/* * Demuxer for avisynth * Copyright (c) 2005 Gianluigi Tiesi <sherpya@netfarm.it> * * Avisynth C Interface Version 0.20 * Copyright 2003 Kevin Atkinson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */enum { AVISYNTH_INTERFACE_VERSION = 2 };enum{ AVS_SAMPLE_INT8 = 1<<0, AVS_SAMPLE_INT16 = 1<<1, AVS_SAMPLE_INT24 = 1<<2, AVS_SAMPLE_INT32 = 1<<3, AVS_SAMPLE_FLOAT = 1<<4};enum{ AVS_PLANAR_Y=1<<0, AVS_PLANAR_U=1<<1, AVS_PLANAR_V=1<<2, AVS_PLANAR_ALIGNED=1<<3, AVS_PLANAR_Y_ALIGNED=AVS_PLANAR_Y|AVS_PLANAR_ALIGNED, AVS_PLANAR_U_ALIGNED=AVS_PLANAR_U|AVS_PLANAR_ALIGNED, AVS_PLANAR_V_ALIGNED=AVS_PLANAR_V|AVS_PLANAR_ALIGNED};// Colorspace properties.enum{ AVS_CS_BGR = 1<<28, AVS_CS_YUV = 1<<29, AVS_CS_INTERLEAVED = 1<<30, AVS_CS_PLANAR = 1<<31};// Specific colorformatsenum{ AVS_CS_UNKNOWN = 0, AVS_CS_BGR24 = 1<<0 | AVS_CS_BGR | AVS_CS_INTERLEAVED, AVS_CS_BGR32 = 1<<1 | AVS_CS_BGR | AVS_CS_INTERLEAVED, AVS_CS_YUY2 = 1<<2 | AVS_CS_YUV | AVS_CS_INTERLEAVED, AVS_CS_YV12 = 1<<3 | AVS_CS_YUV | AVS_CS_PLANAR, // y-v-u, planar AVS_CS_I420 = 1<<4 | AVS_CS_YUV | AVS_CS_PLANAR, // y-u-v, planar AVS_CS_IYUV = 1<<4 | AVS_CS_YUV | AVS_CS_PLANAR // same as above};typedef struct AVS_Clip AVS_Clip;typedef struct AVS_ScriptEnvironment AVS_ScriptEnvironment;typedef struct AVS_Value AVS_Value;struct AVS_Value { short type; // 'a'rray, 'c'lip, 'b'ool, 'i'nt, 'f'loat, 's'tring, 'v'oid, or 'l'ong // for some function e'rror short array_size; union { void * clip; // do not use directly, use avs_take_clip char boolean; int integer; float floating_pt; const char * string; const AVS_Value * array; } d;};// AVS_VideoInfo is layed out identicly to VideoInfotypedef struct AVS_VideoInfo { int width, height; // width=0 means no video unsigned fps_numerator, fps_denominator; int num_frames; int pixel_type; int audio_samples_per_second; // 0 means no audio int sample_type; uint64_t num_audio_samples; int nchannels; // Imagetype properties int image_type;} AVS_VideoInfo;typedef struct AVS_VideoFrameBuffer { BYTE * data; int data_size; // sequence_number is incremented every time the buffer is changed, so // that stale views can tell they're no longer valid. long sequence_number; long refcount;} AVS_VideoFrameBuffer;typedef struct AVS_VideoFrame { int refcount; AVS_VideoFrameBuffer * vfb; int offset, pitch, row_size, height, offsetU, offsetV, pitchUV; // U&V offsets are from top of picture.} AVS_VideoFrame;static inline AVS_Value avs_new_value_string(const char * v0){ AVS_Value v; v.type = 's'; v.d.string = v0; return v; }static inline AVS_Value avs_new_value_array(AVS_Value * v0, int size){ AVS_Value v; v.type = 'a'; v.d.array = v0; v.array_size = size; return v; }static inline int avs_is_error(AVS_Value v) { return v.type == 'e'; }static inline int avs_is_clip(AVS_Value v) { return v.type == 'c'; }static inline int avs_is_string(AVS_Value v) { return v.type == 's'; }static inline int avs_has_video(const AVS_VideoInfo * p) { return (p->width!=0); }static inline int avs_has_audio(const AVS_VideoInfo * p) { return (p->audio_samples_per_second!=0); }static inline const char * avs_as_string(AVS_Value v){ return avs_is_error(v) || avs_is_string(v) ? v.d.string : 0; }/* Color spaces */static inline int avs_is_rgb(const AVS_VideoInfo * p){ return (p->pixel_type&AVS_CS_BGR); }static inline int avs_is_rgb24(const AVS_VideoInfo * p){ return (p->pixel_type&AVS_CS_BGR24)==AVS_CS_BGR24; } // Clear out additional propertiesstatic inline int avs_is_rgb32(const AVS_VideoInfo * p){ return (p->pixel_type & AVS_CS_BGR32) == AVS_CS_BGR32 ; }static inline int avs_is_yuy(const AVS_VideoInfo * p){ return (p->pixel_type&AVS_CS_YUV ); }static inline int avs_is_yuy2(const AVS_VideoInfo * p){ return (p->pixel_type & AVS_CS_YUY2) == AVS_CS_YUY2; } static inline int avs_is_yv12(const AVS_VideoInfo * p){ return ((p->pixel_type & AVS_CS_YV12) == AVS_CS_YV12)||((p->pixel_type & AVS_CS_I420) == AVS_CS_I420); } static inline int avs_bits_per_pixel(const AVS_VideoInfo * p) { switch (p->pixel_type) { case AVS_CS_BGR24: return 24; case AVS_CS_BGR32: return 32; case AVS_CS_YUY2: return 16; case AVS_CS_YV12: case AVS_CS_I420: return 12; default: return 0; }}