view loader/qtx/qtxload.c @ 16946:47c5e9846cd3

ultra simple&slow pp filter, yes yet another spp like filter :) this one does actually compress&decompress the video at various shifts with lavc while the other spp filters are doing optimized intra only filtering limitations: mpeg4 is hardcoded, all options too, pretty trivial to change though, even filtering with non dct codecs like snow could be tried ... the qscale/qp is only taken fron the first MB of each image and then used for the whole image (would needs some small changes to lavc to let the user set the qscales for the mbs themselfs but iam to lazy ...) this needs ALOT of cpu time and memory especially at uspp=8 ...
author michael
date Tue, 08 Nov 2005 13:15:19 +0000
parents 167342641f0b
children e60c8c7399d2
line wrap: on
line source

/* to compile: gcc -o qtxload qtxload.c ../libloader.a -lpthread -ldl -ggdb ../../cpudetect.o */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "qtxsdk/components.h"
#include "qtxsdk/select.h"

#define DEF_DISPATCHER(name) ComponentResult (*##name)(ComponentParameters *, void **)

/* ilyen egy sima komponens */
ComponentResult ComponentDummy(
    ComponentParameters *params,
    void **globals,
    printf("ComponentDummy(params: %p, globals: %p, dispatcher: %p) called!\n",
	params, globals, ComponentDispatch);
    printf(" Dummy: global datas: %p\n", *globals);
    printf(" Dummy: returning 0\n");

char *get_path(char* x){  return strdup(x);}

void* LoadLibraryA(char* name);
void* GetProcAddress(void* handle,char* func);

#define __stdcall __attribute__((__stdcall__))
#define __cdecl   __attribute__((__cdecl__))
#define APIENTRY 

unsigned int* x_table[0x00001837];

static    OSErr (*InitializeQTML)(long flags);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    void *handler;
    void *handler2;
    void* theqtdp=NULL;
    void* compcall=NULL;
    void* compcallws=NULL;
    ComponentResult (*dispatcher)(ComponentParameters *params, Globals glob);
    ComponentResult ret;
    ComponentParameters *params;
    ComponentDescription desc;
    void *globals=NULL;
    unsigned int esp=0;
    int i;


    printf("loading qts\n");
//    handler = LoadLibraryA("/root/.wine/fake_windows/Windows/System/QuickTime.qts");
    handler = LoadLibraryA("QuickTime.qts");
    theqtdp = GetProcAddress(handler, "theQuickTimeDispatcher");
    compcall = GetProcAddress(handler, "_CallComponent");
    compcallws = GetProcAddress(handler, "_CallComponentFunctionWithStorage");

    InitializeQTML = 0x6299e590;//GetProcAddress(handler, "InitializeQTML");
    printf("loading svq3\n");
    handler2= LoadLibraryA("/root/.wine/fake_windows/Windows/System/QuickTime/QuickTimeEssentials.qtx");
    dispatcher = GetProcAddress(handler2, "SMD_ComponentDispatch");
//    handler = expLoadLibraryA("/usr/lib/win32/On2_VP3.qtx");
//    dispatcher = GetProcAddress(handler, "CDComponentDispatcher");
    printf("handler: %p, dispatcher: %p  theqtdp: %p\n", handler, dispatcher, theqtdp);

//    printf("theQuickTimeDispatcher = %p\n",GetProcAddress(handler, "theQuickTimeDispatcher"));

    // patch svq3 dll:
    *((void**)0x63214c98) = NULL;
    *((void**)0x63214c9c) = theqtdp; // theQt...
    *((void**)0x63214ca0) = compcall; //0xdeadbeef; //dispatcher; // CallCOmponent_ptr
    *((void**)0x63214ca4) = compcallws; //0xdeadbef2; //dispatcher; // CallComponentWithStorage_ptr

    params = malloc(sizeof(ComponentParameters)+2048);

    params->flags = 0;
    params->paramSize = 4;
    params->what = kComponentOpenSelect;
    params->params[0] = 0x830000; //0x820000|i; //(i<<16)|0x24; //0x820024;
    ret = dispatcher(params, &globals);
    printf("!!! CDComponentDispatch() => 0x%X  glob=%p\n",ret,globals);

//    memset(x_table,12,4*0x00001837);


    // params->what = kComponentVersionSelect;
    // params->what = kComponentRegisterSelect;
    // params->what = kComponentOpenSelect;
    // params->what = kComponentCanDoSelect;

    printf("params: flags: %d, paramSize: %d, what: %d, params[0] = %x\n",
        params->flags, params->paramSize, params->what, params->params[0]);

//    __asm__ __volatile__ ("movl %%esp, %0\n\t" : "=a" (esp) :: "memory" );
//    printf("ESP=%p\n",esp);

    *((void**)0x62b7d640) = &x_table[0]; //malloc(0x00001837 * 4); // ugly hack?

    printf("params=%p  &glob=%p  x_table=%p\n",params,&globals, &x_table[0]);

    ret = dispatcher(params, &globals);

//    __asm__ __volatile__ ("movl %%esp, %0\n\t" : "=a" (esp) :: "memory" );
//    printf("ESP=%p\n",esp);

    printf("!!! CDComponentDispatch() => %d  glob=%p\n",ret,globals);
//    if(ret!=-3000) break;

//    for(i=0;i<0x00001837;i++)
//	if(x_table[i]) printf("x_table[0x%X] = %p\n",i,x_table[i]);
    //return 0;