view gui/win32/skinload.h @ 35330:5fbd422b355e

Fix segmentation fault after end of file playback. At this point (GUI_END_FILE), mpctx's sh_video has already been freed and thus guiInfo.sh_video->codec->name mustn't be accessed which may happen as a result of the following uiEventHandling() call. Patch by Hans-Dieter Kosch, hdkosch kabelbw de. (Although the Win32 GUI isn't affected, because there is no use of guiInfo.sh_video->codec->name, it is patched accordingly for the sake of consistency. At least, it won't be showing the old codec name then, when there already is none.)
author ib
date Mon, 19 Nov 2012 15:27:36 +0000
parents ac6b38cd0d45
children ac6c531dc9d1
line wrap: on
line source

 * MPlayer GUI for Win32
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Sascha Sommer <>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Erik Augustson <>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Gianluigi Tiesi <>
 * This file is part of MPlayer.
 * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


typedef struct
    char *name;                  /* image name */
    int size;                    /* image data size in bytes */
    int width;                   /* image width */
    int height;                  /* image height */
    char *data;                  /* pointer to image data */
} image;

typedef struct
    char c;
    int x;
    int y;
    int width;
    int height;
} char_t;

typedef struct
    char *name;
    char *id;
    image *image;
    unsigned int charcount;
    char_t **chars;
} font_t;

typedef struct
    int id;                         /* widget id */
    int type;                       /* widget type */
    int window;                     /* the window it belongs to */
    // ---
    int x, y;                       /* x and y position the button */
    int wx, wy;                     /* x and y postion of the widget */
    int width, height;              /* width and height of the button */
    int wwidth, wheight;            /* width and height of the widget */
    // ---
    // ---
    int msg, msg2;
    int pressed, tmp;
    int key, key2;
    int phases;
    float value;
    image *bitmap[2];               /* Associated image(s) in imagepool */
    // ---
    font_t *font;
    int length;
    int align;
    char *label;
    // ---
    int event;
} widget;

typedef struct
    char *name;
    int decoration;
    int type;
    widget *base;
    int backgroundcolor[3];
    void *priv;
} window;

typedef struct skin_t skin_t;
struct skin_t
    char *skindir;
    unsigned int widgetcount;       /* number of widgets */
    unsigned int lastusedid;        /* which widget id was used last */
    widget **widgets;               /* widget handle */
    unsigned int imagecount;        /* number of images */
    image **images;                 /* image handle */
    int desktopbpp;                 /* image format of those images */
    unsigned int fontcount;
    font_t **fonts;

    unsigned int windowcount;       /* number of windows */
    window **windows;
    void (*freeskin)(skin_t* skin);
    void (*addwidget)(skin_t *skin, window *win, const char *desc);
    void (*removewidget)(skin_t *skin, int id);
    char *(*geteventname)(int event);
    image *(*pngRead)(skin_t *skin, const char *fname);

skin_t *loadskin(char *skindir, int desktopbpp);

/* --- Widget types --- */

#define tyBase          1
#define tyButton        2
#define tyHpotmeter     3
#define tyVpotmeter     4
#define tyPotmeter      5
#define tyMenu          6
#define tySlabel        7
#define tyDlabel        8

/* --- Window types --- */

#define wiMain          1
#define wiVideo         2
#define wiMenu          3
#define wiPlaybar       4

/* --- User events --- */

#define evNone              0
#define evPlay              1
#define evStop              2
#define evPause             3
#define evPrev              6
#define evNext              7
#define evLoad              8
#define evLoadPlay          13
#define evLoadAudioFile     42
#define evLoadSubtitle      38
#define evDropSubtitle      43
#define evPlaylist          10
#define evPlayCD            48
#define evPlayVCD           40
#define evPlayDVD           39
#define evLoadURL         5013
#define evPlaySwitchToPause 16
#define evPauseSwitchToPlay 17

#define evBackward10sec     18
#define evForward10sec      19
#define evBackward1min      20
#define evForward1min       21
#define evBackward10min     22
#define evForward10min      23
#define evSetMoviePosition  27

#define evHalfSize          301
#define evDoubleSize        25
#define evFullScreen        26
#define evNormalSize        24
#define evSetAspect         44

#define evIncVolume         31
#define evDecVolume         32
#define evSetVolume         28
#define evMute              30
#define evSetBalance        29
#define evEqualizer         9

#define evAbout             12
#define evPreferences       14
#define evSkinBrowser       15
#define evMenu              33

#define evIconify           11
#define evExit              1000

/* --- Internal events --- */

#define ivSetAudio          45
#define ivSetVideo          46
#define ivSetSubtitle       47

#define ivShowPopUpMenu   5005
#define ivHidePopUpMenu   5006
#define ivSetDVDAudio     5007
#define ivSetDVDSubtitle  5008
#define ivSetDVDTitle     5009
#define ivSetDVDChapter   5010
#define ivSetVCDTrack     5012
#define ivSetCDTrack      5014

#define ivRedraw          7002
#define ivPlayDVD         7003