view vidix/pci_db2c.awk @ 25068:4b14d188ed34

Add all passed to VID_SET_FORMAT formats to the end of available format list (but report call as failed, to continue checking formats). This gives small chance to build graph even if device does not report about particular format as supported. This makes mplayer be able to work with PVR-150 card (card's driver does not report about yuy2 format, but accepts connection and works with it).
author voroshil
date Sun, 18 Nov 2007 13:17:00 +0000
parents 99c7b632130d
children 4ba5a1593296
line wrap: on
line source

# This file converts given pci.db to "C" source and header files
# For latest version of pci ids see:
# Copyright 2002 Nick Kurshev
# Usage: awk -f pci_db2c.awk pci.db
# Tested with Gawk v 3.0.x and Mawk 1.3.3
# But it should work with standard Awk implementations (hopefully).
# (Nobody tested it with Nawk, but it should work, too).
# This file is part of MPlayer.
# MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


    if(ARGC != 2) {
# check for arguments:
	print "Usage awk -f pci_db2c.awk pci.db (and make sure pci.db file exists first)";
    in_file = ARGV[1];
    vendor_file = "pci_vendors.h";
    ids_file = "pci_ids.h"
    name_file = "pci_names.c"
    name_h_file = "pci_names.h"
    dev_ids_file = "pci_dev_ids.c"
# print out head lines
    print "#ifndef PCI_VENDORS_INCLUDED" >vendor_file
    print "#define PCI_VENDORS_INCLUDED 1">vendor_file
    print "" >vendor_file
    print "#ifndef PCI_IDS_INCLUDED" >ids_file
    print "#define PCI_IDS_INCLUDED 1">ids_file
    print "" >ids_file
    print "#include \"pci_vendors.h\"">ids_file
    print "" >ids_file

    print "#ifndef PCI_NAMES_INCLUDED" >name_h_file
    print "#define PCI_NAMES_INCLUDED 1">name_h_file
    print "" >name_h_file
    print "#include <stddef.h>">name_file
    print "#include \"pci_names.h\"">name_file
    print "#include \"pci_dev_ids.c\"">name_file
    print "">name_file
    print "static struct vendor_id_s vendor_ids[] = {">name_file
    while(getline <in_file) 
# count up lines
	n=split($0, field, "[\t]");
	name_field = kill_double_quoting(field[3])
	if(field[1] == "v" && length(field[3])>0 && field[4] == "0")
		svend_name = get_short_vendor_name(field[3])
		printf("#define VENDOR_%s\t", svend_name) >vendor_file;
		if(length(svend_name) < 9) printf("\t") >vendor_file;
		printf("0x%s /*%s*/\n",field[2], name_field) >vendor_file;
		printf("{ 0x%s, \"%s\", dev_lst_%s },\n",field[2], name_field, field[2]) >name_file;
		printf("/* Vendor: %s: %s */\n", field[2], name_field) > ids_file
		if(first_pass == 1) { first_pass=0; }
		else	{ print "{ 0xFFFF,  NULL }\n};" >dev_ids_file; }
		printf("static const struct device_id_s dev_lst_%s[]={\n", field[2])>dev_ids_file
	if(field[1] == "d" && length(field[3])>0 && field[4] == "0")
		sdev_name = get_short_device_name(field[3])
		full_name = sprintf("#define DEVICE_%s_%s", svend_name, sdev_name);
		printf("%s\t", full_name) >ids_file
		if(length(full_name) < 9) printf("\t") >ids_file;
		if(length(full_name) < 17) printf("\t") >ids_file;
		if(length(full_name) < 25) printf("\t") >ids_file;
		if(length(full_name) < 32) printf("\t") >ids_file;
		if(length(full_name) < 40) printf("\t") >ids_file;
		if(length(full_name) < 48) printf("\t") >ids_file;
		printf("0x%s /*%s*/\n", substr(field[2], 5), name_field) >ids_file
		printf("{ 0x%s, \"%s\" },\n", substr(field[2], 5), name_field) >dev_ids_file
	if(field[1] == "s" && length(field[3])>0 && field[4] == "0")
		subdev_name = get_short_subdevice_name(field[3])
		full_name = sprintf("#define SUBDEVICE_%s_%s", svend_name, subdev_name)
		printf("\t%s\t", full_name) >ids_file
		if(length(full_name) < 9) printf("\t") >ids_file;
		if(length(full_name) < 17) printf("\t") >ids_file;
		if(length(full_name) < 25) printf("\t") >ids_file;
		if(length(full_name) < 32) printf("\t") >ids_file;
		if(length(full_name) < 40) printf("\t") >ids_file;
		printf("0x%s /*%s*/\n", substr(field[2], 9), name_field) >ids_file
    print "Total lines parsed:", line;
    print "">vendor_file
    print "#endif/*PCI_VENDORS_INCLUDED*/">vendor_file
    print "">ids_file
    print "#endif/*PCI_IDS_INCLUDED*/">ids_file
    print "">name_h_file
    print "#endif/*PCI_NAMES_INCLUDED*/">name_h_file
    print "};">name_file
    print "{ 0xFFFF,  NULL }" >dev_ids_file;
    print "};">dev_ids_file

function print_includes(out_file)
    print "#include <stdlib.h>" >out_file;
    print "#include \"pci_names.h\"" >out_file;

function print_head( out_file)
    print "/*" >out_file;
    printf(" * File: %s\n", out_file) >out_file;
    printf(" * This file was generated automatically. Don't modify it.\n") >out_file;
    print "*/" >out_file;

function print_name_struct(out_file)
   print "#ifdef __cplusplus" >out_file
   print "extern \"C\" {" >out_file
   print "#endif" >out_file
   print "">out_file
   print "struct device_id_s" >out_file
   print "{" >out_file
   print "\tunsigned short\tid;" >out_file
   print "\tconst char *\tname;" >out_file
   print "};" >out_file
   print "">out_file
   print "struct vendor_id_s" >out_file
   print "{" >out_file
   print "\tunsigned short\tid;" >out_file
   print "\tconst char *\tname;" >out_file
   print "\tconst struct device_id_s *\tdev_list;" >out_file
   print "};" >out_file
   print "extern const char *pci_vendor_name(unsigned short id);">out_file
   print "extern const char *pci_device_name(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short device_id);">out_file
   print "">out_file
   print "#ifdef __cplusplus" >out_file
   print "}" >out_file
   print "#endif" >out_file

function print_func_bodies(out_file)
   print "">out_file
   print "const char *pci_vendor_name(unsigned short id)" >out_file
   print "{" >out_file
   print "  unsigned i;" >out_file
   print "  for(i=0;i<sizeof(vendor_ids)/sizeof(struct vendor_id_s);i++)">out_file
   print "  {" >out_file
   print "\tif(vendor_ids[i].id == id) return vendor_ids[i].name;" >out_file
   print "  }" >out_file
   print "  return NULL;" >out_file
   print "}">out_file
   print "" >out_file
   print "const char *pci_device_name(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short device_id)" >out_file
   print "{" >out_file
   print "  unsigned i, j;" >out_file
   print "  for(i=0;i<sizeof(vendor_ids)/sizeof(struct vendor_id_s);i++)">out_file
   print "  {" >out_file
   print "\tif(vendor_ids[i].id == vendor_id)" >out_file
   print "\t{" >out_file
   print "\t  j=0;" >out_file
   print "\t  while(vendor_ids[i].dev_list[j].id != 0xFFFF)" >out_file
   print "\t  {">out_file
   print "\t\tif(vendor_ids[i].dev_list[j].id == device_id) return vendor_ids[i].dev_list[j].name;">out_file
   print "\t\tj++;">out_file
   print "\t  };">out_file
   print "\t  break;" >out_file
   print "\t}" >out_file
   print "  }" >out_file
   print "  return NULL;">out_file
   print "}">out_file

function kill_double_quoting(fld)
  n=split(fld,phrases, "[\"]");
  new_fld = phrases[1]
  for(i=2;i<=n;i++) new_fld = sprintf("%s\\\"%s", new_fld, phrases[i])
  return new_fld

function init_name_db()

function init_device_db()
#  delete device_names
  for( i in device_names ) delete device_names[i];
#  delete subdevice_names
  for( i in subdevice_names ) delete subdevice_names[i];
  subdevice_names[1] = ""

function get_short_vendor_name(from)
  n=split(from, name, "[ ]");
  new_name = toupper(name[1]);
  if(length(new_name)<3) new_name = sprintf("%s_%s", new_name, toupper(name[2]));
  n=split(new_name, name, "[^0-9A-Za-z]");
  svendor = name[1];
  for(i=2;i<=n;i++) svendor=sprintf("%s%s%s", svendor, length(name[i])?"_":"", name[i]);
  new_name = svendor;
  vend_suffix = 2;
# check for unique 
  while(new_name in vendor_names) 
    new_name = sprintf("%s%u", svendor, vend_suffix)
    vend_suffix = vend_suffix + 1;
# Add new name in array of vendor's names
  vendor_names[new_name] = new_name
  return new_name;

function get_short_device_name(from_name)
  n=split(from_name, name, "[ ]");
  new_name = toupper(name[1]);
  if(length(name[2])) new_name = sprintf("%s_%s", new_name, toupper(name[2]));
  if(length(name[3])) new_name = sprintf("%s_%s", new_name, toupper(name[3]));
  n=split(new_name, name, "[^0-9A-Za-z]");
  sdevice = name[1];
  for(i=2;i<=n;i++) sdevice=sprintf("%s%s%s", sdevice, length(name[i])?"_":"", name[i]);
  new_name = sdevice;
  dev_suffix = 2;
# check for unique 
  while(new_name in device_names) 
    new_name = sprintf("%s%u", sdevice, dev_suffix)
    dev_suffix = dev_suffix + 1;
# Add new name in array of device names
  device_names[new_name] = new_name
  return new_name;

function get_short_subdevice_name(from_name)
  n=split(from_name, name, "[ ]");
  new_name = toupper(name[1]);
  if(length(name[2])) new_name = sprintf("%s_%s", new_name, toupper(name[2]));
  if(length(name[3])) new_name = sprintf("%s_%s", new_name, toupper(name[3]));
  n=split(new_name, name, "[^0-9A-Za-z]");
  ssdevice = name[1];
  for(i=2;i<=n;i++) ssdevice=sprintf("%s%s%s", ssdevice, length(name[i])?"_":"", name[i]);
  new_name = ssdevice;
  sdev_suffix = 2;
# check for unique 
  while(new_name in subdevice_names) 
    new_name = sprintf("%s%u", ssdevice, sdev_suffix)
    sdev_suffix = sdev_suffix + 1;
# Add new name in array of subdevice names
  subdevice_names[new_name] = new_name
  return new_name;