 Sep 2006 18:56:09 +0000
parents 934380353fd6
children 5aab07acf0b5
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "m_option.h"
#include "mp_msg.h"
#include "aviheader.h"
#include "libaf/af_format.h"
#include "ms_hdr.h"
#include "muxer.h"
#include <faac.h>
#include "ae.h"

static faacEncHandle faac;
static faacEncConfigurationPtr config = NULL;
static int 
	param_bitrate = 128,
	param_quality = 0,
	param_object_type = MAIN,
	param_mpeg = 2,
	param_tns = 0,
	param_raw = 0,
	param_cutoff = 0,
	param_format = 16,
	param_debug = 0;

static int enc_frame_size = 0, divisor;
static unsigned long samples_input, max_bytes_output;
static unsigned char *decoder_specific_buffer = NULL;
static unsigned long decoder_specific_len = 0;

m_option_t faacopts_conf[] = {
	{"br", &param_bitrate, CONF_TYPE_INT, 0, 0, 0, NULL},
	{"quality", &param_quality, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 1000, NULL},
	{"object", &param_object_type, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, MAIN, LTP, NULL},
	{"mpeg", &param_mpeg, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 2, 4, NULL},
	{"tns", &param_tns, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
	{"cutoff", &param_cutoff, CONF_TYPE_INT, 0, 0, 0, NULL},
	{"format", &param_format, CONF_TYPE_INT, 0, 0, 0, NULL},
	{"raw", &param_raw, CONF_TYPE_FLAG, 0, 0, 1, NULL},
	{"debug", &param_debug, CONF_TYPE_INT, CONF_RANGE, 0, 100000000, NULL},
	{NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}

static int bind_faac(audio_encoder_t *encoder, muxer_stream_t *mux_a)
	mux_a->wf = calloc(1, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + decoder_specific_len + 256);
	mux_a->wf->wFormatTag = 0x706D;
	mux_a->wf->nChannels = encoder->params.channels;
	mux_a->h.dwSampleSize=0; // VBR
	mux_a->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec = encoder->params.bitrate / 8;
	mux_a->wf->nBlockAlign = mux_a->h.dwScale;
	mux_a->h.dwSuggestedBufferSize = (encoder->params.audio_preload*mux_a->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec)/1000;
	mux_a->h.dwSuggestedBufferSize -= mux_a->h.dwSuggestedBufferSize % mux_a->wf->nBlockAlign;
	mux_a->wf->cbSize = decoder_specific_len;
	mux_a->wf->wBitsPerSample = 0; /* does not apply */
	((MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT *) (mux_a->wf))->wID = 1;
	((MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT *) (mux_a->wf))->fdwFlags = 2;
	((MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT *) (mux_a->wf))->nBlockSize = mux_a->wf->nBlockAlign;
	((MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT *) (mux_a->wf))->nFramesPerBlock = 1;
	((MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT *) (mux_a->wf))->nCodecDelay = 0;
	// Fix allocation    
	mux_a->wf = realloc(mux_a->wf, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)+mux_a->wf->cbSize);
	if(config->inputFormat == FAAC_INPUT_FLOAT)
		encoder->input_format = AF_FORMAT_FLOAT_NE;
	else if(config->inputFormat == FAAC_INPUT_32BIT)
		encoder->input_format = AF_FORMAT_S32_NE;
		encoder->input_format = AF_FORMAT_S16_NE;
	encoder->min_buffer_size = mux_a->h.dwSuggestedBufferSize;
	encoder->max_buffer_size = mux_a->h.dwSuggestedBufferSize*2;

	if(decoder_specific_buffer && decoder_specific_len)
		memcpy(mux_a->wf + 1, decoder_specific_buffer, decoder_specific_len);
	return 1;

static int get_frame_size(audio_encoder_t *encoder)
	int sz = enc_frame_size;
	enc_frame_size = 0;
	return sz;

static int encode_faac(audio_encoder_t *encoder, uint8_t *dest, void *src, int len, int max_size)
	// len is divided by the number of bytes per sample
	enc_frame_size = faacEncEncode(faac,  (int32_t*) src,  len / divisor, dest, max_size);
	return enc_frame_size;

int close_faac(audio_encoder_t *encoder)
	return 1;

int mpae_init_faac(audio_encoder_t *encoder)
	if(encoder->params.channels < 1 || encoder->params.channels > 6 || (param_mpeg != 2 && param_mpeg != 4))
		mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_FATAL, "AE_FAAC, unsupported number of channels: %d, or mpeg version: %d, exit\n", encoder->params.channels, param_mpeg);
		return 0;
	faac = faacEncOpen(encoder->params.sample_rate, encoder->params.channels, &samples_input, &max_bytes_output);
		mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_FATAL, "AE_FAAC, couldn't init, exit\n");
		return 0;
	mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_V, "AE_FAAC, sample_input: %lu, max_bytes_output: %lu\n", samples_input, max_bytes_output);
	config = faacEncGetCurrentConfiguration(faac);
		mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_FATAL, "AE_FAAC, couldn't get init configuration, exit\n");
		return 0;

	param_bitrate *= 1000;
		config->quantqual = param_quality;
		config->bitRate = param_bitrate / encoder->params.channels;
		config->inputFormat = FAAC_INPUT_FLOAT;
		divisor = 4;
	else if(param_format==32)
		config->inputFormat = FAAC_INPUT_32BIT;
		divisor = 4;
		config->inputFormat = FAAC_INPUT_16BIT;
		divisor = 2;
	config->outputFormat = param_raw ? 0 : 1; // 1 is ADTS
	config->aacObjectType = param_object_type;
	config->mpegVersion = (param_mpeg == 4 ? MPEG4 : MPEG2);
	config->useTns = param_tns;
	config->allowMidside = 1;
	config->shortctl = SHORTCTL_NORMAL;
	param_cutoff = param_cutoff ? param_cutoff : encoder->params.sample_rate / 2;
	if(param_cutoff > encoder->params.sample_rate / 2)
		param_cutoff = encoder->params.sample_rate / 2;
	config->bandWidth = param_cutoff;
	if(encoder->params.channels == 6)
		config->useLfe = 1;
	if(!faacEncSetConfiguration(faac, config)) 
		mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_FATAL, "AE_FAAC, counldn't set specified parameters, exiting\n");
		return 0;
		faacEncGetDecoderSpecificInfo(faac, &decoder_specific_buffer, &decoder_specific_len); 
		decoder_specific_len = 0;
	encoder->params.bitrate = param_bitrate;
	encoder->params.samples_per_frame = 1024;
	encoder->decode_buffer_size =  divisor * samples_input;	//samples * 16 bits_per_sample
	encoder->bind = bind_faac;
	encoder->get_frame_size = get_frame_size;
	encoder->encode = encode_faac;
	encoder->close = close_faac;
	return 1;