Mercurial > mplayer.hg
view TOOLS/asfinfo.c @ 34548:215379500aac
Do not apply writing order via fribidi when libass will be doing it.
This lead to the order being flipped twice, and thus looking
as if it was not done at all.
author | reimar |
date | Sat, 28 Jan 2012 14:24:59 +0000 |
parents | 675679c82f5f |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #define SAVE_STREAMS // simple ASF header display program by A'rpi/ESP-team // .asf fileformat docs from #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) { long biSize; // sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) long biWidth; long biHeight; short biPlanes; // unused short biBitCount; long biCompression; // fourcc of image long biSizeImage; // size of image. For uncompressed images // ( biCompression 0 or 3 ) can be zero. long biXPelsPerMeter; // unused long biYPelsPerMeter; // unused long biClrUsed; // valid only for palettized images. // Number of colors in palette. long biClrImportant; } BITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef struct { short wFormatTag; // value that identifies compression format short nChannels; long nSamplesPerSec; long nAvgBytesPerSec; short nBlockAlign; // size of a data sample short wBitsPerSample; short cbSize; // size of format-specific data } WAVEFORMATEX; typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) { unsigned char guid[16]; unsigned long long size; } ASF_obj_header_t; typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) { ASF_obj_header_t objh; unsigned int cno; // number of subchunks unsigned char v1; // unknown (0x01) unsigned char v2; // unknown (0x02) } ASF_header_t; typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) { unsigned char client[16]; // Client GUID unsigned long long file_size; unsigned long long creat_time; //File creation time FILETIME 8 unsigned long long packets; //Number of packets UINT64 8 unsigned long long end_timestamp; //Timestamp of the end position UINT64 8 unsigned long long duration; //Duration of the playback UINT64 8 unsigned long start_timestamp; //Timestamp of the start position UINT32 4 unsigned long unk1; //Unknown, maybe reserved ( usually contains 0 ) UINT32 4 unsigned long flags; //Unknown, maybe flags ( usually contains 2 ) UINT32 4 unsigned long packetsize; //Size of packet, in bytes UINT32 4 unsigned long packetsize2; //Size of packet ( confirm ) UINT32 4 unsigned long frame_size; //Size of uncompressed video frame UINT32 4 } ASF_file_header_t; typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) { unsigned char type[16]; // Stream type (audio/video) GUID 16 unsigned char concealment[16]; // Audio error concealment type GUID 16 unsigned long long unk1; // Unknown, maybe reserved ( usually contains 0 ) UINT64 8 unsigned long type_size; //Total size of type-specific data UINT32 4 unsigned long stream_size; //Size of stream-specific data UINT32 4 unsigned short stream_no; //Stream number UINT16 2 unsigned long unk2; //Unknown UINT32 4 } ASF_stream_header_t; typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) { unsigned char streamno; unsigned char seq; unsigned long x; unsigned char flag; } ASF_segmhdr_t; ASF_header_t asfh; ASF_obj_header_t objh; ASF_file_header_t fileh; ASF_stream_header_t streamh; unsigned char buffer[8192]; int i; static char* chunk_type(unsigned char* guid){ switch(*((unsigned int*)guid)){ case 0xF8699E40: return "guid_audio_stream"; case 0xBC19EFC0: return "guid_video_stream"; case 0x49f1a440: return "guid_audio_conceal_none"; case 0xbfc3cd50: return "guid_audio_conceal_interleave"; case 0x75B22630: return "guid_header"; case 0x75b22636: return "guid_data_chunk"; case 0x33000890: return "guid_index_chunk"; case 0xB7DC0791: return "guid_stream_header"; case 0xD6E229D1: return "guid_header_2_0"; case 0x8CABDCA1: return "guid_file_header"; } return NULL; } static void print_wave_header(WAVEFORMATEX *h){ printf("======= WAVE Format =======\n"); printf("Format Tag: %d (0x%X)\n", h->wFormatTag, h->wFormatTag); printf("Channels: %d\n", h->nChannels); printf("Samplerate: %ld\n", h->nSamplesPerSec); printf("avg byte/sec: %ld\n", h->nAvgBytesPerSec); printf("Block align: %d\n", h->nBlockAlign); printf("bits/sample: %d\n", h->wBitsPerSample); printf("cbSize: %d\n", h->cbSize); switch(h->wFormatTag){ case 0x01: printf("Audio in PCM format\n"); break; case 0x50: printf("Audio in MPEG Layer 1/2 format\n"); break; case 0x55: printf("Audio in MPEG Layer-3 format\n"); break; // ACM case 0x02: printf("Audio in MS ADPCM format\n"); break; // ACM case 0x11: printf("Audio in IMA ADPCM format\n"); break; // ACM case 0x31: case 0x32: printf("Audio in MS GSM 6.10 format\n"); break; // ACM case 0x160: case 0x161: printf("Audio in DivX WMA format\n"); break; // ACM default: printf("Audio in UNKNOWN (id=0x%X) format\n", h->wFormatTag); } printf("===========================\n"); } static void print_video_header(BITMAPINFOHEADER *h){ printf("======= VIDEO Format ======\n"); printf(" biSize %ld\n", h->biSize); printf(" biWidth %ld\n", h->biWidth); printf(" biHeight %ld\n", h->biHeight); printf(" biPlanes %d\n", h->biPlanes); printf(" biBitCount %d\n", h->biBitCount); printf(" biCompression %ld='%.4s'\n", h->biCompression, (const char*)&h->biCompression); printf(" biSizeImage %ld\n", h->biSizeImage); printf("===========================\n"); } FILE* streams[128]; int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ FILE *f = fopen(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "Alice Deejay - Back In My Life.asf", "rb"); if(!f){ printf("file not found\n"); exit(1); } //printf("sizeof=%d\n", sizeof(objh)); //printf("sizeof=%d\n", sizeof(asfh)); fread(&asfh, sizeof(asfh), 1, f); // header obj //for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) // printf("%02X ", asfh.objh.guid[i]); printf("[%s] %d (subchunks: %d)\n", chunk_type(asfh.objh.guid), (int) asfh.objh.size, asfh.cno); while(fread(&objh, sizeof(objh), 1, f) > 0){ int pos = ftell(f); //for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) // printf("%02X ", objh.guid[i]); printf("0x%08X [%s] %d\n", pos-sizeof(objh), chunk_type(objh.guid), (int) objh.size); switch(*((unsigned int*)&objh.guid)){ case 0xB7DC0791: // guid_stream_header fread(&streamh, sizeof(streamh), 1, f); printf("stream type: %s\n", chunk_type(streamh.type)); printf("stream concealment: %s\n", chunk_type(streamh.concealment)); printf("type: %d bytes, stream: %d bytes ID: %d\n", (int)streamh.type_size, (int)streamh.stream_size, (int)streamh.stream_no); printf("FILEPOS=0x%lX\n", ftell(f)); // type-specific data: fread(buffer,streamh.type_size,1,f); switch(*((unsigned int*)&streamh.type)){ case 0xF8699E40: // guid_audio_stream print_wave_header((WAVEFORMATEX*)buffer); break; case 0xBC19EFC0: // guid_video_stream print_video_header((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)&buffer[4 + 4 + 1 + 2]); break; } // stream-specific data: fread(buffer, streamh.stream_size, 1, f); break; //case 0xD6E229D1: // return "guid_header_2_0"; case 0x8CABDCA1: // guid_file_header fread(&fileh, sizeof(fileh), 1, f); printf("packets: %d flags: %d pack_size: %d frame_size: %d\n", (int)fileh.packets, (int)fileh.flags, (int)fileh.packetsize, (int)fileh.frame_size); break; case 0x75b22636: // guid_data_chunk { int endp = pos + objh.size - sizeof(objh); unsigned char* packet = malloc((int)fileh.packetsize); int fpos; fseek(f, 26, SEEK_CUR); while((fpos = ftell(f)) < endp){ fread(packet, (int)fileh.packetsize, 1, f); if(packet[0] == 0x82){ unsigned char flags = packet[3]; unsigned char* p = &packet[5]; unsigned long time; unsigned short duration; int segs = 1; int seg; int padding=0; if(flags & 8){ padding = p[0]; ++p; } else if(flags & 16){ padding = p[0] | (p[1] << 8); p += 2; } time = *((unsigned long*)p); p += 4; duration = *((unsigned short*)p); p += 2; if(flags & 1){ segs = p[0] - 0x80; ++p; } printf("%08X: flag=%02X segs=%d pad=%d time=%ld dur=%d\n", fpos, flags, segs, padding, time, duration); for(seg = 0; seg < segs; seg++){ ASF_segmhdr_t* sh = (ASF_segmhdr_t*)p; int len = 0; p += sizeof(ASF_segmhdr_t); if(sh->flag & 8) p+=8;// else if(sh->flag & 1) ++p; if(flags & 1){ len = *((unsigned short*)p); p += 2; } printf(" seg #%d: streamno=%d seq=%d flag=%02X len=%d\n", seg, sh->streamno&0x7F, sh->seq, sh->flag, len); #ifdef SAVE_STREAMS if(!streams[sh->streamno & 0x7F]){ char name[256]; snprintf(name, 256, "stream%02X.dat", sh->streamno & 0x7F); streams[sh->streamno & 0x7F] = fopen(name, "wb"); } fwrite(p, len, 1, streams[sh->streamno & 0x7F]); #endif p += len; } } else printf("%08X: UNKNOWN %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X...\n", fpos, packet[0], packet[1], packet[2], packet[3], packet[4]); } } break; //case 0x33000890: // return "guid_index_chunk"; } fseek(f, pos + objh.size - sizeof(objh), SEEK_SET); } fclose(f); return 0; }