view spudec.c @ 3661:4ecbbf74e532

Modified aspect reference, uses default PAL values... Difference to NTSC should be minimal enough so that no checking of videomode is necessary.
author mswitch
date Sat, 22 Dec 2001 16:20:32 +0000
parents 5d3cbbf63d18
children ba98028ddc27
line wrap: on
line source

/* SPUdec.c
   Skeleton of function spudec_process_controll() is from xine sources.
   Further works:
   LGB,... (yeah, try to improve it and insert your name here! ;-)

   Kim Minh Kaplan
   implement fragments reassembly, RLE decoding.
   read brightness from the IFO.

   For information on SPU format see <URL:>
   and <URL:>

#include "config.h"


#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "spudec.h"

typedef struct {
  dvd_priv_t *dvd_info;		/* Info from libmpdemux */
  unsigned char* packet;
  size_t packet_reserve;	/* size of the memory pointed to by packet */
  int packet_offset;		/* end of the currently assembled fragment */
  int packet_size;		/* size of the packet once all fragments are assembled */
  int control_start;		/* index of start of control data */
  int palette[4];
  int alpha[4];
  int now_pts;
  int start_pts, end_pts;
  int start_col, end_col;
  int start_row, end_row;
  int width, height, stride;
  int current_nibble[2];	/* next data nibble (4 bits) to be
                                   processed (for RLE decoding) for
                                   even and odd lines */
  int deinterlace_oddness;	/* 0 or 1, index into current_nibble */
  size_t image_size;		/* Size of the image buffer */
  unsigned char *image;		/* Grayscale value */
  unsigned char *aimage;	/* Alpha value */
} spudec_handle_t;

static inline unsigned int get_be16(const unsigned char *p)
  return (p[0] << 8) + p[1];

static inline unsigned int get_be24(const unsigned char *p)
  return (get_be16(p) << 8) + p[2];

static void next_line(spudec_handle_t *this)
  if (this->current_nibble[this->deinterlace_oddness] % 2)
  this->deinterlace_oddness = (this->deinterlace_oddness + 1) % 2;

static inline unsigned char get_nibble(spudec_handle_t *this)
  unsigned char nib;
  int *nibblep = this->current_nibble + this->deinterlace_oddness;
  if (*nibblep / 2 >= this->control_start) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: get_nibble past end of packet\n");
    return 0;
  nib = this->packet[*nibblep / 2];
  if (*nibblep % 2)
    nib &= 0xf;
    nib >>= 4;
  return nib;

static inline int mkalpha(int i)
  /* In mplayer's alpha planes, 0 is transparent, then 1 is nearly
     opaque upto 255 which is transparent */
  switch (i) {
  case 0xf:
    return 1;
  case 0:
    return 0;
    return (0xf - i) << 4;

static void spudec_process_data(spudec_handle_t *this)
  int cmap[4], alpha[4];
  int i, x, y;

  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    alpha[i] = mkalpha(this->alpha[i]);
    if (alpha[i] == 0)
      cmap[i] = 0;
    else {
      cmap[i] = ((this->dvd_info->cur_pgc->palette[this->palette[i]] >> 16) & 0xff) - alpha[i];
      if (cmap[i] < 0)
	cmap[i] = 0;

  if (this->image_size < this->stride * this->height) {
    if (this->image != NULL) {
      this->image_size = 0;
    this->image = malloc(2 * this->stride * this->height);
    if (this->image) {
      this->image_size = this->stride * this->height;
      this->aimage = this->image + this->image_size;
  if (this->image == NULL)

  /* Kludge: draw_alpha needs width multiple of 8. */
  if (this->width < this->stride)
    for (y = 0; y < this->height; ++y)
      memset(this->aimage + y * this->stride + this->width, 0, this->stride - this->width);

  i = this->current_nibble[1];
  x = 0;
  y = 0;
  while (this->current_nibble[0] < i
	 && this->current_nibble[1] / 2 < this->control_start
	 && y < this->height) {
    int len, color;
    unsigned int rle = 0;
    rle = get_nibble(this);
    if (rle < 0x04) {
      rle = (rle << 4) | get_nibble(this);
      if (rle < 0x10) {
	rle = (rle << 4) | get_nibble(this);
	if (rle < 0x040) {
	  rle = (rle << 4) | get_nibble(this);
	  if (rle < 0x0004)
	    rle |= ((this->width - x) << 2);
    color = 3 - (rle & 0x3);
    len = rle >> 2;
    if (len > this->width - x || len == 0)
      len = this->width - x;
    /* FIXME have to use palette and alpha map*/
    memset(this->image + y * this->stride + x, cmap[color], len);
    memset(this->aimage + y * this->stride + x, alpha[color], len);
    x += len;
    if (x >= this->width) {
      x = 0;

static void spudec_process_control(spudec_handle_t *this)
  int a,b; /* Temporary vars */
  int date, type;
  int off;
  int start_off = 0;
  int next_off;

  this->control_start = get_be16(this->packet + 2);
  next_off = this->control_start;
  while (start_off != next_off) {
    start_off = next_off;
    date = get_be16(this->packet + start_off);
    next_off = get_be16(this->packet + start_off + 2);
    printf("date=%d\n", date);
    off = start_off + 4;
    for (type = this->packet[off++]; type != 0xff; type = this->packet[off++]) {
      printf("cmd=%d  ",type);
      switch(type) {
      case 0x00:
	/* Menu ID, 1 byte */
	printf("Menu ID\n");
      case 0x01:
	/* Start display */
	printf("Start display!\n");
	this->start_pts = this->now_pts + date;
      case 0x02:
	/* Stop display */
	printf("Stop display!\n");
	this->end_pts = this->now_pts + date;
      case 0x03:
	/* Palette */
	this->palette[0] = this->packet[off] >> 4;
	this->palette[1] = this->packet[off] & 0xf;
	this->palette[2] = this->packet[off + 1] >> 4;
	this->palette[3] = this->packet[off + 1] & 0xf;
	printf("Palette %d, %d, %d, %d\n",
	       this->palette[0], this->palette[1], this->palette[2], this->palette[3]);
      case 0x04:
	/* Alpha */
	this->alpha[0] = this->packet[off] >> 4;
	this->alpha[1] = this->packet[off] & 0xf;
	this->alpha[2] = this->packet[off + 1] >> 4;
	this->alpha[3] = this->packet[off + 1] & 0xf;
	printf("Alpha %d, %d, %d, %d\n",
	       this->alpha[0], this->alpha[1], this->alpha[2], this->alpha[3]);
      case 0x05:
	/* Co-ords */
	a = get_be24(this->packet + off);
	b = get_be24(this->packet + off + 3);
	this->start_col = a >> 12;
	this->end_col = a & 0xfff;
	this->width = this->end_col - this->start_col + 1;
	this->stride = (this->width + 7) & ~7; /* Kludge: draw_alpha needs width multiple of 8 */
	this->start_row = b >> 12;
	this->end_row = b & 0xfff;
	this->height = this->end_row - this->start_row /* + 1 */;
	printf("Coords  col: %d - %d  row: %d - %d  (%dx%d)\n",
	       this->start_col, this->end_col, this->start_row, this->end_row,
	       this->width, this->height);
      case 0x06:
	/* Graphic lines */
	this->current_nibble[0] = 2 * get_be16(this->packet + off);
	this->current_nibble[1] = 2 * get_be16(this->packet + off + 2);
	printf("Graphic offset 1: %d  offset 2: %d\n",
	       this->current_nibble[0] / 2, this->current_nibble[1] / 2);
      case 0xff:
	/* All done, bye-bye */
	printf("spudec: Error determining control type 0x%02x.  Skipping %d bytes.\n",
	       type, next_off - off);
	goto next_control;

static void spudec_decode(spudec_handle_t *this)

void spudec_assemble(void *this, unsigned char *packet, int len, int pts100)
  spudec_handle_t *spu = (spudec_handle_t*)this;
  spudec_heartbeat(this, pts100);
  if (spu->packet_offset == 0) {
    unsigned int len2 = get_be16(packet);
    // Start new fragment
    if (spu->packet_reserve < len2) {
      if (spu->packet != NULL)
      spu->packet = malloc(len2);
      spu->packet_reserve = spu->packet != NULL ? len2 : 0;
    if (spu->packet != NULL) {
      spu->deinterlace_oddness = 0;
      spu->packet_size = len2;
      memcpy(spu->packet, packet, len);
      spu->packet_offset = len;
  } else {
    // Continue current fragment
    if (spu->packet_size < spu->packet_offset + len)
      fprintf(stderr,"invalid fragment\n");
    else {
      memcpy(spu->packet + spu->packet_offset, packet, len);
      spu->packet_offset += len;
  if (spu->packet_offset == spu->packet_size) {
    spu->packet_offset = 0;

void spudec_heartbeat(void *this, int pts100)
  ((spudec_handle_t *)this)->now_pts = pts100;

void spudec_draw(void *this, void (*draw_alpha)(int x0,int y0, int w,int h, unsigned char* src, unsigned char *srca, int stride))
    spudec_handle_t *spu = (spudec_handle_t *)this;
    if (spu->start_pts <= spu->now_pts && spu->now_pts < spu->end_pts && spu->image)
	draw_alpha(spu->start_col, spu->start_row, spu->width, spu->height,
		   spu->image, spu->aimage, spu->stride);

void *spudec_new(dvd_priv_t *dvd_info)
  spudec_handle_t *this = calloc(1, sizeof(spudec_handle_t));
  if (this) {
    this->dvd_info = dvd_info;
    perror("FATAL: spudec_init: calloc");
  return this;

void spudec_free(void *this)
  spudec_handle_t *spu = (spudec_handle_t*)this;
  if (spu) {
    if (spu->packet)
    if (spu->image)

#endif /* USE_DVDREAD */