view loader/dshow/iunk.h @ 32439:2f1ccd169a7f

Improve vd_ffmpeg aspect handling to respect container aspect if possible (i.e. until the first resolution or aspect change) and to use correct aspect if only resolution changes but not the pixel aspect.
author reimar
date Fri, 22 Oct 2010 17:36:11 +0000
parents a8ea87c71d18
line wrap: on
line source

 * Modified for use with MPlayer, detailed changelog at


#include "guids.h"

    long STDCALL ( *QueryInterface )(IUnknown * This, const GUID* riid, void **ppvObject); \
    long STDCALL ( *AddRef )(IUnknown * This); \
    long STDCALL ( *Release )(IUnknown * This);

    int refcount;

static long STDCALL CLASSNAME ## _QueryInterface(IUnknown * This, \
					  const GUID* riid, void **ppvObject) \
{ \
    CLASSNAME * me = (CLASSNAME *)This;		\
    GUID* r; unsigned int i = 0;		\
    Debug printf(#CLASSNAME "_QueryInterface(%p) called\n", This);\
    if (!ppvObject) return E_POINTER; 		\
    for(r=me->interfaces; i<sizeof(me->interfaces)/sizeof(me->interfaces[0]); r++, i++) \
	if(!memcmp(r, riid, sizeof(*r)))	\
	{ 					\
	    me->vt->AddRef((IUnknown*)This); 	\
	    *ppvObject=This; 			\
	    return 0; 				\
	} 					\
    Debug printf("Query failed! (GUID: 0x%x)\n", *(unsigned int*)riid); \
    return E_NOINTERFACE;			\
} 						\
static long STDCALL CLASSNAME ## _AddRef(IUnknown * This) \
{						\
    CLASSNAME * me=( CLASSNAME *)This;		\
    Debug printf(#CLASSNAME "_AddRef(%p) called (ref:%d)\n", This, me->refcount); \
    return ++(me->refcount); 			\
}     						\
static long STDCALL CLASSNAME ## _Release(IUnknown * This) \
{ 						\
    CLASSNAME* me=( CLASSNAME *)This;	 	\
    Debug printf(#CLASSNAME "_Release(%p) called (new ref:%d)\n", This, me->refcount - 1); \
    if(--(me->refcount) == 0)			\
		CLASSNAME ## _Destroy(me); 	\
    return 0; 					\

#endif /* MPLAYER_IUNK_H */