view TOOLS/ @ 37003:2d8157b3b386

Fix the index passed to PutImage() for item type itVPotmeter. Unlike the position for drawing the button (from bottom to top), the index for the phase image has to be in the usual range, i.e. 0 for 0% and numphases - 1 for 100%, so that the phase image can be designed straightforwardly. Fix the parameter although PutImage() currently doesn't work for item type itVPotmeter at all.
author ib
date Fri, 28 Mar 2014 12:21:07 +0000
parents 0f1b5b68af32
line wrap: on
line source

# Licence:          GPL
# 2003/02/09        Jonas Jermann <>
# Script:           Draw PSNR log graphs using gnuplot
# requires:         gnuplot

use Getopt::Long;

my %options;
my $dem_file="psnr.dem";


system ("gnuplot $dem_file");
system("rm $dem_file $options{file}.[IPB] $options{file}.diff* 2>/dev/null");
exit 0;

sub demo_file {

if ($options{file2}) {
    my @file1_cont = ();
    my @file2_cont = ();
    my $NewRow,$i,$j;

    open(LIST_IN, "$options{file}"); while( <LIST_IN> ) {
       @$NewRow = split(/[ ,]+/, $_);
       push( @file1_cont, $NewRow );

    open(LIST_IN2, "$options{file2}"); while( <LIST_IN2> ) {
       @$NewRow = split(/[ ,]+/, $_);
       push( @file2_cont, $NewRow );

    open(LIST_OUT, ">$options{file}.diff");
    for($i=0; $i<=$#file2_cont; $i++) {
        print LIST_OUT " $file2_cont[$i]->[1],\ ";
        for($j=2; $j<=7; $j++) {
            $file2_cont[$i]->[$j] -= $file1_cont[$i]->[$j];
            print LIST_OUT " $file2_cont[$i]->[$j],\ ";
        print LIST_OUT " $file2_cont[$i]->[8]\n";

if ($options{iframes}) { system("cat $options{file} | grep I > $options{file}.I"); }
if ($options{pframes}) { system("cat $options{file} | grep P > $options{file}.P"); }
if ($options{bframes}) { system("cat $options{file} | grep B > $options{file}.B"); }


print DEM_FILE "#PSNR Statistics

set title \"PSNR Statistics\"
set data style fsteps
set xlabel \"Frames\"
set grid


if ($options{quant}) {
print DEM_FILE "# Quantizers
plot [] [0:] \\";
if ($options{pframes}) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}.P\" using 1:2 t \"Quantizer: P frames\" w $options{qs}";
    if ($options{bframes} || $options{iframes}) { print DEM_FILE ",\\"; }
if ($options{bframes}) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}.B\" using 1:2 t \"Quantizer: B frames\" w $options{qs}";
    if ($options{iframes}) { print DEM_FILE ",\\"; }
if ($options{iframes}) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}.I\" using 1:2 t \"Quantizer: I frames\" w $options{qs}";
if (!($options{pframes} || $options{bframes} || $options{iframes})) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}\" using 1:2 t \"Quantizer\" w $options{qs}";

print DEM_FILE "
pause -1


if ($options{size}) {
print DEM_FILE "# Frame size
plot \\";
if ($options{pframes}) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}.P\" using 1:3 t \"Size: P frames\" w $options{ss}";
    if ($options{bframes}||$options{iframes}) { print DEM_FILE ",\\"; }
if ($options{bframes}) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}.B\" using 1:3 t \"Size: B frames\" w $options{ss}";
    if ($options{iframes}) { print DEM_FILE ",\\"; }
if ($options{iframes}) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}.I\" using 1:3 t \"Size: I frames\" w $options{ss}";
if (!($options{pframes}||$options{bframes}||$options{iframes})) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}\" using 1:3 t \"Size\" w $options{ss}";

print DEM_FILE "
pause -1


if ($options{psnr}) {
print DEM_FILE "# PSNR
plot \\";
if ($options{pframes}) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}.P\" using (\$1):(\$7) t \"PSNR (All): P frames\" w $options{ps}";
    if ($options{bframes}||$options{iframes}) { print DEM_FILE ",\\"; }
if ($options{bframes}) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}.B\" using (\$1):(\$7) t \"PSNR (All): B frames\" w $options{ps}";
    if ($options{iframes}) { print DEM_FILE ",\\"; }
if ($options{iframes}) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}.I\" using (\$1):(\$7) t \"PSNR (All): I frames\" w $options{ps}";
if (!($options{pframes}||$options{bframes}||$options{iframes})) {
    print DEM_FILE "
    \"$options{file}\" using (\$1):(\$7) t \"PSNR (All)\" w $options{ps}";

print DEM_FILE "
#\"$options{file}\" using (\$1):(\$4) t \"PSNR (Y)\" w $options{ps} \\
#\"$options{file}\" using (\$1):(\$5) t \"PSNR (Cb)\" w $options{ps} \\
#\"$options{file}\" using (\$1):(\$6) t \"PSNR (Cr)\" w $options{ps}
pause -1


print DEM_FILE "

close (DEM_FILE);

sub usage {
print STDERR <<EOF;

Usage: [options] 'file'

  -h, --help	Display this help message
  -quant	Display quantizers
  -size		Display size
  -psnr		Display PSNR
  -iframes	Display I frames
  -pframes	Display P frames
  -bframes	Display B frames
  -aframes	Display all frames in different colors
  -cmp <file2>	Compare two files
  -qs <style>   Quantizer style
  -ss <style>   Size style
  -ps <style>   PSNR style

Default: -quant -size -psnr -qs "p" -ss "i" -ps "p"

  Comparison is based on file2.
  Comparison assumes that the frame numbers of both files fit.

    exit 1;

sub commandline {

        "help|h"	=> \&usage,
        "quant"		=> \$options{quant},
        "size"  	=> \$options{size},
        "psnr"		=> \$options{psnr},
	"cmp=s"		=> \$options{file2},
	"iframes"	=> \$options{iframes},
	"pframes"	=> \$options{pframes},
	"bframes"	=> \$options{bframes},
	"aframes"	=> sub { $options{iframes} = 1;
				 $options{pframes}  = 1;
				 $options{bframes}  = 1; },
        "qs=s"     	=> \$options{qs},
        "ss=s"     	=> \$options{ss},
        "ps=s"     	=> \$options{ps},
    ) || usage();

if (!($options{quant}||$options{size}||$options{psnr})) {
