view gui/mplayer/gtk/gtk_common.c @ 32979:4905f5a87357

Replace some awkward and unnecessary usages of strlen(). 1. A string length of zero or greater than zero can be determined by checking the first byte. 2. Leave it to strdup() to determine the length and to do allocation for a string that is to be copied. 3. If neither the string length nor the index variable is altered in a loop, string[index] (!= 0) is the condition to go with.
author ib
date Thu, 10 Mar 2011 14:20:36 +0000
parents 0f1b5b68af32
line wrap: on
line source

 * This file is part of MPlayer.
 * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>

#include "gtk_common.h"

void WidgetDestroy( GtkWidget * widget,GtkWidget ** widget_pointer )
 if ( !widget_pointer ) return;
 gtk_widget_hide( *widget_pointer );
 gtk_widget_destroy( *widget_pointer );

GtkWidget * AddDialogFrame( GtkWidget * parent )
 GtkWidget * frame;
 frame=AddFrame( NULL,GTK_SHADOW_IN,parent,1 );
 gtk_container_set_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER( frame ),1 );
 frame=AddFrame( NULL,GTK_SHADOW_NONE,frame,1 );
 frame=AddFrame( NULL,GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT,frame,1 );
 frame=AddFrame( NULL,GTK_SHADOW_NONE,frame,1 );
 return frame;

GtkWidget * AddFrame( const char * title,int type,GtkWidget * parent,int add )
 GtkWidget * frame = NULL;
 frame=gtk_frame_new( title );
 gtk_widget_set_name( frame,"frame" );
 gtk_widget_show( frame );
 gtk_frame_set_shadow_type( GTK_FRAME( frame ),type );
 if ( !parent ) return frame;
 if ( add ) gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( parent ),frame );
  else gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),frame,FALSE,FALSE,0 );
 return frame;

GtkWidget * AddLabel( const char * title,GtkWidget * parent )
 GtkWidget * label;
 label=gtk_label_new( title );
 gtk_widget_set_name( label,"label" );
 gtk_widget_show( label );
 if ( parent ) gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),label,FALSE,FALSE,0 );
 gtk_misc_set_alignment( GTK_MISC( label ),0,0.5 );
 gtk_misc_set_padding( GTK_MISC( label ),4,0 );
 return label;

GtkWidget * AddVBox( GtkWidget * parent,int type )
 GtkWidget * vbox;
 vbox=gtk_vbox_new( FALSE,0 );
 gtk_widget_set_name( vbox,"vbox" );
 gtk_widget_show( vbox );
 if ( parent )
   if ( type ) gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),vbox,FALSE,FALSE,0 );
    else gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( parent ),vbox );
 return vbox;

GtkWidget * AddHBox( GtkWidget * parent,int type )
 GtkWidget * hbox;
 hbox=gtk_hbox_new( FALSE,0 );
 gtk_widget_set_name( hbox,"hbox" );
 gtk_widget_show( hbox );
 if ( parent )
   if ( type ) gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),hbox,FALSE,FALSE,0 );
    else gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( parent ),hbox );
 return hbox;

GtkWidget * AddCheckButton( const char * title, GtkWidget * parent )
 GtkWidget * CB;
 CB=gtk_check_button_new_with_label( title );
 gtk_widget_set_name( CB,"CB" );
 gtk_widget_show( CB );
 gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),CB,FALSE,FALSE,0 );
 return CB;

GtkWidget * AddRadioButton( const char * title,GSList ** group,GtkWidget * parent )
 GtkWidget * RB;
 RB=gtk_radio_button_new_with_label( *group,title );
 *group=gtk_radio_button_group( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON( RB ) );
 gtk_widget_set_name( RB,"RB" );
 gtk_widget_show( RB );
 gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),RB,FALSE,FALSE,0 );
 return RB;

GtkWidget * AddSpinButton( const char * title,GtkAdjustment * adj,GtkWidget * parent )
 GtkWidget * SB;
 GtkWidget * label;
 label=gtk_label_new( title );
 gtk_misc_set_alignment( GTK_MISC( label ),0,0.5 );
 gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),label,FALSE,FALSE,0 );
 gtk_widget_show( label );
 SB=gtk_spin_button_new( adj,0,0 );
 gtk_widget_set_name( SB,"SB" );
 gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),SB,FALSE,FALSE,0 );
 gtk_widget_show( SB );
 return SB;

GtkWidget * AddButton( const char * title,GtkWidget * parent )
 GtkWidget * B;
 B=gtk_button_new_with_label( title );
 gtk_widget_set_name( B,"B" );
 gtk_widget_show( B );
 gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( parent ),B );
 return B;

GtkWidget * AddHSeparator( GtkWidget * parent )
 GtkWidget * hseparator;
 gtk_widget_set_name( hseparator,"hseparator1" );
 gtk_widget_show( hseparator );
 gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),hseparator,FALSE,FALSE,0 );
 gtk_widget_set_usize( hseparator,-2,6 );
 return hseparator;

GtkWidget * AddHButtonBox( GtkWidget * parent )
 GtkWidget * hbuttonbox;
 gtk_widget_set_name( hbuttonbox,"hbuttonbox" );
 gtk_widget_show( hbuttonbox );
 gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),hbuttonbox,FALSE,FALSE,0 );
 gtk_button_box_set_child_size( GTK_BUTTON_BOX( hbuttonbox ),85,20 );
 return hbuttonbox;

GtkWidget * AddHScaler( GtkAdjustment * adj,GtkWidget * parent,int digit )
 GtkWidget * HS;
 HS=gtk_hscale_new( adj );
 gtk_widget_set_name( HS,"HS" );
 gtk_widget_show( HS );
 if ( parent ) gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),HS,TRUE,TRUE,0 );
 gtk_scale_set_value_pos( GTK_SCALE( HS ),GTK_POS_RIGHT );
 gtk_scale_set_digits( GTK_SCALE( HS ),digit );
 return HS;

GtkWidget * AddVScaler( GtkAdjustment * adj,GtkWidget * parent,int digit )
 GtkWidget * VS;
 VS=gtk_vscale_new( adj );
 gtk_widget_set_name( VS,"VS" );
 gtk_widget_show( VS );
 if ( parent ) gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),VS,TRUE,TRUE,0 );
// gtk_scale_set_value_pos( GTK_SCALE( VS ),GTK_POS_RIGHT );
 if ( digit == -1 ) gtk_scale_set_draw_value( GTK_SCALE( VS ),FALSE );
  else gtk_scale_set_digits( GTK_SCALE( VS ),digit );
 return VS;

GtkWidget * AddComboBox( GtkWidget * parent )
 GtkWidget * CB;
 gtk_widget_set_name( CB,"CB" );
 gtk_widget_show( CB );
 if ( parent ) gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( parent ),CB,TRUE,TRUE,0 );
 return CB;