view libass/ass.h @ 36441:b75ebb89d803

Workaround VDPAU decode errors on aspect change on NVidia. The NVidia driver seems to expect a decoder reinit on aspect change, otherwise giving a nonsense VDP_STATUS_INVALID_SIZE error. Since decode and display can run out of sync, we do not in fact know when an aspect change will happen during decode but only when we want to display that decoded frame, and with threaded decoding these will differ significantly. So just catch the error and retry decoding instead, this also has the advantage of not affecting (and possibly costing performance) drivers without this issue.
author reimar
date Sun, 08 Dec 2013 15:07:00 +0000
parents c3aaaf17c721
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2006 Evgeniy Stepanov <>
 * This file is part of libass.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
 * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
 * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

#ifndef LIBASS_ASS_H
#define LIBASS_ASS_H

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "ass_types.h"

#define LIBASS_VERSION 0x01020000

 * A linked list of images produced by an ass renderer.
 * These images have to be rendered in-order for the correct screen
 * composition.  The libass renderer clips these bitmaps to the frame size.
 * w/h can be zero, in this case the bitmap should not be rendered at all.
 * The last bitmap row is not guaranteed to be padded up to stride size,
 * e.g. in the worst case a bitmap has the size stride * (h - 1) + w.
typedef struct ass_image {
    int w, h;                   // Bitmap width/height
    int stride;                 // Bitmap stride
    unsigned char *bitmap;      // 1bpp stride*h alpha buffer
                                // Note: the last row may not be padded to
                                // bitmap stride!
    uint32_t color;             // Bitmap color and alpha, RGBA
    int dst_x, dst_y;           // Bitmap placement inside the video frame

    struct ass_image *next;   // Next image, or NULL

    enum {
    } type;

} ASS_Image;

 * Hinting type. (see ass_set_hinting below)
 * FreeType's native hinter is still buggy sometimes and it is recommended
 * to use the light autohinter, ASS_HINTING_LIGHT, instead.  For best
 * compatibility with problematic fonts, disable hinting.
typedef enum {
} ASS_Hinting;

 * \brief Text shaping levels.
 * SIMPLE is a fast, font-agnostic shaper that can do only substitutions.
 * COMPLEX is a slower shaper using OpenType for substitutions and positioning.
 * libass uses the best shaper available by default.
typedef enum {
} ASS_ShapingLevel;

 * \brief Initialize the library.
 * \return library handle or NULL if failed
ASS_Library *ass_library_init(void);

 * \brief Finalize the library
 * \param priv library handle
void ass_library_done(ASS_Library *priv);

 * \brief Set additional fonts directory.
 * Optional directory that will be scanned for fonts recursively.  The fonts
 * found are used for font lookup.
 * NOTE: A valid font directory is not needed to support embedded fonts.
 * \param priv library handle
 * \param fonts_dir directory with additional fonts
void ass_set_fonts_dir(ASS_Library *priv, const char *fonts_dir);

 * \brief Whether fonts should be extracted from track data.
 * \param priv library handle
 * \param extract whether to extract fonts
void ass_set_extract_fonts(ASS_Library *priv, int extract);

 * \brief Register style overrides with a library instance.
 * The overrides should have the form [Style.]Param=Value, e.g.
 *   SomeStyle.Font=Arial
 *   ScaledBorderAndShadow=yes
 * \param priv library handle
 * \param list NULL-terminated list of strings
void ass_set_style_overrides(ASS_Library *priv, char **list);

 * \brief Explicitly process style overrides for a track.
 * \param track track handle
void ass_process_force_style(ASS_Track *track);

 * \brief Register a callback for debug/info messages.
 * If a callback is registered, it is called for every message emitted by
 * libass.  The callback receives a format string and a list of arguments,
 * to be used for the printf family of functions. Additionally, a log level
 * from 0 (FATAL errors) to 7 (verbose DEBUG) is passed.  Usually, level 5
 * should be used by applications.
 * If no callback is set, all messages level < 5 are printed to stderr,
 * prefixed with [ass].
 * \param priv library handle
 * \param msg_cb pointer to callback function
 * \param data additional data, will be passed to callback
void ass_set_message_cb(ASS_Library *priv, void (*msg_cb)
                        (int level, const char *fmt, va_list args, void *data),
                        void *data);

 * \brief Initialize the renderer.
 * \param priv library handle
 * \return renderer handle or NULL if failed
ASS_Renderer *ass_renderer_init(ASS_Library *);

 * \brief Finalize the renderer.
 * \param priv renderer handle
void ass_renderer_done(ASS_Renderer *priv);

 * \brief Set the frame size in pixels, including margins.
 * The renderer will never return images that are outside of the frame area.
 * The value set with this function can influence the pixel aspect ratio used
 * for rendering. If the frame size doesn't equal to the video size, you may
 * have to use ass_set_pixel_aspect().
 * @see ass_set_pixel_aspect()
 * @see ass_set_margins()
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param w width
 * \param h height
void ass_set_frame_size(ASS_Renderer *priv, int w, int h);

 * \brief Set the source image size in pixels.
 * This is used to calculate the source aspect ratio and the blur scale.
 * The source image size can be reset to default by setting w and h to 0.
 * The value set with this function can influence the pixel aspect ratio used
 * for rendering.
 * @see ass_set_pixel_aspect()
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param w width
 * \param h height
void ass_set_storage_size(ASS_Renderer *priv, int w, int h);

 * \brief Set shaping level. This is merely a hint, the renderer will use
 * whatever is available if the request cannot be fulfilled.
 * \param level shaping level
void ass_set_shaper(ASS_Renderer *priv, ASS_ShapingLevel level);

 * \brief Set frame margins.  These values may be negative if pan-and-scan
 * is used. The margins are in pixels. Each value specifies the distance from
 * the video rectangle to the renderer frame. If a given margin value is
 * positive, there will be free space between renderer frame and video area.
 * If a given margin value is negative, the frame is inside the video, i.e.
 * the video has been cropped.
 * The renderer will try to keep subtitles inside the frame area. If possible,
 * text is layout so that it is inside the cropped area. Subtitle events
 * that can't be moved are cropped against the frame area.
 * ass_set_use_margins() can be used to allow libass to render subtitles into
 * the empty areas if margins are positive, i.e. the video area is smaller than
 * the frame. (Traditionally, this has been used to show subtitles in
 * the bottom "black bar" between video bottom screen border when playing 16:9
 * video on a 4:3 screen.)
 * When using this function, it is recommended to calculate and set your own
 * aspect ratio with ass_set_pixel_aspect(), as the defaults won't make any
 * sense.
 * @see ass_set_pixel_aspect()
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param t top margin
 * \param b bottom margin
 * \param l left margin
 * \param r right margin
void ass_set_margins(ASS_Renderer *priv, int t, int b, int l, int r);

 * \brief Whether margins should be used for placing regular events.
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param use whether to use the margins
void ass_set_use_margins(ASS_Renderer *priv, int use);

 * \brief Set pixel aspect ratio correction.
 * This is the ratio of pixel width to pixel height.
 * Generally, this is (s_w / s_h) / (d_w / d_h), where s_w and s_h is the
 * video storage size, and d_w and d_h is the video display size. (Display
 * and storage size can be different for anamorphic video, such as DVDs.)
 * If the pixel aspect ratio is 0, or if the aspect ratio has never been set
 * by calling this function, libass will calculate a default pixel aspect ratio
 * out of values set with ass_set_frame_size() and ass_set_storage_size(). Note
 * that this is useful only if the frame size corresponds to the video display
 * size. Keep in mind that the margins set with ass_set_margins() are ignored
 * for aspect ratio calculations as well.
 * If the storage size has not been set, a pixel aspect ratio of 1 is assumed.
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param par pixel aspect ratio (1.0 means square pixels, 0 means default)
void ass_set_pixel_aspect(ASS_Renderer *priv, double par);

 * \brief Set aspect ratio parameters.
 * This calls ass_set_pixel_aspect(priv, dar / sar).
 * @deprecated New code should use ass_set_pixel_aspect().
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param dar display aspect ratio (DAR), prescaled for output PAR
 * \param sar storage aspect ratio (SAR)
void ass_set_aspect_ratio(ASS_Renderer *priv, double dar, double sar);

 * \brief Set a fixed font scaling factor.
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param font_scale scaling factor, default is 1.0
void ass_set_font_scale(ASS_Renderer *priv, double font_scale);

 * \brief Set font hinting method.
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param ht hinting method
void ass_set_hinting(ASS_Renderer *priv, ASS_Hinting ht);

 * \brief Set line spacing. Will not be scaled with frame size.
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param line_spacing line spacing in pixels
void ass_set_line_spacing(ASS_Renderer *priv, double line_spacing);

 * \brief Set vertical line position.
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param line_position vertical line position of subtitles in percent
 * (0-100: 0 = on the bottom (default), 100 = on top)
void ass_set_line_position(ASS_Renderer *priv, double line_position);

 * \brief Set font lookup defaults.
 * \param default_font path to default font to use. Must be supplied if
 * fontconfig is disabled or unavailable.
 * \param default_family fallback font family for fontconfig, or NULL
 * \param fc whether to use fontconfig
 * \param config path to fontconfig configuration file, or NULL.  Only relevant
 * if fontconfig is used.
 * \param update whether fontconfig cache should be built/updated now.  Only
 * relevant if fontconfig is used.
 * NOTE: font lookup must be configured before an ASS_Renderer can be used.
void ass_set_fonts(ASS_Renderer *priv, const char *default_font,
                   const char *default_family, int fc, const char *config,
                   int update);

 * \brief Update/build font cache.  This needs to be called if it was
 * disabled when ass_set_fonts was set.
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \return success
int ass_fonts_update(ASS_Renderer *priv);

 * \brief Set hard cache limits.  Do not set, or set to zero, for reasonable
 * defaults.
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param glyph_max maximum number of cached glyphs
 * \param bitmap_max_size maximum bitmap cache size (in MB)
void ass_set_cache_limits(ASS_Renderer *priv, int glyph_max,
                          int bitmap_max_size);

 * \brief Render a frame, producing a list of ASS_Image.
 * \param priv renderer handle
 * \param track subtitle track
 * \param now video timestamp in milliseconds
 * \param detect_change will be set to 1 if a change occured compared
 * to the last invocation
ASS_Image *ass_render_frame(ASS_Renderer *priv, ASS_Track *track,
                            long long now, int *detect_change);

 * The following functions operate on track objects and do not need
 * an ass_renderer

 * \brief Allocate a new empty track object.
 * \param library handle
 * \return pointer to empty track
ASS_Track *ass_new_track(ASS_Library *);

 * \brief Deallocate track and all its child objects (styles and events).
 * \param track track to deallocate
void ass_free_track(ASS_Track *track);

 * \brief Allocate new style.
 * \param track track
 * \return newly allocated style id
int ass_alloc_style(ASS_Track *track);

 * \brief Allocate new event.
 * \param track track
 * \return newly allocated event id
int ass_alloc_event(ASS_Track *track);

 * \brief Delete a style.
 * \param track track
 * \param sid style id
 * Deallocates style data. Does not modify track->n_styles.
void ass_free_style(ASS_Track *track, int sid);

 * \brief Delete an event.
 * \param track track
 * \param eid event id
 * Deallocates event data. Does not modify track->n_events.
void ass_free_event(ASS_Track *track, int eid);

 * \brief Parse a chunk of subtitle stream data.
 * \param track track
 * \param data string to parse
 * \param size length of data
void ass_process_data(ASS_Track *track, char *data, int size);

 * \brief Parse Codec Private section of the subtitle stream, in Matroska
 * format.  See the Matroska specification for details.
 * \param track target track
 * \param data string to parse
 * \param size length of data
void ass_process_codec_private(ASS_Track *track, char *data, int size);

 * \brief Parse a chunk of subtitle stream data. A chunk contains exactly one
 * event in Matroska format.  See the Matroska specification for details.
 * \param track track
 * \param data string to parse
 * \param size length of data
 * \param timecode starting time of the event (milliseconds)
 * \param duration duration of the event (milliseconds)
void ass_process_chunk(ASS_Track *track, char *data, int size,
                       long long timecode, long long duration);

 * \brief Flush buffered events.
 * \param track track
void ass_flush_events(ASS_Track *track);

 * \brief Read subtitles from file.
 * \param library library handle
 * \param fname file name
 * \param codepage encoding (iconv format)
 * \return newly allocated track
ASS_Track *ass_read_file(ASS_Library *library, char *fname,
                         char *codepage);

 * \brief Read subtitles from memory.
 * \param library library handle
 * \param buf pointer to subtitles text
 * \param bufsize size of buffer
 * \param codepage encoding (iconv format)
 * \return newly allocated track
ASS_Track *ass_read_memory(ASS_Library *library, char *buf,
                           size_t bufsize, char *codepage);
 * \brief Read styles from file into already initialized track.
 * \param fname file name
 * \param codepage encoding (iconv format)
 * \return 0 on success
int ass_read_styles(ASS_Track *track, char *fname, char *codepage);

 * \brief Add a memory font.
 * \param library library handle
 * \param name attachment name
 * \param data binary font data
 * \param data_size data size
void ass_add_font(ASS_Library *library, char *name, char *data,
                  int data_size);

 * \brief Remove all fonts stored in an ass_library object.
 * \param library library handle
void ass_clear_fonts(ASS_Library *library);

 * \brief Calculates timeshift from now to the start of some other subtitle
 * event, depending on movement parameter.
 * \param track subtitle track
 * \param now current time in milliseconds
 * \param movement how many events to skip from the one currently displayed
 * +2 means "the one after the next", -1 means "previous"
 * \return timeshift in milliseconds
long long ass_step_sub(ASS_Track *track, long long now, int movement);

#endif /* LIBASS_ASS_H */