view etc/menu.conf @ 32727:470867f7e1df

Remove resetting of a_out_buffer_len in init_audio_filters. Since the sample format is not changed when this function is called in the middle of playback this is safe to do and the overall behaviour is expected to be nicer.
author reimar
date Mon, 24 Jan 2011 20:09:28 +0000
parents 32725ca88fed
line wrap: on
line source

<keybindings name="default">
    <binding key="UP" cmd="menu up" />
    <binding key="DOWN" cmd="menu down" />
    <binding key="LEFT" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="RIGHT" cmd="menu right" />
    <binding key="ENTER" cmd="menu ok" />
    <binding key="ESC" cmd="menu cancel" />
    <binding key="HOME" cmd="menu home" />
    <binding key="END" cmd="menu end" />
    <binding key="PGUP" cmd="menu pageup" />
    <binding key="PGDWN" cmd="menu pagedown" />
    <binding key="JOY_UP" cmd="menu up" />
    <binding key="JOY_DOWN" cmd="menu down" />
    <binding key="JOY_LEFT" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="JOY_RIGHT" cmd="menu right" />
    <binding key="JOY_BTN0" cmd="menu ok" />
    <binding key="JOY_BTN1" cmd="menu cancel" />
    <binding key="AR_VUP" cmd="menu up" />
    <binding key="AR_VDOWN" cmd="menu down" />
    <binding key="AR_PREV" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT" cmd="menu right" />
    <binding key="AR_PLAY" cmd="menu ok" />
    <binding key="AR_MENU" cmd="menu cancel" />
    <binding key="AR_PREV_HOLD" cmd="menu home" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT_HOLD" cmd="menu end" />
    <binding key="MOUSE_BTN0" cmd="menu click" />
    <binding key="MOUSE_BTN2" cmd="menu cancel" />
<keybindings name="list" parent="default">
    <binding key="AR_PREV" cmd="menu pageup" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT" cmd="menu pagedown" />
<keybindings name="filesel" parent="list">
    <binding key="BS" cmd="menu left" />
<keybindings name="chapsel" parent="list" />
<keybindings name="cmdlist" parent="list">
    <binding key="AR_PREV" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT" cmd="menu right" />
<keybindings name="txt" parent="list" />
<keybindings name="pt" parent="list" />
<keybindings name="pref" parent="list">
    <binding key="AR_PREV" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT" cmd="menu right" />
    <binding key="AR_PREV_HOLD" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT_HOLD" cmd="menu right" />

<txt name="man" file="manpage.txt"/>

<filesel name="open_file"/>
<filesel name="open_list" file-action="loadlist '%p'"
	 title="Open a playlist: %p"
	 actions="d:run 'mp_loader \'%p\' d',c:run 'mp_loader \'%p\' c'" />

<chapsel name="select_chapter" />

<pt name="jump_to"/>

<console name="console0" height="80" vspace="0">Welcome to MPlayer</console>

<txt name="man" file="manpage.txt"/>

<pref name="general_pref" title="General">
      <e property="osdlevel" name="OSD level"/>
      <e property="speed" name="Speed"/>
      <e property="loop" name="Loop"/>

<pref name="demuxer_pref" title="Demuxer">

<pref name="osd_sub_pref" title="Subtitles">
      <e property="sub" name="Subtitles"/>
      <e property="sub_visibility" name="Visibility"/>
      <e property="sub_forced_only" name="Forced sub only"/>
      <e property="sub_alignment" name="Alignment"/>
      <e property="sub_pos" name="Position"/>
      <e property="sub_delay" name="Delay"/>
      <e property="sub_scale" name="Scale"/>

<pref name="audio_pref" title="Audio">
      <e property="volume" name="Volume"/>
      <e property="balance" name="Balance"/>
      <e property="mute" name="Mute"/>
      <e property="audio_delay" name="Delay"/>

<pref name="colors_pref" title="Colors">
      <e property="gamma" name="Gamma"/>
      <e property="brightness" name="Brightness"/>
      <e property="contrast" name="Contrast"/>
      <e property="saturation" name="Saturation"/>
      <e property="hue" name="Hue"/>

<pref name="video_pref" title="Video">
      <e property="fullscreen" name="Fullscreen"/>
      <e property="panscan" name="Panscan"/>
      <menu menu="colors_pref" name="Colors ..."/>
      <e property="ontop" name="Always on top"/>
      <e property="rootwin" name="Root window"/>
      <e property="framedropping" name="Frame dropping"/>
      <e property="vsync" name="VSync"/>

<cmdlist name="pref_main" title="Preferences" ptr="<>" >
    <e name="General ..." ok="set_menu general_pref"/>
    <e name="Audio ..." ok="set_menu audio_pref"/>
    <e name="Video ..." ok="set_menu video_pref"/>
    <e name="Subtitles ..." ok="set_menu osd_sub_pref"/>
    <e name="Back" ok="menu cancel"/>

<pref name="properties" title="Stream Properties">
      <e txt="${filename}" name="Name"/>
      <e txt="${video_format}" name="Video Codec"/>
      <e txt="${video_bitrate}" name="Video Bitrate"/>
      <e txt="${width} x ${height}" name="Resolution"/>
      <e txt="${audio_codec}" name="Audio Codec"/>
      <e txt="${audio_bitrate}" name="Audio Bitrate"/>
      <e txt="${samplerate}, ${channels}" name="Audio Samples"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Title}" name="Title"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Artist}" name="Artist"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Album}" name="Album"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Year}" name="Year"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Comment}" name="Comment"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Track}" name="Track"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Genre}" name="Genre"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Software}" name="Software"/>

<cmdlist name="main" title="MPlayer OSD menu" ptr="<>" >
      <e name="Pause" ok="pause"/>
      <e name="Chapter ..." ok="set_menu select_chapter"
                            left="seek_chapter -1" right="seek_chapter +1"/>
      <e name="Prev/Next ..." ok="set_menu jump_to"
                            left="pt_step -1" right="pt_step 1"/>
      <e name="Open ..." ok="set_menu open_file"/>
      <e name="Open playlist ..." ok="set_menu open_list"/>
      <e name="Help" ok="set_menu man"/>
      <e name="Pref" ok="set_menu pref_main"/>
      <e name="Properties" ok="set_menu properties"/>
      <e name="Console" ok="set_menu console0"/>
      <e name="Quit" ok="quit"/>