Mercurial > mplayer.hg
view TOOLS/ @ 34548:215379500aac
Do not apply writing order via fribidi when libass will be doing it.
This lead to the order being flipped twice, and thus looking
as if it was not done at all.
author | reimar |
date | Sat, 28 Jan 2012 14:24:59 +0000 |
parents | 32725ca88fed |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
#!/usr/bin/perl # # (c) 2002-2004 by Florian Schilhabel <> # # # version 0.1 initial release 22/08/2002 # # # If you have any comments, suggestions, etc., feel free to send me a mail ;-)) # flames and other things like that should go to /dev/null # thankx to all the mplayer developers for this really *great* piece of software # # # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # # use Getopt::Long; # specify your default Settings here... $abr_default = 128; # The default AudioBitRate $lang_default = "de"; # ... the language $cdsize_default = 700; # ... the CD-Rom Size $writedev_default = "0,1,0"; # ... the CD Writer Device $speed_default = 4; # ... the writer speed $dvd_device = "/dev/dvd"; # and the DVD Rom Device # end of default Settings sub delete_tempfiles { if (open(FILE, "< audio.stderr")) { close (FILE); system ("rm audio.stderr") } if (open(FILE, "< frameno.avi")) { close (FILE); system ("rm frameno.avi"); } if (open(FILE, "< lavc_stats.txt")) { close (FILE); system ("rm lavc_stats.txt"); } } GetOptions( "help" => \$help, "abr=i" => \$abr, "lang=s" =>\$lang, "cdsize=i" => \$cdsize, "dvd=i" => \$dvd_track, "keeptemp" => \$keeptemp, "shutdown" => \$shutdown, "out=s" => \$output, "writecd" => \$writecd, "writedev=s" => \$writedev, "speed=i" => \$speed, "dvd-device=s" => \$dvd_device ); if ($help) { print "Welcome to the DVD to DIVX Helper Script\n"; print "\n"; print "this script encodes a DVD track in 3-pass mode to libavcodec's mpeg4\n"; print "Optionally it writes the resulting MovieFile to a CD-Rom\n"; print "as well as the corresponding audio track to mp3\n"; print "Optionally it writes the resulting MovieFile to a CD-Rom\n"; print "and shuts down the Computer.\n"; print "If you like, you can watch the mencoder output on /dev/tty8\n"; print "Usage:\n"; print "--help show this text\n"; print "--abr (AudioBitRate) Please enter the desired bitrate\n"; print " this can be either [96|128|192] kbit/sec.\n"; print " Default: 128 kbit/sec.\n"; print "--lang specify the Language of the audio track\n"; print " this can be for example <en> or <de>\n"; print " Default: <de>\n"; print "--dvd specify the DVD Track, you want to encode\n"; print "--cdsize specify the Size of your CD-ROM\n"; print " Default: 700MB\n"; print "--shutdown Shutdown the System, when the encoding process has finished\n"; print " this will only be possible if you are root\n"; print "--out Specify the Name of your encoded Movie\n"; print " The File Extension will be appended automatically\n"; print "--writecd takes the newly created Movie and writes it to a CD-Rom\n"; print "--writedev is the usual cdrecord device identifier\n"; print " for example 0,1,0\n"; print "--speed the writing speed\n"; print " Default: 4\n"; print "--dvd-device device to pull the video off\n"; print " Default: /dev/dvd\n"; exit; } delete_tempfiles(); # testing user values && set defaults... if ($abr == 96){} elsif ($abr == 128) {} elsif ($abr == 192) {} elsif ($abr == 0 ) { print "No AudioBitRate specified - Setting to Default Value\n"; $abr = $abr_default; } else { print "AudioBitRate not valid. please choose [96|128|192]\n"; exit; } if ($lang eq "") { print "No Language specified - Setting to Default Value\n"; $lang = $lang_default; } else {} if ($dvd_track == 0 ) { print "No DVD Track selected - You must specify one with: --dvd trackno.\n"; exit; } if ($cdsize == 650) {} elsif ($cdsize == 700) {} elsif ($cdsize == 800) {} elsif ($cdsize == 0 ) { print "No CD Size Specified - Setting to Default Value\n"; $cdsize = $cdsize_default; } else { print "CD Size not valid. please choose [650|700|800]\n"; exit; } if ($output eq "") { print "No MovieName given - You must specify one with: --out [movie_name]\n"; exit; } else { ($name, $extension) = split(/./, $out); if ($extension eq "avi") { $vob_tempfile = "$name.vob"; $avi_filename = "$output"; } else { $vob_tempfile = "$output.vob"; print "VOB CacheFile set to $vob_tempfile\n"; $avi_filename = "$output.avi"; print "Movie Filename set to $avi_filename\n"; } } if ($shutdown) { # test who i am $user = `id -u`; if ($user == 0) { print "System will be shut down after Movie encoding\n"; } else { print "Cannot shutdown the system after Movie encoding - you are not 'root'\n"; exit; } } if ($writecd) { if ($writedev == "") { print "Setting CD Writer Device to Default Value\n"; $writedev = $writedev_default; } if ($speed == 0) { print "Setting CD Writer Speed to Default value\n"; $speed = $speed_default; } } ### print "Your Settings for this run are:\n"; print "AudioBitRate: $abr\n"; print "Language: $lang\n"; print "DVD-Track: $dvd_track\n"; print "CD-Rom Size: $cdsize\n"; print "Movie FIlename: $avi_filename\n"; if ($writecd) { print "CD Writer Dev.: $writedev\n"; print "Writer Speed: $speed\n"; } # here comes the fun part... print "precacheing...\n"; $status = system ("mencoder dvd://$dvd_track -ovc copy -oac copy -dvd-device $dvd_device -alang $lang -o $vob_tempfile 1>/dev/tty8 2>/dev/tty8"); die "Prechacheing failed. mencoder exited with Status Code $?" unless $status == 0; print "Encoding Audio...\n"; $status = system ("mencoder $vob_tempfile -ovc frameno -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=$abr:cbr:vol=3 -o frameno.avi 1>./audio.stderr 2>/dev/tty8"); die "Encoding Audio failed. mencoder exited with Status Code $?" unless $status == 0; # now we have to find out the recommended bitrate for the Video encoding process... # my current method to find this out is, hmm, well, *strange* # but anyway, it works ;-)) open(FILE, "< audio.stderr") or die "Unable to open audio.stderr."; @lines = <FILE>; foreach $line (@lines) { ($index, $zz) = split(" ", $line); if ($index eq "Recommended") { ($a, $b, $c, $d, $size, $f, $bitrate) = split(" ", $line); if ($cdsize == $size) { $video_bitrate = $bitrate; print "Setting Videobitrate to $video_bitrate\n"; } } } close (FILE); print "Encoding Video Stream, 1st pass...\n"; $status = system ("mencoder $vob_tempfile -ovc lavc -lavcopts vpass=1:vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=$video_bitrate:vhq -oac copy -o $avi_filename 1>/dev/tty8 2>/dev/tty8"); die "Encoding Video Stream failed. mencoder exited with Status Code $?" unless $status == 0; print "Encoding Video Stream, 2nd pass...\n"; $status = system ("mencoder $vob_tempfile -ovc lavc -lavcopts vpass=2:vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=$video_bitrate:vhq -oac copy -o $avi_filename 1>/dev/tty8 2>/dev/tty8"); die "Encoding Video Stream failed. mencoder exited with Status Code $?" unless $status == 0; print "finished encoding\n"; if ($writecd) { print "Now writing CD-Rom\n"; $status = system("mkisofs -r -J $avi_filename | cdrecord speed=$speed dev=$writedev -data - 2>/dev/tty8 1>/dev/tty8"); die "Writing CD failed. cdrecord exited with Status Code $?" unless $status == 0; } delete_tempfiles(); print "Finished - have a nice day ;-)\n"; if ($shutdown) { system("halt"); exit; } exit;