view vidix/pci_db2c.awk @ 30037:bd46aa50b605

cosmetics: Use a consistent formattting style; tabs to spaces.
author diego
date Sun, 20 Dec 2009 14:43:50 +0000
parents 835d6e5e5de0
children d1c5b275d3f9
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# This file converts given pci.db to "C" source and header files
# For latest version of pci ids see:
# Copyright 2002 Nick Kurshev
# Tested with Gawk v 3.0.x and Mawk 1.3.3
# But it should work with standard Awk implementations (hopefully).
# (Nobody tested it with Nawk, but it should work, too).
# This file is part of MPlayer.
# MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


    if (ARGC != 3) {
        # check for arguments:
        print "Usage ./pci_db2c.awk pci.db (and make sure pci.db file exists first)";
    in_file = ARGV[1];
    with_pci_db = ARGV[2];
    vendor_file  = "vidix/pci_vendors.h";
    ids_file     = "vidix/pci_ids.h"
    name_file    = "vidix/pci_names.c"
    name_h_file  = "vidix/pci_names.h"
    dev_ids_file = "vidix/pci_dev_ids.c"
    line = 0;
    # print out head lines
    print "#ifndef MPLAYER_PCI_VENDORS_H" > vendor_file
    print "#define MPLAYER_PCI_VENDORS_H" > vendor_file
    print "" > vendor_file
    print "#ifndef MPLAYER_PCI_IDS_H" > ids_file
    print "#define MPLAYER_PCI_IDS_H" > ids_file
    print "" > ids_file
    print "#include \"pci_vendors.h\"" > ids_file
    print "" > ids_file

    print "#ifndef MPLAYER_PCI_NAMES_H" > name_h_file
    print "#define MPLAYER_PCI_NAMES_H" > name_h_file
    print "" > name_h_file
    print "#include <stddef.h>" > name_file
    print "#include \"pci_names.h\"" > name_file
    if (with_pci_db) {
        print "#include \"pci_dev_ids.c\"" > name_file
        print "" > name_file
        print "static struct vendor_id_s vendor_ids[] = {" > name_file
    first_pass = 1;
    while (getline < in_file) {
        # count up lines
        n = split($0, field, "[\t]");
        name_field = kill_double_quoting(field[3])
        if (field[1] == "v" && length(field[3]) > 0 && field[4] == "0") {
            svend_name = get_short_vendor_name(field[3])
            printf("#define VENDOR_%s\t", svend_name) > vendor_file;
            if (length(svend_name) < 9) printf("\t") > vendor_file;
            printf("0x%s /*%s*/\n", field[2], name_field) > vendor_file;
            if (with_pci_db) printf("{ 0x%s, \"%s\", dev_lst_%s },\n", field[2], name_field, field[2]) > name_file;
            printf("/* Vendor: %s: %s */\n", field[2], name_field) > ids_file
            if (first_pass == 1) first_pass = 0;
            else print "{ 0xFFFF, NULL }\n};" > dev_ids_file;
            printf("static const struct device_id_s dev_lst_%s[] = {\n", field[2])> dev_ids_file
        if (field[1] == "d" && length(field[3]) > 0 && field[4] == "0") {
            sdev_name = get_short_device_name(field[3])
            full_name = sprintf("#define DEVICE_%s_%s", svend_name, sdev_name);
            printf("%s\t", full_name) > ids_file
            if (length(full_name) <  9) printf("\t") > ids_file;
            if (length(full_name) < 17) printf("\t") > ids_file;
            if (length(full_name) < 25) printf("\t") > ids_file;
            if (length(full_name) < 32) printf("\t") > ids_file;
            if (length(full_name) < 40) printf("\t") > ids_file;
            if (length(full_name) < 48) printf("\t") > ids_file;
            printf("0x%s /*%s*/\n", substr(field[2], 5), name_field) > ids_file
            printf("{ 0x%s, \"%s\" },\n", substr(field[2], 5), name_field) > dev_ids_file
        if (field[1] == "s" && length(field[3]) > 0 && field[4] == "0") {
            subdev_name = get_short_subdevice_name(field[3])
            full_name = sprintf("#define SUBDEVICE_%s_%s", svend_name, subdev_name)
            printf("\t%s\t", full_name) > ids_file
            if (length(full_name) <  9) printf("\t") > ids_file;
            if (length(full_name) < 17) printf("\t") > ids_file;
            if (length(full_name) < 25) printf("\t") > ids_file;
            if (length(full_name) < 32) printf("\t") > ids_file;
            if (length(full_name) < 40) printf("\t") > ids_file;
            printf("0x%s /*%s*/\n", substr(field[2], 9), name_field) > ids_file
    #print "Total lines parsed:", line;
    print "" > vendor_file
    print "#endif /* MPLAYER_PCI_VENDORS_H */" > vendor_file
    print "" > ids_file
    print "#endif /* MPLAYER_PCI_IDS_H */" > ids_file
    print "" > name_h_file
    print "#endif /* MPLAYER_PCI_NAMES_H */" > name_h_file
    if (with_pci_db) print "};" > name_file
    print "{ 0xFFFF, NULL }" > dev_ids_file;
    print "};" > dev_ids_file

function print_includes(out_file)
    print "#include <stdlib.h>" > out_file;
    print "#include \"pci_names.h\"" > out_file;

function print_head(out_file)
    print "/*" > out_file;
    printf(" * File: %s\n", out_file) > out_file;
    printf(" * This file was generated automatically. Don't modify it.\n") > out_file;
    print "*/" > out_file;

function print_name_struct(out_file)
    print "" > out_file
    print "struct device_id_s" > out_file
    print "{" > out_file
    print "\tunsigned short\tid;" > out_file
    print "\tconst char *\tname;" > out_file
    print "};" > out_file
    print "" > out_file
    print "struct vendor_id_s" > out_file
    print "{" > out_file
    print "\tunsigned short\tid;" > out_file
    print "\tconst char *\tname;" > out_file
    print "\tconst struct device_id_s *\tdev_list;" > out_file
    print "};" > out_file
    print "const char *pci_vendor_name(unsigned short id);" > out_file
    print "const char *pci_device_name(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short device_id);" > out_file
    print "" > out_file

function print_func_bodies(out_file)
    print "" > out_file
    print "const char *pci_vendor_name(unsigned short id)" > out_file
    print "{" > out_file
    if (with_pci_db) {
        print "  unsigned i;" > out_file
        print "  for (i = 0; i < sizeof(vendor_ids) / sizeof(struct vendor_id_s); i++)" > out_file
        print "  {" > out_file
        print "\tif (vendor_ids[i].id == id) return vendor_ids[i].name;" > out_file
        print "  }" > out_file
    print "  return NULL;" > out_file
    print "}" > out_file
    print "" > out_file
    print "const char *pci_device_name(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short device_id)" > out_file
    print "{" > out_file
    if (with_pci_db) {
        print "  unsigned i, j;" > out_file
        print "  for (i = 0; i < sizeof(vendor_ids) / sizeof(struct vendor_id_s); i++)" > out_file
        print "  {" > out_file
        print "\tif (vendor_ids[i].id == vendor_id)" > out_file
        print "\t{" > out_file
        print "\t  j = 0;" > out_file
        print "\t  while (vendor_ids[i].dev_list[j].id != 0xFFFF)" > out_file
        print "\t  {" > out_file
        print "\t\tif (vendor_ids[i].dev_list[j].id == device_id) return vendor_ids[i].dev_list[j].name;" > out_file
        print "\t\tj++;" > out_file
        print "\t  };" > out_file
        print "\t  break;" > out_file
        print "\t}" > out_file
        print "  }" > out_file
    print "  return NULL;" > out_file
    print "}" > out_file

function kill_double_quoting(fld)
    n = split(fld, phrases, "[\"]");
    new_fld = phrases[1]
    for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) new_fld = sprintf("%s\\\"%s", new_fld, phrases[i])
    return new_fld

function init_name_db()
  vendor_names[1] = ""

function init_device_db()
    # delete device_names
    for (i in device_names) delete device_names[i];
    device_names[1] = ""
    # delete subdevice_names
    for (i in subdevice_names) delete subdevice_names[i];
    subdevice_names[1] = ""

function get_short_vendor_name(from)
    n = split(from, name, "[ ]");
    new_name = toupper(name[1]);
    if (length(new_name) < 3) new_name = sprintf("%s_%s", new_name, toupper(name[2]));
    n = split(new_name, name, "[^0-9A-Za-z]");
    svendor = name[1];
    for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) svendor = sprintf("%s%s%s", svendor, length(name[i]) ? "_" : "", name[i]);
    new_name = svendor;
    vend_suffix = 2;
    # check for unique
    while (new_name in vendor_names) {
        new_name = sprintf("%s%u", svendor, vend_suffix)
        vend_suffix = vend_suffix + 1;
    # Add new name in array of vendor's names
    vendor_names[new_name] = new_name
    return new_name;

function get_short_device_name(from_name)
    n = split(from_name, name, "[ ]");
    new_name = toupper(name[1]);
    if (length(name[2])) new_name = sprintf("%s_%s", new_name, toupper(name[2]));
    if (length(name[3])) new_name = sprintf("%s_%s", new_name, toupper(name[3]));
    n = split(new_name, name, "[^0-9A-Za-z]");
    sdevice = name[1];
    for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) sdevice = sprintf("%s%s%s", sdevice, length(name[i]) ? "_" : "", name[i]);
    new_name = sdevice;
    dev_suffix = 2;
    # check for unique
    while (new_name in device_names) {
        new_name = sprintf("%s%u", sdevice, dev_suffix)
        dev_suffix = dev_suffix + 1;
    # Add new name in array of device names
    device_names[new_name] = new_name
    return new_name;

function get_short_subdevice_name(from_name)
    n = split(from_name, name, "[ ]");
    new_name = toupper(name[1]);
    if (length(name[2])) new_name = sprintf("%s_%s", new_name, toupper(name[2]));
    if (length(name[3])) new_name = sprintf("%s_%s", new_name, toupper(name[3]));
    n = split(new_name, name, "[^0-9A-Za-z]");
    ssdevice = name[1];
    for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) ssdevice = sprintf("%s%s%s", ssdevice, length(name[i]) ? "_" : "", name[i]);
    new_name = ssdevice;
    sdev_suffix = 2;
    # check for unique
    while (new_name in subdevice_names) {
        new_name = sprintf("%s%u", ssdevice, sdev_suffix)
        sdev_suffix = sdev_suffix + 1;
    # Add new name in array of subdevice names
    subdevice_names[new_name] = new_name
    return new_name;