view libao2/firfilter.c @ 4559:5dc383bb1c82

added mga_top_reserved module parameter to skip a configurable amount of space at the top of video memory. this is needed to prevent corruption of the kernel's console font when using the "fastfont" option with matroxfb.
author rfelker
date Thu, 07 Feb 2002 02:07:29 +0000
parents f99944f9f427
line wrap: on
line source

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <math.h>

static double desired_7kHz_lowpass[] = {1.0, 0.0};
static double weights_7kHz_lowpass[] = {0.2, 2.0};

double *calc_coefficients_7kHz_lowpass(int rate)
  double *result = (double *)malloc(32*sizeof(double));
  double bands[4];

  bands[0] = 0.0;  bands[1] = 6800.0/rate;
  bands[2] = 8500.0/rate;  bands[3] = 0.5;

  remez(result, 32, 2, bands,
	desired_7kHz_lowpass, weights_7kHz_lowpass, BANDPASS);

  return result;

#if 0

static double desired_125Hz_lowpass[] = {1.0, 0.0};
static double weights_125Hz_lowpass[] = {0.2, 2.0};

double *calc_coefficients_125Hz_lowpass(int rate)
  double *result = (double *)malloc(256*sizeof(double));
  double bands[4];

  bands[0] = 0.0;  bands[1] = 125.0/rate;
  bands[2] = 175.0/rate;  bands[3] = 0.5;

  remez(result, 256, 2, bands,
	desired_125Hz_lowpass, weights_125Hz_lowpass, BANDPASS);

  return result;


int16_t firfilter(int16_t *buf, int pos, int len, int count, double *coefficients)
  double result = 0.0;
  int count1, count2;
  int16_t *ptr;

  if (pos >= count) {
    pos -= count;
    count1 = count; count2 = 0;
  else {
    count2 = pos;
    count1 = count - pos;
    pos = len - count1;
  //fprintf(stderr, "pos=%d, count1=%d, count2=%d\n", pos, count1, count2);

  // high part of window
  ptr = &buf[pos];
  while (count1--)  result += *ptr++ * *coefficients++;
  // wrapped part of window
  while (count2--)  result += *buf++ * *coefficients++;
  return result;

void dump_filter_coefficients(double *coefficients)
  int i;
  fprintf(stderr, "pl_surround: Filter coefficients are: \n");
  for (i=0; (i<32); i++) {
    fprintf(stderr, "  [%2d]: %23.20f\n", i, coefficients[i]);

#ifdef TESTING

#define PI 3.1415926536

// For testing purposes, fill a buffer with some sine-wave tone
void sinewave(int16_t *output, int samples, int incr, int freq, double phase, int samplerate)
  double radians_per_sample = 2*PI / ((0.0+samplerate) / freq), r;

  //fprintf(stderr, "samples=%d tone freq=%d, samplerate=%d, radians/sample=%f\n",
  //	  samples, freq, samplerate, radians_per_sample);
  r = phase;
  while (samples--) {
    *output = sin(r)*10000;  output = &output[incr];
    r += radians_per_sample;

// Pass various frequencies through a FIR filter and report amplitudes
void testfilter(double *coefficients, int count, int samplerate)
  int16_t wavein[8192]; //, waveout[2048];
  int sample, samples, maxsample, minsample, totsample;
  int nyquist=samplerate/2;
  int freq, i;

  for (freq=25; freq<nyquist; freq+=25) {
    // Make input tone
    sinewave(wavein, 8192, 1, freq, 0.0, samplerate);
    //for (i=0; i<32; i++)
    //  fprintf(stderr, "%5d\n", wavein[i]);
    // Filter through the filter, measure results
    maxsample=0;  minsample=1000000;  totsample=0;  samples=0;
    for (i=2048; i<8192; i++) {
      //waveout[i] = wavein[i];
      sample = abs(firfilter(wavein, i, 8192, count, coefficients));
      if (sample > maxsample) maxsample=sample;
      if (sample < minsample) minsample=sample;
      totsample += sample;  samples++;
    // Report results
    fprintf(stderr, "%5d  %5d  %5d  %5d  %f\n", freq, totsample/samples, maxsample, minsample, 10*log((totsample/samples)/6500.0));
