view help/help_mp-ko.h @ 8566:97fcaed8d028
use '.' rather than '!' if possible, al3x
author |
gabucino |
date |
Thu, 26 Dec 2002 08:24:49 +0000 (2002-12-26) |
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f71bc57c4da9 |
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d4e8a3026bf7 |
line source
// Translated by: DongCheon Park <>
// Translated files should be uploaded to
// and send a notify message to mplayer-dev-eng maillist.
// ========================= MPlayer 亀崇源 ===========================
static char* banner_text=
"MPlayer " VERSION "(C) 2000-2002 Arpad Gereoffy (DOCS 凧繕!)\n"
static char help_text[]=
"紫遂狛: mplayer [識澱紫牌] [井稽/]督析誤\n"
" -vo <drv[:dev]> 搾巨神 窒径 球虞戚獄 貢 舌帖 識澱 (鯉系左奄澗 '-vo help')\n"
" -ao <drv[:dev]> 神巨神 窒径 球虞戚獄 貢 舌帖 識澱 (鯉系左奄澗 '-ao help')\n"
" -vcd <trackno> 督析戚 焼観 舌帖稽採斗 VCD (搾巨神 cd) 闘窟 仙持\n"
" -dvdauth <dev> 昔装聖 是背 DVD 舌帖 走舛 (章硲鉢吉 巨什滴遂)\n"
" -dvd <titleno> 督析戚 焼観 舌帖稽採斗 DVD 展戚堂/闘窟 仙持\n"
" -ss <timepos> 働舛 是帖稽 達焼亜奄 (段 暁澗 獣:歳:段)\n"
" -nosound 社軒 仙持 照敗\n"
" -stereo <mode> MPEG1 什砺傾神 窒径 識澱 (0:什砺傾神 1:図楕 2:神献楕)\n"
" -channels <n> 神巨神 窒径 辰確 鯵呪 走舛\n"
" -fs -vm -zoom 鉢檎 滴奄 走舛 (穿端鉢檎, 搾巨神乞球, s/w溌企)\n"
" -x <x> -y <y> 鉢檎聖 <x>*<y>背雌亀稽 痕井 [-vo 球虞戚獄亜 走据馬澗 井酔幻!]\n"
" -sub <file> 紫遂拝 切厳督析 走舛 (-subfps, -subdelay亀 凧繕)\n"
" -playlist <file> 仙持鯉系督析 走舛\n"
" -vid x -aid y 仙持拝 搾巨神(x) 人 神巨神(y) 什闘顕 識澱\n"
" -fps x -srate y 搾巨神(x fps)人 神巨神(y Hz) 搾晴 痕井\n"
" -pp <quality> 酔識坦軒 琶斗 紫遂 (DivX澗 0-4, mpegs澗 0-63)\n"
" -nobps AVI 督析聖 是背 陥献 A-V 疑奄鉢 号狛 紫遂\n"
" -framedrop 覗傾績 匙襟軒奄 紫遂 (汗鍵 machine遂)\n"
" -wid <window id> 薄仙 但拭辞 搾巨神 窒径 (plugger拭 反引旋!)\n"
" <- 暁澗 -> 10段 及稽/蒋生稽 戚疑\n"
" up 暁澗 dn 1歳 及稽/蒋生稽 戚疑\n"
" < 暁澗 > 仙持鯉系拭辞 及稽/蒋生稽 戚疑\n"
" p 暁澗 SPACE 節獣 誇茶 (焼巷徹蟹 刊牽檎 域紗)\n"
" q 暁澗 ESC 仙持聖 誇蓄壱 覗稽益轡聖 魁蛙\n"
" + 暁澗 - +/- 0.1段 神巨神 走尻 繕箭\n"
" o OSD乞球 痕井: 蒸製/貼事匝/貼事匝+展戚袴\n"
" * 暁澗 / 瑳拳 株績/碍茶 ('m'聖 喚君 master/pcm 識澱)\n"
" z 暁澗 x +/- 0.1段 切厳 走尻 繕箭\n"
" * * * 切室廃 紫牌(希 弦精 識澱紫牌 貢 繕舛徹去)精 MANPAGE研 凧繕馬室推 ! * * *\n"
// ========================= MPlayer 五室走 ===========================
// mplayer.c:
#define MSGTR_Exiting "\n曽戟杯艦陥... (%s)\n"
#define MSGTR_Exit_quit "曽戟"
#define MSGTR_Exit_eof "督析税 魁"
#define MSGTR_Exit_error "帖誤旋 神嫌"
// FIXME: %d must be before %s !!!
// #define MSGTR_IntBySignal "\nMPlayer亜 %s乞汲拭辞 %d重硲稽 昔斗郡闘鞠醸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_NoHomeDir "幡巨刑塘軒研 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_GetpathProblem "get_path(\"config\") 庚薦 降持\n"
#define MSGTR_CreatingCfgFile "竺舛督析 %s研 幻旧艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_InvalidVOdriver "%s澗 設公吉 搾巨神 窒径 球虞戚獄脊艦陥.\n亜管廃 搾巨神 窒径 球虞戚獄 鯉系聖 左形檎 '-vo help' 馬室推.\n"
#define MSGTR_InvalidAOdriver "%s澗 設公吉 神巨神 窒径 球虞戚獄脊艦陥.\n亜管廃 神巨神 窒径 球虞戚獄 鯉系聖 左形檎 '-ao help' 馬室推.\n"
#define MSGTR_CopyCodecsConf "((MPlayer 社什 闘軒税) etc/codecs.conf研 ~/.mplayer/codecs.conf稽 差紫 暁澗 元滴馬室推.)\n"
#define MSGTR_CantLoadFont "%s 肉闘研 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_CantLoadSub "%s 切厳聖 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_ErrorDVDkey "DVD 徹研 坦軒馬澗 亀掻 神嫌亜 降持梅柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_CmdlineDVDkey "推短廃 DVD 誤敬匝 徹研 背偽聖 是背 煽舌梅柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDauthOk "DVD 昔装 衣引亜 舛雌旋昔牛 杯艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_DumpSelectedStreamMissing "dump: 帖誤旋: 識澱吉 什闘顕戚 蒸柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_CantOpenDumpfile "dump督析聖 伸 呪 蒸柔艦陥!!!\n"
#define MSGTR_CoreDumped "core dumped :)\n"
#define MSGTR_FPSnotspecified "伯希拭 FPS亜 走舛鞠走省紹暗蟹 設公鞠醸柔艦陥! -fps 辛芝聖 紫遂馬室推!\n"
#define MSGTR_TryForceAudioFmt "神巨神 坪畿 球虞戚獄 %d嫌研 獣亀馬壱 赤柔艦陥...\n"
#define MSGTR_CantFindAfmtFallback "獣亀廃 球虞戚獄嫌拭辞 神巨神 坪畿聖 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥. 陥献 球虞戚獄稽 企端馬室推.\n"
#define MSGTR_CantFindAudioCodec "神巨神 莫縦 0x%X研 是廃 坪畿聖 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_TryUpgradeCodecsConfOrRTFM "*** etc/codecs.conf稽 採斗 %s研 穣益傾戚球背左室推.\n*** 食穿備 拙疑馬走省生檎, DOCS/codecs.html聖 石嬢左室推!\n"
#define MSGTR_CouldntInitAudioCodec "神巨神 坪畿聖 段奄鉢拝 呪 蒸柔艦陥! -> 社軒蒸製\n"
#define MSGTR_TryForceVideoFmt "搾巨神 坪畿 球虞戚獄 %d嫌研 獣亀馬壱 赤柔艦陥...\n"
#define MSGTR_CantFindVideoCodec "搾巨神 莫縦 0x%X研 是廃 坪畿聖 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_VOincompCodec "阻勺杯艦陥, 識澱廃 搾巨神 窒径 舌帖澗 戚 坪畿引 硲発鞠走 省柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotInitVO "帖誤旋: 搾巨神 球虞戚獄研 段奄鉢拝 呪 蒸柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotInitAO "神巨神 舌帖研 伸暗蟹 段奄鉢拝 呪 蒸柔艦陥. -> 社軒蒸製\n"
#define MSGTR_StartPlaying "仙持聖 獣拙杯艦陥...\n"
#define MSGTR_SystemTooSlow "\n\n"\
" ************************************************\n"\
" **** 仙持馬奄拭澗 獣什奴戚 格巷 汗験艦陥.! ****\n"\
" ************************************************\n"\
"!!! 亜管廃 据昔, 庚薦, 企坦号照: \n"\
"- 企採歳税 井酔: 凹遭/獄益亜 弦精 神巨神 球虞戚獄. 企坦号照: -ao sdl 聖 紫遂背左室推.\n"\
" ALSA 0.5 蟹 ALSA 0.9税 oss 拭皇傾戚芝. 希 弦精 徳精 DOCS/sound.html 聖 凧繕馬室推!\n"\
"- 搾巨神 窒径戚 汗顕. 陥献 -vo driver (鯉系精 -vo help)研 紫遂背左室推.\n"\
" -framedrop 紫遂! 搾巨神 繕箭/紗亀狽雌 徳精 DOCS/video.html 聖 凧繕馬室推!\n"\
"- 汗鍵 cpu. 帰帖 笛 dvd蟹 divx研 仙持馬走原室推! -hardframedrop 聖 紫遂背左室推.\n"\
"- 凹遭 督析. 食君亜走 繕杯聖 紫遂背左室推: -nobps -ni -mc 0 -forceidx\n"\
"是税 嬢恐 紫牌亀 旋遂鞠走 省澗陥檎, DOCS/bugreports.html 聖 凧繕馬室推!\n\n"
#define MSGTR_NoGui "MPlayer亜 GUI 走据蒸戚 陳督析鞠醸柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_GuiNeedsX "MPlayer GUI澗 X11戚 琶推杯艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_Playing "%s 仙持掻\n"
#define MSGTR_NoSound "神巨神: 社軒蒸製!!!\n"
#define MSGTR_FPSforced "FPS亜 %5.3f (ftime: %5.3f)戚 鞠亀系 馬心柔艦陥.\n"
// open.c, stream.c:
#define MSGTR_CdDevNotfound "CD-ROM 舌帖 '%s'研 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_ErrTrackSelect "VCD 闘窟聖 識澱馬澗 亀掻 拭君亜 降持梅柔艦陥!"
#define MSGTR_ReadSTDIN "妊層脊径(stdin)生稽 採斗 石壱 赤柔艦陥...\n"
#define MSGTR_UnableOpenURL "%s URL聖 伸 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_ConnToServer "%s 辞獄拭 尻衣鞠醸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_FileNotFound "'%s'督析聖 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_CantOpenDVD "DVD 舌帖 %s研 伸 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDwait "巨什滴 姥繕研 石壱赤柔艦陥, 奄陥形 爽室推...\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDnumTitles "戚 DVD拭澗 %d 展戚堂戚 赤柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDinvalidTitle "設公吉 DVD 展戚堂 腰硲: %d\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDnumChapters "戚 DVD 展戚堂拭澗 %d 辿斗亜 赤柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDinvalidChapter "設公吉 DVD 辿斗 腰硲: %d\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDnumAngles "戚 DVD 展戚堂拭澗 %d 賞越戚 赤柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDinvalidAngle "設公吉 DVD 賞越 腰硲: %d\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDnoIFO "DVD 展戚堂 %d研 是廃 IFO督析聖 伸 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDnoVOBs "展戚堂 VOBS (VTS_%02d_1.VOB)研 伸 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_DVDopenOk "失因旋生稽 DVD亜 伸携柔艦陥!\n"
// demuxer.c, demux_*.c:
#define MSGTR_AudioStreamRedefined "井壱! 神巨神 什闘顕 伯希 %d亜 仙舛税鞠醸柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_VideoStreamRedefined "井壱! 搾巨神 什闘顕 伯希 %d亜 仙舛税鞠醸柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_TooManyAudioInBuffer "\nDEMUXER: 獄遁拭 格巷 弦精 (%d in %d bytes) 神巨神 鳶填戚 赤柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_TooManyVideoInBuffer "\nDEMUXER: 獄遁拭 格巷 弦精 (%d in %d bytes) 搾巨神 鳶填戚 赤柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_MaybeNI "(non-interleaved 什闘顕/督析聖 仙持馬壱赤暗蟹 坪畿戚 設公鞠醸柔艦陥.)\n"
#define MSGTR_Detected_XXX_FileFormat "%s 督析 莫縦聖 降胃梅柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_InvalidMPEGES "設公吉 MPEG-ES 什闘顕??? 煽拙切拭惟 庚税馬室推, 獄益析走亀 乞絹艦陥. :(\n"
#define MSGTR_FormatNotRecognized "============= 阻勺杯艦陥, 戚 督析莫縦精 昔縦鞠走公梅暗蟹 走据鞠走省柔艦陥 ===============\n"\
"=== 幻鉦 戚 督析戚 AVI, ASF 暁澗 MPEG 什闘顕戚虞檎, 煽拙切拭惟 庚税馬室推! ===\n"
#define MSGTR_MissingVideoStream "搾巨神 什闘顕聖 達走 公梅柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_MissingAudioStream "神巨神 什闘顕聖 達走 公梅柔艦陥... ->社軒蒸製\n"
#define MSGTR_MissingVideoStreamBug "達聖 呪 蒸澗 搾巨神 什闘顕!? 煽拙切拭惟 庚税馬室推, 獄益析走亀 乞絹艦陥. :(\n"
#define MSGTR_DoesntContainSelectedStream "demux: 督析拭 識澱吉 神巨神 貢 搾巨神 什闘顕戚 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_NI_Forced "悪薦稽"
#define MSGTR_NI_Detected "降胃喫"
#define MSGTR_NI_Message "%s澗 NON-INTERLEAVED AVI 督析 莫縦脊艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_UsingNINI "NON-INTERLEAVED 凹遭 AVI 督析 莫縦聖 紫遂杯艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_CouldntDetFNo "覗傾績 呪研 衣舛拝 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_CantSeekRawAVI "raw .AVI 什闘顕拭辞澗 貼事拝 呪 蒸柔艦陥! (昔畿什亜 琶推杯艦陥, -idx 什是帖稽 獣亀背左室推!) \n"
#define MSGTR_CantSeekFile "戚 督析拭辞澗 貼事拝 呪 蒸柔艦陥! \n"
#define MSGTR_EncryptedVOB "章硲鉢吉 VOB 督析脊艦陥(libcss 走据蒸戚 陳督析鞠醸製)! DOCS/cd-dvd.html聖 凧繕馬室推\n"
#define MSGTR_EncryptedVOBauth "章硲鉢吉 什闘顕昔汽, 昔装 重短聖 馬走省紹柔艦陥!!\n"
#define MSGTR_MOVcomprhdr "MOV: 笑逐吉 伯希澗 (焼送) 走据鞠走省柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_MOVvariableFourCC "MOV: 井壱! FOURCC 痕呪 降胃!?\n"
#define MSGTR_MOVtooManyTrk "MOV: 井壱! 闘窟戚 格巷 弦柔艦陥!"
// dec_video.c & dec_audio.c:
#define MSGTR_CantOpenCodec "坪畿聖 伸 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_CantCloseCodec "坪畿聖 丸聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_MissingDLLcodec "拭君: 推短廃 DirectShow 坪畿 %s研 伸 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_ACMiniterror "Win32/ACM 神巨神 坪畿聖 伸暗蟹 段奄鉢拝 呪 蒸柔艦陥. (DLL 督析戚 蒸蟹推?)\n"
#define MSGTR_MissingLAVCcodec "libavcodec拭辞 '%s' 坪畿聖 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥...\n"
#define MSGTR_MpegNoSequHdr "MPEG: 帖誤旋: 獣碇什 伯希研 達澗 亀掻 EOF.\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotReadMpegSequHdr "帖誤旋: 獣碇什 伯希研 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_CannotReadMpegSequHdrEx "帖誤旋: 獣碇什 伯希 溌舌聖 石聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥!\n"
#define MSGTR_BadMpegSequHdr "MPEG: 災勲廃 獣碇什 伯希!\n"
#define MSGTR_BadMpegSequHdrEx "MPEG: 災勲廃 獣碇什 伯希 溌舌!\n"
#define MSGTR_ShMemAllocFail "因政 五乞軒研 拝雁拝 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_CantAllocAudioBuf "神巨神 窒径 獄遁研 拝雁拝 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_UnknownAudio "硝 呪 蒸澗 神巨神 莫縦脊艦陥. -> 社軒蒸製\n"
// LIRC:
#define MSGTR_SettingUpLIRC "lirc 走据聖 獣拙杯艦陥...\n"
#define MSGTR_LIRCdisabled "軒乞嬬聖 紫遂拝 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_LIRCopenfailed "lirc 走据 獣拙 叔鳶!\n"
#define MSGTR_LIRCcfgerr "LIRC 竺舛督析 %s研 石澗汽 叔鳶梅柔艦陥!\n"
// ====================== GUI 五室走/獄動 ========================
// --- labels ---
#define MSGTR_About "舛左"
#define MSGTR_FileSelect "督析 識澱 ..."
#define MSGTR_SubtitleSelect "切厳 識澱 ..."
#define MSGTR_OtherSelect "識澱 ..."
#define MSGTR_PlayList "仙持鯉系"
#define MSGTR_SkinBrowser "什轍 達奄"
// --- buttons ---
#define MSGTR_Ok "溌昔"
#define MSGTR_Cancel "昼社"
#define MSGTR_Add "蓄亜"
#define MSGTR_Remove "肢薦"
// --- error messages ---
#define MSGTR_NEMDB "阻勺杯艦陥, draw 獄遁拭 中歳廃 五乞軒亜 蒸柔艦陥."
#define MSGTR_NEMFMR "阻勺杯艦陥, 五敢 兄希元聖 是廃 中歳廃 五乞軒亜 蒸柔艦陥."
// --- skin loader error messages
#define MSGTR_SKIN_ERRORMESSAGE "[什轍] 什轍 竺舛督析 %s税 %d腰属 匝拭 拭君亜 赤柔艦陥."
#define MSGTR_SKIN_WARNING1 "[什轍] 什轍 竺舛督析税 %d腰属 匝拭 井壱: 是銭聖 達紹走幻 \"section\"蒋拭 ( %s )研 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥."
#define MSGTR_SKIN_WARNING2 "[什轍] 什轍 竺舛督析税 %d腰属 匝拭 井壱: 是銭聖 達紹走幻 \"subsection\"蒋拭 ( %s )研 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥."
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_16bit "16 搾闘 箸精 希 拙精 depth税 搾闘己精 走据鞠走 省柔艦陥 ( %s ).\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_FileNotFound "督析聖 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥 ( %s ).\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_BMPReadError "bmp 石奄 拭君 ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_TGAReadError "tga 石奄 拭君 ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_PNGReadError "png 石奄 拭君 ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_RLENotSupported "RLE 苫吉 tga澗 走据鞠走 省柔艦陥 ( %s ).\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_UnknownFileType "硝 呪 蒸澗 督析 莫縦 ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_ConvertError "24 搾闘拭辞 32 搾闘稽 穿発 拭君 ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_UnknownMessage "硝 呪 蒸澗 五室走: %s\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_NotEnoughtMemory "五乞軒亜 採膳杯艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_TooManyFontsDeclared "肉闘亜 格巷 弦戚 識情鞠嬢 赤柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_FontFileNotFound "肉闘督析聖 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_FontImageNotFound "肉闘 戚耕走督析聖 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_NonExistentFontID "糎仙馬走 省澗 肉闘 identifier ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_UnknownParameter "硝 呪 蒸澗 古鯵痕呪 ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKINBROWSER_NotEnoughMemory "[什轍識澱] 五乞軒亜 採膳杯艦陥.\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_SKINCFG_SkinNotFound "什轍聖 達聖 呪 蒸柔艦陥 ( %s ).\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_SKINCFG_SkinCfgReadError "什轍 竺舛督析 石奄 拭君 ( %s )\n"
#define MSGTR_SKIN_LABEL "什轍:"
// --- gtk menus
#define MSGTR_MENU_AboutMPlayer "MPlayer 舛左"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Open "伸奄 ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayFile "督析 仙持 ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayVCD "VCD 仙持 ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayDVD "DVD 仙持 ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayURL "URL 仙持 ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_LoadSubtitle "切厳 識澱 ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_Playing "仙持掻"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Play "仙持"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Pause "誇茶"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Stop "舛走"
#define MSGTR_MENU_NextStream "陥製"
#define MSGTR_MENU_PrevStream "戚穿"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Size "滴奄"
#define MSGTR_MENU_NormalSize "左搭 滴奄"
#define MSGTR_MENU_DoubleSize "砧壕 滴奄"
#define MSGTR_MENU_FullScreen "穿端 鉢檎"
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayDisc "巨什滴 仙持 ..."
#define MSGTR_MENU_ShowDVDMenu "DVD 五敢左奄"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Titles "展戚堂"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Title "展戚堂 %2d"
#define MSGTR_MENU_None "(蒸製)"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Chapters "辿斗"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Chapter "辿斗 %2d"
#define MSGTR_MENU_AudioLanguages "神巨神 情嬢"
#define MSGTR_MENU_SubtitleLanguages "切厳 情嬢"
#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayList "仙持鯉系"
#define MSGTR_MENU_SkinBrowser "什轍識澱"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Preferences "識澱紫牌"
#define MSGTR_MENU_Exit "曽戟 ..."
// --- messagebox
#define MSGTR_MSGBOX_LABEL_FatalError "帖誤旋昔 拭君 ..."
#define MSGTR_MSGBOX_LABEL_Error "拭君 ..."
#define MSGTR_MSGBOX_LABEL_Warning "井壱 ..."