view gui/win32/skinload.h @ 35002:64d72a128ea8

Rewrite condition and use console_state instead of console. Although - currently - both variables are the same, it's console_state which reflects the current state of the debug console.
author ib
date Wed, 15 Aug 2012 17:46:38 +0000
parents ac6b38cd0d45
children ac6c531dc9d1
line wrap: on
line source

 * MPlayer GUI for Win32
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Sascha Sommer <>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Erik Augustson <>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Gianluigi Tiesi <>
 * This file is part of MPlayer.
 * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


typedef struct
    char *name;                  /* image name */
    int size;                    /* image data size in bytes */
    int width;                   /* image width */
    int height;                  /* image height */
    char *data;                  /* pointer to image data */
} image;

typedef struct
    char c;
    int x;
    int y;
    int width;
    int height;
} char_t;

typedef struct
    char *name;
    char *id;
    image *image;
    unsigned int charcount;
    char_t **chars;
} font_t;

typedef struct
    int id;                         /* widget id */
    int type;                       /* widget type */
    int window;                     /* the window it belongs to */
    // ---
    int x, y;                       /* x and y position the button */
    int wx, wy;                     /* x and y postion of the widget */
    int width, height;              /* width and height of the button */
    int wwidth, wheight;            /* width and height of the widget */
    // ---
    // ---
    int msg, msg2;
    int pressed, tmp;
    int key, key2;
    int phases;
    float value;
    image *bitmap[2];               /* Associated image(s) in imagepool */
    // ---
    font_t *font;
    int length;
    int align;
    char *label;
    // ---
    int event;
} widget;

typedef struct
    char *name;
    int decoration;
    int type;
    widget *base;
    int backgroundcolor[3];
    void *priv;
} window;

typedef struct skin_t skin_t;
struct skin_t
    char *skindir;
    unsigned int widgetcount;       /* number of widgets */
    unsigned int lastusedid;        /* which widget id was used last */
    widget **widgets;               /* widget handle */
    unsigned int imagecount;        /* number of images */
    image **images;                 /* image handle */
    int desktopbpp;                 /* image format of those images */
    unsigned int fontcount;
    font_t **fonts;

    unsigned int windowcount;       /* number of windows */
    window **windows;
    void (*freeskin)(skin_t* skin);
    void (*addwidget)(skin_t *skin, window *win, const char *desc);
    void (*removewidget)(skin_t *skin, int id);
    char *(*geteventname)(int event);
    image *(*pngRead)(skin_t *skin, const char *fname);

skin_t *loadskin(char *skindir, int desktopbpp);

/* --- Widget types --- */

#define tyBase          1
#define tyButton        2
#define tyHpotmeter     3
#define tyVpotmeter     4
#define tyPotmeter      5
#define tyMenu          6
#define tySlabel        7
#define tyDlabel        8

/* --- Window types --- */

#define wiMain          1
#define wiVideo         2
#define wiMenu          3
#define wiPlaybar       4

/* --- User events --- */

#define evNone              0
#define evPlay              1
#define evStop              2
#define evPause             3
#define evPrev              6
#define evNext              7
#define evLoad              8
#define evLoadPlay          13
#define evLoadAudioFile     42
#define evLoadSubtitle      38
#define evDropSubtitle      43
#define evPlaylist          10
#define evPlayCD            48
#define evPlayVCD           40
#define evPlayDVD           39
#define evLoadURL         5013
#define evPlaySwitchToPause 16
#define evPauseSwitchToPlay 17

#define evBackward10sec     18
#define evForward10sec      19
#define evBackward1min      20
#define evForward1min       21
#define evBackward10min     22
#define evForward10min      23
#define evSetMoviePosition  27

#define evHalfSize          301
#define evDoubleSize        25
#define evFullScreen        26
#define evNormalSize        24
#define evSetAspect         44

#define evIncVolume         31
#define evDecVolume         32
#define evSetVolume         28
#define evMute              30
#define evSetBalance        29
#define evEqualizer         9

#define evAbout             12
#define evPreferences       14
#define evSkinBrowser       15
#define evMenu              33

#define evIconify           11
#define evExit              1000

/* --- Internal events --- */

#define ivSetAudio          45
#define ivSetVideo          46
#define ivSetSubtitle       47

#define ivShowPopUpMenu   5005
#define ivHidePopUpMenu   5006
#define ivSetDVDAudio     5007
#define ivSetDVDSubtitle  5008
#define ivSetDVDTitle     5009
#define ivSetDVDChapter   5010
#define ivSetVCDTrack     5012
#define ivSetCDTrack      5014

#define ivRedraw          7002
#define ivPlayDVD         7003