/* (c)Copyright 1996-2000 NTT Cyber Space Laboratories *//* Released on 2000.05.22 by N. Iwakami *//* Modified on 2000.05.25 by N. Iwakami *//* Released on 2000.09.06 by N. Iwakami */// Modified for MPlayer on 2004.12.29#ifndef MPLAYER_VQF_H#define MPLAYER_VQF_H#include <stdio.h>#ifdef _MSC_VER# ifdef DLL_MODULE# define DllPort __declspec( dllexport )# else# define DllPort __declspec( dllimport )# endif#else# define DllPort#endif#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" { // only need to import/export C interface if used by C++ source code#endif/************************//*** General settings ***//************************//* Initialization error code */enum INIT_ERROR_CODE { TVQ_NO_ERROR = 0, // no error TVQ_ERROR, // general TVQ_ERROR_VERSION, // wrong version TVQ_ERROR_CHANNEL, // channel setting error TVQ_ERROR_MODE, // wrong coding mode TVQ_ERROR_PARAM, // inner parameter setting error TVQ_ERROR_N_CAN, // wrong number of VQ pre-selection candidates, used only in encoder};/* version ID */#define TVQ_UNKNOWN_VERSION -1#define V2 0#define V2PP 1#define N_VERSIONS 2/* window types */enum WINDOW_TYPE { ONLY_LONG_WINDOW = 0, LONG_SHORT_WINDOW, ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW, SHORT_LONG_WINDOW, SHORT_MEDIUM_WINDOW, MEDIUM_LONG_WINDOW, LONG_MEDIUM_WINDOW, MEDIUM_SHORT_WINDOW, ONLY_MEDIUM_WINDOW,};/* block types */enum BLOCK_TYPE { BLK_SHORT = 0, BLK_MEDIUM, BLK_LONG, BLK_PPC,};#define N_BTYPE 3 // number of block types#define N_INTR_TYPE 4 // number of interleave types, enum BLOCK_TYPE is commonly used for detecting interleave types./* maximum number of channels */#define N_CH_MAX 2/* type definition of code information interface */typedef struct { /* block type */ int w_type; int btype; /* FBC info */ int *segment_sw[ N_CH_MAX ]; int *band_sw[ N_CH_MAX ]; int *fg_intensity[ N_CH_MAX ]; /* VQ info */ int *wvq; /* BSE info */ int *fw; int *fw_alf; /* gain info */ int *pow; /* LSP info */ int *lsp[ N_CH_MAX ]; /* PPC info */ int pit[ N_CH_MAX ]; int *pls; int pgain[ N_CH_MAX ]; /* EBC info */ int *bc[ N_CH_MAX ]; void *manager;} INDEX;/***********************************************//*** Definitions about program configuration ***//***********************************************//* type definition of tvqConfInfoSubBlock */typedef struct { int sf_sz; // subframe size int nsf; // number of subframes int ndiv; // number of division of weighted interleave vector quantization int ncrb; // number of Bark-scale subbands int fw_ndiv; // number of division of BSE VQ int fw_nbit; // number of bits for BSE VQ int nsubg; // number of sub-blocks for gain coding int ppc_enable; // PPC switch int ebc_enable; // EBC switch int ebc_crb_base; // EBC base band int ebc_bits; // EBC bits int fbc_enable; // FBC switch int fbc_n_segment; // FBC number of segments int fbc_nband; // FBC number of subbands int *fbc_crb_tbl; // FBC subband table} tvqConfInfoSubBlock;/* type definition of tvqConfInfo */typedef struct { /* frame configuration */ int N_CH; /* window type coding */ int BITS_WTYPE; /* LSP coding */ int LSP_BIT0; int LSP_BIT1; int LSP_BIT2; int LSP_SPLIT; /* Bark-scale envelope coding */ int FW_ARSW_BITS; /* gain coding */ int GAIN_BITS; int SUB_GAIN_BITS; /* pitch excitation */ int N_DIV_P; int BASF_BIT; int PGAIN_BIT; /* block type dependent parameters */ tvqConfInfoSubBlock cfg[N_BTYPE];} tvqConfInfo;/*************************************************//*** Definitions about TwinVQ bitstream header ***//*************************************************///#include "declib_src/tvq_hdr.h"//#ifndef BUFSIZ//#define BUFSIZ 1024//#endif#define KEYWORD_BYTES 4#define VERSION_BYTES 8#define ELEM_BYTES sizeof(unsigned long)/* */typedef struct { char ID[KEYWORD_BYTES+VERSION_BYTES+1]; int size; /* Common Chunk */ int channelMode; /* channel mode (mono:0/stereo:1) */ int bitRate; /* bit rate (kbit/s) */ int samplingRate; /* sampling rate (44.1 kHz -> 44) */ int securityLevel; /* security level (always 0) */ /* Text Chunk */ char Name[BUFSIZ]; char Comt[BUFSIZ]; char Auth[BUFSIZ]; char Cpyr[BUFSIZ]; char File[BUFSIZ]; char Extr[BUFSIZ]; // add by OKAMOTO 99.12.21 /* Data size chunk*/ int Dsiz;} headerInfo;// TwinVQ decoder initialization/termination functions//DllPort int TvqInitialize( headerInfo *setupInfo, INDEX *index, int dispErrorMessageBox );//DllPort void TvqTerminate( INDEX *index );//DllPort void TvqGetVectorInfo(int *bits0[], int *bits1[]);//DllPort void TvqResetFrameCounter(void);// TwinVQ decoder function//DllPort void TvqDecodeFrame(INDEX *indexp, float out[]);//DllPort int TvqWtypeToBtype( int w_type, int *btype );//DllPort void TvqUpdateVectorInfo(int varbits, int *ndiv, int bits0[], int bits1[]);//DllPort void TvqSetFrameCounter( int position );// TwinVQ query functions//DllPort int TvqCheckVersion(char *versionID);//DllPort void TvqGetSetupInfo(headerInfo *setupInfo); // setup information//DllPort void TvqGetConfInfo(tvqConfInfo *cf); // configuration information//DllPort int TvqGetFrameSize(void); // frame size//DllPort int TvqGetNumChannels(void); // number of channels//DllPort int TvqGetBitRate(void); // total bitrate//DllPort float TvqGetSamplingRate(void); // sampling rate//DllPort int TvqGetNumFixedBitsPerFrame(void); // number of fixed bits per frame//DllPort int TvqGetNumFrames(void); // number of decoded frame//DllPort int TvqGetModuleVersion( char* versionString );#ifdef V2PLUS_SUPPORT// TwinVQ FB coding tool controlDllPort void TvqFbCountUsedBits(int nbit); // count number of used bitsDllPort float TvqGetFbCurrentBitrate(void); // query average bitrate for the toolDllPort int TvqGetFbTotalBits(void); // query total number of used bits#endif#ifdef __cplusplus}#endif#endif /* MPLAYER_VQF_H */