Mercurial > mplayer.hg
view libvo/sub.c @ 7159:1df24fd752d0
added missing palette8tobgr pairs (hope it's correct)
author | alex |
date | Fri, 30 Aug 2002 11:17:15 +0000 |
parents | 6abc330b5b32 |
children | d6608342591d |
line wrap: on
line source
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "config.h" #include "mp_msg.h" #include "video_out.h" #include "font_load.h" #include "sub.h" #include "../spudec.h" char * __sub_osd_names[]={ "Seekbar", "Play", "Pause", "Stop", "Rewind", "Forward", "Clock", "Contrast", "Saturation", "Volume", "Brightness", "Hue" }; char * __sub_osd_names_short[] ={ "", "|>", "||", "[]", "<<" , ">>", "", "", "", "", "", ""}; //static int vo_font_loaded=-1; font_desc_t* vo_font=NULL; unsigned char* vo_osd_text=NULL; int sub_unicode=0; int sub_utf8=0; int sub_pos=100; // return the real height of a char: static inline int get_height(int c,int h){ int font; if ((font=vo_font->font[c])>=0) if(h<vo_font->pic_a[font]->h) h=vo_font->pic_a[font]->h; return h; } // renders char to a big per-object buffer where alpha and bitmap are separated static void draw_alpha_buf(mp_osd_obj_t* obj, int x0,int y0, int w,int h, unsigned char* src, unsigned char *srca, int stride) { int dststride = obj->stride; int dstskip = obj->stride-w; int srcskip = stride-w; int i, j; unsigned char *b = obj->bitmap_buffer + (y0-obj->bbox.y1)*dststride + (x0-obj->bbox.x1); unsigned char *a = obj->alpha_buffer + (y0-obj->bbox.y1)*dststride + (x0-obj->bbox.x1); unsigned char *bs = src; unsigned char *as = srca; if (x0 < obj->bbox.x1 || x0+w > obj->bbox.x2 || y0 < obj->bbox.y1 || y0+h > obj->bbox.y2) { fprintf(stderr, "osd text out of range: bbox [%d %d %d %d], txt [%d %d %d %d]\n", obj->bbox.x1, obj->bbox.x2, obj->bbox.y1, obj->bbox.y2, x0, x0+w, y0, y0+h); return; } for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (j = 0; j < w; j++, b++, a++, bs++, as++) { if (*b < *bs) *b = *bs; if (*as) { if (*a == 0 || *a > *as) *a = *as; } } b+= dstskip; a+= dstskip; bs+= srcskip; as+= srcskip; } } // allocates/enlarges the alpha/bitmap buffer static void alloc_buf(mp_osd_obj_t* obj) { int len; if (obj->bbox.x2 < obj->bbox.x1) obj->bbox.x2 = obj->bbox.x1; if (obj->bbox.y2 < obj->bbox.y1) obj->bbox.y2 = obj->bbox.y1; obj->stride = ((obj->bbox.x2-obj->bbox.x1)+7)&(~7); len = obj->stride*(obj->bbox.y2-obj->bbox.y1); if (obj->allocated<len) { obj->allocated = len; free(obj->bitmap_buffer); free(obj->alpha_buffer); obj->bitmap_buffer = (unsigned char *)memalign(16, len); obj->alpha_buffer = (unsigned char *)memalign(16, len); } memset(obj->bitmap_buffer, 0, len); memset(obj->alpha_buffer, 0, len); } // renders the buffer inline static void vo_draw_text_from_buffer(mp_osd_obj_t* obj,void (*draw_alpha)(int x0,int y0, int w,int h, unsigned char* src, unsigned char *srca, int stride)){ if (obj->allocated > 0) { draw_alpha(obj->bbox.x1,obj->bbox.y1, obj->bbox.x2-obj->bbox.x1, obj->bbox.y2-obj->bbox.y1, obj->bitmap_buffer, obj->alpha_buffer, obj->stride); } } inline static void vo_update_text_osd(mp_osd_obj_t* obj,int dxs,int dys){ unsigned char *cp=vo_osd_text; int x=20; int h=0; int font; obj->bbox.x1=obj->x=x; obj->bbox.y1=obj->y=10; while (*cp){ int c=*cp++; render_one_glyph(vo_font, c); x+=vo_font->width[c]+vo_font->charspace; h=get_height(c,h); } obj->bbox.x2=x-vo_font->charspace; obj->bbox.y2=obj->bbox.y1+h; obj->flags|=OSDFLAG_BBOX; alloc_buf(obj); cp=vo_osd_text; x = obj->x; while (*cp){ int c=*cp++; if ((font=vo_font->font[c])>=0) draw_alpha_buf(obj,x,obj->y, vo_font->width[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->h, vo_font->pic_b[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->w); x+=vo_font->width[c]+vo_font->charspace; } } int vo_osd_progbar_type=-1; int vo_osd_progbar_value=100; // 0..256 // if we have n=256 bars then OSD progbar looks like below // // 0 1 2 3 ... 256 <= vo_osd_progbar_value // | | | | | // [ === === === ... === ] // // the above schema is rescalled to n=elems bars inline static void vo_update_text_progbar(mp_osd_obj_t* obj,int dxs,int dys){ obj->flags|=OSDFLAG_CHANGED|OSDFLAG_VISIBLE; if(vo_osd_progbar_type<0 || !vo_font){ obj->flags&=~OSDFLAG_VISIBLE; return; } render_one_glyph(vo_font, OSD_PB_START); render_one_glyph(vo_font, OSD_PB_END); render_one_glyph(vo_font, OSD_PB_0); render_one_glyph(vo_font, OSD_PB_1); render_one_glyph(vo_font, vo_osd_progbar_type); // calculate bbox corners: { int h=0; int y=(dys-vo_font->height)/2; int delimw=vo_font->width[OSD_PB_START] +vo_font->width[OSD_PB_END] +vo_font->charspace; int width=(2*dxs-3*delimw)/3; int charw=vo_font->width[OSD_PB_0]+vo_font->charspace; int elems=width/charw; int x=(dxs-elems*charw-delimw)/2; int delta = 0; if (vo_osd_progbar_type>0 && vo_font->font[vo_osd_progbar_type]>=0){ delta = vo_font->width[vo_osd_progbar_type]+vo_font->spacewidth; delta = (x-delta > 0) ? delta : x; } h=get_height(OSD_PB_START,h); h=get_height(OSD_PB_END,h); h=get_height(OSD_PB_0,h); h=get_height(OSD_PB_1,h); obj->bbox.x1=obj->x=x; obj->bbox.y1=obj->y=y; obj->bbox.x2=x+width+delimw; obj->bbox.y2=y+h; //vo_font->height; obj->flags|=OSDFLAG_BBOX; obj->params.progbar.elems=elems; obj->bbox.x1-=delta; // space for an icon } alloc_buf(obj); // render it: { unsigned char *s; unsigned char *sa; int i,w,h,st,mark; int x=obj->x; int y=obj->y; int c,font; int charw=vo_font->width[OSD_PB_0]+vo_font->charspace; int elems=obj->params.progbar.elems; if (vo_osd_progbar_value<=0) mark=0; else { int ev=vo_osd_progbar_value*elems; mark=ev>>8; if (ev & 0xFF) mark++; if (mark>elems) mark=elems; } // printf("osd.progbar width=%d xpos=%d\n",width,x); c=vo_osd_progbar_type; if(vo_osd_progbar_type>0 && (font=vo_font->font[c])>=0) { int xp=x-vo_font->width[c]-vo_font->spacewidth; draw_alpha_buf(obj,(xp<0?0:xp),y, vo_font->width[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->h, vo_font->pic_b[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->w); } c=OSD_PB_START; if ((font=vo_font->font[c])>=0) draw_alpha_buf(obj,x,y, vo_font->width[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->h, vo_font->pic_b[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->w); x+=vo_font->width[c]+vo_font->charspace; c=OSD_PB_0; if ((font=vo_font->font[c])>=0){ w=vo_font->width[c]; h=vo_font->pic_a[font]->h; s=vo_font->pic_b[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c]; sa=vo_font->pic_a[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c]; st=vo_font->pic_a[font]->w; if ((i=mark)) do { draw_alpha_buf(obj,x,y,w,h,s,sa,st); x+=charw; } while(--i); } c=OSD_PB_1; if ((font=vo_font->font[c])>=0){ w=vo_font->width[c]; h=vo_font->pic_a[font]->h; s =vo_font->pic_b[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c]; sa=vo_font->pic_a[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c]; st=vo_font->pic_a[font]->w; if ((i=elems-mark)) do { draw_alpha_buf(obj,x,y,w,h,s,sa,st); x+=charw; } while(--i); } c=OSD_PB_END; if ((font=vo_font->font[c])>=0) draw_alpha_buf(obj,x,y, vo_font->width[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->h, vo_font->pic_b[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->w); // x+=vo_font->width[c]+vo_font->charspace; } // vo_osd_progbar_value=(vo_osd_progbar_value+1)&0xFF; } subtitle* vo_sub=NULL; // vo_draw_text_sub(int dxs,int dys,void (*draw_alpha)(int x0,int y0, int w,int h, unsigned char* src, unsigned char *srca, int stride)) inline static void vo_update_text_sub(mp_osd_obj_t* obj,int dxs,int dys){ unsigned char *t; int c,i,j,l,x,y,font,prevc; int len; int k,lastk; int lastStripPosition; int xsize,lastxsize; int xmin=dxs,xmax=0; int h,lasth; obj->flags|=OSDFLAG_CHANGED|OSDFLAG_VISIBLE; if(!vo_sub || !vo_font){ obj->flags&=~OSDFLAG_VISIBLE; return; } obj->bbox.y2=obj->y=dys; obj->params.subtitle.lines=0; // too long lines divide into a smaller ones i=k=lasth=0; h=vo_font->height; xsize=-vo_font->charspace; lastStripPosition=-1; l=vo_sub->lines; while (l) { l--; t=vo_sub->text[i++]; len=strlen(t)-1; // printf("sub(%d) '%s'\n",len,t); // if(len<0) memy -=h; // according to max of vo_font->pic_a[font]->h // else prevc = -1; for (j=0;j<=len;j++){ if ((c=t[j])>=0x80){ if (sub_utf8){ if ((c & 0xe0) == 0xc0) /* 2 bytes U+00080..U+0007FF*/ c = (c & 0x1f)<<6 | (t[++j] & 0x3f); else if((c & 0xf0) == 0xe0)/* 3 bytes U+00800..U+00FFFF*/ c = ((c & 0x0f)<<6 | (t[++j] & 0x3f))<<6 | (t[++j] & 0x3f); } else if (sub_unicode) c = (c<<8) + t[++j]; } if (k==MAX_UCS){ len=j; // end here mp_msg(MSGT_OSD,MSGL_WARN,"\nMAX_UCS exceeded!\n"); } if (!c) c++; // avoid UCS 0 render_one_glyph(vo_font, c); if (c==' '){ lastk=k; lastStripPosition=j; lastxsize=xsize; } else if ((font=vo_font->font[c])>=0){ if (vo_font->pic_a[font]->h > h){ h=vo_font->pic_a[font]->h; } } obj->params.subtitle.utbl[k++]=c; xsize+=vo_font->width[c]+vo_font->charspace+kerning(vo_font,prevc,c); if (dxs<xsize){ prevc = -1; if (lastStripPosition>0){ j=lastStripPosition; xsize=lastxsize; k=lastk; } else { xsize -=vo_font->width[c]+vo_font->charspace+kerning(vo_font,prevc,c);; // go back k--; // cut line here while (t[j] && t[j]!=' ') j++; // jump to the nearest space } } else if (j<len) { prevc = c; continue; } if (h>obj->y){ // out of the screen so end parsing obj->y -= lasth - vo_font->height; // correct the y position l=0; break; } obj->params.subtitle.utbl[k++]=0; obj->params.subtitle.xtbl[obj->params.subtitle.lines++]=(dxs-xsize)/2; if(xmin>(dxs-xsize)/2) xmin=(dxs-xsize)/2; if(xmax<(dxs+xsize)/2) xmax=(dxs+xsize)/2; if (obj->params.subtitle.lines==MAX_UCSLINES||k>MAX_UCS){ l=0; len=j; // end parsing } else if(l || j<len){ // not the last line or not the last char lastStripPosition=-1; xsize=-vo_font->charspace; lasth=h; h=vo_font->height; } // printf("h: %d -> %d \n",vo_font->height,h); obj->y -=h; // according to max of vo_font->pic_a[font]->h prevc = -1; } } if (obj->y >= (dys * sub_pos / 100)){ int old=obj->y; obj->y = dys * sub_pos /100; obj->bbox.y2-=old-obj->y; } // calculate bbox: obj->bbox.x1=xmin; obj->bbox.x2=xmax; obj->bbox.y1=obj->y; // obj->bbox.y2=obj->y+obj->params.subtitle.lines*vo_font->height; obj->flags|=OSDFLAG_BBOX; alloc_buf(obj); y = obj->y; i=j=0; if ((l=obj->params.subtitle.lines)) for (;;) { x=obj->params.subtitle.xtbl[i++]; prevc = -1; while ((c=obj->params.subtitle.utbl[j++])){ x += kerning(vo_font,prevc,c); if ((font=vo_font->font[c])>=0) draw_alpha_buf(obj,x,y, vo_font->width[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->h+y<obj->dys ? vo_font->pic_a[font]->h : obj->dys-y, vo_font->pic_b[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->bmp+vo_font->start[c], vo_font->pic_a[font]->w); x+=vo_font->width[c]+vo_font->charspace; prevc = c; } if (!--l) break; y+=vo_font->height; } } inline static void vo_update_spudec_sub(mp_osd_obj_t* obj, int dxs, int dys) { unsigned int bbox[4]; int i; spudec_calc_bbox(vo_spudec, dxs, dys, bbox); obj->bbox.x1 = bbox[0]; obj->bbox.x2 = bbox[1]; obj->bbox.y1 = bbox[2]; obj->bbox.y2 = bbox[3]; obj->flags |= OSDFLAG_BBOX; } inline static void vo_draw_spudec_sub(mp_osd_obj_t* obj, void (*draw_alpha)(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, unsigned char* src, unsigned char* srca, int stride)) { spudec_draw_scaled(vo_spudec, obj->dxs, obj->dys, draw_alpha); } void *vo_spudec=NULL; void *vo_vobsub=NULL; static int draw_alpha_init_flag=0; extern void vo_draw_alpha_init(); mp_osd_obj_t* vo_osd_list=NULL; mp_osd_obj_t* new_osd_obj(int type){ mp_osd_obj_t* osd=malloc(sizeof(mp_osd_obj_t)); memset(osd,0,sizeof(mp_osd_obj_t)); osd->next=vo_osd_list; vo_osd_list=osd; osd->type=type; osd->alpha_buffer = NULL; osd->bitmap_buffer = NULL; osd->allocated = -1; return osd; } void free_osd_list(){ mp_osd_obj_t* obj=vo_osd_list; while(obj){ mp_osd_obj_t* next=obj->next; if (obj->alpha_buffer) free(obj->alpha_buffer); if (obj->bitmap_buffer) free(obj->bitmap_buffer); free(obj); obj=next; } vo_osd_list=NULL; } int vo_update_osd(int dxs,int dys){ mp_osd_obj_t* obj=vo_osd_list; int chg=0; #ifdef HAVE_FREETYPE // here is the right place to get screen dimensions if (force_load_font) { force_load_font = 0; load_font(dxs, dys); } #endif while(obj){ if(dxs!=obj->dxs || dys!=obj->dys || obj->flags&OSDFLAG_FORCE_UPDATE){ int vis=obj->flags&OSDFLAG_VISIBLE; obj->flags&=~OSDFLAG_BBOX; switch(obj->type){ case OSDTYPE_SUBTITLE: vo_update_text_sub(obj,dxs,dys); break; case OSDTYPE_PROGBAR: vo_update_text_progbar(obj,dxs,dys); break; case OSDTYPE_SPU: if(vo_spudec && spudec_visible(vo_spudec)){ vo_update_spudec_sub(obj, dxs, dys); obj->flags|=OSDFLAG_VISIBLE|OSDFLAG_CHANGED; } else obj->flags&=~OSDFLAG_VISIBLE; break; case OSDTYPE_OSD: if(vo_font && vo_osd_text && vo_osd_text[0]){ vo_update_text_osd(obj,dxs,dys); // update bbox obj->flags|=OSDFLAG_VISIBLE|OSDFLAG_CHANGED; } else obj->flags&=~OSDFLAG_VISIBLE; break; } // check bbox: if(!(obj->flags&OSDFLAG_BBOX)){ // we don't know, so assume the whole screen changed :( obj->bbox.x1=obj->bbox.y1=0; obj->bbox.x2=dxs; obj->bbox.y2=dys; obj->flags|=OSDFLAG_BBOX; } else { // check bbox, reduce it if it's out of bounds (corners): if(obj->bbox.x1<0) obj->bbox.x1=0; if(obj->bbox.y1<0) obj->bbox.y1=0; if(obj->bbox.x2>dxs) obj->bbox.x2=dxs; if(obj->bbox.y2>dys) obj->bbox.y2=dys; if(obj->flags&OSDFLAG_VISIBLE) // debug: mp_msg(MSGT_OSD,MSGL_DBG2,"OSD update: %d;%d %dx%d \n", obj->bbox.x1,obj->bbox.y1,obj->bbox.x2-obj->bbox.x1, obj->bbox.y2-obj->bbox.y1); } // check if visibility changed: if(vis != (obj->flags&OSDFLAG_VISIBLE) ) obj->flags|=OSDFLAG_CHANGED; // remove the cause of automatic update: obj->dxs=dxs; obj->dys=dys; obj->flags&=~OSDFLAG_FORCE_UPDATE; } if(obj->flags&OSDFLAG_CHANGED){ chg|=1<<obj->type; mp_msg(MSGT_OSD,MSGL_DBG2,"OSD chg: %d V: %s pb:%d \n",obj->type,(obj->flags&OSDFLAG_VISIBLE)?"yes":"no",vo_osd_progbar_type); } obj=obj->next; } return chg; } void vo_init_osd(){ if(!draw_alpha_init_flag){ draw_alpha_init_flag=1; vo_draw_alpha_init(); } if(vo_osd_list) free_osd_list(); // temp hack, should be moved to mplayer/mencoder later new_osd_obj(OSDTYPE_OSD); new_osd_obj(OSDTYPE_SUBTITLE); new_osd_obj(OSDTYPE_PROGBAR); new_osd_obj(OSDTYPE_SPU); #ifdef HAVE_FREETYPE force_load_font = 1; #endif } int vo_osd_changed_flag=0; void vo_remove_text(int dxs,int dys,void (*remove)(int x0,int y0, int w,int h)){ mp_osd_obj_t* obj=vo_osd_list; vo_update_osd(dxs,dys); while(obj){ if(((obj->flags&OSDFLAG_CHANGED) || (obj->flags&OSDFLAG_VISIBLE)) && (obj->flags&OSDFLAG_OLD_BBOX)){ int w=obj->old_bbox.x2-obj->old_bbox.x1; int h=obj->old_bbox.y2-obj->old_bbox.y1; if(w>0 && h>0){ vo_osd_changed_flag=obj->flags&OSDFLAG_CHANGED; // temp hack remove(obj->old_bbox.x1,obj->old_bbox.y1,w,h); } // obj->flags&=~OSDFLAG_OLD_BBOX; } obj=obj->next; } } void vo_draw_text(int dxs,int dys,void (*draw_alpha)(int x0,int y0, int w,int h, unsigned char* src, unsigned char *srca, int stride)){ mp_osd_obj_t* obj=vo_osd_list; vo_update_osd(dxs,dys); while(obj){ if(obj->flags&OSDFLAG_VISIBLE){ vo_osd_changed_flag=obj->flags&OSDFLAG_CHANGED; // temp hack switch(obj->type){ case OSDTYPE_SPU: vo_draw_spudec_sub(obj, draw_alpha); // FIXME break; case OSDTYPE_OSD: case OSDTYPE_SUBTITLE: case OSDTYPE_PROGBAR: vo_draw_text_from_buffer(obj,draw_alpha); break; } obj->old_bbox=obj->bbox; obj->flags|=OSDFLAG_OLD_BBOX; } obj->flags&=~OSDFLAG_CHANGED; obj=obj->next; } } static int vo_osd_changed_status = 0; int vo_osd_changed(int new_value) { mp_osd_obj_t* obj=vo_osd_list; int ret = vo_osd_changed_status; vo_osd_changed_status = new_value; while(obj){ if(obj->type==new_value) obj->flags|=OSDFLAG_FORCE_UPDATE; obj=obj->next; } return ret; } // BBBBBBBBBBBB AAAAAAAAAAAAA BBBBBBBBBBB // BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBB // BBBBBBB // return TRUE if we have osd in the specified rectangular area: int vo_osd_check_range_update(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2){ mp_osd_obj_t* obj=vo_osd_list; while(obj){ if(obj->flags&OSDFLAG_VISIBLE){ if( (obj->bbox.x1<=x2 && obj->bbox.x2>=x1) && (obj->bbox.y1<=y2 && obj->bbox.y2>=y1) ) return 1; } obj=obj->next; } return 0; }