view libvo/vo_svga.c @ 483:92f170c8b9ba

fix to newest revision after cvs rollback
author atmosfear
date Tue, 17 Apr 2001 06:22:48 +0000
parents 198b46b739d8
children dfafa47d751d
line wrap: on
line source

  Video driver for SVGAlib - alpha, slow
  by Zoltan Mark Vician <>
  Code started: Mon Apr  1 23:25:47 2001
  Uses HW acceleration if your card is supported by SVGAlib.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <vga.h>
#include <vgagl.h>

#include "config.h"
#include "video_out.h"
#include "video_out_internal.h"

#include "yuv2rgb.h"
#include "mmx.h"

extern void rgb15to16_mmx(char* s0,char* d0,int count);


static vo_info_t vo_info = {
        "Zoltan Mark Vician <>",

// SVGAlib definitions

GraphicsContext *screen;
GraphicsContext *virt;

static uint8_t *scalebuf = NULL, *yuvbuf = NULL, *bppbuf = NULL;

static uint32_t orig_w, orig_h, maxw, maxh; // Width, height
static float scaling = 1.0;
static uint32_t x_pos, y_pos; // Position

// SVGAlib - list of detected modes
typedef struct vga_modelist_s {
          uint16_t modenum;
          vga_modeinfo modeinfo;
	  struct vga_modelist_s *next;
        } vga_modelist_t;

vga_modelist_t *modelist = NULL;

static uint8_t bpp;
static uint8_t bpp_conv = 0;
static uint32_t pformat;

#define BPP_15 1
#define BPP_16 2
#define BPP_24 4
#define BPP_32 8
static uint8_t bpp_avail = 0;

static uint8_t checked = 0;

static int add_mode(uint16_t mode, vga_modeinfo minfo) {
  vga_modelist_t *list;

  if (modelist == NULL) {
    modelist = malloc(sizeof(vga_modelist_t));
    modelist->modenum = mode;
    modelist->modeinfo = minfo;
    modelist->next = NULL;
    if (modelist == NULL) {
      printf("vo_svga: add_mode() failed. Not enough memory for modelist.");
      return(1); // error
  } else {
      list = modelist;
      while (list->next != NULL)
        list = list->next;
      list->next = malloc(sizeof(vga_modelist_t));
      if (list->next == NULL) {
        printf("vo_svga: add_mode() failed. Not enough memory for modelist.");
        return(1); // error
      list = list->next;
      list->modenum = mode;
      list->modeinfo = minfo;
      list->next = NULL;

static int checksupportedmodes() {
  uint16_t i;
  vga_modeinfo *minfo;
  checked = 1;
  for (i = 1; i < vga_lastmodenumber(); i++)
    if (vga_hasmode(i) > 0) {
      minfo = vga_getmodeinfo(i);
      switch (minfo->colors) {
        case 32768: bpp_avail |= BPP_15; break;
        case 65536: bpp_avail |= BPP_16; break;
      switch (minfo->bytesperpixel) {
        case 3: bpp_avail |= BPP_24; break;
        case 4: bpp_avail |= BPP_32; break;
      if (add_mode(i, *minfo))

static uint32_t init(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t d_width,
                     uint32_t d_height, uint32_t fullscreen, char *title, 
		     uint32_t format) {
  uint32_t req_w = (d_width > 0 ? d_width : width);
  uint32_t req_h = (d_height > 0 ? d_height : height);
  uint16_t vid_mode = 0;
  uint8_t widescreen = (((req_w*1.0)/req_h) > (4.0/3)) ? 1 : 0;
  vga_modelist_t *list = modelist;
  if (!checked) {
    if (checksupportedmodes()) // Looking for available video modes

  bpp_avail = 0;
  while (list != NULL) {
    if ((list->modeinfo.width >= req_w) && (list->modeinfo.height >= req_h)) {
      switch (list->modeinfo.colors) {
        case 32768: bpp_avail |= BPP_15; break;
        case 65536: bpp_avail |= BPP_16; break;
      switch (list->modeinfo.bytesperpixel) {
        case 3: bpp_avail |= BPP_24; break;
        case 4: bpp_avail |= BPP_32; break;
    list = list->next;
  pformat = format;
  // bpp check
  bpp_conv = 0;
  if (!vo_dbpp) {
    if (format == IMGFMT_YV12) bpp = 32;
    else bpp = format & 255;
    switch (bpp) {
      case 32: if (!(bpp_avail & BPP_32)) {
	         printf("vo_svga: Haven't found video mode which fit to: %dx%d %dbpp\n",req_w,req_h,bpp);
		 printf("vo_svga: Maybe you should try -bpp\n");
      case 24: if (!(bpp_avail & BPP_24))
                 if (!(bpp_avail & BPP_32)) {
	           printf("vo_svga: Haven't found video mode which fit to: %dx%d %dbpp\n",req_w,req_h,bpp);
		   printf("vo_svga: Maybe you should try -bpp\n");
		 } else {
		     bpp = 32;
		     bpp_conv = 1;
      case 16: if (!(bpp_avail & BPP_16)) {
	         printf("vo_svga: Haven't found video mode which fit to: %dx%d %dbpp\n",req_w,req_h,bpp);
		 printf("vo_svga: Maybe you should try -bpp\n");
      case 15: if (!(bpp_avail & BPP_15))
                 if (!(bpp_avail & BPP_16)) {
	           printf("vo_svga: Haven't found video mode which fit to: %dx%d %dbpp\n",req_w,req_h,bpp);
		   printf("vo_svga: Maybe you should try -bpp\n");
		 } else {
		     bpp = 16;
		     bpp_conv = 1;
  } else {
      bpp = vo_dbpp;
      switch (bpp) {
        case 32: if (!(bpp_avail & BPP_32)) {
	           printf("vo_svga: %dbpp not supported by HW or SVGAlib\n",bpp);
        case 24: if (!(bpp_avail & BPP_24)) {
	           printf("vo_svga: %dbpp not supported by HW or SVGAlib\n",bpp);
        case 16: if (!(bpp_avail & BPP_16)) {
	           printf("vo_svga: %dbpp not supported by HW or SVGAlib\n",bpp);
        case 15: if (!(bpp_avail & BPP_15)) {
	           printf("vo_svga: %dbpp not supported by HW or SVGAlib\n",bpp);

  list = modelist;
  while ((list != NULL) && (!vid_mode)) {
    if ((list->modeinfo.width >= req_w) && (list->modeinfo.height >= req_h)) {
      switch (bpp) {
        case 32: if (list->modeinfo.bytesperpixel == 4)
	           vid_mode = list->modenum;
        case 24: if (list->modeinfo.bytesperpixel == 3)
	           vid_mode = list->modenum;
        case 16: if (list->modeinfo.colors == 65536)
	           vid_mode = list->modenum;
        case 15: if (list->modeinfo.colors == 32768)
	           vid_mode = list->modenum;
    list = list->next;
  if (vga_setmode(vid_mode) == -1){
    printf("vo_svga: vga_setmode(%d) failed.\n",vid_mode);
    return(1); // error
  if (gl_setcontextvga(vid_mode)){
    printf("vo_svga: gl_setcontextvga(%d) failed.\n",vid_mode);
    return(1); // error
  screen = gl_allocatecontext();
  if (gl_setcontextvgavirtual(vid_mode)){
    printf("vo_svga: gl_setcontextvgavirtual(%d) failed.\n",vid_mode);
    return(1); // error
  virt = gl_allocatecontext();
  if (bpp_conv)
    bppbuf = malloc(maxw * maxh * BYTESPERPIXEL);
  if (bppbuf == NULL) {
    printf("vo_svga: Not enough memory for buffering!\n");
    return (1);

  orig_w = width;
  orig_h = height;
  if ((fullscreen & 0x04) && (WIDTH != orig_w)) {
    if (!widescreen) {
      maxh = HEIGHT;
      scaling = maxh / (orig_h * 1.0);
      maxw = (uint32_t) (orig_w * scaling);
      scalebuf = malloc(maxw * maxh * BYTESPERPIXEL);
      if (scalebuf == NULL) {
        printf("vo_svga: Not enough memory for buffering!\n");
	return (1);
    } else {
        maxw = WIDTH;
        scaling = maxw / (orig_w * 1.0);
        maxh = (uint32_t) (orig_h * scaling);
        scalebuf = malloc(maxw * maxh * BYTESPERPIXEL);
        if (scalebuf == NULL) {
          printf("vo_svga: Not enough memory for buffering!\n");
	  return (1);
  } else {
      maxw = orig_w;
      maxh = orig_h;
  x_pos = (WIDTH - maxw) / 2;
  y_pos = (HEIGHT - maxh) / 2;
  if (pformat == IMGFMT_YV12) {
    yuv2rgb_init(bpp, MODE_RGB);
    yuvbuf = malloc(maxw * maxh * BYTESPERPIXEL);
    if (yuvbuf == NULL) {
      printf("vo_svga: Not enough memory for buffering!\n");
      return (1);

  printf("SVGAlib resolution: %dx%d %dbpp - ", WIDTH, HEIGHT, bpp);
  if (maxw != orig_w || maxh != orig_h) printf("Video scaled to: %dx%d\n",maxw,maxh);
  else printf("No video scaling\n");

  return (0);

static uint32_t query_format(uint32_t format) {
  uint8_t res = 0;

  if (!checked) {
    if (checksupportedmodes()) // Looking for available video modes
  switch (format) {
    case IMGFMT_RGB32: 
    case IMGFMT_BGR|32: {
      return ((bpp_avail & BPP_32) ? 1 : 0);
    case IMGFMT_RGB24: 
    case IMGFMT_BGR|24: {
      res = (bpp_avail & BPP_24) ? 1 : 0;
      if (!res) {
        res = (bpp_avail & BPP_32) ? 1 : 0;
	bpp_conv = 1;
      return (res);
    case IMGFMT_RGB16: 
    case IMGFMT_BGR|16: {
      return ((bpp_avail & BPP_16) ? 1 : 0);
    case IMGFMT_RGB15: 
    case IMGFMT_BGR|15: {
      res = (bpp_avail & BPP_15) ? 1 : 0;
      if (!res) {
        res = (bpp_avail & BPP_16) ? 1 : 0;
        bpp_conv = 1;
      return (res);
    case IMGFMT_YV12: return (1);
  return (0);

static const vo_info_t* get_info(void) {
  return (&vo_info);

static void draw_alpha(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, unsigned char *src,
                       unsigned char *srca, int stride) {
  switch (bpp) {
    case 32: 
      vo_draw_alpha_rgb32(w, h, src, srca, stride, virt->vbuf+4*(y0*WIDTH+x0), 4*WIDTH);
    case 24: 
      vo_draw_alpha_rgb24(w, h, src, srca, stride, virt->vbuf+3*(y0*WIDTH+x0), 3*WIDTH);
    case 16:
      vo_draw_alpha_rgb16(w, h, src, srca, stride, virt->vbuf+2*(y0*WIDTH+x0), 2*WIDTH);
    case 15:
      vo_draw_alpha_rgb15(w, h, src, srca, stride, virt->vbuf+2*(y0*WIDTH+x0), 2*WIDTH);

static uint32_t draw_frame(uint8_t *src[]) {
  if (pformat == IMGFMT_YV12) {
    yuv2rgb(yuvbuf, src[0], src[1], src[2], orig_w, orig_h, orig_w * BYTESPERPIXEL, orig_w, orig_w / 2);
    src[0] = yuvbuf;
  if (scalebuf != NULL) {
    gl_scalebox(orig_w, orig_h, src[0], maxw, maxh, scalebuf);
    src[0] = scalebuf;
  if (bpp_conv) {
    uint16_t *src = (uint16_t *) src[0];
    uint16_t *dest = (uint16_t *) bppbuf;
    uint16_t *end;
    switch(bpp) {
      case 32:
	end = src + (maxw * maxh * 2);
        while (src < end) {
	  *dest++ = *src++;
	  (uint8_t *)dest = (uint8_t *)src;
	  *(((uint8_t *)dest)+1) = 0;
      case 16:
#ifdef HAVE_MMX
        rgb15to16_mmx(src[0],bppbuf,maxw * maxh * 2);
	register uint16_t srcdata;
	end = src + (maxw * maxh);
	while (src < end) {
	  srcdata = *src++;
	  *dest++ = (srcdata & 0x1f) | ((srcdata & 0x7fe0) << 1);
    src[0] = bppbuf;
  gl_putbox(x_pos, y_pos, maxw, maxh, src[0]);

static uint32_t draw_slice(uint8_t *image[], int stride[], 
                           int w, int h, int x, int y) {
  uint8_t *src = yuvbuf;
  uint32_t sw, sh;
  sw = (uint32_t) (w * scaling);
  sh = (uint32_t) (h * scaling);
  yuv2rgb(yuvbuf, image[0], image[1], image[2], w, h, orig_w * BYTESPERPIXEL, stride[0], stride[1]);
  if (scalebuf != NULL) {
    gl_scalebox(w, h, yuvbuf, sw, sh, scalebuf);
    src = scalebuf;
  gl_putbox((int)(x * scaling) + x_pos, (int)(y * scaling) + y_pos, sw, sh, src);

static void flip_page(void) {
  if (y_pos) {
    gl_fillbox(0, 0, WIDTH, y_pos, 0);
    gl_fillbox(0, HEIGHT - y_pos, WIDTH, y_pos, 0);
  } else {
      gl_fillbox(0, 0, x_pos, HEIGHT, 0);
      gl_fillbox(WIDTH - x_pos, 0, x_pos, HEIGHT, 0);
  vo_draw_text(WIDTH, HEIGHT, draw_alpha);

static void check_events(void) {

static void uninit(void) {
  vga_modelist_t *list = modelist;

  if (bppbuf != NULL)
  if (scalebuf != NULL)
  if (yuvbuf != NULL)
  if (modelist != NULL) {
    while (modelist->next != NULL) {
      list = modelist;
      while (list->next != NULL)
        list = list->next;