view loader/dshow/cmediasample.c @ 33556:520fb0f7544c

Rename GUI directory 'mplayer' and some files in it. The directory 'mplayer' contains the files for the user interface and has thus been renamed 'ui'. Inside this directory the following files have been renamed to better reflect their contents: mw.c -> main.c sw.c -> sub.c pb.c -> playbar.c gui_common.* -> render.* play.* -> actions.*
author ib
date Sat, 18 Jun 2011 16:03:31 +0000
parents 8fa2f43cb760
line wrap: on
line source

 * Modified for use with MPlayer, detailed changelog at

#include "cmediasample.h"
#include "mediatype.h"
#include "loader/wine/winerror.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * currently hack to make some extra room for DS Acel codec which
 * seems to overwrite allocated memory - FIXME better later
 * check the buffer allocation
static const int SAFETY_ACEL = 1024;

 * \brief IPin::QueryInternalConnections (retries pin's internal connections)
 * \param[in]     This  pointer to IPin interface
 * \param[out]    apPin Array that receives pins, internally connected to this
 * \param[in,out] nPint Size of an array
 * \return S_OK - success
 * \return S_FALSE - pin rejects media type
 * \return E_NOTIMPL - not implemented
static long STDCALL CMediaSample_QueryInterface(IUnknown* This,
						/* [in] */ const GUID* iid,
						/* [iid_is][out] */ void **ppv)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_QueryInterface(%p) called\n", This);
    if (!ppv)
    if (memcmp(iid, &IID_IUnknown, sizeof(*iid)) == 0)
	*ppv = (void*)This;
	((IMediaSample*) This)->vt->AddRef(This);
	return 0;
    if (memcmp(iid, &IID_IMediaSample, sizeof(*iid)) == 0)
	*ppv = (void*)This;
	((IMediaSample*) This)->vt->AddRef(This);
	return 0;
    return E_NOINTERFACE;

 * \brief IUnknown::AddRef (increases reference counter for interface)
 * \param[in]  This pointer to IUnknown class
 * \return new value of reference counter
 * \remarks
 * Return value should be used only for debug purposes
static long STDCALL CMediaSample_AddRef(IUnknown* This)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_AddRef(%p) called\n", This);
    return 0;

 * \brief CMediaSample destructor
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
void CMediaSample_Destroy(CMediaSample* This)

    Debug printf("CMediaSample_Destroy(%p) called (ref:%d)\n", This, This->refcount);

 * \brief IUnknown::Release (desreases reference counter for interface)
 * \param[in]  This pointer to IUnknown class
 * \return new value of reference counter
 * \remarks
 * When reference counter reaches zero calls destructor
 * Return value should be used only for debug purposes
static long STDCALL CMediaSample_Release(IUnknown* This)
    CMediaSample* parent = (CMediaSample*)This;
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_Release(%p) called  (new ref:%d)\n",
		 This, ((CMediaSample*)This)->refcount-1);

    if (--((CMediaSample*) This)->refcount == 0)
    return 0;

 * \brief IMediaSample::GetPointer (retrieves a read/write pointer to the media sample's buffer)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[out] address of variable that receives pointer to sample's buffer
 * \return S_OK success
 * \return apropriate error otherwise
 * \note The calles should not free or reallocate buffer
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_GetPointer(IMediaSample* This,
					       /* [out] */ BYTE** ppBuffer)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_GetPointer(%p) called -> %p, size: %d  %d\n", This, ((CMediaSample*) This)->block, ((CMediaSample*)This)->actual_size, ((CMediaSample*)This)->size);
    if (!ppBuffer)
    *ppBuffer = (BYTE*) ((CMediaSample*) This)->block;
    return 0;

 * \brief IMediaSample::GetSize (retrieves a size of buffer in bytes)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \return size of buffer in bytes
static long STDCALL CMediaSample_GetSize(IMediaSample * This)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_GetSize(%p) called -> %d\n", This, ((CMediaSample*) This)->size);
    return ((CMediaSample*) This)->size;

 * \brief IMediaSample::GetTime (retrieves a stream time at wich sample sould start and finish)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[out] pTimeStart pointer to variable that receives start time
 * \param[out] pTimeEnd pointer to variable that receives end time
 * \return S_OK success
 * \return VFW_E_NO_STOP_TIME The sample has valid start time, but no stop time
 * \return VFW_E_SAMPLE_TIME_NOT_SET The sample is not time-stamped
 * \remarks
 * Both values are relative to stream time
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_GetTime(IMediaSample * This,
					    /* [out] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pTimeStart,
					    /* [out] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pTimeEnd)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_GetTime(%p) called (UNIMPLEMENTED)\n", This);
    return E_NOTIMPL;

 * \brief IMediaSample::SetTime (sets a stream time at wich sample sould start and finish)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[out] pTimeStart pointer to variable that contains start time
 * \param[out] pTimeEnd pointer to variable that contains end time
 * \return S_OK success
 * \return apropriate error otherwise
 * \remarks
 * Both values are relative to stream time
 * To invalidate the stream times set pTimeStart and pTimeEnd to NULL. this will cause
 * IMEdiaSample::GetTime to return VFW_E_SAMPLE_TIME_NOT_SET
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_SetTime(IMediaSample * This,
					    /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pTimeStart,
					    /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pTimeEnd)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_SetTime(%p) called (UNIMPLEMENTED)\n", This);
    return E_NOTIMPL;

 * \brief IMediaSample::IsSyncPoint (determines if start of this sample is sync point)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \return S_OK start of this sample is sync point
 * \return S_FALSE start of this sample is not sync point
 * \remarks
 * If bTemporalCompression of AM_MEDIA_TYPE is FALSE, all samples are sync points.
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_IsSyncPoint(IMediaSample * This)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_IsSyncPoint(%p) called\n", This);
    if (((CMediaSample*)This)->isSyncPoint)
	return 0;
    return 1;

 * \brief IMediaSample::SetSyncPoint (specifies if start of this sample is sync point)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[in] bIsSyncPoint specifies whether this is sync point or not
 * \return S_OK success
 * \return apropriate error code otherwise
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_SetSyncPoint(IMediaSample * This,
						 long bIsSyncPoint)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_SetSyncPoint(%p) called\n", This);
    ((CMediaSample*)This)->isSyncPoint = bIsSyncPoint;
    return 0;

 * \brief IMediaSample::IsPreroll (determines if this sample is preroll sample)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \return S_OK if this sample is preroll sample
 * \return S_FALSE if this sample is not preroll sample
 * \remarks
 * Preroll samples are processed but  not displayed. They are lokated in media stream
 * before displayable samples.
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_IsPreroll(IMediaSample * This)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_IsPreroll(%p) called\n", This);

    if (((CMediaSample*)This)->isPreroll)
	return 0;//S_OK

    return 1;//S_FALSE

 * \brief IMediaSample::SetPreroll (specifies if this sample is preroll sample)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[in] bIsPreroll specifies whether this sample is preroll sample or not
 * \return S_OK success
 * \return apropriate error code otherwise
 * \remarks
 * Preroll samples are processed but  not displayed. They are lokated in media stream
 * before displayable samples.
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_SetPreroll(IMediaSample * This,
					       long bIsPreroll)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_SetPreroll(%p) called\n", This);
    return 0;

 * \brief IMediaSample::GetActualDataLength (retrieves the length of valid data in the buffer)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \return length of valid data in buffer in bytes
static long STDCALL CMediaSample_GetActualDataLength(IMediaSample* This)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_GetActualDataLength(%p) called -> %d\n", This, ((CMediaSample*)This)->actual_size);
    return ((CMediaSample*)This)->actual_size;

 * \brief IMediaSample::SetActualDataLength (specifies the length of valid data in the buffer)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[in]  __MIDL_0010 length of data in sample in bytes
 * \return S_OK success
 * \return VFW_E_BUFFER_OVERFLOW length specified by parameter is larger than buffer size
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_SetActualDataLength(IMediaSample* This,
							long __MIDL_0010)
    CMediaSample* cms = (CMediaSample*)This;
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_SetActualDataLength(%p, %ld) called\n", This, __MIDL_0010);

    if (__MIDL_0010 > cms->size)
        char* c = cms->own_block;
	Debug printf("CMediaSample - buffer overflow   %ld %d   %p %p\n",
		     __MIDL_0010, ((CMediaSample*)This)->size, cms->own_block, cms->block);
	cms->own_block = realloc(cms->own_block, (size_t) __MIDL_0010 + SAFETY_ACEL);
	if (c == cms->block)
	    cms->block = cms->own_block;
        cms->size = __MIDL_0010;
    cms->actual_size = __MIDL_0010;
    return 0;

 * \brief IMediaSample::GetMediaType (retrieves media type, if it changed from previous sample)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[out] ppMediaType address of variable that receives pointer to AM_MEDIA_TYPE.
 * \return S_OK success
 * \return S_FALSE Media type was not changed from previous sample
 * \return E_OUTOFMEMORY Insufficient memory
 * \remarks
 * If media type is not changed from previous sample, ppMediaType is null
 * If method returns S_OK caller should free memory allocated for structure
 * including pbFormat block
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_GetMediaType(IMediaSample* This,
						 AM_MEDIA_TYPE** ppMediaType)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_GetMediaType(%p) called\n", This);
	return 1;

    t = &((CMediaSample*)This)->media_type;
    //    free(t.pbFormat);
    //    *ppMediaType=0; //media type was not changed
    return 0;

 * \brief IMediaType::SetMediaType (specifies media type for sample)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[in] pMediaType pointer to AM_MEDIA_TYPE specifies new media type
 * \return S_OK success
 * \return E_OUTOFMEMORY insufficient memory
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_SetMediaType(IMediaSample * This,
						 AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_SetMediaType(%p) called\n", This);
    if (!pMediaType)
    t = &((CMediaSample*)This)->media_type;
    ((CMediaSample*) This)->type_valid=1;

    return 0;

 * \brief IMediaSample::IsDiscontinuity (determines if this sample represents data break
 *        in stream)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \return S_OK if this sample is break in data stream
 * \return S_FALSE otherwise
 * \remarks
 * Discontinuity occures when filter seeks to different place in the stream or when drops
 * samples.
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_IsDiscontinuity(IMediaSample * This)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_IsDiscontinuity(%p) called\n", This);
    return ((CMediaSample*) This)->isDiscontinuity;

 * \brief IMediaSample::IsDiscontinuity (specifies whether this sample represents data break
 *        in stream)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[in] bDiscontinuity if TRUE this sample represents discontinuity with previous sample
 * \return S_OK success
 * \return apropriate error code otherwise
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_SetDiscontinuity(IMediaSample * This,
						     long bDiscontinuity)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_SetDiscontinuity(%p) called (%ld)\n", This, bDiscontinuity);
    ((CMediaSample*) This)->isDiscontinuity = bDiscontinuity;
    return 0;

 * \brief IMediaSample::GetMediaTime (retrieves the media times of this sample)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[out] pTimeStart pointer to variable that receives start time
 * \param[out] pTimeEnd pointer to variable that receives end time
 * \return S_OK success
 * \return VFW_E_MEDIA_TIME_NOT_SET The sample is not time-stamped
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_GetMediaTime(IMediaSample * This,
						 /* [out] */ LONGLONG *pTimeStart,
						 /* [out] */ LONGLONG *pTimeEnd)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_GetMediaTime(%p) called\n", This);
    if (pTimeStart)
	*pTimeStart = ((CMediaSample*) This)->time_start;
    if (pTimeEnd)
	*pTimeEnd = ((CMediaSample*) This)->time_end;
    return 0;

 * \brief IMediaSample::GetMediaTime (retrieves the media times of this sample)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[out] pTimeStart pointer to variable that specifies start time
 * \param[out] pTimeEnd pointer to variable that specifies end time
 * \return S_OK success
 * \return apropriate error code otherwise
 * \remarks
 * To invalidate the media times set pTimeStart and pTimeEnd to NULL. this will cause
 * IMEdiaSample::GetTime to return VFW_E_MEDIA_TIME_NOT_SET
static HRESULT STDCALL CMediaSample_SetMediaTime(IMediaSample * This,
						 /* [in] */ LONGLONG *pTimeStart,
						 /* [in] */ LONGLONG *pTimeEnd)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_SetMediaTime(%p) called\n", This);
    if (pTimeStart)
	((CMediaSample*) This)->time_start = *pTimeStart;
    if (pTimeEnd)
        ((CMediaSample*) This)->time_end = *pTimeEnd;
    return 0;

 * \brief CMediaSample::SetPointer (extension for direct memory write of decompressed data)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
 * \param[in] pointer pointer to an external buffer to store data to
static void CMediaSample_SetPointer(CMediaSample* This, char* pointer)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_SetPointer(%p) called  -> %p\n", This, pointer);
    if (pointer)
	This->block = pointer;
	This->block = This->own_block;

 * \brief CMediaSample::SetPointer (resets pointer to external buffer with internal one)
 * \param[in] This pointer to CMediaSample object
static void CMediaSample_ResetPointer(CMediaSample* This)
    Debug printf("CMediaSample_ResetPointer(%p) called\n", This);
    This->block = This->own_block;

 * \brief CMediaSample constructor
 * \param[in] allocator IMemallocator interface of allocator to use
 * \param[in] size size of internal buffer
 * \return pointer to CMediaSample object of NULL if error occured
CMediaSample* CMediaSampleCreate(IMemAllocator* allocator, int size)
    CMediaSample* This = malloc(sizeof(CMediaSample));
    if (!This)
	return NULL;

    // some hack here!
    // it looks like Acelp decoder is actually accessing
    // the allocated memory before it sets the new size for it ???
    // -- maybe it's being initialized with wrong parameters
    // anyway this is fixes the problem somehow with some reserves
    // using different trick for now - in DS_Audio modify sample size
    //if (size < 0x1000)
    //    size = (size + 0xfff) & ~0xfff;

    This->vt        = malloc(sizeof(IMediaSample_vt));
    This->own_block = malloc((size_t)size + SAFETY_ACEL);
    This->media_type.pbFormat = 0;
    This->media_type.pUnk = 0;

    if (!This->vt || !This->own_block)
	return NULL;

    This->vt->QueryInterface = CMediaSample_QueryInterface;
    This->vt->AddRef = CMediaSample_AddRef;
    This->vt->Release = CMediaSample_Release;
    This->vt->GetPointer = CMediaSample_GetPointer;
    This->vt->GetSize = CMediaSample_GetSize;
    This->vt->GetTime = CMediaSample_GetTime;
    This->vt->SetTime = CMediaSample_SetTime;
    This->vt->IsSyncPoint = CMediaSample_IsSyncPoint;
    This->vt->SetSyncPoint = CMediaSample_SetSyncPoint;
    This->vt->IsPreroll = CMediaSample_IsPreroll;
    This->vt->SetPreroll = CMediaSample_SetPreroll;
    This->vt->GetActualDataLength = CMediaSample_GetActualDataLength;
    This->vt->SetActualDataLength = CMediaSample_SetActualDataLength;
    This->vt->GetMediaType = CMediaSample_GetMediaType;
    This->vt->SetMediaType = CMediaSample_SetMediaType;
    This->vt->IsDiscontinuity = CMediaSample_IsDiscontinuity;
    This->vt->SetDiscontinuity = CMediaSample_SetDiscontinuity;
    This->vt->GetMediaTime = CMediaSample_GetMediaTime;
    This->vt->SetMediaTime = CMediaSample_SetMediaTime;

    This->all = allocator;
    This->size = size;
    This->refcount = 0; // increased by MemAllocator
    This->actual_size = 0;
    This->isPreroll = 0;
    This->isDiscontinuity = 1;
    This->time_start = 0;
    This->time_end = 0;
    This->type_valid = 0;
    This->block = This->own_block;

    This->SetPointer = CMediaSample_SetPointer;
    This->ResetPointer = CMediaSample_ResetPointer;

    Debug printf("CMediaSample_Create(%p) called - sample size %d, buffer %p\n",
		 This, This->size, This->block);

    return This;