Set MPlayer filename in uiSetFileName().
This ensures that filename always points to guiInfo.Filename (the GUI
If guiInit() is called without filename being set, leave it that way.
(This applies if the GUI should not start playing immediately.)
#!/bin/bash# (c) 2003 Vajna Miklos <># divx2svcd for MPlayer# distributed under GPL License# simple utility that creates a SVCD from a video in an AVI container# The newest version of this utility can be found at# MPlayer available at# cares about it :-)cat >/dev/null <<EOF0.5.1- faster code by not re-mplexing one-cd-size or smaller videos0.5.0- needless for dumpvideo patch ;-)0.4.9- changed default bitrate to 1600 for better quality- fix for burning more than one cd- fix for wrong parameter help0.4.8- small fixes0.4.7- fixed bug, when there is no sub available0.4.6- support for burning the svcd with cdrecord- lots of paranoid options for better quality from Denes Balatoni0.4.5- support for filenames including spaces0.4.4- support for checking all applications this script uses- this changelog0.4.3- advanced detectation of movie aspect (mpeg4 codec, mpeg container)0.4.2- advanced vf options for movies with non-standard aspect0.4.1- checking for available sub0.4.0- support for tcmplex-panteltje- support for libavcodec audio encoder0.3.1-0.3.2- small fixes0.3- almost totally rewritten from scratch based on the idea of Denes Balatoni <>- support for toolame instead of mp2enc- suppert for libavcodec mpeg2video codec instead of mpeg2enc0.2- support for tcmplex instead of mplex0.1rc2-rc4- small bugfixes0.1rc1- initial releaseEOF###preparing####helpusage(){ cat <<EOFUsage: `basename $0` input_avi [options]Options:-b|--bitrate xx bitrate of mp2 video stream [1375]-s|--cdsize xx size of the cd we split the video to [795]-w|--writecd enables burning [disable]-d|--device xx scsi cd-recording device if you are using linux 2.4.x [0,0,0]-c|--clean clean up svcd images you just created-h|--help this help screenEOF}#initializating constantsversion='0.5.1'bitrate=1375cdsize=795burning=0cleaning=0dev4='0,0,0'firstcd=1#paranoid optionsparaopts='vrc_override=1,10,708:vqcomp=0.1:vratetol=10000000:vrc_buf_size=917:vrc_maxrate=2500:intra_matrix=8,9,12,22,26,27,29,34,9,10,14,26,27,29,34,37,12,14,18,27,29,34,37,38,22,26,27,31,36,37,38,40,26,27,29,36,39,38,40,48,27,29,34,37,38,40,48,58,29,34,37,38,40,48,58,69,34,37,38,40,48,58,69,79:inter_matrix=16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,22,24,26,30,32,32,34,36,24,26,28,32,34,34,36,38,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,28,30,32,34,36,38,42,42,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44'#headerecho "DivX2SvcD $version (C) 2003-2004 Vajna Miklos"echo#checking for lsls=`which ls`#checking for bcwhich bc >/dev/null 2>&1bcbin=`which bc 2>/dev/null`if [ $? != 0 ]; then cat <<EOFERROR: Can't find bc. You can download it at 1fi#checking for vcdimagerwhich vcdimager >/dev/null 2>&1bcbin=`which vcdimager 2>/dev/null`if [ $? != 0 ]; then cat <<EOFERROR: Can't find vcdimager. You can download it at 1fi#checking which mplex utility we have to usewhich tcmplex-panteltje >/dev/null 2>&1if [ $? = 0 ]; then tcp_path=`which tcmplex-panteltje 2>&1`else tcp_path="x"fiwhich tcmplex >/dev/null 2>&1if [ $? = 0 ]; then tc_path=`which tcmplex 2>&1`else tc_path="x"fiif [ -x $tcp_path ]; then tcbin=tcmplex-panteltje tcopt=-0elif [ -x $tc_path ]; then tcbin=tcmplex tcopt=-pelse cat <<EOFERROR: Can't find any sutable mplex utility. You can downloadtcmplex-panteltje at 1fi#pharsing parametersif [ $# -le 0 ]; then echo "Missing parameter!" usage exit 1ficase $1 in -h) usage exit 1 ;; -*) echo "Missing parameter!" usage exit 1 ;; *) input=`echo $1 |sed 's/\\ / /'` if [ "$input" = "`basename "$input"`" ]; then input="`pwd`/$1" fi nev=`basename "$input" .avi` shift 1 ;;esacwhile [ "$1"x != "x" ]; do case $1 in -b|--bitrate) bitrate=$2 shift 1 ;; -s|--cdsize) cdsize="$2" shift 1 ;; -d|--device) dev4="$2" shift 1 ;; -w|--write) burning=1 ;; -c|--clean) cleaning=1 ;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; esac shift 1done#checking for cd-recording deviceif [ "$burning" = 1 ]; thenecho -n "Searching for cdrecorder device... "if [ `uname -r |cut -d '.' -f 2` = 4 ]; then #linux 2.4.x dev="dev=$dev4" echo "$dev4"elif [ `uname -r |cut -d '.' -f 2` = 6 ]; then #linux 2.6.x if [ -e /dev/cdrecorder ]; then dev='dev=/dev/cdrecorder' echo "/dev/cdrecorder" else cat <<EOFERROR: Device file /dev/cdrecorder not found. Please link yourcd-recording device to /dev/cdrecorder!Example: 'cd /dev; ln -s hdc cdrecorder'EOF exit 1 fielse cat <<EOFERROR: Linux 2.4 or 2.6 series not found. You can download it at ;-)EOF exit 1fi#checking for cdrecordwhich cdrecord >/dev/null 2>&1cdrbin=`which cdrecord 2>/dev/null`if [ $? != 0 ]; then cat <<EOFERROR: Can't find cdrecord. You can download it at 1else #checking for version >= 2.01a14 echo -n "Checking for cdrecord version >= 2.01a14... " $cdrbin cuefile=a 2>&1 |grep 'Bad Option' >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then cat <<EOFERROR: Can't find cdrecord version >= 2.01a14. You can download it at else echo "`$cdrbin -version |cut -d ' ' -f 2`" fififi#checking for sub avariableif [ -f "$nev.sub" ]; then subopts=$nev.subelse subopts=''fiif [ "x$subopts" = "x" ]; then subs=''else subs='-sub 'fi#checking for what height neededinputwidth=`mplayer -vo null -ao null "$input" -frames 1 2>/dev/null |grep '=>'|cut -d ' ' -f 5|cut -d x -f 1`inputheight=`mplayer -vo null -ao null "$input" -frames 1 2>/dev/null |grep '=>'|cut -d ' ' -f 5|cut -d x -f 2`svcdaspect=`echo -e "scale=10\n1.596/($inputwidth/$inputheight)"|bc /dev/stdin`height=`echo -e "scale=10\n$svcdaspect*480"|bc /dev/stdin|cut -d . -f 1`#checking for ratios less than 1.33istoohigh=`expr $height \> 577`if [ "$istoohigh" = 1 ]; then height=576fi#find out the vf optionsif [ "$height" = 576 ]; then vfopts='-vf scale=480:576'else #-vf processes filters in reverse order exy=`echo -e "scale=10\n(576-$height)/2"|bc /dev/stdin|cut -d . -f 1` vfopts="-vf scale=480:$height,expand=480:576:0:$exy:1" echo "Using filter options: '$vfopts'"fi#finish displaying informationsif [ "$burning" = 1 ]; then#asking for cdcat <<EOFPlease insert a blank cd in your cdwriter.(If you are using a rewritable media,don't forgot to blank it before using divx2svcd.)Press any key when your are ready.EOFread -n 1 ifi###start working####encodingmencoder -ofps 25 -oac lavc "$input" -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=$bitrate:acodec=mp2:abitrate=128:keyint=25:aspect=4/3:$paraopts -o "${nev}2.avi" -srate 44100 -of mpeg -channels 2 $vfopts $subs "$subopts"videosize=`$ls -l "${nev}2.avi"|tr -s ' '|cut -d ' ' -f5`if ! [ `echo $(( $cdsize*1048576 < $videosize ))` = "1" ]; then #video is smaller, than $cdsize mv ${nev}2.avi ${nev}00.mpgelse #splitting mplayer -dumpvideo -dumpfile "$nev.m2v" "${nev}2.avi" mplayer -dumpaudio -dumpfile "$nev.mp2" "${nev}2.avi" rm "${nev}2.avi" echo "maxFileSize = $cdsize" > template $tcbin -i "$nev.m2v" $tcopt "$nev.mp2" -o "$nev.mpg" -m s -F template rm template rm "$nev.m2v" "$nev.mp2"fifor i in *mpgdo nev2=`basename "$i" .mpg` #creating images vcdimager -t svcd -c "$nev2.cue" -b "$nev2.bin" "$i" #burning if needs if [ "$burning" = 1 ]; then if [ "$firstcd" != 1 ]; then cat <<EOFPlease insert an another blank cd in your cdwriter.Press any key when your are ready.EOF read -n 1 i else firstcd=2 fi $cdrbin -v -dao $dev speed=12 gracetime=2 driveropts=burnfree -eject cuefile="$nev2.cue" fi #cleaning if needs if [ "$cleaning" = 1 ]; then rm -f "$nev2.cue" "$nev2.bin" fidonerm -f "$nev"*mpg