Mercurial > mplayer.hg
view TOOLS/vfw2menc.c @ 32860:77dd2bb3fd02
Make sure we don't store the same stats twice by nulling the first byte of the stats_out string once we have written it.
I've verified that this is necessary, without it at normally at least the last stats line is duplicated, it could also happen when we call encode_video more often due to encoder delay as Reimar noted.
Sample encode was with default -ovc lavc -lavcopts vpass=1:
--- pass1stats.log 2011-02-21 15:44:42.314259000 +0100
+++ pass1stats.log.dedup_patch 2011-02-21 15:41:51.262778000 +0100
@@ -6421,4 +6421,3 @@
in:6420 out:6420 type:2 q:239 itex:0 ptex:15905 mv:441 misc:1911 fcode:1 bcode:1 mc-var:989 var:350603 icount:0 skipcount:373 hbits:55;
in:6421 out:6421 type:2 q:247 itex:0 ptex:13020 mv:422 misc:1863 fcode:1 bcode:1 mc-var:953 var:352607 icount:0 skipcount:379 hbits:55;
in:6422 out:6422 type:2 q:252 itex:0 ptex:3162 mv:258 misc:1293 fcode:1 bcode:1 mc-var:837 var:352872 icount:0 skipcount:449 hbits:55;
-in:6422 out:6422 type:2 q:252 itex:0 ptex:3162 mv:258 misc:1293 fcode:1 bcode:1 mc-var:837 var:352872 icount:0 skipcount:449 hbits:55;
author | ranma |
date | Mon, 21 Feb 2011 14:52:25 +0000 |
parents | 8fa2f43cb760 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
/* * VFW Compressor Settings Tool * * Copyright (c) 2006 Gianluigi Tiesi <> * * Official Website : * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* On MinGW compile with: gcc vfw2menc.c -o vfw2menc.exe -lwinmm -lole32 */ /* Using Wine: winegcc vfw2menc.c -o vfw2menc -lwinmm -lole32 */ /* MSVC requires getopt.c and getopt.h available at the original website */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #pragma warning(disable: 4996) #endif #define VERSION "0.1" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <windows.h> #include <vfw.h> #define BAIL(msg) { printf("%s: %s\n", argv[0], msg); ret = -1; goto cleanup; } typedef struct { UINT uDriverSignature; HINSTANCE hDriverModule; DRIVERPROC DriverProc; DWORD dwDriverID; } DRVR; typedef DRVR *PDRVR; typedef DRVR *NPDRVR; typedef DRVR *LPDRVR; enum { MODE_NONE = 0, MODE_CHECK, MODE_SAVE, MODE_VIEW }; static int save_settings(HDRVR hDriver, const char *filename) { FILE *fd = NULL; DWORD cb = (DWORD) SendDriverMessage(hDriver, ICM_GETSTATE, 0, 0); char *pv = NULL; if (!cb) { printf("ICM_GETSTATE returned 0 size\n"); return -1; } pv = malloc(cb); if (SendDriverMessage(hDriver, ICM_GETSTATE, (LPARAM) pv, (LPARAM) &cb) != ICERR_OK) { printf("ICM_GETSTATE failed\n"); free(pv); return -1; } fd = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fd) { printf("Cannot open file %s for writing\n", filename); free(pv); return -1; } if (fwrite(pv, cb, 1, fd) != 1) { printf("fwrite() failed on %s\n", filename); free(pv); fclose(fd); return -1; } fclose(fd); free(pv); return 0; } static int load_settings(HDRVR hDriver, const char *filename) { struct stat info; FILE *fd = NULL; char *pv; if (stat(filename, &info) < 0) { printf("stat() on %s failed\n", filename); return -1; } pv = malloc(info.st_size); fd = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fd) { printf("Cannot open file %s for reading\n", filename); free(pv); return -1; } if (fread(pv, info.st_size, 1, fd) != 1) { printf("fread() failed on %s\n", filename); free(pv); fclose(fd); return -1; } fclose(fd); if (!SendDriverMessage(hDriver, ICM_SETSTATE, (LPARAM) pv, (LPARAM) info.st_size)) { printf("ICM_SETSTATE failed\n"); free(pv); return -1; } free(pv); return 0; } static struct option long_options[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "driver", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "fourcc", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "save", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "check", required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "view", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; static void help(const char *progname) { printf("VFW to mencoder v"VERSION" - Copyright 2007 - Gianluigi Tiesi <>\n"); printf("This program is Free Software\n\n"); printf("Usage: %s\n", progname); printf(" -h|--help - displays this help\n"); printf(" -d|--driver filename - dll or drv to load\n"); printf(" -f|--fourcc fourcc - fourcc of selected driver (look at codecs.conf)\n"); printf(" -s|--save filename - save settings to file\n"); printf(" -c|--check filename - load and show setting in filename\n"); printf(" -v|--view - displays the config dialog and do nothing\n"); printf("\nExamples:\n"); printf(" %s -f VP62 -d vp6vfw.dll -s firstpass.mcf\n", progname); printf(" %s -f VP62 -d vp6vfw.dll -c firstpass.mcf\n", progname); printf(" %s -f VP62 -d vp6vfw.dll -v\n", progname); printf("\nIf the driver dialog doesn't work, you can try without specifing a fourcc,\n"); printf("but the compdata file will not work with mencoder.\n"); printf("Driver option is required and you must specify at least -s, -c -o -v\n"); printf("Usage with mencoder -ovc vfw -xvfwopts codec=vp6vfw.dll:compdata=settings.mcf\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *driver = NULL; char *fourcc = NULL; char *filename = NULL; unsigned char mode = 0; DWORD dwFCC = 0; ICOPEN icopen; HRESULT coinit = -1; /* ICINFO icinfo; */ wchar_t drvfile[MAX_PATH]; HDRVR hDriver = NULL; int ret = 0; int c = -1, long_options_index = -1; if (argc < 2) { help(argv[0]); ret = -1; goto cleanup; } while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hd:f:s:c:v", long_options, &long_options_index)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': help(argv[0]); ret = 0; goto cleanup; case 'd': driver = strdup(optarg); break; case 'f': fourcc = strdup(optarg); if (strlen(optarg) != 4) BAIL("Fourcc must be exactly 4 chars"); break; case 's': if (mode != MODE_NONE) BAIL("Incompatible arguments"); filename = strdup(optarg); mode = MODE_SAVE; break; case 'c': if (mode != MODE_NONE) BAIL("Incompatible arguments"); filename = strdup(optarg); mode = MODE_CHECK; break; case 'v': if (mode != MODE_NONE) BAIL("Incompatible arguments"); mode = MODE_VIEW; break; default: printf("Wrong arguments!\n"); help(argv[0]); goto cleanup; } } if (!(argc == optind) && (mode != MODE_NONE) && driver && (filename || (mode == MODE_VIEW))) { help(argv[0]); goto cleanup; } if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, driver, -1, drvfile, MAX_PATH)) BAIL("MultiByteToWideChar() failed\n"); if (fourcc) memcpy(&dwFCC, fourcc, 4); memset(&icopen, 0, sizeof(icopen)); icopen.dwSize = sizeof(icopen); icopen.fccType = ICTYPE_VIDEO; /* VIDC */ icopen.fccHandler = dwFCC; icopen.dwVersion = 0x00001000; /* FIXME */ icopen.dwFlags = ICMODE_COMPRESS; icopen.dwError = 0; icopen.pV1Reserved = NULL; icopen.pV2Reserved = NULL; icopen.dnDevNode = -1; /* FIXME */ coinit = CoInitialize(NULL); if (!(hDriver = OpenDriver(drvfile, NULL, (LPARAM) &icopen))) BAIL("OpenDriver() failed\n"); /* memset(&icinfo, 0, sizeof(ICINFO)); icinfo.dwSize = sizeof(ICINFO); SendDriverMessage(hDriver, ICM_GETINFO, (LPARAM) &icinfo, sizeof(ICINFO)); */ if (SendDriverMessage(hDriver, ICM_CONFIGURE, -1, 0) != ICERR_OK) BAIL("The driver doesn't provide a configure dialog"); switch(mode) { case MODE_CHECK: if (load_settings(hDriver, filename)) BAIL("Cannot load settings from file"); if (SendDriverMessage(hDriver, ICM_CONFIGURE, 0, 0) != ICERR_OK) BAIL("ICM_CONFIGURE failed"); break; case MODE_SAVE: if (SendDriverMessage(hDriver, ICM_CONFIGURE, 0, 0) != ICERR_OK) BAIL("ICM_CONFIGURE failed"); if (save_settings(hDriver, filename)) BAIL("Cannot save settings to file"); break; case MODE_VIEW: { HWND hwnd = GetDesktopWindow(); if (SendDriverMessage(hDriver, ICM_CONFIGURE, (LPARAM) hwnd, 0) != ICERR_OK) BAIL("ICM_CONFIGURE failed"); } break; default: BAIL("This should not happen :)"); } cleanup: free(driver); free(fourcc); free(filename); if (hDriver) CloseDriver(hDriver, 0, 0); if ((coinit == S_OK) || coinit == S_FALSE) CoUninitialize(); return ret; }