view loader/dshow/interfaces.h @ 11619:179138947307

This patch contains bugfixes for the esd audio output driver that I uncovered while trying to send sound to a remote esd server over a wireless (11 mbs, just enough to handle to sound) link. First, the sound was full "ticking" sounds. I found a bug that prevented the "send the remainder of this block" code from ever being called - so large chunks of audio were simply being ignored. Fixing this bug removed the "ticking" from audio streams. Fixing this bug, however, uncovered another problem - when the socket buffer was full, doing a blocking write to finish the buffer would take far too long and would turn video into a chunky mess. I'd imagine this blocking write would be fine for an audio-only stream, but it turns out to hold up the video far too much. The solution in this patch is to write as much data as possible to the socket, and then return as soon as possible, reporting the number of bytes actually written accurately back to mplayer. I've tested it on both local and remote esd servers, and it works well. Patch by Benjamin Osheroff <>
author attila
date Wed, 10 Dec 2003 12:19:13 +0000
parents 174e2a58b4cd
children 2c8cdb9123b8
line wrap: on
line source


 * Definition of important DirectShow interfaces.
 * Created using freely-available DirectX 8.0 SDK
 * ( )

#include "iunk.h"
#include "com.h"

/*    Sh*t. MSVC++ and g++ use different methods of storing vtables.    */

typedef struct _IReferenceClock IReferenceClock;
typedef struct _IFilterGraph IFilterGraph;

typedef struct _IBaseFilter IBaseFilter;

typedef enum

typedef struct _PinInfo
    IBaseFilter* pFilter;
    unsigned short achName[128];

typedef struct _AllocatorProperties
    long cBuffers;
    long cbBuffer;
    long cbAlign;
    long cbPrefix;

typedef struct _IEnumMediaTypes IEnumMediaTypes;
typedef struct IEnumMediaTypes_vt

    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Next )(IEnumMediaTypes* This,
			      /* [in] */ unsigned long cMediaTypes,
			      /* [size_is][out] */ AM_MEDIA_TYPE** ppMediaTypes,
			      /* [out] */ unsigned long* pcFetched);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Skip )(IEnumMediaTypes* This,
			      /* [in] */ unsigned long cMediaTypes);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Reset )(IEnumMediaTypes* This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Clone )(IEnumMediaTypes* This,
			       /* [out] */ IEnumMediaTypes** ppEnum);
} IEnumMediaTypes_vt;
struct _IEnumMediaTypes { IEnumMediaTypes_vt* vt; };

typedef struct _IPin IPin;
typedef struct IPin_vt

    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Connect )(IPin * This,
				 /* [in] */ IPin *pReceivePin,
				 /* [in] */ /*const*/ AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *ReceiveConnection )(IPin * This,
					   /* [in] */ IPin *pConnector,
					   /* [in] */ const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Disconnect )(IPin * This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *ConnectedTo )(IPin * This, /* [out] */ IPin **pPin);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *ConnectionMediaType )(IPin * This,
					     /* [out] */ AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryPinInfo )(IPin * This, /* [out] */ PIN_INFO *pInfo);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryDirection )(IPin * This,
					/* [out] */ PIN_DIRECTION *pPinDir);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryId )(IPin * This, /* [out] */ unsigned short* *Id);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryAccept )(IPin * This,
				     /* [in] */ const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *EnumMediaTypes )(IPin * This,
					/* [out] */ IEnumMediaTypes **ppEnum);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryInternalConnections )(IPin * This,
						  /* [out] */ IPin **apPin,
						  /* [out][in] */ unsigned long *nPin);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *EndOfStream )(IPin * This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *BeginFlush )(IPin * This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *EndFlush )(IPin * This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *NewSegment )(IPin * This,
				    /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME tStart,
				    /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME tStop,
				    /* [in] */ double dRate);
} IPin_vt;
struct _IPin { IPin_vt *vt; };

typedef struct _IEnumPins IEnumPins;
typedef struct IEnumPins_vt

    // retrieves a specified number of pins in the enumeration sequence..
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Next )(IEnumPins* This,
			      /* [in] */ unsigned long cPins,
			      /* [size_is][out] */ IPin** ppPins,
			      /* [out] */ unsigned long* pcFetched);
    // skips over a specified number of pins.
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Skip )(IEnumPins* This,
			      /* [in] */ unsigned long cPins);
    // resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning.
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Reset )(IEnumPins* This);
    // makes a copy of the enumerator with the same enumeration state.
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Clone )(IEnumPins* This,
			       /* [out] */ IEnumPins** ppEnum);
} IEnumPins_vt;
struct _IEnumPins { struct IEnumPins_vt* vt; };

typedef struct _IMediaSample IMediaSample;
typedef struct IMediaSample_vt

    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetPointer )(IMediaSample* This,
				    /* [out] */ unsigned char** ppBuffer);
    LONG    STDCALL ( *GetSize )(IMediaSample* This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetTime )(IMediaSample* This,
				 /* [out] */ REFERENCE_TIME* pTimeStart,
				 /* [out] */ REFERENCE_TIME* pTimeEnd);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetTime )(IMediaSample* This,
				 /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME* pTimeStart,
				 /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME* pTimeEnd);

    // sync-point property. If true, then the beginning of this
    // sample is a sync-point. (note that if AM_MEDIA_TYPE.bTemporalCompression
    // is false then all samples are sync points). A filter can start
    // a stream at any sync point.  S_FALSE if not sync-point, S_OK if true.
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *IsSyncPoint )(IMediaSample* This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSyncPoint )(IMediaSample* This,
				      long bIsSyncPoint);

    // preroll property.  If true, this sample is for preroll only and
    // shouldn't be displayed.
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *IsPreroll )(IMediaSample* This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetPreroll )(IMediaSample* This,
				    long bIsPreroll);

    LONG    STDCALL ( *GetActualDataLength )(IMediaSample* This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetActualDataLength )(IMediaSample* This,
					     long __MIDL_0010);

    // these allow for limited format changes in band - if no format change
    // has been made when you receive a sample GetMediaType will return S_FALSE
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetMediaType )(IMediaSample* This,
				      AM_MEDIA_TYPE** ppMediaType);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetMediaType )(IMediaSample* This,
				      AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pMediaType);

    // returns S_OK if there is a discontinuity in the data (this frame is
    // not a continuation of the previous stream of data
    // - there has been a seek or some dropped samples).
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *IsDiscontinuity )(IMediaSample* This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetDiscontinuity )(IMediaSample* This,
					  long bDiscontinuity);

    // get the media times for this sample
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetMediaTime )(IMediaSample* This,
				      /* [out] */ long long* pTimeStart,
				      /* [out] */ long long* pTimeEnd);
    // Set the media times for this sample
    // pTimeStart==pTimeEnd==NULL will invalidate the media time stamps in
    // this sample
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetMediaTime )(IMediaSample* This,
				      /* [in] */ long long* pTimeStart,
				      /* [in] */ long long* pTimeEnd);
} IMediaSample_vt;
struct _IMediaSample { struct IMediaSample_vt* vt; };

//typedef struct _IBaseFilter IBaseFilter;
typedef struct IBaseFilter_vt

    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetClassID )(IBaseFilter * This,
				    /* [out] */ CLSID *pClassID);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Stop )(IBaseFilter * This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Pause )(IBaseFilter * This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Run )(IBaseFilter * This,
			     REFERENCE_TIME tStart);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetState )(IBaseFilter * This,
				  /* [in] */ unsigned long dwMilliSecsTimeout,
				  ///* [out] */ FILTER_STATE *State);
				  void* State);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSyncSource )(IBaseFilter* This,
				       /* [in] */ IReferenceClock *pClock);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSyncSource )(IBaseFilter* This,
				       /* [out] */ IReferenceClock **pClock);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *EnumPins )(IBaseFilter* This,
				  /* [out] */ IEnumPins **ppEnum);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *FindPin )(IBaseFilter* This,
				 /* [string][in] */ const unsigned short* Id,
				 /* [out] */ IPin** ppPin);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryFilterInfo )(IBaseFilter* This,
					 // /* [out] */ FILTER_INFO *pInfo);
					 void* pInfo);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *JoinFilterGraph )(IBaseFilter* This,
					 /* [in] */ IFilterGraph* pGraph,
					 /* [string][in] */ const unsigned short* pName);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *QueryVendorInfo )(IBaseFilter* This,
					 /* [string][out] */ unsigned short** pVendorInfo);
} IBaseFilter_vt;
struct _IBaseFilter { struct IBaseFilter_vt* vt; };

typedef struct _IMemAllocator IMemAllocator;
typedef struct IMemAllocator_vt

    // specifies the number of buffers to allocate and the size of each buffer.
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetProperties )(IMemAllocator* This,
				       /* [in] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pRequest,
				       /* [out] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pActual);
    // retrieves the number of buffers that the allocator will create, and the buffer properties.
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetProperties )(IMemAllocator* This,
				       /* [out] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pProps);
    // allocates the buffer memory.
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Commit )(IMemAllocator* This);
    // releases the memory for the buffers.
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Decommit )(IMemAllocator* This);
    // retrieves a media sample that contains an empty buffer.
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetBuffer )(IMemAllocator* This,
				   /* [out] */ IMediaSample** ppBuffer,
				   /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME* pStartTime,
				   /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME* pEndTime,
				   /* [in] */ unsigned long dwFlags);
    // releases a media sample.
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *ReleaseBuffer )(IMemAllocator* This,
				       /* [in] */ IMediaSample* pBuffer);
} IMemAllocator_vt;
struct _IMemAllocator { IMemAllocator_vt* vt; };

typedef struct _IMemInputPin IMemInputPin;
typedef struct IMemInputPin_vt

    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetAllocator )(IMemInputPin * This,
				      /* [out] */ IMemAllocator **ppAllocator);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *NotifyAllocator )(IMemInputPin * This,
					 /* [in] */ IMemAllocator *pAllocator,
					 /* [in] */ int bReadOnly);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetAllocatorRequirements )(IMemInputPin * This,
						  /* [out] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pProps);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *Receive )(IMemInputPin * This,
				 /* [in] */ IMediaSample *pSample);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *ReceiveMultiple )(IMemInputPin * This,
					 /* [size_is][in] */ IMediaSample **pSamples,
					 /* [in] */ long nSamples,
					 /* [out] */ long *nSamplesProcessed);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *ReceiveCanBlock )(IMemInputPin * This);
} IMemInputPin_vt;
struct _IMemInputPin { IMemInputPin_vt* vt; };

typedef struct _IHidden IHidden;
typedef struct IHidden_vt

    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth )(IHidden* This, int* pv);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSmth )(IHidden* This, int v1, int v2);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth2 )(IHidden* This, int* pv);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSmth2 )(IHidden* This, int v1, int v2);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth3 )(IHidden* This, int* pv);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSmth3 )(IHidden* This, int v1, int v2);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth4 )(IHidden* This, int* pv);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSmth4 )(IHidden* This, int v1, int v2);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth5 )(IHidden* This, int* pv);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *SetSmth5 )(IHidden* This, int v1, int v2);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *GetSmth6 )(IHidden* This, int* pv);
} IHidden_vt;
struct _IHidden { struct IHidden_vt* vt; };

typedef struct _IHidden2 IHidden2;
typedef struct IHidden2_vt

    HRESULT STDCALL ( *unk1 )(void);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *unk2 )(void);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *unk3 )(void);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *DecodeGet )(IHidden2* This, int* region);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *unk5 )(void);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *DecodeSet )(IHidden2* This, int* region);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *unk7 )(void);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *unk8 )(void);
} IHidden2_vt;
struct _IHidden2 { struct IHidden2_vt* vt; };

// fixme
typedef struct IDivxFilterInterface {
    struct IDivxFilterInterface_vt* vt;
} IDivxFilterInterface;

struct IDivxFilterInterface_vt

    HRESULT STDCALL ( *get_PPLevel )(IDivxFilterInterface* This, int* PPLevel); // current postprocessing level
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *put_PPLevel )(IDivxFilterInterface* This, int PPLevel); // new postprocessing level
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *put_DefaultPPLevel )(IDivxFilterInterface* This);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *put_MaxDelayAllowed )(IDivxFilterInterface* This, int maxdelayallowed);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *put_Brightness )(IDivxFilterInterface* This,  int brightness);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *put_Contrast )(IDivxFilterInterface* This,  int contrast);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *put_Saturation )(IDivxFilterInterface* This, int saturation);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *get_MaxDelayAllowed )(IDivxFilterInterface* This,  int* maxdelayallowed);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *get_Brightness)(IDivxFilterInterface* This, int* brightness);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *get_Contrast)(IDivxFilterInterface* This, int* contrast);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *get_Saturation )(IDivxFilterInterface* This, int* saturation);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *put_AspectRatio )(IDivxFilterInterface* This, int x, IDivxFilterInterface* Thisit, int y);
    HRESULT STDCALL ( *get_AspectRatio )(IDivxFilterInterface* This, int* x, IDivxFilterInterface* Thisit, int* y);

#endif  /* DS_INTERFACES_H */