#### MPlayer input control file#### You are able to redefine default keyboard/joystick/mouse/LIRC bindings, or## add new ones here.## See DOCS/tech/slave.txt for possible commands that can be bound.## Also see mplayer -input cmdlist for other possible options.## The file should be placed in the $HOME/.mplayer directory.#### If you wish to unbind a key, use key ignore.## e.g. ENTER ignore##RIGHT seek +10LEFT seek -10DOWN seek -60UP seek +60PGUP seek 600PGDWN seek -600m mute# switch_audio # switch audio streams+ audio_delay 0.100= audio_delay 0.100- audio_delay -0.100[ speed_mult 0.9091 # scale playback speed] speed_mult 1.1{ speed_mult 0.5} speed_mult 2.0BS speed_set 1.0 # reset speed to normalq quitESC quitENTER pt_step 1 1 # skip to next filep pause. frame_step # advance one frame and pauseSPACE pauseHOME pt_up_step 1END pt_up_step -1> pt_step 1 # skip to next file< pt_step -1 # previousINS alt_src_step 1DEL alt_src_step -1o osdI osd_show_property_text "${filename}" # display filename in osdP osd_show_progressionz sub_delay -0.1 # subtract 100 ms delay from subsx sub_delay +0.1 # add9 volume -1/ volume -10 volume 1* volume 11 contrast -12 contrast 13 brightness -14 brightness 15 hue -16 hue 17 saturation -18 saturation 1( balance -0.1 # adjust audio balance in favor of left) balance +0.1 # rightd frame_dropD step_property deinterlace # toggle deinterlacer, requires -vf yadif or kerndeintr sub_pos -1 # move subtitles upt sub_pos +1 # down#? sub_step +1 # immediately display next subtitle#? sub_step -1 # previous#? sub_scale +0.1 # increase subtitle font size#? sub_scale -0.1 # decrease subtitle font sizef vo_fullscreenT vo_ontop # toggle video window ontop of other windowsw panscan -0.1 # zoom out with -panscan 0 -fse panscan +0.1 # inc capturing # save (and append) file/stream to stream.dump with -captures screenshot # take a png screenshot with -vf screenshot # S will take a png screenshot of every frameh tv_step_channel 1l tv_step_channel -1n tv_step_normb tv_step_chanlist#### Joystick section## WARNING: joystick support has to be explicitly enabled at## compiletime with --enable-joystick##JOY_RIGHT seek 10JOY_LEFT seek -10JOY_UP seek 60JOY_DOWN seek -60JOY_BTN0 pauseJOY_BTN1 osdJOY_BTN2 volume 1JOY_BTN3 volume -1JOY_BTN4 set_menu main#### Apple Remote section#### To use OSD menu with Apple Remote, set key AR_MENU to any OSD menu command,## or just comment out the 'AR_MENU osd' line and uncomment the line after it.##AR_PLAY pauseAR_PLAY_HOLD quitAR_NEXT seek 30AR_NEXT_HOLD seek 120AR_PREV seek -10AR_PREV_HOLD seek -120AR_MENU menu up#AR_MENU menu cancelAR_MENU_HOLD muteAR_VUP volume 1AR_VDOWN volume -1#### OSD Menu movement keys#### If you are using only the keyboard it is enough to define one command (like## "menu up"), because then that single key will display the menu, which can## then be navigated with the cursor keys and ENTER (defined in menu.conf).#### LIRC users should bind each "menu" command to a button on their remote.#### The set_menu command directly displays the (sub)menu specified as## its argument. Usage should be self-explanatory (although not likely## to be needed), after reading input.conf.###MOUSE_BTN0 menu up#y menu down#y menu ok#y menu cancel#y menu hide#y set_menu general_pref#### DVDNAV## Requires dvdnav://##UP {dvdnav} dvdnav up # DVDNav UPDOWN {dvdnav} dvdnav down # DVDNav DOWNLEFT {dvdnav} dvdnav left # DVDNav LEFTRIGHT {dvdnav} dvdnav right # DVDNav RIGHTESC {dvdnav} dvdnav menu # DVDNav MENUENTER {dvdnav} dvdnav select # DVDNav SELECT (ok)BS {dvdnav} dvdnav prev # DVDNav PREVIOUS menu (in the order chapter->title->root)AR_VUP {dvdnav} dvdnav up # DVDNav UPAR_VDOWN {dvdnav} dvdnav down # DVDNav DOWNAR_PREV {dvdnav} dvdnav left # DVDNav LEFTAR_NEXT {dvdnav} dvdnav right # DVDNav RIGHTAR_MENU {dvdnav} dvdnav menu # DVDNav MENUAR_PLAY {dvdnav} dvdnav select # DVDNav SELECT (ok)#? seek_chapter -1 # skip to previous dvd chapter#? seek_chapter +1 # next#### Advanced seek## Uncomment the following lines to be able to seek to n% of the media with## the Fx keys.###F1 seek 10 1#F2 seek 20 1#F3 seek 30 1#F4 seek 40 1#F5 seek 50 1#F6 seek 60 1#F7 seek 70 1#F8 seek 80 1#F9 seek 90 1