view TOOLS/ @ 36551:a5764687ff8d

mf: Fix initial hang/delay with mf:// The mf:// type is not actually a stream, so do not try to cache its output. Otherwise the read failures will be interpreted as connection errors and our retry routine kicks in, this causing the delay.
author reimar
date Sun, 19 Jan 2014 18:42:42 +0000
parents 0f1b5b68af32
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python

# in.idx out.idx -8.45
# this will read in in.idx,shift it by 8.45 seconds back,
# and save it as out.idx
# license: i don't care ;)

import datetime
import sys

def tripletize(line):
	begin = line[:11]
	middle = line[11:23]
	end = line[23:]
	return (begin,middle,end)

def text2delta(t):
	h = int( t[0:2] )
	m = int( t[3:5] )
	s = int( t[6:8] )
	milli = int( t[9:12] )
	return datetime.timedelta(hours=h,minutes=m,seconds=s,milliseconds=milli)

def delta2text(d):
	t = str(d)
	milli = t[8:11]
	if len(milli) == 0: #fix for .000 seconds
	    milli = '000'
	return '0'+t[:7]+':'+milli

def shift(line,seconds):
	triplet = tripletize(line)

	base = text2delta(triplet[1])
	base = base + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
	base = delta2text(base)

	return triplet[0]+base+triplet[2]

INFILE  =sys.argv[1]
OUTFILE =sys.argv[2]
DIFF    =float(sys.argv[3])

o = open(OUTFILE,'wt')

for line in open(INFILE):
    if line.startswith('timestamp'):
	line = shift(line,DIFF)

