view libass/ass_cache.c @ 26730:41794a5fb100

Add a new suboption to -vo xv and -vo xvmc that allows selection of XVideo adaptor to be used (instead of default one, which is #0). This is useful for example if you'd rather like to use the original Overlay renderer of your GPU instead of the texture blitting engine (which is usually default), which is number one cause of nasty video tearing effects.
author ben
date Tue, 13 May 2008 17:52:25 +0000
parents 0f892cd714b2
children 588ce97b44f2
line wrap: on
line source

// -*- c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
// vim:ts=8:sw=8:noet:ai:
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Evgeniy Stepanov <>
 * This file is part of MPlayer.
 * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include "config.h"

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include FT_GLYPH_H

#include <assert.h>

#include "mputils.h"
#include "ass.h"
#include "ass_fontconfig.h"
#include "ass_font.h"
#include "ass_bitmap.h"
#include "ass_cache.h"

typedef struct hashmap_item_s {
	void* key;
	void* value;
	struct hashmap_item_s* next;
} hashmap_item_t;
typedef hashmap_item_t* hashmap_item_p;

struct hashmap_s {
	int nbuckets;
	size_t key_size, value_size;
	hashmap_item_p* root;
	hashmap_item_dtor_t item_dtor; // a destructor for hashmap key/value pairs
	hashmap_key_compare_t key_compare;
	hashmap_hash_t hash;
	// stats
	int hit_count;
	int miss_count;
	int count;

#define FNV1_32A_INIT (unsigned)0x811c9dc5

static inline unsigned fnv_32a_buf(void* buf, size_t len, unsigned hval)
	unsigned char *bp = buf;
	unsigned char *be = bp + len;
	while (bp < be) {
		hval ^= (unsigned)*bp++;
		hval += (hval<<1) + (hval<<4) + (hval<<7) + (hval<<8) + (hval<<24);
	return hval;
static inline unsigned fnv_32a_str(char* str, unsigned hval)
	unsigned char* s = (unsigned char*)str;
	while (*s) {
		hval ^= (unsigned)*s++;
		hval += (hval<<1) + (hval<<4) + (hval<<7) + (hval<<8) + (hval<<24);
	return hval;

static unsigned hashmap_hash(void* buf, size_t len)
	return fnv_32a_buf(buf, len, FNV1_32A_INIT);

static int hashmap_key_compare(void* a, void* b, size_t size)
	return (memcmp(a, b, size) == 0);

static void hashmap_item_dtor(void* key, size_t key_size, void* value, size_t value_size)

hashmap_t* hashmap_init(size_t key_size, size_t value_size, int nbuckets,
			hashmap_item_dtor_t item_dtor, hashmap_key_compare_t key_compare,
			hashmap_hash_t hash)
	hashmap_t* map = calloc(1, sizeof(hashmap_t));
	map->nbuckets = nbuckets;
	map->key_size = key_size;
	map->value_size = value_size;
	map->root = calloc(nbuckets, sizeof(hashmap_item_p));
	map->item_dtor = item_dtor ? item_dtor : hashmap_item_dtor;
	map->key_compare = key_compare ? key_compare : hashmap_key_compare;
	map->hash = hash ? hash : hashmap_hash;
	return map;

void hashmap_done(hashmap_t* map)
	int i;
	// print stats
	if (map->count > 0 || map->hit_count + map->miss_count > 0)
		mp_msg(MSGT_ASS, MSGL_V, "cache statistics: \n  total accesses: %d\n  hits: %d\n  misses: %d\n  object count: %d\n",
		       map->hit_count + map->miss_count, map->hit_count, map->miss_count, map->count);
	for (i = 0; i < map->nbuckets; ++i) {
		hashmap_item_t* item = map->root[i];
		while (item) {
			hashmap_item_t* next = item->next;
			map->item_dtor(item->key, map->key_size, item->value, map->value_size);
			item = next;

// does nothing if key already exists
void* hashmap_insert(hashmap_t* map, void* key, void* value)
	unsigned hash = map->hash(key, map->key_size);
	hashmap_item_t** next = map->root + (hash % map->nbuckets);
	while (*next) {
		if (map->key_compare(key, (*next)->key, map->key_size))
			return (*next)->value;
		next = &((*next)->next);
	(*next) = malloc(sizeof(hashmap_item_t));
	(*next)->key = malloc(map->key_size);
	(*next)->value = malloc(map->value_size);
	memcpy((*next)->key, key, map->key_size);
	memcpy((*next)->value, value, map->value_size);
	(*next)->next = 0;

	map->count ++;
	return (*next)->value;

void* hashmap_find(hashmap_t* map, void* key)
	unsigned hash = map->hash(key, map->key_size);
	hashmap_item_t* item = map->root[hash % map->nbuckets];
	while (item) {
		if (map->key_compare(key, item->key, map->key_size)) {
			return item->value;
		item = item->next;
	return 0;

// font cache

hashmap_t* font_cache;

static unsigned font_desc_hash(void* buf, size_t len)
	ass_font_desc_t* desc = buf;
	unsigned hval;
	hval = fnv_32a_str(desc->family, FNV1_32A_INIT);
	hval = fnv_32a_buf(&desc->bold, sizeof(desc->bold), hval);
	hval = fnv_32a_buf(&desc->italic, sizeof(desc->italic), hval);
	return hval;

static int font_compare(void* key1, void* key2, size_t key_size) {
	ass_font_desc_t* a = key1;
	ass_font_desc_t* b = key2;
	if (strcmp(a->family, b->family) != 0)
		return 0;
	if (a->bold != b->bold)
		return 0;
	if (a->italic != b->italic)
		return 0;
	return 1;

static void font_hash_dtor(void* key, size_t key_size, void* value, size_t value_size)

ass_font_t* ass_font_cache_find(ass_font_desc_t* desc)
	return hashmap_find(font_cache, desc);

 * \brief Add a face struct to cache.
 * \param font font struct
void* ass_font_cache_add(ass_font_t* font)
	return hashmap_insert(font_cache, &(font->desc), font);

void ass_font_cache_init(void)
	font_cache = hashmap_init(sizeof(ass_font_desc_t),
				  font_hash_dtor, font_compare, font_desc_hash);

void ass_font_cache_done(void)

// bitmap cache

hashmap_t* bitmap_cache;

static void bitmap_hash_dtor(void* key, size_t key_size, void* value, size_t value_size)
	bitmap_hash_val_t* v = value;
	if (v->bm) ass_free_bitmap(v->bm);
	if (v->bm_o) ass_free_bitmap(v->bm_o);
	if (v->bm_s) ass_free_bitmap(v->bm_s);

void* cache_add_bitmap(bitmap_hash_key_t* key, bitmap_hash_val_t* val)
	return hashmap_insert(bitmap_cache, key, val);

 * \brief Get a bitmap from bitmap cache.
 * \param key hash key
 * \return requested hash val or 0 if not found
bitmap_hash_val_t* cache_find_bitmap(bitmap_hash_key_t* key)
	return hashmap_find(bitmap_cache, key);

void ass_bitmap_cache_init(void)
	bitmap_cache = hashmap_init(sizeof(bitmap_hash_key_t),
				   0xFFFF + 13,
				   bitmap_hash_dtor, NULL, NULL);

void ass_bitmap_cache_done(void)

void ass_bitmap_cache_reset(void)

// glyph cache

hashmap_t* glyph_cache;

static void glyph_hash_dtor(void* key, size_t key_size, void* value, size_t value_size)
	glyph_hash_val_t* v = value;
	if (v->glyph) FT_Done_Glyph(v->glyph);
	if (v->outline_glyph) FT_Done_Glyph(v->outline_glyph);

void* cache_add_glyph(glyph_hash_key_t* key, glyph_hash_val_t* val)
	return hashmap_insert(glyph_cache, key, val);

 * \brief Get a glyph from glyph cache.
 * \param key hash key
 * \return requested hash val or 0 if not found
glyph_hash_val_t* cache_find_glyph(glyph_hash_key_t* key)
	return hashmap_find(glyph_cache, key);

void ass_glyph_cache_init(void)
	glyph_cache = hashmap_init(sizeof(glyph_hash_key_t),
				   0xFFFF + 13,
				   glyph_hash_dtor, NULL, NULL);

void ass_glyph_cache_done(void)

void ass_glyph_cache_reset(void)