view loader/dshow/outputpin.c @ 11619:179138947307

This patch contains bugfixes for the esd audio output driver that I uncovered while trying to send sound to a remote esd server over a wireless (11 mbs, just enough to handle to sound) link. First, the sound was full "ticking" sounds. I found a bug that prevented the "send the remainder of this block" code from ever being called - so large chunks of audio were simply being ignored. Fixing this bug removed the "ticking" from audio streams. Fixing this bug, however, uncovered another problem - when the socket buffer was full, doing a blocking write to finish the buffer would take far too long and would turn video into a chunky mess. I'd imagine this blocking write would be fine for an audio-only stream, but it turns out to hold up the video far too much. The solution in this patch is to write as much data as possible to the socket, and then return as soon as possible, reporting the number of bytes actually written accurately back to mplayer. I've tested it on both local and remote esd servers, and it works well. Patch by Benjamin Osheroff <>
author attila
date Wed, 10 Dec 2003 12:19:13 +0000
parents 6454a2ba2e33
children f5537cc95b02
line wrap: on
line source

#include "wine/winerror.h"
#include "wine/windef.h"
#include "outputpin.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

    An object beyond interface IEnumMediaTypes.
    Returned by COutputPin through call IPin::EnumMediaTypes().

static inline int output_unimplemented(const char* s, void* p)
    Debug printf("%s(%p) called (UNIMPLEMENTED)", s, p);
    return E_NOTIMPL;

typedef struct CEnumMediaTypes
    IEnumMediaTypes_vt* vt;
    AM_MEDIA_TYPE type;
    GUID interfaces[2];
} CEnumMediaTypes;

struct _COutputMemPin
    IMemInputPin_vt* vt;
    char** frame_pointer;
    long* frame_size_pointer;
    MemAllocator* pAllocator;
    COutputPin* parent;

static HRESULT STDCALL CEnumMediaTypes_Next(IEnumMediaTypes * This,
					    /* [in] */ ULONG cMediaTypes,
					    /* [size_is][out] */ AM_MEDIA_TYPE **ppMediaTypes,
					    /* [out] */ ULONG *pcFetched)
    AM_MEDIA_TYPE* type = &((CEnumMediaTypes*)This)->type;
    Debug printf("CEnumMediaTypes::Next(%p) called\n", This);
    if (!ppMediaTypes)
    if (!pcFetched && (cMediaTypes!=1))
    if (cMediaTypes <= 0)
	return 0;

    if (pcFetched)
    ppMediaTypes[0] = (AM_MEDIA_TYPE *)malloc(sizeof(AM_MEDIA_TYPE));
    // copy structures - C can handle this...
    **ppMediaTypes = *type;
    if (ppMediaTypes[0]->pbFormat)
	ppMediaTypes[0]->pbFormat=(char *)malloc(ppMediaTypes[0]->cbFormat);
	memcpy(ppMediaTypes[0]->pbFormat, type->pbFormat, ppMediaTypes[0]->cbFormat);
    if (cMediaTypes == 1)
	return 0;
    return 1;

/* I expect that these methods are unused. */
static HRESULT STDCALL CEnumMediaTypes_Skip(IEnumMediaTypes * This,
					    /* [in] */ ULONG cMediaTypes)
    return output_unimplemented("CEnumMediaTypes::Skip", This);

static HRESULT STDCALL CEnumMediaTypes_Reset(IEnumMediaTypes * This)
    Debug printf("CEnumMediaTypes::Reset(%p) called\n", This);
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL CEnumMediaTypes_Clone(IEnumMediaTypes * This,
				      /* [out] */ IEnumMediaTypes **ppEnum)
    Debug printf("CEnumMediaTypes::Clone(%p) called\n", This);
    return E_NOTIMPL;

static void CEnumMediaTypes_Destroy(CEnumMediaTypes* This)

// IPin->IUnknown methods

static CEnumMediaTypes* CEnumMediaTypesCreate(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* amt)
    CEnumMediaTypes *This = (CEnumMediaTypes*) malloc(sizeof(CEnumMediaTypes)) ;

    if (!This)
        return NULL;

    This->vt = (IEnumMediaTypes_vt*) malloc(sizeof(IEnumMediaTypes_vt));
    if (!This->vt)
	return NULL;

    This->refcount = 1;
    This->type = *amt;

    This->vt->QueryInterface = CEnumMediaTypes_QueryInterface;
    This->vt->AddRef = CEnumMediaTypes_AddRef;
    This->vt->Release = CEnumMediaTypes_Release;
    This->vt->Next = CEnumMediaTypes_Next;
    This->vt->Skip = CEnumMediaTypes_Skip;
    This->vt->Reset = CEnumMediaTypes_Reset;
    This->vt->Clone = CEnumMediaTypes_Clone;

    This->interfaces[0] = IID_IUnknown;
    This->interfaces[1] = IID_IEnumMediaTypes;

    return This;

 * COutputPin

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_QueryInterface(IUnknown* This, const GUID* iid, void** ppv)
    COutputPin* p = (COutputPin*) This;

    Debug printf("COutputPin_QueryInterface(%p) called\n", This);
    if (!ppv)

    if (memcmp(iid, &IID_IUnknown, 16) == 0)
	*ppv = p;
        return 0;
    if (memcmp(iid, &IID_IMemInputPin, 16) == 0)
	*ppv = p->mempin;
	return 0;

    Debug printf("Unknown interface : %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-"
		 iid->f1,  iid->f2,  iid->f3,
		 (unsigned char)iid->f4[1], (unsigned char)iid->f4[0],
		 (unsigned char)iid->f4[2], (unsigned char)iid->f4[3],
		 (unsigned char)iid->f4[4], (unsigned char)iid->f4[5],
		 (unsigned char)iid->f4[6], (unsigned char)iid->f4[7]);
    return E_NOINTERFACE;

// IPin methods
static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_Connect(IPin * This,
				    /* [in] */ IPin *pReceivePin,
				    /* [in] */ /* const */ AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt)
    Debug printf("COutputPin_Connect() called\n");
	memcpy(pmt->pbFormat, ((COutputPin*)This)->type.pbFormat, pmt->cbFormat);
    //return E_NOTIMPL;
    // if I put return 0; here, it crashes

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_ReceiveConnection(IPin * This,
						    /* [in] */ IPin *pConnector,
						    /* [in] */ const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt)
    Debug printf("COutputPin_ReceiveConnection(%p) called\n", This);
    ((COutputPin*)This)->remote = pConnector;
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_Disconnect(IPin * This)
    Debug printf("COutputPin_Disconnect(%p) called\n", This);
    return 1;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_ConnectedTo(IPin * This,
					/* [out] */ IPin **pPin)
    Debug printf("COutputPin_ConnectedTo(%p) called\n", This);
    if (!pPin)
    *pPin = ((COutputPin*)This)->remote;
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_ConnectionMediaType(IPin * This,
						      /* [out] */ AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt)
    Debug printf("CInputPin::ConnectionMediaType() called\n");
    if (!pmt)
    *pmt = ((COutputPin*)This)->type;
    if (pmt->cbFormat>0)
	pmt->pbFormat=(char *)malloc(pmt->cbFormat);
	memcpy(pmt->pbFormat, ((COutputPin*)This)->type.pbFormat, pmt->cbFormat);
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_QueryPinInfo(IPin * This,
					       /* [out] */ PIN_INFO *pInfo)
    return output_unimplemented("COutputPin_QueryPinInfo", This);

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_QueryDirection(IPin * This,
					   /* [out] */ PIN_DIRECTION *pPinDir)
    Debug printf("COutputPin_QueryDirection(%p) called\n", This);
    if (!pPinDir)
    *pPinDir = PINDIR_INPUT;
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_QueryId(IPin * This,
					  /* [out] */ LPWSTR *Id)
    return output_unimplemented("COutputPin_QueryId", This);

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_QueryAccept(IPin * This,
					      /* [in] */ const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt)
    return output_unimplemented("COutputPin_QueryAccept", This);

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_EnumMediaTypes(IPin * This,
					   /* [out] */ IEnumMediaTypes **ppEnum)
    Debug printf("COutputPin_EnumMediaTypes() called\n");
    if (!ppEnum)
    *ppEnum = (IEnumMediaTypes*) CEnumMediaTypesCreate(&((COutputPin*)This)->type);
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_QueryInternalConnections(IPin * This,
						     /* [out] */ IPin **apPin,
						     /* [out][in] */ ULONG *nPin)
    return output_unimplemented("COutputPin_QueryInternalConnections", This);

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_EndOfStream(IPin * This)
    return output_unimplemented("COutputPin_EndOfStream", This);

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_BeginFlush(IPin * This)
    return output_unimplemented("COutputPin_BeginFlush", This);

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_EndFlush(IPin * This)
    return output_unimplemented("COutputPin_EndFlush", This);

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_NewSegment(IPin * This,
				       /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME tStart,
				       /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME tStop,
				       /* [in] */ double dRate)
    Debug printf("COutputPin_NewSegment(%Ld,%Ld,%f) called\n",
		 tStart, tStop, dRate);
    return 0;

// IMemInputPin->IUnknown methods

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_M_QueryInterface(IUnknown* This, const GUID* iid, void** ppv)
    COutputPin* p = (COutputPin*)This;

    Debug printf("COutputPin_M_QueryInterface(%p) called\n", This);
    if (!ppv)

    if(!memcmp(iid, &IID_IUnknown, 16))
	*ppv = p;
	return 0;
    /*if(!memcmp(iid, &IID_IPin, 16))
	COutputPin* ptr=(COutputPin*)(This-1);
	return 0;
    if(!memcmp(iid, &IID_IMemInputPin, 16))
	*ppv = p->mempin;
	return 0;
    Debug printf("Unknown interface : %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-" \
		 iid->f1,  iid->f2,  iid->f3,
		 (unsigned char)iid->f4[1], (unsigned char)iid->f4[0],
		 (unsigned char)iid->f4[2], (unsigned char)iid->f4[3],
		 (unsigned char)iid->f4[4], (unsigned char)iid->f4[5],
		 (unsigned char)iid->f4[6], (unsigned char)iid->f4[7]);
    return E_NOINTERFACE;

// IMemInputPin methods

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_GetAllocator(IMemInputPin* This,
					 /* [out] */ IMemAllocator** ppAllocator)
    Debug printf("COutputPin_GetAllocator(%p, %p) called\n", This->vt, ppAllocator);
    *ppAllocator = (IMemAllocator*) MemAllocatorCreate();
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_NotifyAllocator(IMemInputPin* This,
						  /* [in] */ IMemAllocator* pAllocator,
						  /* [in] */ int bReadOnly)
    Debug printf("COutputPin_NotifyAllocator(%p, %p) called\n", This, pAllocator);
    ((COutputMemPin*)This)->pAllocator = (MemAllocator*) pAllocator;
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_GetAllocatorRequirements(IMemInputPin* This,
							   /* [out] */ ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES* pProps)
    return output_unimplemented("COutputPin_GetAllocatorRequirements", This);

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_Receive(IMemInputPin* This,
					  /* [in] */ IMediaSample* pSample)
    COutputMemPin* mp = (COutputMemPin*)This;
    char* pointer;
    int len;

    Debug printf("COutputPin_Receive(%p) called\n", This);
    if (!pSample)
    if (pSample->vt->GetPointer(pSample, (BYTE**) &pointer))
	return -1;
    len = pSample->vt->GetActualDataLength(pSample);
    if (len == 0)
	len = pSample->vt->GetSize(pSample);//for iv50
    //if(me.frame_pointer)memcpy(me.frame_pointer, pointer, len);

    if (mp->frame_pointer)
	*(mp->frame_pointer) = pointer;
    if (mp->frame_size_pointer)
	*(mp->frame_size_pointer) = len;
    FILE* file=fopen("./uncompr.bmp", "wb");
    char head[14]={0x42, 0x4D, 0x36, 0x10, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x36, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
    fwrite(head, 14, 1, file);
    fwrite(&((VIDEOINFOHEADER*)me.type.pbFormat)->bmiHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, file);
    fwrite(pointer, len, 1, file);
//    pSample->vt->Release((IUnknown*)pSample);

    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_ReceiveMultiple(IMemInputPin * This,
					    /* [size_is][in] */ IMediaSample **pSamples,
					    /* [in] */ long nSamples,
					    /* [out] */ long *nSamplesProcessed)
    return output_unimplemented("COutputPin_ReceiveMultiple", This);

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_ReceiveCanBlock(IMemInputPin * This)
    return output_unimplemented("COutputPin_ReceiveCanBlock", This);

static void COutputPin_SetFramePointer(COutputPin* This, char** z)
    This->mempin->frame_pointer = z;

static void COutputPin_SetPointer2(COutputPin* This, char* p)
    if (This->mempin->pAllocator)
        // fixme
	This->mempin->pAllocator->SetPointer(This->mempin->pAllocator, p);

static void COutputPin_SetFrameSizePointer(COutputPin* This, long* z)
    This->mempin->frame_size_pointer = z;

static void COutputPin_SetNewFormat(COutputPin* This, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* amt)
    This->type = *amt;

static void COutputPin_Destroy(COutputPin* This)
    if (This->mempin->vt)
    if (This->mempin)
    if (This->vt)

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_AddRef(IUnknown* This)
    Debug printf("COutputPin_AddRef(%p) called (%d)\n", This, ((COutputPin*)This)->refcount);
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_Release(IUnknown* This)
    Debug printf("COutputPin_Release(%p) called (%d)\n", This, ((COutputPin*)This)->refcount);
    if (--((COutputPin*)This)->refcount <= 0)

    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_M_AddRef(IUnknown* This)
    COutputMemPin* p = (COutputMemPin*) This;
    Debug printf("COutputPin_MAddRef(%p) called (%p, %d)\n", p, p->parent, p->parent->refcount);
    return 0;

static HRESULT STDCALL COutputPin_M_Release(IUnknown* This)
    COutputMemPin* p = (COutputMemPin*) This;
    Debug printf("COutputPin_MRelease(%p) called (%p,   %d)\n",
		 p, p->parent, p->parent->refcount);
    if (--p->parent->refcount <= 0)
    return 0;

COutputPin* COutputPinCreate(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* amt)
    COutputPin* This = (COutputPin*) malloc(sizeof(COutputPin));
    IMemInputPin_vt* ivt;

    if (!This)
        return NULL;

    This->vt = (IPin_vt*) malloc(sizeof(IPin_vt));
    This->mempin = (COutputMemPin*) malloc(sizeof(COutputMemPin));
    ivt = (IMemInputPin_vt*) malloc(sizeof(IMemInputPin_vt));

    if (!This->vt || !This->mempin || !ivt)
	return NULL;

    This->mempin->vt = ivt;

    This->refcount = 1;
    This->remote = 0;
    This->type = *amt;

    This->vt->QueryInterface = COutputPin_QueryInterface;
    This->vt->AddRef = COutputPin_AddRef;
    This->vt->Release = COutputPin_Release;
    This->vt->Connect = COutputPin_Connect;
    This->vt->ReceiveConnection = COutputPin_ReceiveConnection;
    This->vt->Disconnect = COutputPin_Disconnect;
    This->vt->ConnectedTo = COutputPin_ConnectedTo;
    This->vt->ConnectionMediaType = COutputPin_ConnectionMediaType;
    This->vt->QueryPinInfo = COutputPin_QueryPinInfo;
    This->vt->QueryDirection = COutputPin_QueryDirection;
    This->vt->QueryId = COutputPin_QueryId;
    This->vt->QueryAccept = COutputPin_QueryAccept;
    This->vt->EnumMediaTypes = COutputPin_EnumMediaTypes;
    This->vt->QueryInternalConnections = COutputPin_QueryInternalConnections;
    This->vt->EndOfStream = COutputPin_EndOfStream;
    This->vt->BeginFlush = COutputPin_BeginFlush;
    This->vt->EndFlush = COutputPin_EndFlush;
    This->vt->NewSegment = COutputPin_NewSegment;

    This->mempin->vt->QueryInterface = COutputPin_M_QueryInterface;
    This->mempin->vt->AddRef = COutputPin_M_AddRef;
    This->mempin->vt->Release = COutputPin_M_Release;
    This->mempin->vt->GetAllocator = COutputPin_GetAllocator;
    This->mempin->vt->NotifyAllocator = COutputPin_NotifyAllocator;
    This->mempin->vt->GetAllocatorRequirements = COutputPin_GetAllocatorRequirements;
    This->mempin->vt->Receive = COutputPin_Receive;
    This->mempin->vt->ReceiveMultiple = COutputPin_ReceiveMultiple;
    This->mempin->vt->ReceiveCanBlock = COutputPin_ReceiveCanBlock;

    This->mempin->frame_size_pointer = 0;
    This->mempin->frame_pointer = 0;
    This->mempin->pAllocator = 0;
    This->mempin->refcount = 1;
    This->mempin->parent = This;

    This->SetPointer2 = COutputPin_SetPointer2;
    This->SetFramePointer = COutputPin_SetFramePointer;
    This->SetFrameSizePointer = COutputPin_SetFrameSizePointer;
    This->SetNewFormat = COutputPin_SetNewFormat;

    return This;