view libmpdemux/yuv4mpeg.h @ 33671:a460339acfdf

Fix volume and balance bug. Changing the volume changed the balance as well, because the calculation for the balance was wrong. Additionally, use macro FFMAX() and replace identical code by a call to existing code.
author ib
date Tue, 28 Jun 2011 17:52:30 +0000
parents 32725ca88fed
line wrap: on
line source

 *  yuv4mpeg.h:  Functions for reading and writing "new" YUV4MPEG2 streams.
 *               Stream format is described at the end of this file.
 *  Copyright (C) 2001 Matthew J. Marjanovic <>
 *  This file is part of the MJPEG Tools package (
 *  Ported to mplayer by Rik Snel <>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 *  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 *  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


#include <stdlib.h>
//#include "mp_msg.h"
#include "stream/stream.h"

 *  error codes returned by y4m_* functions
#define Y4M_OK          0
#define Y4M_ERR_RANGE   1
#define Y4M_ERR_SYSTEM  2
#define Y4M_ERR_HEADER  3
#define Y4M_ERR_BADTAG  4
#define Y4M_ERR_MAGIC   5
#define Y4M_ERR_EOF     6
#define Y4M_ERR_XXTAGS  7

/* generic 'unknown' value for integer parameters (e.g. interlace, height) */
#define Y4M_UNKNOWN -1

 *  'ratio' datatype, for rational numbers
 *                                     (see 'ratio' functions down below)
typedef struct y4m_ratio {
  int n;  /* numerator   */
  int d;  /* denominator */
} y4m_ratio_t;

 *  useful standard framerates (as ratios)
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_fps_UNKNOWN;
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_fps_NTSC_FILM;  /* 24000/1001 film (in NTSC)  */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_fps_FILM;       /* 24fps film                 */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_fps_PAL;        /* 25fps PAL                  */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_fps_NTSC;       /* 30000/1001 NTSC            */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_fps_30;         /* 30fps                      */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_fps_PAL_FIELD;  /* 50fps PAL field rate       */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_fps_NTSC_FIELD; /* 60000/1001 NTSC field rate */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_fps_60;         /* 60fps                      */

 *  useful standard sample (pixel) aspect ratios
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_sar_UNKNOWN;
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_sar_SQUARE;        /* square pixels */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_sar_NTSC_CCIR601;  /* 525-line (NTSC) Rec.601 */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_sar_NTSC_16_9;     /* 16:9 NTSC/Rec.601       */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_sar_NTSC_SVCD_4_3; /* NTSC SVCD 4:3           */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_sar_NTSC_SVCD_16_9;/* NTSC SVCD 16:9          */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_sar_PAL_CCIR601;   /* 625-line (PAL) Rec.601  */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_sar_PAL_16_9;      /* 16:9 PAL/Rec.601        */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_sar_PAL_SVCD_4_3;  /* PAL SVCD 4:3            */
extern const y4m_ratio_t y4m_sar_PAL_SVCD_16_9; /* PAL SVCD 16:9           */

 *  'xtag_list' --- list of unparsed and/or meta/X header tags
 *     Do not touch this structure directly!
 *     Use the y4m_xtag_*() functions (see below).
 *     You must initialize/finalize this structure before/after use.
#define Y4M_MAX_XTAGS 32        /* maximum number of xtags in list       */
#define Y4M_MAX_XTAG_SIZE 32    /* max length of an xtag (including 'X') */
typedef struct y4m_xtag_list {
  int count;
  char *tags[Y4M_MAX_XTAGS];
} y4m_xtag_list_t;

 *  'stream_info' --- stream header information
 *     Do not touch this structure directly!
 *     Use the y4m_si_*() functions (see below).
 *     You must initialize/finalize this structure before/after use.
typedef struct y4m_stream_info {
  /* values from header */
  int width;
  int height;
  int interlace;            /* see Y4M_ILACE_* definitions below   */
  y4m_ratio_t framerate;    /* frames-per-second;   0:0 == unknown */
  y4m_ratio_t sampleaspect; /* pixel width/height;  0:0 == unknown */
  /* computed/derivative values */
  int framelength;    /* bytes of data per frame (not including header) */
  /* mystical X tags */
  y4m_xtag_list_t x_tags;
} y4m_stream_info_t;

/* possible options for the interlace parameter */
#define Y4M_ILACE_NONE          0   /* non-interlaced, progressive frame */
#define Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST     1   /* interlaced, top-field first       */
#define Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST  2   /* interlaced, bottom-field first    */

 *  'frame_info' --- frame header information
 *     Do not touch this structure directly!
 *     Use the y4m_fi_*() functions (see below).
 *     You must initialize/finalize this structure before/after use.
typedef struct y4m_frame_info {
  /* mystical X tags */
  y4m_xtag_list_t x_tags;
} y4m_frame_info_t;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 *  'ratio' functions

/* 'normalize' a ratio (remove common factors) */
void y4m_ratio_reduce(y4m_ratio_t *r);

/* parse "nnn:ddd" into a ratio (returns Y4M_OK or Y4M_ERR_RANGE) */
int y4m_parse_ratio(y4m_ratio_t *r, const char *s);

/* quick test of two ratios for equality (i.e. identical components) */
#define Y4M_RATIO_EQL(a,b) ( ((a).n == (b).n) && ((a).d == (b).d) )

/* quick conversion of a ratio to a double (no divide-by-zero check!) */
#define Y4M_RATIO_DBL(r) ((double)(r).n / (double)(r).d)

 *  'xtag' functions
 * o Before using an xtag_list (but after the structure/memory has been
 *    allocated), you must initialize it via y4m_init_xtag_list().
 * o After using an xtag_list (but before the structure is released),
 *    call y4m_fini_xtag_list() to free internal memory.

/* initialize an xtag_list structure */
void y4m_init_xtag_list(y4m_xtag_list_t *xtags);

/* finalize an xtag_list structure */
void y4m_fini_xtag_list(y4m_xtag_list_t *xtags);

/* make one xtag_list into a copy of another */
void y4m_copy_xtag_list(y4m_xtag_list_t *dest, const y4m_xtag_list_t *src);

/* return number of tags in an xtag_list */
int y4m_xtag_count(const y4m_xtag_list_t *xtags);

/* access n'th tag in an xtag_list */
const char *y4m_xtag_get(const y4m_xtag_list_t *xtags, int n);

/* append a new tag to an xtag_list
    returns:          Y4M_OK - success
              Y4M_ERR_XXTAGS - list is already full */
int y4m_xtag_add(y4m_xtag_list_t *xtags, const char *tag);

/* remove a tag from an xtag_list
    returns:         Y4M_OK - success
              Y4M_ERR_RANGE - n is out of range */
int y4m_xtag_remove(y4m_xtag_list_t *xtags, int n);

/* remove all tags from an xtag_list
    returns:   Y4M_OK - success       */
int y4m_xtag_clearlist(y4m_xtag_list_t *xtags);

/* append copies of tags from src list to dest list
    returns:          Y4M_OK - success
              Y4M_ERR_XXTAGS - operation would overfill dest list */
int y4m_xtag_addlist(y4m_xtag_list_t *dest, const y4m_xtag_list_t *src);

 *  '*_info' functions
 * o Before using a *_info structure (but after the structure/memory has
 *    been allocated), you must initialize it via y4m_init_*_info().
 * o After using a *_info structure (but before the structure is released),
 *    call y4m_fini_*_info() to free internal memory.
 * o Use the 'set' and 'get' accessors to modify or access the fields in
 *    the structures; don't touch the structure directly.  (Ok, so there
 *    is no really convenient C syntax to prevent you from doing this,
 *    but we are all responsible programmers here, so just don't do it!)

/* initialize a stream_info structure */
void y4m_init_stream_info(y4m_stream_info_t *i);

/* finalize a stream_info structure */
void y4m_fini_stream_info(y4m_stream_info_t *i);

/* make one stream_info into a copy of another */
void y4m_copy_stream_info(y4m_stream_info_t *dest, y4m_stream_info_t *src);

/* access or set stream_info fields */
void y4m_si_set_width(y4m_stream_info_t *si, int width);
int y4m_si_get_width(y4m_stream_info_t *si);
void y4m_si_set_height(y4m_stream_info_t *si, int height);
int y4m_si_get_height(y4m_stream_info_t *si);
void y4m_si_set_interlace(y4m_stream_info_t *si, int interlace);
int y4m_si_get_interlace(y4m_stream_info_t *si);
void y4m_si_set_framerate(y4m_stream_info_t *si, y4m_ratio_t framerate);
y4m_ratio_t y4m_si_get_framerate(y4m_stream_info_t *si);
void y4m_si_set_sampleaspect(y4m_stream_info_t *si, y4m_ratio_t sar);
y4m_ratio_t y4m_si_get_sampleaspect(y4m_stream_info_t *si);
int y4m_si_get_framelength(y4m_stream_info_t *si);

/* access stream_info xtag_list */
y4m_xtag_list_t *y4m_si_xtags(y4m_stream_info_t *si);

/* initialize a frame_info structure */
void y4m_init_frame_info(y4m_frame_info_t *i);

/* finalize a frame_info structure */
void y4m_fini_frame_info(y4m_frame_info_t *i);

/* make one frame_info into a copy of another */
void y4m_copy_frame_info(y4m_frame_info_t *dest, y4m_frame_info_t *src);

/* access frame_info xtag_list */
y4m_xtag_list_t *y4m_fi_xtags(y4m_frame_info_t *fi);

 *  blocking read and write functions
 *  o guaranteed to transfer entire payload (or fail)
 *  o return values:
 *                         0 (zero)   complete success
 *          -(# of remaining bytes)   error (and errno left set)
 *          +(# of remaining bytes)   EOF (for y4m_read only)

/* read len bytes from fd into buf */
ssize_t y4m_read(stream_t *s, char *buf, size_t len);

#if 0
/* write len bytes from fd into buf */
ssize_t y4m_write(int fd, char *buf, size_t len);

 *  stream header processing functions
 *  o return values:
 *                   Y4M_OK - success
 *                Y4M_ERR_* - error (see y4m_strerr() for descriptions)

/* parse a string of stream header tags */
int y4m_parse_stream_tags(char *s, y4m_stream_info_t *i);

/* read a stream header from file descriptor fd */
int y4m_read_stream_header(stream_t *s, y4m_stream_info_t *i);

#if 0
/* write a stream header to file descriptor fd */
int y4m_write_stream_header(int fd,  y4m_stream_info_t *i);

 *  frame processing functions
 *  o return values:
 *                   Y4M_OK - success
 *                Y4M_ERR_* - error (see y4m_strerr() for descriptions)

/* read a frame header from file descriptor fd */
int y4m_read_frame_header(stream_t *s, y4m_frame_info_t *i);

#if 0
/* write a frame header to file descriptor fd */
int y4m_write_frame_header(int fd, y4m_frame_info_t *i);

/* read a complete frame (header + data)
   o yuv[3] points to three buffers, one each for Y, U, V planes */
int y4m_read_frame(stream_t *s, y4m_stream_info_t *si,
		   y4m_frame_info_t *fi, unsigned char *yuv[3]);

#if 0
/* write a complete frame (header + data)
   o yuv[3] points to three buffers, one each for Y, U, V planes */
int y4m_write_frame(int fd, y4m_stream_info_t *si,
		    y4m_frame_info_t *fi, unsigned char *yuv[3]);

#if 0
/* read a complete frame (header + data), but de-interleave fields
    into two separate buffers
   o upper_field[3] same as yuv[3] above, but for upper field
   o lower_field[3] same as yuv[3] above, but for lower field
int y4m_read_fields(int fd, y4m_stream_info_t *si, y4m_frame_info_t *fi,
		    unsigned char *upper_field[3],
		    unsigned char *lower_field[3]);

/* write a complete frame (header + data), but interleave fields
    from two separate buffers
   o upper_field[3] same as yuv[3] above, but for upper field
   o lower_field[3] same as yuv[3] above, but for lower field
int y4m_write_fields(int fd, y4m_stream_info_t *si, y4m_frame_info_t *fi,
		     unsigned char *upper_field[3],
		     unsigned char *lower_field[3]);


 *  miscellaneous functions

/* convenient dump of stream header info via mjpeg_log facility
 *  - each logged/printed line is prefixed by 'prefix'
void y4m_log_stream_info(const char *prefix, y4m_stream_info_t *i);

/* convert a Y4M_ERR_* error code into mildly explanatory string */
const char *y4m_strerr(int err);

/* set 'allow_unknown_tag' flag for library...
    o yn = 0 :  unknown header tags will produce a parsing error
    o yn = 1 :  unknown header tags/values will produce a warning, but
                 are otherwise passed along via the xtags list
    o yn = -1:  don't change, just return current setting

   return value:  previous setting of flag
int y4m_allow_unknown_tags(int yn);

#ifdef __cplusplus


  Description of the (new!, forever?) YUV4MPEG2 stream format:

  STREAM consists of
    o one '\n' terminated STREAM-HEADER
    o unlimited number of FRAMEs

  FRAME consists of
    o one '\n' terminated FRAME-HEADER
    o "length" octets of planar YCrCb 4:2:0 image data
        (if frame is interlaced, then the two fields are interleaved)

  STREAM-HEADER consists of
     o string "YUV4MPEG2 "  (note the space after the '2')
     o unlimited number of ' ' separated TAGGED-FIELDs
     o '\n' line terminator

  FRAME-HEADER consists of
     o string "FRAME "  (note the space after the 'E')
     o unlimited number of ' ' separated TAGGED-FIELDs
     o '\n' line terminator

  TAGGED-FIELD consists of
     o single ascii character tag
     o VALUE (which does not contain whitespace)

  VALUE consists of
     o integer (base 10 ascii representation)
  or o RATIO
  or o single ascii character
  or o generic ascii string

  RATIO consists of
     o numerator (integer)
     o ':' (a colon)
     o denominator (integer)

  The currently supported tags for the STREAM-HEADER:
     W - [integer] frame width, pixels, should be > 0
     H - [integer] frame height, pixels, should be > 0
     I - [char] interlacing:  p - progressive (none)
                            t - top-field-first
                            b - bottom-field-first
		            ? - unknown
     F - [ratio] frame-rate, 0:0 == unknown
     A - [ratio] sample (pixel) aspect ratio, 0:0 == unknown
     X - [character string] 'metadata' (unparsed, but passed around)

  The currently supported tags for the FRAME-HEADER:
     X - character string 'metadata' (unparsed, but passed around)


#endif /* MPLAYER_YUV4MPEG_H */