view TOOLS/asfinfo.c @ 4218:3931c41f740a

Added new syncengine thanks to a new previously undocumented feature of the em8300, this might fix playback on both slow and fast machines (more testing needed). This also requires users to get the em8300 driver from cvs until the next version is released (will probably happen this weekend) Added lots of comments, should be pretty easy to understand most of the internals now Added lots of brackets to if's for's while's etc, this is not a cosmetical thing but rather due to the fact I got some very odd bugs with else's since I didn't properly use brackets (and it's the K&R standard to have brackets everywhere) Fixed some bugs that would occur when disabling libmp1e Switched to default to the new naming scheme of device nodes, the driver will slowly switch over to this state, if it can't find devices under the new name it will try the old naming scheme I stopped opening devices in non-blocking mode, it would break the new syncengine which tries to burst data to the device (alot of times meaning it will fill the fifo pretty fast which would previously result in jerkyness on fast machines) The device now sets the initial state of the pts and speed (probably not needed, but assumption is the mother of all fuckups =) Keep the control interface open during the entire duration of the libvo device, we might need this to flush video buffers on seeking (currently not implemented, therefore seeking is broken) This is beta stuff to the driver, I will get some users to test it for me and do my best to fix seeking as soon as possible...
author mswitch
date Thu, 17 Jan 2002 10:33:47 +0000
parents bf973bffe240
children f70772d02eaa
line wrap: on
line source


// simple ASF header display program by A'rpi/ESP-team
// .asf fileformat docs from

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) 
    long        biSize; // sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)
    long        biWidth;
    long        biHeight;
    short       biPlanes; // unused
    short       biBitCount;
    long        biCompression; // fourcc of image
    long        biSizeImage;   // size of image. For uncompressed images
                               // ( biCompression 0 or 3 ) can be zero.

    long        biXPelsPerMeter; // unused
    long        biYPelsPerMeter; // unused
    long        biClrUsed;     // valid only for palettized images.
                               // Number of colors in palette.
    long        biClrImportant;

typedef struct
  short   wFormatTag; // value that identifies compression format
  short   nChannels;
  long  nSamplesPerSec;
  long  nAvgBytesPerSec;
  short   nBlockAlign; // size of a data sample
  short   wBitsPerSample;
  short   cbSize;    // size of format-specific data

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
  unsigned char guid[16];
  unsigned long long size;
} ASF_obj_header_t;

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
  ASF_obj_header_t objh;
  unsigned int cno; // number of subchunks
  unsigned char v1; // unknown (0x01)
  unsigned char v2; // unknown (0x02)
} ASF_header_t;

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
  unsigned char client[16]; // Client GUID
  unsigned long long file_size;
  unsigned long long creat_time; //File creation time FILETIME 8
  unsigned long long packets;    //Number of packets UINT64 8
  unsigned long long end_timestamp; //Timestamp of the end position UINT64 8
  unsigned long long duration;  //Duration of the playback UINT64 8
  unsigned long start_timestamp; //Timestamp of the start position UINT32 4
  unsigned long unk1; //Unknown, maybe reserved ( usually contains 0 ) UINT32 4
  unsigned long flags; //Unknown, maybe flags ( usually contains 2 ) UINT32 4
  unsigned long packetsize; //Size of packet, in bytes UINT32 4
  unsigned long packetsize2; //Size of packet ( confirm ) UINT32 4
  unsigned long frame_size; //Size of uncompressed video frame UINT32 4
} ASF_file_header_t;

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
  unsigned char type[16]; // Stream type (audio/video) GUID 16
  unsigned char concealment[16]; // Audio error concealment type GUID 16
  unsigned long long unk1; // Unknown, maybe reserved ( usually contains 0 ) UINT64 8
  unsigned long type_size; //Total size of type-specific data UINT32 4
  unsigned long stream_size; //Size of stream-specific data UINT32 4
  unsigned short stream_no; //Stream number UINT16 2
  unsigned long unk2; //Unknown UINT32 4
} ASF_stream_header_t;

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
  unsigned char streamno;
  unsigned char seq;
  unsigned long x;
  unsigned char flag;
} ASF_segmhdr_t;

ASF_header_t asfh;
ASF_obj_header_t objh;
ASF_file_header_t fileh;
ASF_stream_header_t streamh;
unsigned char buffer[8192];

int i;

char* chunk_type(unsigned char* guid){
  switch(*((unsigned int*)guid)){
    case 0xF8699E40: return "guid_audio_stream";
    case 0xBC19EFC0: return "guid_video_stream";
    case 0x49f1a440: return "guid_audio_conceal_none";
    case 0xbfc3cd50: return "guid_audio_conceal_interleave";
    case 0x75B22630: return "guid_header";
    case 0x75b22636: return "guid_data_chunk";
    case 0x33000890: return "guid_index_chunk";
    case 0xB7DC0791: return "guid_stream_header";
    case 0xD6E229D1: return "guid_header_2_0";
    case 0x8CABDCA1: return "guid_file_header";
  return NULL;

void print_wave_header(WAVEFORMATEX *h){

  printf("======= WAVE Format =======\n");
  printf("Format Tag: %d (0x%X)\n",h->wFormatTag,h->wFormatTag);
  printf("Channels: %d\n",h->nChannels);
  printf("Samplerate: %d\n",h->nSamplesPerSec);
  printf("avg byte/sec: %d\n",h->nAvgBytesPerSec);
  printf("Block align: %d\n",h->nBlockAlign);
  printf("bits/sample: %d\n",h->wBitsPerSample);
  printf("cbSize: %d\n",h->cbSize);
      case 0x01:        printf("Audio in PCM format\n");break;
      case 0x50:        printf("Audio in MPEG Layer 1/2 format\n");break;
      case 0x55:        printf("Audio in MPEG Layer-3 format\n");break; // ACM
      case 0x02:        printf("Audio in MS ADPCM format\n");break;  // ACM
      case 0x11:        printf("Audio in IMA ADPCM format\n");break; // ACM
      case 0x31:
      case 0x32:        printf("Audio in MS GSM 6.10 format\n");break; // ACM
      case 0x160:
      case 0x161:       printf("Audio in DivX WMA format\n");break; // ACM
      default:          printf("Audio in UNKNOWN (id=0x%X) format\n",h->wFormatTag);



void print_video_header(BITMAPINFOHEADER *h){
  printf("======= VIDEO Format ======\n");
	printf("  biSize %d\n", h->biSize);
	printf("  biWidth %d\n", h->biWidth);
	printf("  biHeight %d\n", h->biHeight);
	printf("  biPlanes %d\n", h->biPlanes);
	printf("  biBitCount %d\n", h->biBitCount);
	printf("  biCompression %d='%.4s'\n", h->biCompression, &h->biCompression);
	printf("  biSizeImage %d\n", h->biSizeImage);

FILE* streams[128];

int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
FILE *f=fopen(argc>1?argv[1]:"Alice Deejay - Back In My Life.asf","rb");

if(!f){ printf("file not found\n");exit(1);}


fread(&asfh,sizeof(asfh),1,f); // header obj
//for(i=0;i<16;i++) printf("%02X ",asfh.objh.guid[i]);
printf("[%s] %d  (subchunks: %d)\n",chunk_type(asfh.objh.guid),(int) asfh.objh.size,asfh.cno);

  int pos=ftell(f);
//  for(i=0;i<16;i++) printf("%02X ",objh.guid[i]);
  printf("0x%08X  [%s] %d\n",pos-sizeof(objh), chunk_type(objh.guid),(int) objh.size);
  switch(*((unsigned int*)&objh.guid)){
    case 0xB7DC0791: // guid_stream_header
      printf("stream type: %s\n",chunk_type(streamh.type));
      printf("stream concealment: %s\n",chunk_type(streamh.concealment));
      printf("type: %d bytes,  stream: %d bytes  ID: %d\n",(int)streamh.type_size,(int)streamh.stream_size,(int)streamh.stream_no);
      // type-specific data:
      switch(*((unsigned int*)&streamh.type)){
      case 0xF8699E40:  // guid_audio_stream
      case 0xBC19EFC0:  // guid_video_stream
      // stream-specific data:
//    case 0xD6E229D1: return "guid_header_2_0";
    case 0x8CABDCA1: // guid_file_header
      printf("packets: %d  flags: %d  pack_size: %d  frame_size: %d\n",(int)fileh.packets,(int)fileh.flags,(int)fileh.packetsize,(int)fileh.frame_size);
    case 0x75b22636: // guid_data_chunk
      { int endp=pos+objh.size-sizeof(objh);
        unsigned char* packet=malloc((int)fileh.packetsize);
        int fpos;
            unsigned char flags=packet[3];
            unsigned char* p=&packet[5];
            unsigned long time;
            unsigned short duration;
            int segs=1;
            int seg;
            int padding=0;
            } else
            time=*((unsigned long*)p);p+=4;
            duration=*((unsigned short*)p);p+=2;
            printf("%08X:  flag=%02X  segs=%d  pad=%d  time=%d  dur=%d\n",
              ASF_segmhdr_t* sh=(ASF_segmhdr_t*)p;
              int len=0;
              if(sh->flag&8) p+=8;// else
              if(sh->flag&1) ++p;
                len=*((unsigned short*)p);p+=2;
              printf("  seg #%d: streamno=%d  seq=%d  flag=%02X  len=%d\n",seg,sh->streamno&0x7F,sh->seq,sh->flag,len);
                char name[256];
          } else
            printf("%08X:  UNKNOWN  %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X...\n",fpos,packet[0],packet[1],packet[2],packet[3],packet[4]);

//    case 0x33000890: return "guid_index_chunk";

