view TOOLS/ @ 14843:bbb693d3b130

Fix the ogg fourcc nightmare!!! The problem: once upon a time, windows idiots decided to try to store vorbis-in-ogg-in-avi. Of course this failed miserably, but they used the audio format tag 0xfffe for "extended" to do this. Later someone working on MPlayer somehow decided 0xfffe was the format for vorbis, which is nonsense, and now that's conflicting with real wav files with extended audio format. This patch changes demux_ogg (and mkv) to use sane fourcc's for vorbis and theora and gets rid of the 0xfffe nonsense so hopefully wav files with extended audio will work now. If there are problems, we'll have to find workarounds...and drive an 18-wheeler full of cola thru the house of whoever wrote this 0xfffe nonsense in MPlayer to begin with...
author rfelker
date Sun, 27 Feb 2005 18:11:17 +0000
parents 39805251ef61
children 0f1b5b68af32
line wrap: on
line source


## usage: (codec.conf location)

# this script will use MS's codec dl interface as used by MS Media Player
# to attempt to locate the codecs listed in codecs.conf. It will download
# them to a directory "codecs/" below the current dir.
# you will need the libwww-perl stuff and the utility "cabextract"
# which may be found at

# By Tom Lees, 2002. I hereby place this script into the public domain.

#use LWP::Debug qw(+);
use LWP::UserAgent;

$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent ("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)");

# Parse the etc/codecs.conf file
my $cconf = $ARGV[0];
open CCONF, "<$cconf";

my $codec = "(none)";
my $mscodec = 0;

my $cc, @ccl;

mkdir "codecs";
chdir "codecs";

CC: while (<CCONF>)
	next CC if (m/^[ \t]*\;/);
	if (m/^videocodec (.*)/)
		$codec = $1;
	elsif (m/^[ \t]+driver (.*)/)
		if ($1 eq "dshow" || $1 eq "vfw")
			$mscodec = 1;
			$mscodec = 0;
	elsif (m/^[ \t]+fourcc (.*)/ && $mscodec == 1)
		$cclist = $1;
		chomp $cclist;
		#@ccl = ();
			if ($cclist =~ m/\"(....)\"[, ]*(.*)/)
				$cc = $1;
				$cclist = $2;
			elsif ($cclist =~ m/[, ]*(....)[, ]*(.*)/)
				$cc = $1;
				$cclist = $2;
				$cc = $cclist;
				$cclist = "";
			if (!($cc =~ m/^[ \t]+/))
				push @ccl, ($cc);
		} while (length ($cclist) > 0);
close CCONF;

# Find the codecs
open CODEC_CABS, ">";
%fcc_try = ();
while ($#ccl > 0)
	$cc = pop (@ccl);
	if (!$fcc_try{"$cc"})
		$fcc_try{"$cc"} = 1;
		if (!find_codec ($cc))
			print "$cc found\n";
			print "MS didn't find $cc\n";

%got_codecs = ();
sub find_codec
	my ($fourcc) = @_;
	my $guid = sprintf ("%08X", unpack ("V", $fourcc))."-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71";
	my $req = HTTP::Request->new (POST => "");
	$req->header ('Accept', '*/*');
	$req->content_type ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
	$req->content ("CLSID=%7B${guid}%7D\n");
	#$req->content ('CLSID={'.${guid}.'}');
	my $res = $ua->request ($req);
	if ($res->is_success) {
		print "Lookup returned success... weird!\n";
		return 1;
	} else {
		# Codec location
		if ($res->code == 302)
			my $loc = $res->headers->header ("Location");
			if (!$got_codecs{"$loc"})
				print CODEC_CABS "$loc\n";
				$got_codecs{"$loc"} = 1;
				get_codec ($loc);
#			else
#			{
#				print "Already have $loc\n";
#			}
			return 0;
#			print "Lookup failed (Microsoft probably doesn't know this codec)\n";
			return 1;

sub get_codec
	my ($url) = @_;
	my $req = HTTP::Request->new (GET => $url);
	$req->header ("Accept", "*/*");
	my $res = $ua->request ($req);
	if ($res->is_success)
		open TMP, ">" or die "Unable to open";
		print TMP $res->content;
		close TMP;
		system "cabextract";
		unlink "";
		print "No such file!\n";