view cfgparser.h @ 5699:1dde9686d33b

Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome to the latest installment of the ongoing show "Reworking the docs for fun and profit". Your host Diego will be assisted by Nilmoni in presenting you: - spellchecking in all its glory - a grammar to the envy of all native speakers - answers now hopefully so clear that their respective questions shall never be asked again Somebody from the public raises his voice: "What about HTML errors?" The host is quick to answer: "Yes, there have been corrections." From the back of the auditory comes a subdued question: "And the FONT tags..?" The room falls silent. There is no answer and the host twitches. Finally the words "They have not been touched." escape from his mouth, barely audible. A murmur erupts but the jury nods and calms the crowd "Time to get back to serious hacking.". The host leaves the stage under polite applause and everybody scuttles off for their notebooks...
author arpi
date Fri, 19 Apr 2002 07:30:49 +0000
parents f2896a466e26
children 79187bd813a6
line wrap: on
line source

 * command line and config file parser

#ifndef __CONFIG_H
#define __CONFIG_H

#define CONF_TYPE_FLAG		0
#define CONF_TYPE_INT		1
#define CONF_TYPE_FLOAT		2
#define CONF_TYPE_FUNC		4
#define CONF_TYPE_PRINT		6
#define CONF_TYPE_STRING_LIST           9

#define ERR_NOT_AN_OPTION	-1
#define ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE	-3
#define ERR_FUNC_ERR		-4

#define CONF_MIN		(1<<0)
#define CONF_MAX		(1<<1)
#define CONF_NOCFG		(1<<2)
#define CONF_NOCMD		(1<<3)
#define CONF_GLOBAL		(1<<4)
#define CONF_NOSAVE                            (1<<5)

typedef struct config config_t;
typedef struct m_config m_config_t;
typedef struct config_save config_save_t;

#include "playtree.h"

typedef void (*cfg_default_func_t)(config_t *, char*);

struct config {
	char *name;
	void *p;
	unsigned int type;
	unsigned int flags;
	float min,max;
  /* Use this field when your need to do something before a new value is
     assigned to your option */
	cfg_default_func_t default_func;

struct m_config {
  config_t** opt_list;
  config_save_t** config_stack;
  int cs_level;
  int parser_mode;  /* COMMAND_LINE or CONFIG_FILE */
  int flags;
  char* sub_conf; // When we save a subconfig
  play_tree_t* pt; // play tree we use for playlist option, etc
  play_tree_t* last_entry; // last added entry
  play_tree_t* last_parent; // if last_entry is NULL we must create child of this
  int recursion_depth;

struct config_save {
  config_t* opt;
  union {
    int as_int;
    float as_float;
    void* as_pointer;
  } param;
  char* opt_name;

typedef int (*cfg_func_arg_param_t)(config_t *, char *, char *);
typedef int (*cfg_func_param_t)(config_t *, char *);
typedef int (*cfg_func_t)(config_t *);

/* parse_config_file returns:
 * 	-1 on error (can't malloc, invalid option...)
 * 	 0 if can't open configfile
 * 	 1 on success
int m_config_parse_config_file(m_config_t *config, char *conffile);

/* parse_command_line returns:
 * 	-1 on error (invalid option...)
 * 	 1 otherwise
int m_config_parse_command_line(m_config_t* config, int argc, char **argv, char **envp);

m_config_t* m_config_new(play_tree_t* pt);

void m_config_free(m_config_t* config);

void m_config_push(m_config_t* config);

 * Return 0 on error 1 on success
int m_config_pop(m_config_t* config);

 * Return 0 on error 1 on success
int m_config_register_options(m_config_t *config,config_t *args);

 * For all the following function when it's a subconfig option
 * you must give an option name like 'tv:channel' and not just 
 * 'channel'

 * Return 1 on sucess 0 on failure
int m_config_set_option(m_config_t *config,char *opt, char *param);

 * Get the config struct defining an option
 * Return NULL on error
config_t* m_config_get_option(m_config_t *config, char* arg);

 * Get the p field of the struct defining an option
 * Return NULL on error
void* m_config_get_option_ptr(m_config_t *config, char* arg);

 * Tell is an option is alredy set or not
 * Return -1 one error (requested option arg exist)
 * Otherwise 0 or 1
int m_config_is_option_set(m_config_t *config, char* arg);

 * Return 0 on error 1 on success
int m_config_switch_flag(m_config_t *config, char* opt);

 * Return 0 on error 1 on success
int m_config_set_flag(m_config_t *config, char* opt, int max);

 * Return the value of a flag (O or 1) and -1 on error
int m_config_get_flag(m_config_t *config, char* opt);

 * Set the value of an int option
 * Return 0 on error 1 on success
m_config_set_int(m_config_t *config, char* arg,int val);

 * Get the value of an int option
 * Return the option value or -1 on error
 * If err_ret is not NULL it's set to 1 on error
m_config_get_int (m_config_t *config, char* arg,int* err_ret);

 * Set the value of a float option
 * Return 0 on error 1 on success
m_config_set_float(m_config_t *config, char* arg,float val);

 * Get the value of a float option
 * Return the option value or -1 on error
 * If err_ret is not NULL it's set to 1 on error
m_config_get_float (m_config_t *config, char* arg,int* err_ret);

#endif /* __CONFIG_H */