view loader/dshow/allocator.c @ 10560:11826d9f90c7

this patch fixes 1) some bugs introduced in the tuner autodetection and in the channel-parsing functions, 3) retries reading when the mplayer/mencoder don't read fast enough (sooner it exited) but especially 4) makes the stream compliant with the new, modular stream api (the one currently in CVS is not and is totally unreachable). [and maybe more, next time please include cvslog in patch! -- A'rpi] patch by Nico <>
author arpi
date Mon, 11 Aug 2003 00:02:46 +0000
parents b0d1b415320c
children f5537cc95b02
line wrap: on
line source

#include "config.h"
#include "allocator.h"
#include "com.h"
#include "wine/winerror.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static int AllocatorKeeper = 0;

struct _avm_list_t
    struct _avm_list_t* next;
    struct _avm_list_t* prev;
    void* member;

static inline int avm_list_size(avm_list_t* head)
    avm_list_t* it = head;
    int i = 0;
    if (it)
	for (;;)
	    it = it->next;
	    if (it == head)
    return i;

static inline int avm_list_print(avm_list_t* head)
    avm_list_t* it = head;
    int i = 0;
    printf("Head: %p\n", head);
    if (it)
	for (;;)
	    printf("%d:  member: %p    next: %p  prev: %p\n",
		   i, it->member, it->next, it->prev);
	    it = it->next;
	    if (it == head)
    return i;

static inline avm_list_t* avm_list_add_head(avm_list_t* head, void* member)
    avm_list_t* n = (avm_list_t*) malloc(sizeof(avm_list_t));
    n->member = member;

    if (!head)
	head = n;
        head->prev = head;

    n->prev = head->prev;
    head->prev = n;
    n->next = head;

    return n;

static inline avm_list_t* avm_list_add_tail(avm_list_t* head, void* member)
    avm_list_t* n = avm_list_add_head(head, member);
    return (!head) ? n : head;

static inline avm_list_t* avm_list_del_head(avm_list_t* head)
    avm_list_t* n = 0;

    if (head)
	if (head->next != head)
	    n = head->next;
	    head->prev->next = head->next;
	    head->next->prev = head->prev;
    return n;

static inline avm_list_t* avm_list_find(avm_list_t* head, void* member)
    avm_list_t* it = head;
    if (it)
	for (;;)
	    if (it->member == member)
		return it;
	    it = it->next;
	    if (it == head)
    return NULL;

static long MemAllocator_CreateAllocator(GUID* clsid, const GUID* iid, void** ppv)
    IMemAllocator* p;
    int result;
    if (!ppv)
	return -1;
    *ppv = 0;
    if (memcmp(clsid, &CLSID_MemoryAllocator, sizeof(GUID)))
	return -1;

    p = (IMemAllocator*) MemAllocatorCreate();
    result = p->vt->QueryInterface((IUnknown*)p, iid, ppv);

    return result;

static HRESULT STDCALL MemAllocator_SetProperties(IMemAllocator * This,
						  /* [in] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pRequest,
						  /* [out] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pActual)
    MemAllocator* me = (MemAllocator*)This;
    Debug printf("MemAllocator_SetProperties(%p) called\n", This);
    if (!pRequest || !pActual)
    if (pRequest->cBuffers<=0 || pRequest->cbBuffer<=0)
	return E_FAIL;
    if (me->used_list != 0 || me->free_list != 0)
	return E_FAIL;

    *pActual = *pRequest;
    //if (pActual->cbBuffer == 2)
    //    pActual->cbBuffer = 576;

    me->props = *pActual;

    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL MemAllocator_GetProperties(IMemAllocator * This,
						  /* [out] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pProps)
    Debug printf("MemAllocator_GetProperties(%p) called\n", This);
    if (!pProps)
    if (((MemAllocator*)This)->props.cbBuffer<0)
	return E_FAIL;

    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL MemAllocator_Commit(IMemAllocator * This)
    MemAllocator* me = (MemAllocator*)This;
    int i;
    Debug printf("MemAllocator_Commit(%p) called\n", This);
    if (((MemAllocator*)This)->props.cbBuffer < 0)
	return E_FAIL;
    if (me->used_list || me->free_list)
    for (i = 0; i < me->props.cBuffers; i++)
	CMediaSample* sample = CMediaSampleCreate((IMemAllocator*)me,
	if (!sample)
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
	//printf("FREEEEEEEEEEEE ADDED %p\n", sample);
	me->free_list = avm_list_add_tail(me->free_list, sample);

    //printf("Added mem %p: lsz: %d  %d  size: %d\n", me, avm_list_size(me->free_list), me->props.cBuffers, me->props.cbBuffer);
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL MemAllocator_Decommit(IMemAllocator * This)
    MemAllocator* me=(MemAllocator*)This;
    Debug printf("MemAllocator_Decommit(%p) called\n", This);
    //printf("Deleted mem %p: %d  %d\n", me, me->free_list.size(), me->used_list.size());
    while (me->used_list)
	me->free_list = avm_list_add_tail(me->free_list,
					  (CMediaSample*) me->used_list->member);
	me->used_list = avm_list_del_head(me->used_list);

    while (me->free_list)
        CMediaSample* sample = (CMediaSample*) me->free_list->member;
	//printf("****************** Decommiting FREE %p\n", sample);
	me->free_list = avm_list_del_head(me->free_list);

    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL MemAllocator_GetBuffer(IMemAllocator * This,
					      /* [out] */ IMediaSample **ppBuffer,
					      /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pStartTime,
					      /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pEndTime,
					      /* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags)
    MemAllocator* me = (MemAllocator*)This;
    CMediaSample* sample;
    Debug printf("MemAllocator_ReleaseBuffer(%p) called   %d  %d\n", This,
		 avm_list_size(me->used_list), avm_list_size(me->free_list));

    if (!me->free_list)
	Debug printf("No samples available\n");
	return E_FAIL;//should block here if no samples are available

    sample = (CMediaSample*) me->free_list->member;
    me->free_list = avm_list_del_head(me->free_list);
    me->used_list = avm_list_add_tail(me->used_list, sample);

    *ppBuffer = (IMediaSample*) sample;
    sample->vt->AddRef((IUnknown*) sample);
    if (me->new_pointer)
	if (me->modified_sample)
	sample->SetPointer(sample, me->new_pointer);
	me->modified_sample = sample;
	me->new_pointer = 0;
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL MemAllocator_ReleaseBuffer(IMemAllocator* This,
						  /* [in] */ IMediaSample* pBuffer)
    avm_list_t* l;
    MemAllocator* me = (MemAllocator*)This;
    Debug printf("MemAllocator_ReleaseBuffer(%p) called   %d  %d\n", This,
		 avm_list_size(me->used_list), avm_list_size(me->free_list));

    l = avm_list_find(me->used_list, pBuffer);
    if (l)
	CMediaSample* sample = (CMediaSample*) l->member;
	if (me->modified_sample == sample)
	    me->modified_sample = 0;
	me->used_list = avm_list_del_head(me->used_list);
	me->free_list = avm_list_add_head(me->free_list, sample);
	//printf("****************** RELEASED OK %p  %p\n", me->used_list, me->free_list);
	return 0;
    Debug printf("MemAllocator_ReleaseBuffer(%p) releasing unknown buffer!!!! %p\n", This, pBuffer);
    return E_FAIL;

static void MemAllocator_SetPointer(MemAllocator* This, char* pointer)
    This->new_pointer = pointer;

static void MemAllocator_ResetPointer(MemAllocator* This)
    if (This->modified_sample)
	This->modified_sample = 0;

static void MemAllocator_Destroy(MemAllocator* This)
    Debug printf("MemAllocator_Destroy(%p) called  (%d, %d)\n", This, This->refcount, AllocatorKeeper);
#ifdef WIN32_LOADER
    if (--AllocatorKeeper == 0)
	UnregisterComClass(&CLSID_MemoryAllocator, MemAllocator_CreateAllocator);


MemAllocator* MemAllocatorCreate()
    MemAllocator* This = (MemAllocator*) malloc(sizeof(MemAllocator));

    if (!This)
        return NULL;

    Debug printf("MemAllocatorCreate() called -> %p\n", This);

    This->refcount = 1;
    This->props.cBuffers = 1;
    This->props.cbBuffer = 65536; /* :/ */
    This->props.cbAlign = 1;
    This->props.cbPrefix = 0;

    This->vt = (IMemAllocator_vt*) malloc(sizeof(IMemAllocator_vt));

    if (!This->vt)
	return NULL;

    This->vt->QueryInterface = MemAllocator_QueryInterface;
    This->vt->AddRef = MemAllocator_AddRef;
    This->vt->Release = MemAllocator_Release;
    This->vt->SetProperties = MemAllocator_SetProperties;
    This->vt->GetProperties = MemAllocator_GetProperties;
    This->vt->Commit = MemAllocator_Commit;
    This->vt->Decommit = MemAllocator_Decommit;
    This->vt->GetBuffer = MemAllocator_GetBuffer;
    This->vt->ReleaseBuffer = MemAllocator_ReleaseBuffer;

    This->SetPointer = MemAllocator_SetPointer;
    This->ResetPointer = MemAllocator_ResetPointer;

    This->modified_sample = 0;
    This->new_pointer = 0;
    This->used_list = 0;
    This->free_list = 0;


#ifdef WIN32_LOADER
    if (AllocatorKeeper++ == 0)
	RegisterComClass(&CLSID_MemoryAllocator, MemAllocator_CreateAllocator);

    return This;