view libmenu/menu.h @ 23572:a00685941686

demux_mkv very long seek fix The seek code searching for the closest position in the index used "int64_t min_diff=0xFFFFFFFL" as the initial "further from the goal than any real alternative" value. The unit is milliseconds so seeks more than about 75 hours past the end of the file would fail to recognize the last index position as the best match. This was triggered in practice by chapter seek code which apparently uses a seek of 1000000000 seconds forward to mean "seek to the end". The practical effect was that trying to seek to the next chapter in a file without chapters made MPlayer block until it finished reading the file from the current position to the end. Fixed by increasing the initial value from FFFFFFF to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
author uau
date Wed, 20 Jun 2007 18:19:03 +0000
parents 83366c8e1928
children 1b3dabc8c2b8
line wrap: on
line source

struct menu_priv_s;
typedef struct  menu_s menu_t;

struct  menu_s {
  struct MPContext *ctx;
  void (*draw)(menu_t* menu,mp_image_t* mpi);
  void (*read_cmd)(menu_t* menu,int cmd);
  void (*read_key)(menu_t* menu,int cmd);
  void (*close)(menu_t* menu);
  m_struct_t* priv_st;
  struct menu_priv_s* priv;
  int show; // Draw it ?
  int cl; // Close request (user sent a close cmd or
  menu_t* parent;

typedef struct menu_info_s {
  const char *info;
  const char *name;
  const char *author;
  const char *comment;
  m_struct_t priv_st; // Config struct definition
  // cfg is a config struct as defined in cfg_st, it may be used as a priv struct
  // cfg is filled from the attributs found in the cfg file
  // the args param hold the content of the balise in the cfg file (if any)
  int (*open)(menu_t* menu, char* args);
} menu_info_t;

#define MENU_CMD_UP 0
#define MENU_CMD_DOWN 1
#define MENU_CMD_OK 2
#define MENU_CMD_LEFT 4
#define MENU_CMD_RIGHT 5 

/// Global init/uninit
int menu_init(struct MPContext *mpctx, char* cfg_file);
void menu_unint(void);

/// Open a menu defined in the config file
menu_t* menu_open(char *name);

void menu_draw(menu_t* menu,mp_image_t* mpi);
void menu_read_cmd(menu_t* menu,int cmd);
void menu_close(menu_t* menu);
void menu_read_key(menu_t* menu,int cmd);

//// Default implementation
void menu_dflt_read_key(menu_t* menu,int cmd);

/////////// Helpers

#define MENU_TEXT_TOP	(1<<0)
#define MENU_TEXT_VCENTER	(1<<1)
#define MENU_TEXT_BOT	(1<<2)
#define MENU_TEXT_LEFT	(1<<3)
#define MENU_TEXT_HCENTER	(1<<4)
#define MENU_TEXT_RIGHT	(1<<5)

void menu_draw_text(mp_image_t* mpi, char* txt, int x, int y);
int menu_text_length(char* txt);
int menu_text_num_lines(char* txt, int max_width);

void menu_text_size(char* txt,int max_width, 
		    int vspace, int warp,
		    int* _w, int* _h);

void menu_draw_text_full(mp_image_t* mpi,char* txt,
			 int x, int y,int w, int h,
			 int vspace, int warp, int align, int anchor);

void menu_draw_box(mp_image_t* mpi, unsigned char grey, unsigned char alpha, int x, int y, int w, int h);