view DOCS/Polish/README @ 2050:18f4dd5d568f

-Wall warnings fixed
author arpi
date Tue, 02 Oct 2001 21:45:41 +0000 (2001-10-02)
parents d32b58d5740f
line wrap: on
line source
MPlayer - Movie Player for LINUX (C) 2000-2001 Arpad Gereoffy (A'rpi/ESP-team)
================================ * See the file AUTHORS for the complete list * (or

O programie:
MPlayer jest odgrywark� film�w dla LINUXa. Wy�wietla wi�kszo倶 plik�w MPEG,
AVI oraz ASF korzystaj�c z wielu w�asnych oraz Win32 DLL kodek�w.
Mo�esz r�wnie� ogl�da� VCD, DVD oraz filmy w DivX. Kolejn� du娠 zalet�
mplayera jest szeroki wachlarz sterownik�w wyj�cia. Mplayer dzia�a z X11, Xv,
DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, ale mo�esz te� korzysta� z GGI iSDL ( i w ten spos�b
z wielu sterownik�w dostarczanych przez SDL - na przyk�ad AAlib ) oraz z 
niskopoziomowych sterownik�w specyficznych dla danej karty (dla Matrox G200/400/450).
 Wi�kszo倶 dost�pnych sterownik�w udost�pnia softwarowe lub hardwarowe skalowania,
mo�esz wi�c radowa� si� ogl�daniem film w trybie pe�noekranowym.
 A co powiesz na du�e antyaliasowane podtytu�y z cieniem ( 7 supportowanych typ�w!!)
z w�gierskimi, angielskimi, czeskimi, korea�skimi fontami, cyrylic� oraz OSD?

Wszystko zacz螻o si� rok temu...(2000)
Pr�bowa�em wielu odgrywarek pod linuxa (mtv,xmps,dvdview,livid/oms,VideoLAN,
xine,xanim,avifile,xmmp) ale ka�da mia�a jaki� feler. G鞄wnie w przypadku
szczeg�lnych plik�w lub z synchronizacj� audio/video. Wi�kszo倶 z nich nie
potrafi�a odgrywa� zar�wno plik�w MPEG1/2 jak i AVI(DivX). Wiele z nich
mia�o r�wnie� problemy z jako�ci� obrazu oraz pr�dkosci�.
Postanowi�em wi�c napisa�/zmodyfikowa� now�....

- mpg12play v0.1-v0.3:
  The first try, hacked together in a half hour!
  I've used libmpeg3 from up to the version 0.3,
  but there were image quality and speed problems with it.
- mpg12play v0.5-v0.87:
  Mpeg codec replaced with DVDview by Dirk Farin, it was a great stuff,
  but it was slow and was written in C++ (I hate C++!!!)
- mpg12play v0.9-v0.95pre5:
  Mpeg codec was libmpeg2 (mpeg2dec) by Aaron Holtzman & Michel Lespinasse.
  It's great, optimized very fast C code with perfect image quality and
  100% MPEG standard conformance.
- MPlayer v0.3-v0.9:
  It was a pack of two programs: mpg12playv0.95pre6 and my new simple AVI
  player 'avip' based on avifile's Win32 DLL loader.
- MPlayer v0.10:
  The MPEG and AVI player in a single binary!
- MPlayer v0.11:
  Some new developers joined and from 0.11 the mplayer project is a team-work!
  Added .ASF file support, and OpenDivX (see en/decoding.
- MPlayer v0.17 "The IdegCounter"
  The release version of the 0.11pre after 4 months of heavy development!
  Try it, and be amazed! Thousands of new features added... and of course
  old code was improved too, bugs removed etc.
- MPlayer 0.18 "The BugCounter"
  2 months since 0.17 and here's a new release.. Completed ASF support,
  more subtitle formats, introduced libao (similar to libvo but to audio),
  even more stable than ever, and so on. It's a MUST !

As you see, I didn't write any codecs, just some players. Instead I spent
a lot of time finding the best way to parse bad damaged input files
(both MPEG and AVI) and to do perfect A-V sync with seeking ability.
My player is rock solid playing damaged MPEG files (useful for some VCDs),
and it plays bad AVI files which are unplayable with the famous
windows media player. Even AVI files without index chunk are playable, and
you can rebuild their indexes with the -idx option, thus enabling seeking!
As you see, stability and quality are the most important things for me,
but the speed is also amazing.

What about the GUI?
I'm not a GUI programmer. I hate GUIs, I like the pure black 80x25 console.
So the player has only keyboard control from the controlling console/xterm now.
There is a GUI development for the player, coordinated by Pontscho/Fresh!
It's still under development, but it will be merged and released real soon.
BTW he needs some nice skins, if you are a good graphician, contact him!!!

Obs�ugiwane formaty wej�cia:
- VCD (Video CD) bezpo�rednio z CD-ROMu lub z obrazu .bin 
- DVD, bezpo�rednio z Twojej p�yty DVD, opcjonalnie u�ywaj�c libcss do deszyfrowania
- MPEG 1/2 System Stream (PS/PES/VOB) i Elementary Stream (ES) 
- RIFF AVI file format
- ASF 1.0 file format
- obs�uguje czytanie z pliku, stdin, DVD oraz sieci przez HTTP

Uwaga: o obs�udze quicktime (.mov/.qt) oraz realmedia (.ra/.rm) czytaj w FAQ-u!

Obs�ugiwanie kodeki audio i video
*** Sprawd�              ***
***       znajdziesz tam kompletn�, codziennie od�wie�an� list�!!!       ***

Najwa�niejsze kodeki video:
- MPEG1 (VCD) and MPEG2 (DVD) video
- DivX, OpenDivX i inne warianty MPEG4
- Windows Media Video 7 (WMV1) wykorzystywany w plikach .wmv
- Intel Indeo codecs (3.1,3.2,4.1,5.0)
- MJPEG, ASV2 oraz inne formaty sprz�towe

Najwa�niejsze kodeki audio:
- MPEG layer 2, and layer 3 (MP3) audio (natywny kod, z optymalizacjami 3dnow)
- AC3 dolby audio (natywny kod, z optymalizacjami 3dnow)
- Voxware audio
- alaw, msgsm, pcm and other simple old audio formats

Je�li masz kodeka nie opisanego tutaj, oraz jeszcze nie obs�ugiwanego
przeczytaj oraz DOCS/CODECS
by uzyska� informacje jego statusie oraz jak mo�na nam pom�c doda� dla
niego obs�ug�.

Obs�ugiwane wyj�cia video:
- x11:	X11 z opcjonalnym rozszerzeniem SHM
- xv:	X11 u�ywaj�ce rozszerzenia XVideo (sprz�towe YUV oraz skalowanie)
- gl:	renderer OpenGL, jak do tej pory dzia�a jedynie z:
	- wszystkie karty z Utah-GLX
	- Karty Matroxa z X/DRI >=4.0.3
	- Radeon z X/DRI CVS
- dga:	rozszerzenie X11 DGA 
- fbdev:Wyj�cie na framebuffer
- svga: Wyj�cie do SVGAlib
- sdl:	1.1.7 : osb�uguje softwarowe skalowanie
	1.1.8 : obs�uguje Xvideo (sprz�towe skalowanie/fullscreen)
	1.2.0 : obs�uguje aalib (tryb textowy!)
- ggi: podobne do SDL

Specyficzne dla kart:
- mga:	Matrox G200/G400 hardware YUV overlay via the mga_vid device
- xmga:	Matrox G200/G400 overlay (mga_vid) in X11 window
	(Xv emulation on X 3.3.x !)
- syncfb: Matrox G400 YUV support on framebuffer (obsoleted, use mga/xmga)
- 3dfx:	Voodoo2/3 hardware YUV (/dev/3dfx) support (not yet tested, maybe broken)

- png:  PNG files output (use -z switch to set compression)
- pgm:	PGM files output (for testing purposes or ffmpeg encoding)
- md5:	MD5sum output (for MPEG conformance tests)
- odivx:OpenDivX AVI File writer (use -br to set encoding bitrate)
- null:	Null output (for speed tests/benchmarking)

UWAGA: sprawd� DOCS/VIDEOCARDS po szczeg�ly i wymagania!

Obs�ugiwane urz�dzenia audio:
- OSS (ioctl) driver
- SDL driver (supports up/downsampling, esd, arts etc)
- native ALSA 0.5 driver
- native ALSA 0.9 driver (buggy, use OSS emulation!)
- native ESD driver (under development?)
- SUN audio driver (/dev/audio) for BSD and Solaris8 users

UWAGA: sprawd� DOCS/SOUNDCARDS po szczeg�ly!

Wi�kszo倶 krytycznych cz蟠ci jest optymalizowana dla MMX/MMXext/SSE/3DNow!/3DNow!Ex.
Mo�esz poprawi� pr�dko倶 rednerowania ustawiaj掩 rejestry MTRR, patrz dokumentacja w MTRR.
*Stare* benchmarki mo�na znale惹 w pliku DOCS/SPEED

  plik:  mplayer [options] [path/]filename
  VCD:   mplayer [options] -vcd trackno /dev/cdrom
  DVD:   mplayer [options] -dvdauth /dev/dvd filename.VOB
  sie�:   mplayer [options][mpg|avi]

    patrz  `mplayer -h'  dla opcji
    patrz  `mplayer -vo help'  by zobaczy� list� dost�pnych urz�dze� video
    patrz  `mplayer -ao help'  by zobaczy� list� dost�pnych urz�dze� audio

    <-  or  ->      wyszukiwanie wprz�d/wstecz o 10 sekund
    up or down      seek backward/forward 1 minute
    p or SPACE      pause movie (press any key to continue)
    q  or  ^C       stop playing and quit program
    o               toggle OSD : none / seek / seek+timer
    /  and *        decrease/increase volume
    m               toggle using master/pcm channel for volume setting
    f               toggle fullscreen (only with -vo sdl)

    mplayer -vo x11 /mnt/Films/Contact/contact2.mpg
    mplayer -vcd 2 /dev/cdrom
    mplayer -afm 3 /mnt/DVDtrailers/alien4.vob
    mplayer -dvd /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd/matrix.vob
    mplayer -abs 65536 -delay -0.4 -nobps ~/movies/test.avi

  Uwaga: aby u�y� urz�dzenia YUV Matroxa (-vo mga or xmga), b�dziesz najpierw musia�
         za�adowa� sterownik do kernela: patrz DOCS/VIDEOCARDS .

Playing from Net & stdin:
Now it's possible.

To play something by reading from stdin, just use '-' as filename:

cat test.mpg | mplayer -vo xv -

	mpg: no backward seeking
	asf: no backward seeking
	avi: no index reading -> no seeking at all, and playing of some files are

No control from controlling terminal/xterm, but hotkeys and osd works
from the window. or course LIRC still works everywhere.

This feature combined with external wrappers extends possibilities.
For example, to play a movie just downloaded from your favourite divx
	rar p ast-nssvcd.rar | mplayer -vo xmga -fs -
	wget -O - | mplayer -

TV output:
If you have a Matrox G400 Dual-Head card, you can watch movies on TV, using
the TV-out feature of the second head. Read DOCS/TVout-G400 for details!

Sending bugreports, comments, feature requests etc:
First please read all the docs in this package, most of the problems are
described somewhere. At least read DOCS/BUGS !  We don't like answering
questions which are already answered in this readme or other docs.

Read the DOCS/MPlayer-FAQ. Most common problems are answered there!

You should try the latest development version (from CVS) too, maybe your
bug is already fixed, but the new version hasn't been released.
If you couldn't solve the problem, then send a quality bugreport:
read DOCS/BUGREPORTS for instructions (where, what and how...)

Subscribe to the mplayer-users mailing list. There are many MPlayer
users, maybe they can help or know the solution to your problem.
You also should send ideas, feature requests, comments to there!
Please do not ask for features already listed in the DOCS/TODO!

Contact information:

Mailing lists:
There are some public mailing lists on MPlayer. Subscribing can be achieved on
the following addresses:

- MPlayer core/hungarian developers list:

	I dunno, it is the FLAME list in hungarian language :)
	Also some talking about mplayer core team internals, like mplayer
	party, sponsors etc can be here.

- MPlayer developers list:

	This list is about mplayer development! Talking about interface/API changes,
	new libraryes, code optimization, ./configure changes, and send patches here.
	Do NOT send bugreports, user questions, feature requests here!
	This list should be kept low-traffic.

- MPlayer users list:

	- send bugreports here (after reading DOCS/BUGS, BUGREPORTS)
	- send feature requests here (after reading DOCS/TODO)
	- send user questions here (after reading DOCS/README, INSTALL, FAQ etc)

- MPlayer & Matrox G200/G400/G450 users:

	Send matrox-related questions here,
	- things about mga_vid,
	- matrox's official beta drivers (for X 4.x.x)
	- and about matroxfb-TVout stuff.

- mpg12play-portable developers:

	This list is for talking about mplayer ports to non-x86 platforms
	(IRIX, Solaris-SPARC, Alpha, Commodore64, Sharp Calculator,
	Teapot etc...)

- MPlayer announce:

	Very low traffic list :)
	And it's read-only. I'll post something shit there if a new release
	is done.

- MPlayer CVS-log:

	Send only questions about CVS changes here.
	(if you don't understand why a change is required or you've better fix)
	Be sure in that your target developer reads this list!

NOTE: language of above lists are ENGLISH, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
      Please do not send messages using other language!

MPlayer incorporates a lot of code from other projects, but for now everything
except the OpenDivX stuff is under General Public License (GPL) version 2 or

Standard Disclaimer:
Use only at your own risk! There may be errors and inaccuracies that could
damage your system, your eye or ear. Proceed with caution, and although this is
highly unlikely, we don't take any responsibility for that!