view Gui/skin/font.c @ 10560:11826d9f90c7

this patch fixes 1) some bugs introduced in the tuner autodetection and in the channel-parsing functions, 3) retries reading when the mplayer/mencoder don't read fast enough (sooner it exited) but especially 4) makes the stream compliant with the new, modular stream api (the one currently in CVS is not and is totally unreachable). [and maybe more, next time please include cvslog in patch! -- A'rpi] patch by Nico <>
author arpi
date Mon, 11 Aug 2003 00:02:46 +0000
parents bc24dd70c6e2
children 9a495bdc3a1e
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

#include "../app.h"
#include "skin.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "cut.h"
#include "../../mp_msg.h"

int items;


int fntAddNewFont( char * name )
 int id;
 int i;

 for( id=0;id<26;id++ )
   if ( !Fonts[id] ) break;

 if ( id == 25 ) return -2;

 if ( ( Fonts[id]=calloc( 1,sizeof( bmpFont ) ) ) == NULL ) return -1;

 strcpy( Fonts[id]->name,name );
 for ( i=0;i<256;i++ ) 

 return id;

void fntFreeFont( void )
 int i;
 for( i=0;i < 25;i++ )
   if ( Fonts[i] )
     if ( Fonts[i]->Bitmap.Image ) free( Fonts[i]->Bitmap.Image );
     free( Fonts[i] );

int fntRead( char * path,char * fname )
 FILE * f;
 unsigned char   tmp[512];
 unsigned char * ptmp;
 unsigned char   command[32];
 unsigned char   param[256];
 int             c,linenumber = 0;
 int             id = fntAddNewFont( fname );
 if ( id < 0 ) return id;

 strcpy( tmp,path ); strcat( tmp,fname ); strcat( tmp,".fnt" );
 if ( ( f=fopen( tmp,"rt" ) ) == NULL ) 
   { free( Fonts[id] ); return -3; }
 while ( !feof( f ) )
   fgets( tmp,255,f ); linenumber++;

   c=tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]; if ( ( c == '\n' )||( c == '\r' ) ) tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]=0;
   c=tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]; if ( ( c == '\n' )||( c == '\r' ) ) tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]=0;
   for ( c=0;c < (int)strlen( tmp );c++ )
     if ( tmp[c] == ';' ) { tmp[c]=0; break; }
   if ( !tmp[0] ) continue;
   ptmp=trimleft( tmp );
   if ( !tmp[0] ) continue;
   ptmp=strswap( ptmp,'\t',' ' );
   ptmp=trim( ptmp );
   cutItem( ptmp,command,'=',0 ); cutItem( ptmp,param,'=',1 );
   if ( command[0] == '"' )
     int i;
     cutItem( command,command,'"',1 );
     cutItem( param,tmp,',',0 ); Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].x=atoi( tmp );
     cutItem( param,tmp,',',1 ); Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].y=atoi( tmp );
     cutItem( param,tmp,',',2 ); Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].sx=atoi( tmp );
     cutItem( param,tmp,',',3 ); Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].sy=atoi( tmp );
     mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[font]  char: '%s' params: %d,%d %dx%d\n",command,Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].x,Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].y,Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].sx,Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].sy );
      if ( !strcmp( command,"image" ) )
        strcpy( tmp,path ); strcat( tmp,param );
        mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[font] font imagefile: %s\n",tmp );
        if ( skinBPRead( tmp,&Fonts[id]->Bitmap ) ) return -4;

 return 0;

int fntFindID( char * name )
 int i;
 for ( i=0;i < 25;i++ )
   if ( Fonts[i] )
     if ( !strcmp( name,Fonts[i]->name ) ) return i;
 return -1;

int fntTextWidth( int id,char * str )
 int size = 0;
 int i;

 if ( ( !Fonts[id] )||( !str[0] ) ) return 0;

 for ( i=0;i < (int)strlen( str );i++ )
   unsigned char c = (unsigned char)str[i];
   if ( Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].sx == -1 ) c = ' ';
   size+= Fonts[id]->Fnt[ c ].sx;
 return size;

int fntTextHeight( int id,char * str )
 int max = 0,i;

 if ( ( !Fonts[id] )||( !str[0] ) ) return 0;

 for ( i=0;i < (int)strlen( str );i++ )
   int h;
   unsigned char c = (unsigned char)str[i];
   if ( Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].sx == -1 ) c = ' ';
   h = Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].sy;
   if ( h > max ) max=h;
 return max;

txSample * fntRender( wItem * item,int px,char * fmt,... )
 txSample      * tmp = NULL;
 va_list         ap;
 unsigned char   p[512];
 unsigned int    c;
 int 	         i, dx = 0, s, tw, fbw, iw, id, ofs;
 int 		 x,y,fh,fw,fyc,yc;
 uint32_t      * ibuf;
 uint32_t      * obuf;

 va_start( ap,fmt );
 vsnprintf( p,512,fmt,ap );
 va_end( ap );


 if ( ( !item )||
      ( !Fonts[id] )||
      ( !p[0] )||
      ( !fntTextWidth( id,p ) ) ) return NULL;

 tw=fntTextWidth( id,p );

 if ( item->Bitmap.Image == NULL ) 
   item->Bitmap.Height=item->height=fntTextHeight( id,p );
   item->Bitmap.ImageSize=item->height * iw * 4;
   if ( !item->Bitmap.ImageSize ) return NULL;
   item->Bitmap.Image=malloc( item->Bitmap.ImageSize );

 obuf=(uint32_t *)item->Bitmap.Image;
 ibuf=(uint32_t *)Fonts[id]->Bitmap.Image;

 for ( i=0;i < item->Bitmap.ImageSize / 4;i++ ) obuf[i]=0xff00ff;
 if ( tw <= iw ) 
   switch ( item->align )
     case fntAlignLeft:   dx=0; break;
     case fntAlignCenter: dx=( iw - fntTextWidth( id,p ) ) / 2; break;
     case fntAlignRight:  dx=iw - fntTextWidth( id,p ); break;
  } else dx+=px;

 for ( i=0;i < (int)strlen( p );i++ )
   c=(unsigned int)p[i];
   if ( fw == -1 ) { c=32; fw=Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].sx; }
   fyc=Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].y * fbw + Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].x;
   if ( dx >= 0 ) 
    for ( y=0;y < fh;y++ )
      for ( x=0; x < fw;x++ )
       if ( dx + x >= 0 && dx + x < iw ) obuf[yc + x]=ibuf[ fyc + x ];

 if ( ofs > 0 && tw > item->width )
   for ( i=(int)strlen( p );i > 0;i-- )
     c=(unsigned int)p[i];
     if ( fw == -1 ) { c=32; fw=Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].sx; }

     fyc=Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].y * fbw + Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].x;

     dx-=fw; yc=dx;
     if ( dx >= 0 ) 
      for ( y=0;y < fh;y++ )
        for ( x=fw - 1;x >= 0;x-- )
         if ( dx + x >= 0 && dx + x < iw ) obuf[yc + x]=ibuf[fyc + x];

 return &item->Bitmap;