view loader/dshow/iunk.h @ 33226:aca622bb31cf

Convert all manual pages to UTF-8 encoding. This is the 21st century, the world has been using UTF-8 for long enough and we have waited far too long for legacy encoding stragglers to catch up with the present day and age. No current distribution should have trouble dealing with UTF-8 manual pages anymore and any that do must strictly be considered legacy systems in need of local workarounds.
author diego
date Sat, 23 Apr 2011 14:11:49 +0000
parents a8ea87c71d18
line wrap: on
line source

 * Modified for use with MPlayer, detailed changelog at


#include "guids.h"

    long STDCALL ( *QueryInterface )(IUnknown * This, const GUID* riid, void **ppvObject); \
    long STDCALL ( *AddRef )(IUnknown * This); \
    long STDCALL ( *Release )(IUnknown * This);

    int refcount;

static long STDCALL CLASSNAME ## _QueryInterface(IUnknown * This, \
					  const GUID* riid, void **ppvObject) \
{ \
    CLASSNAME * me = (CLASSNAME *)This;		\
    GUID* r; unsigned int i = 0;		\
    Debug printf(#CLASSNAME "_QueryInterface(%p) called\n", This);\
    if (!ppvObject) return E_POINTER; 		\
    for(r=me->interfaces; i<sizeof(me->interfaces)/sizeof(me->interfaces[0]); r++, i++) \
	if(!memcmp(r, riid, sizeof(*r)))	\
	{ 					\
	    me->vt->AddRef((IUnknown*)This); 	\
	    *ppvObject=This; 			\
	    return 0; 				\
	} 					\
    Debug printf("Query failed! (GUID: 0x%x)\n", *(unsigned int*)riid); \
    return E_NOINTERFACE;			\
} 						\
static long STDCALL CLASSNAME ## _AddRef(IUnknown * This) \
{						\
    CLASSNAME * me=( CLASSNAME *)This;		\
    Debug printf(#CLASSNAME "_AddRef(%p) called (ref:%d)\n", This, me->refcount); \
    return ++(me->refcount); 			\
}     						\
static long STDCALL CLASSNAME ## _Release(IUnknown * This) \
{ 						\
    CLASSNAME* me=( CLASSNAME *)This;	 	\
    Debug printf(#CLASSNAME "_Release(%p) called (new ref:%d)\n", This, me->refcount - 1); \
    if(--(me->refcount) == 0)			\
		CLASSNAME ## _Destroy(me); 	\
    return 0; 					\

#endif /* MPLAYER_IUNK_H */