view help/help_mp-en.h @ 7501:20910550332f

fixed invalid -aid/-vid segfault
author arpi
date Wed, 25 Sep 2002 22:19:11 +0000
parents 32c7ca9359b1
children aa1a1249f239
line wrap: on
line source

// MASTER FILE. Use this file as base for translations.

// Translated files should be uploaded to
// Also send a notify message to the mplayer-dev-eng mailing list.

// ========================= MPlayer help ===========================

static char* banner_text=
"MPlayer " VERSION "(C) 2000-2002 Arpad Gereoffy (see DOCS)\n"

static char help_text[]=
"Usage:   mplayer [options] [url|path/]filename\n"
"Basic options: (see the man page for the complete list)\n"
" -vo <drv[:dev]> select video output driver & device (see '-vo help' for list)\n"
" -ao <drv[:dev]> select audio output driver & device (see '-ao help' for list)\n"
#ifdef HAVE_VCD
" -vcd <trackno>  play VCD (Video CD) track from device instead of plain file\n"
" -dvdauth <dev>  specify DVD device for authentication (for encrypted discs)\n"
" -dvd <titleno>  play DVD title from device instead of plain file\n"
" -alang/-slang   select DVD audio/subtitle language (by 2-char country code)\n"
" -ss <timepos>   seek to given (seconds or hh:mm:ss) position\n"
" -nosound        don't play sound\n"
" -fs -vm -zoom   fullscreen playing options (fullscr,vidmode chg,softw.scale)\n"
" -x <x> -y <y>   set display resolution (for use with -vm or -zoom)\n"
" -sub <file>     specify subtitle file to use (see also -subfps, -subdelay)\n"
" -playlist <file> specify playlist file\n"
" -vid x -aid y   options to select video (x) and audio (y) stream to play\n"
" -fps x -srate y options to change video (x fps) and audio (y Hz) rate\n"
" -pp <quality>   enable postprocessing filter (see the man page for details)\n"
" -framedrop      enable frame dropping (for slow machines)\n"
"Basic keys: (see the man page for the complete list, also check input.conf)\n"
" <-  or  ->      seek backward/forward 10 seconds\n"
" up or down      seek backward/forward  1 minute\n"
" pgup or pgdown  seek backward/forward 10 minutes\n"
" < or >          step backward/forward in playlist\n"
" p or SPACE      pause movie (press any key to continue)\n"
" q or ESC        stop playing and quit program\n"
" + or -          adjust audio delay by +/- 0.1 second\n"
" o               cycle OSD mode:  none / seekbar / seekbar+timer\n"
" * or /          increase or decrease pcm volume\n"
" z or x          adjust subtitle delay by +/- 0.1 second\n"
" r or t          adjust subtitle position up/down, also see -vop expand\n"

// ========================= MPlayer messages ===========================

// mplayer.c: 

#define MSGTR_Exiting "\nExiting... (%s)\n"
#define MSGTR_Exit_quit "Quit"
#define MSGTR_Exit_eof "End of file"
#define MSGTR_Exit_error "Fatal error"
#define MSGTR_IntBySignal "\nMPlayer interrupted by signal %d in module: %s \n"
#define MSGTR_NoHomeDir "Can't find HOME directory\n"
#define MSGTR_GetpathProblem "get_path(\"config\") problem\n"
#define MSGTR_CreatingCfgFile "Creating config file: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_InvalidVOdriver "Invalid video output driver name: %s\nUse '-vo help' to get a list of available video drivers.\n"
#define MSGTR_InvalidAOdriver "Invalid audio output driver name: %s\nUse '-ao help' to get a list of available audio drivers.\n"
#define MSGTR_CopyCodecsConf "(copy/link etc/codecs.conf (from the MPlayer source tree) to ~/.mplayer/codecs.conf)\n"
#define MSGTR_CantLoadFont "Can't load font: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_CantLoadSub "Can't load subtitles: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_ErrorDVDkey "Error processing DVD KEY.\n"
#define MSGTR_CmdlineDVDkey "The requested DVD key is used for descrambling.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDauthOk "DVD auth sequence seems to be OK.\n"
#define MSGTR_DumpSelectedSteramMissing "dump: FATAL: selected stream missing!\n"
#define MSGTR_CantOpenDumpfile "Can't open dump file!!!\n"
#define MSGTR_CoreDumped "core dumped :)\n"
#define MSGTR_FPSnotspecified "FPS not specified (or invalid) in the header! Use the -fps option!\n"
#define MSGTR_TryForceAudioFmtStr "Trying to force audio codec driver family %s ...\n"
#define MSGTR_CantFindAfmtFallback "Can't find audio codec for forced driver family, falling back to other drivers.\n"
#define MSGTR_CantFindAudioCodec "Can't find codec for audio format 0x%X!\n"
#define MSGTR_TryUpgradeCodecsConfOrRTFM "*** Try to upgrade %s from etc/codecs.conf\n*** If it still does not work, read DOCS/codecs.html!\n"
#define MSGTR_CouldntInitAudioCodec "Couldn't initialize audio codec! -> no sound\n"
#define MSGTR_TryForceVideoFmtStr "Trying to force video codec driver family %s ...\n"
#define MSGTR_CantFindVideoCodec "Can't find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x%X!\n"
#define MSGTR_VOincompCodec "Sorry, selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec.\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotInitVO "FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver!\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotInitAO "couldn't open/init audio device -> no sound\n"
#define MSGTR_StartPlaying "Start playing...\n"

#define MSGTR_SystemTooSlow "\n\n"\
"         ************************************************\n"\
"         **** Your system is too SLOW to play this!  ****\n"\
"         ************************************************\n"\
"!!! Possible reasons, problems, workarounds: \n"\
"- Most common: broken/buggy _audio_ driver. Workaround: Try -ao sdl or use\n"\
"  ALSA 0.5 or OSS emulation of ALSA 0.9. Read DOCS/sound.html for more tips!\n"\
"- Slow video output. Try a different -vo driver (for list: -vo help) or try\n"\
"  with -framedrop!  Read DOCS/video.html for video tuning/speedup tips.\n"\
"- Slow CPU. Don't try to play a big DVD/divx on a slow CPU! Try -hardframedrop.\n"\
"- Broken file. Try various combinations of these: -nobps  -ni  -mc 0  -forceidx\n"\
"- Are you using -cache to play a non-interleaved file? Try with -nocache.\n"\
"If none of these apply, read DOCS/bugreports.html!\n\n"

#define MSGTR_NoGui "MPlayer was compiled WITHOUT GUI support!\n"
#define MSGTR_GuiNeedsX "MPlayer GUI requires X11!\n"
#define MSGTR_Playing "Playing %s\n"
#define MSGTR_NoSound "Audio: no sound!!!\n"
#define MSGTR_FPSforced "FPS forced to be %5.3f  (ftime: %5.3f)\n"
#define MSGTR_CompiledWithRuntimeDetection "Compiled with RUNTIME CPU Detection - warning, it's not optimal! To get best performance, recompile MPlayer with --disable-runtime-cpudetection\n"
#define MSGTR_CompiledWithCPUExtensions "Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions:"
#define MSGTR_AvailableVideoOutputPlugins "Available video output plugins:\n"
#define MSGTR_AvailableVideoOutputDrivers "Available video output drivers:\n"
#define MSGTR_AvailableAudioOutputDrivers "Available audio output drivers:\n"
#define MSGTR_AvailableAudioCodecs "Available audio codecs:\n"
#define MSGTR_AvailableVideoCodecs "Available video codecs:\n"
#define MSGTR_AvailableAudioFm "\nAvailable (compiled-in) audio codec families/drivers:\n"
#define MSGTR_AvailableVideoFm "\nAvailable (compiled-in) video codec families/drivers:\n"
#define MSGTR_UsingRTCTiming "Using Linux hardware RTC timing (%ldHz)\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotReadVideoPropertiers "Video: can't read properties\n"
#define MSGTR_NoStreamFound "No stream found\n"
#define MSGTR_InitializingAudioCodec "Initializing audio codec...\n"
#define MSGTR_ErrorInitializingVODevice "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device!\n"
#define MSGTR_ForcedVideoCodec "Forced video codec: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_AODescription_AOAuthor "AO: Description: %s\nAO: Author: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_AOComment "AO: Comment: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_Video_NoVideo "Video: no video!!!\n"
#define MSGTR_NotInitializeVOPorVO "\nFATAL: Couldn't initialize video filters (-vop) or video output (-vo)!\n"
#define MSGTR_Paused "\n------ PAUSED -------\r"
#define MSGTR_PlaylistLoadUnable "\nUnable to load playlist %s\n"

// mencoder.c:

#define MSGTR_MEncoderCopyright "(C) 2000-2002 Arpad Gereoffy (see DOCS!)\n"
#define MSGTR_UsingPass3ControllFile "Using pass3 control file: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_MissingFilename "\nMissing filename!\n\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotOpenFile_Device "Cannot open file/device\n"
#define MSGTR_ErrorDVDAuth "Error in DVD auth...\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotOpenDemuxer "Cannot open demuxer\n"
#define MSGTR_NoAudioEncoderSelected "\nNo audio encoder (-oac) selected! Select one or use -nosound. Use -oac help!\n"
#define MSGTR_NoVideoEncoderSelected "\nNo video encoder (-ovc) selected! Select one, use -ovc help!\n"
#define MSGTR_InitializingAudioCodec "Initializing audio codec...\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotOpenOutputFile "Cannot open output file '%s'\n"
#define MSGTR_EncoderOpenFailed "Failed to open the encoder\n"
#define MSGTR_ForcingOutputFourcc "Forcing output fourcc to %x [%.4s]\n"
#define MSGTR_WritingAVIHeader "Writing AVI header...\n"
#define MSGTR_DuplicateFrames "\nduplicate %d frame(s)!!!    \n"
#define MSGTR_SkipFrame "\nskip frame!!!    \n"
#define MSGTR_ErrorWritingFile "%s: error writing file.\n"
#define MSGTR_WritingAVIIndex "\nWriting AVI index...\n"
#define MSGTR_FixupAVIHeader "Fixup AVI header...\n"
#define MSGTR_RecommendedVideoBitrate "Recommended video bitrate for %s CD: %d\n"
#define MSGTR_VideoStreamResult "\nVideo stream: %8.3f kbit/s  (%d bps)  size: %d bytes  %5.3f secs  %d frames\n"
#define MSGTR_AudioStreamResult "\nAudio stream: %8.3f kbit/s  (%d bps)  size: %d bytes  %5.3f secs\n"

// open.c, stream.c:
#define MSGTR_CdDevNotfound "CD-ROM Device '%s' not found!\n"
#define MSGTR_ErrTrackSelect "Error selecting VCD track!"
#define MSGTR_ReadSTDIN "Reading from stdin...\n"
#define MSGTR_UnableOpenURL "Unable to open URL: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_ConnToServer "Connected to server: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_FileNotFound "File not found: '%s'\n"

#define MSGTR_CantOpenDVD "Couldn't open DVD device: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDwait "Reading disc structure, please wait...\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDnumTitles "There are %d titles on this DVD.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDinvalidTitle "Invalid DVD title number: %d\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDnumChapters "There are %d chapters in this DVD title.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDinvalidChapter "Invalid DVD chapter number: %d\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDnumAngles "There are %d angles in this DVD title.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDinvalidAngle "Invalid DVD angle number: %d\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDnoIFO "Can't open the IFO file for DVD title %d.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDnoVOBs "Can't open title VOBS (VTS_%02d_1.VOB).\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDopenOk "DVD successfully opened!\n"

// demuxer.c, demux_*.c:
#define MSGTR_AudioStreamRedefined "Warning! Audio stream header %d redefined!\n"
#define MSGTR_VideoStreamRedefined "Warning! Video stream header %d redefined!\n"
#define MSGTR_TooManyAudioInBuffer "\nDEMUXER: Too many (%d in %d bytes) audio packets in the buffer!\n"
#define MSGTR_TooManyVideoInBuffer "\nDEMUXER: Too many (%d in %d bytes) video packets in the buffer!\n"
#define MSGTR_MaybeNI "Maybe you are playing a non-interleaved stream/file or the codec failed?\n" \
		      "For .AVI files, try to force non-interleaved mode with the -ni option.\n"
#define MSGTR_SwitchToNi "\nDetected badly interleaved .AVI - switching to -ni mode!\n"
#define MSGTR_Detected_XXX_FileFormat "Detected %s file format!\n"
#define MSGTR_DetectedAudiofile "Detected audio file!\n"
#define MSGTR_NotSystemStream "Not MPEG System Stream format... (maybe Transport Stream?)\n"
#define MSGTR_InvalidMPEGES "Invalid MPEG-ES stream??? Contact the author, it may be a bug :(\n"
#define MSGTR_FormatNotRecognized "============ Sorry, this file format is not recognized/supported =============\n"\
				  "=== If this file is an AVI, ASF or MPEG stream, please contact the author! ===\n"
#define MSGTR_MissingVideoStream "No video stream found!\n"
#define MSGTR_MissingAudioStream "No Audio stream found...  ->  no sound\n"
#define MSGTR_MissingVideoStreamBug "Missing video stream!? Contact the author, it may be a bug :(\n"

#define MSGTR_DoesntContainSelectedStream "demux: File doesn't contain the selected audio or video stream.\n"

#define MSGTR_NI_Forced "Forced"
#define MSGTR_NI_Detected "Detected"
#define MSGTR_NI_Message "%s NON-INTERLEAVED AVI file-format!\n"

#define MSGTR_UsingNINI "Using NON-INTERLEAVED Broken AVI file-format!\n"
#define MSGTR_CouldntDetFNo "Couldn't determine number of frames (for absolute seek)  \n"
#define MSGTR_CantSeekRawAVI "Can't seek in raw .AVI streams! (Index required, try with the -idx switch!)  \n"
#define MSGTR_CantSeekFile "Can't seek in this file!  \n"

#define MSGTR_EncryptedVOB "Encrypted VOB file (not compiled with libcss support)! Read DOCS/cd-dvd.html.\n"
#define MSGTR_EncryptedVOBauth "Encrypted stream but you did not request authentication!!\n"

#define MSGTR_MOVcomprhdr "MOV: Compressed headers not (yet) supported!\n"
#define MSGTR_MOVvariableFourCC "MOV: Warning! Variable FOURCC detected!?\n"
#define MSGTR_MOVtooManyTrk "MOV: Warning! Too many tracks!"
#define MSGTR_FoundAudioStream "==> Found audio stream: %d\n"
#define MSGTR_FoundVideoStream "==> Found video stream: %d\n"
#define MSGTR_DetectedTV "Detected TV! ;-)\n"
#define MSGTR_ErrorOpeningOGGDemuxer "Unable to open the ogg demuxer\n"
#define MSGTR_ASFSearchingForAudioStream "ASF: Searching for audio stream (id:%d)\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotOpenAudioStream "Can't open audio stream: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotOpenSubtitlesStream "Can't open subtitles stream: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_OpeningAudioDemuxerFailed "Failed to open audio demuxer: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_OpeningSubtitlesDemuxerFailed "Failed to open subtitles demuxer: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_TVInputNotSeekable "TV input isn't seekable! (Probably seeking will be for changing channels ;)\n"
#define MSGTR_DemuxerInfoAlreadyPresent "Demuxer info %s already present!\n"
#define MSGTR_ClipInfo "Clip info: \n"

// dec_video.c & dec_audio.c:
#define MSGTR_CantOpenCodec "could not open codec\n"
#define MSGTR_CantCloseCodec "could not close codec\n"

#define MSGTR_MissingDLLcodec "ERROR: Couldn't open required DirectShow codec: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_ACMiniterror "Could not load/initialize Win32/ACM AUDIO codec (missing DLL file?)\n"
#define MSGTR_MissingLAVCcodec "Can't find codec '%s' in libavcodec...\n"

#define MSGTR_MpegNoSequHdr "MPEG: FATAL: EOF while searching for sequence header\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotReadMpegSequHdr "FATAL: Cannot read sequence header!\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotReadMpegSequHdrEx "FATAL: Cannot read sequence header extension!\n"
#define MSGTR_BadMpegSequHdr "MPEG: Bad sequence header!\n"
#define MSGTR_BadMpegSequHdrEx "MPEG: Bad sequence header extension!\n"

#define MSGTR_ShMemAllocFail "Cannot allocate shared memory\n"
#define MSGTR_CantAllocAudioBuf "Cannot allocate audio out buffer\n"

#define MSGTR_UnknownAudio "Unknown/missing audio format -> no sound\n"

#define MSGTR_UsingExternalPP "[PP] Using external postprocessing filter, max q = %d\n"
#define MSGTR_UsingCodecPP "[PP] Using codec's postprocessing, max q = %d\n"
#define MSGTR_VideoAttributeNotSupportedByVO_VD "Video attribute '%s' isn't supported by selected vo & vd! \n"
#define MSGTR_VideoCodecFamilyNotAvailableStr "Requested video codec family [%s] (vfm=%s) not available (enable it at compilation!)\n"
#define MSGTR_AudioCodecFamilyNotAvailableStr "Requested audio codec family [%s] (afm=%s) not available (enable it at compilation!)\n"
#define MSGTR_OpeningVideoDecoder "Opening video decoder: [%s] %s\n"
#define MSGTR_OpeningAudioDecoder "Opening audio decoder: [%s] %s\n"
#define MSGTR_UninitVideoStr "uninit video: %s  \n"
#define MSGTR_UninitAudioStr "uninit audio: %s  \n"
#define MSGTR_VDecoderInitFailed "VDecoder init failed :(\n"
#define MSGTR_ADecoderInitFailed "ADecoder init failed :(\n"
#define MSGTR_ADecoderPreinitFailed "ADecoder preinit failed :(\n"
#define MSGTR_AllocatingBytesForInputBuffer "dec_audio: Allocating %d bytes for input buffer\n"
#define MSGTR_AllocatingBytesForOutputBuffer "dec_audio: Allocating %d + %d = %d bytes for output buffer\n"
// LIRC:
#define MSGTR_SettingUpLIRC "Setting up lirc support...\n"
#define MSGTR_LIRCdisabled "You won't be able to use your remote control\n"
#define MSGTR_LIRCopenfailed "Failed opening lirc support!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIRCcfgerr "Failed to read LIRC config file %s!\n"

// vf.c
#define MSGTR_CouldNotFindVideoFilter "Couldn't find video filter '%s'\n"
#define MSGTR_CouldNotOpenVideoFilter "Couldn't open video filter '%s'\n"
#define MSGTR_OpeningVideoFilter "Opening video filter: "
#define MSGTR_CannotFindColorspace "Cannot find common colorspace, even by inserting 'scale' :(\n"

// vd.c
#define MSGTR_CodecDidNotSet "VDec: codec didn't set sh->disp_w and sh->disp_h, trying to workaround!\n"
#define MSGTR_VoConfigRequest "VDec: vo config request - %d x %d (preferred csp: %s)\n"
#define MSGTR_CouldNotFindColorspace "Couldn't find matching colorspace - retrying with -vop scale...\n"
#define MSGTR_MovieAspectIsSet "Movie-Aspect is %.2f:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.\n"
#define MSGTR_MovieAspectUndefined "Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.\n"
// ====================== GUI messages/buttons ========================


// --- labels ---
#define MSGTR_About "About"
#define MSGTR_FileSelect "Select file ..."
#define MSGTR_SubtitleSelect "Select subtitle ..."
#define MSGTR_OtherSelect "Select ..."
#define MSGTR_AudioFileSelect "Select external audio channel ..."
#define MSGTR_FontSelect "Select font ..."
#define MSGTR_PlayList "PlayList"
#define MSGTR_Equalizer "Equalizer"
#define MSGTR_SkinBrowser "Skin Browser"
#define MSGTR_Network "Network streaming ..."
#define MSGTR_Preferences "Preferences"
#define MSGTR_OSSPreferences "OSS driver configuration"
#define MSGTR_NoMediaOpened "no media opened"
#define MSGTR_VCDTrack "VCD track %d"
#define MSGTR_NoChapter "no chapter"
#define MSGTR_Chapter "chapter %d"
#define MSGTR_NoFileLoaded "no file loaded"

// --- buttons ---
#define MSGTR_Ok "Ok"
#define MSGTR_Cancel "Cancel"
#define MSGTR_Add "Add"
#define MSGTR_Remove "Remove"
#define MSGTR_Clear "Clear"
#define MSGTR_Config "Config"
#define MSGTR_ConfigDriver "Configure driver"
#define MSGTR_Browse "Browse"

// --- error messages ---
#define MSGTR_NEMDB "Sorry, not enough memory for draw buffer."
#define MSGTR_NEMFMR "Sorry, not enough memory for menu rendering."
#define MSGTR_IDFGCVD "Sorry, i didn't find a GUI compatible video output driver."
#define MSGTR_NEEDLAVCFAME "Sorry, you cannot play non-MPEG files with your DXR3/H+ device without reencoding.\nPlease enable lavc or fame in the DXR3/H+ configbox."

// --- skin loader error messages
#define MSGTR_SKIN_ERRORMESSAGE "[skin] error in skin config file on line %d: %s" 
#define MSGTR_SKIN_WARNING1 "[skin] warning in skin config file on line %d: widget found but before \"section\" not found ( %s )"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_WARNING2 "[skin] warning in skin config file on line %d: widget found but before \"subsection\" not found (%s)"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_16bit  "16 bits or less depth bitmap not supported ( %s ).\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_FileNotFound  "file not found ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_BMPReadError "bmp read error ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_TGAReadError "tga read error ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_PNGReadError "png read error ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_RLENotSupported "RLE packed tga not supported ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_UnknownFileType "unknown file type ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_ConvertError "24 bit to 32 bit convert error ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_UnknownMessage "unknown message: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_NotEnoughtMemory "not enough memory\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_TooManyFontsDeclared "too many fonts declared\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_FontFileNotFound "font file not found\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_FontImageNotFound "font image file not found\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_NonExistentFontID "non-existent font identifier ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_UnknownParameter "unknown parameter ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKINBROWSER_NotEnoughMemory "[skinbrowser] not enough memory.\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_SKINCFG_SkinNotFound "Skin not found ( %s ).\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_SKINCFG_SkinCfgReadError "Skin configfile read error ( %s ).\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_LABEL "Skins:"

// --- gtk menus
#define MSGTR_MENU_AboutMPlayer "About MPlayer"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Open "Open ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayFile "Play file ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayVCD "Play VCD ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayDVD "Play DVD ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayURL "Play URL ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_LoadSubtitle "Load subtitle ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_DropSubtitle "Drop subtitle ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_LoadExternAudioFile "Load external audio file ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_Playing "Playing"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Play "Play"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Pause "Pause"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Stop "Stop"
#define MSGTR_MENU_NextStream "Next stream"
#define MSGTR_MENU_PrevStream "Prev stream"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Size "Size"
#define MSGTR_MENU_NormalSize "Normal size"
#define MSGTR_MENU_DoubleSize "Double size"
#define MSGTR_MENU_FullScreen "Fullscreen"
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayDisc "Open disc ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_ShowDVDMenu "Show DVD menu"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Titles "Titles"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Title "Title %2d"
#define MSGTR_MENU_None "(none)"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Chapters "Chapters"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Chapter "Chapter %2d"
#define MSGTR_MENU_AudioLanguages "Audio languages"
#define MSGTR_MENU_SubtitleLanguages "Subtitle languages"
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayList "Playlist"
#define MSGTR_MENU_SkinBrowser "Skin browser"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Preferences "Preferences"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Exit "Exit ..."

// --- equalizer
#define MSGTR_EQU_Audio "Audio"
#define MSGTR_EQU_Video "Video"
#define MSGTR_EQU_Contrast "Contrast: "
#define MSGTR_EQU_Brightness "Brightness: "
#define MSGTR_EQU_Hue "Hue: "
#define MSGTR_EQU_Saturation "Saturation: "
#define MSGTR_EQU_Front_Left "Front Left"
#define MSGTR_EQU_Front_Right "Front Right"
#define MSGTR_EQU_Back_Left "Rear Left"
#define MSGTR_EQU_Back_Right "Rear Right"
#define MSGTR_EQU_Center "Center"
#define MSGTR_EQU_Bass "Bass"
#define MSGTR_EQU_All "All"

// --- playlist
#define MSGTR_PLAYLIST_Path "Path"
#define MSGTR_PLAYLIST_Selected "Selected files"
#define MSGTR_PLAYLIST_Files "Files"
#define MSGTR_PLAYLIST_DirectoryTree "Directory tree"

// --- preferences
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_None "None"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_AvailableDrivers "Available drivers:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_DoNotPlaySound "Do not play sound"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_NormalizeSound "Normalize sound"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_EnEqualizer "Enable equalizer"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_ExtraStereo "Enable extra stereo"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Coefficient "Coefficient:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_AudioDelay "Audio delay"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Audio "Audio"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_DoubleBuffer "Enable double buffering"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_DirectRender "Enable direct rendering"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FrameDrop "Enable frame dropping"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_HFrameDrop "Enable HARD frame dropping (dangerous)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Flip "Flip image upside down"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Panscan "Panscan: "
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Video "Video"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_OSDTimer "Timer and indicators"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_OSDProgress "Progressbars only"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Subtitle "Subtitle:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_Delay "Delay: "
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_POS "Position: "
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_AutoLoad "Disable subtitle autoloading"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_Unicode "Unicode subtitle"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_MPSUB "Convert the given subtitle to MPlayer's subtitle format"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_SRT "Convert the given subtitle to the time based SubViewer (SRT) format"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Font "Font:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontFactor "Font factor:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_PostProcess "Enable postprocessing"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_AutoQuality "Auto quality: "
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_NI "Use non-interleaved AVI parser"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_IDX "Rebuild index table, if needed"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_VideoCodecFamily "Video codec family:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_AudioCodecFamily "Audio codec family:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FRAME_Subtitle "Subtitle"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FRAME_PostProcess "Postprocessing"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FRAME_CodecDemuxer "Codec & demuxer"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_OSS_Device "Device:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_OSS_Mixer "Mixer:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Message "Please remember that you need to restart playback for some options to take effect!"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_DXR3_VENC "Video encoder:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding1 "Unicode"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding2 "Western European Languages (ISO-8859-1)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding3 "Western European Languages with Euro (ISO-8859-15)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding4 "Slavic/Central European Languages (ISO-8859-2)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding5 "Esperanto, Galician, Maltese, Turkish (ISO-8859-3)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding6 "Old Baltic charset (ISO-8859-4)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding7 "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding8 "Arabic (ISO-8859-6)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding9 "Modern Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding10 "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding11 "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding12 "Celtic (ISO-8859-14)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding13 "Hebrew charsets (ISO-8859-8)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding14 "Russian (KOI8-R)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding15 "Ukrainian, Belarusian (KOI8-U/RU)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding16 "Simplified Chinese charset (CP936)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding17 "Traditional Chinese charset (BIG5)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding18 "Japanese charsets (SHIFT-JIS)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding19 "Korean charset (CP949)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding20 "Thai charset (CP874)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding21 "Cyrillic Windows (CP1251)"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontNoAutoScale "No autoscale"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontPropWidth "Proportional to movie width"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontPropHeight "Proportional to movie height"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontPropDiagonal "Proportional to movie diagonal"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding "Encoding:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontBlur "Blur:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontOutLine "Outline:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontTextScale "Text scale:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontOSDScale "OSD scale:"
#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SubtitleOSD "Subtitle & OSD"

// --- messagebox
#define MSGTR_MSGBOX_LABEL_FatalError "Fatal error!"
#define MSGTR_MSGBOX_LABEL_Error "Error!"
#define MSGTR_MSGBOX_LABEL_Warning "Warning!" 
