view TOOLS/edgedetect.fp @ 26763:c13288eeb9f6

Add support for AppleIR Remote as an input under Linux systems. This requires Linux 2.6 with evdev and appleir drivers. The keymapping is done to mimics the one that was done for MacOSX. WARNING: Most distributions do not seems to bother and only let root access to the device. Modify udev rules accordingly if you want regular user to be able to use the remote.
author ben
date Sun, 18 May 2008 11:53:00 +0000
parents cae067bfc231
line wrap: on
line source

# Custom YUV->RGB conversion program for MPlayer's -vo gl.
# Copyleft (C) Reimar Döffinger, 2005
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later
# Usage: mplayer -vo gl:yuv=4:customprog=edgedetect.fp
# This is some custom edge-detect like effect.
# Try adjusting the gamma!
# program.env[0].xy contains the size of one source texel
TEMP res, yuv, pos, tmp, sizes;
SWZ sizes, program.env[0], x, y, 0, 0;
TEX yuv.r, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;
ADD pos, fragment.texcoord[0].xyxy, sizes.xwwy; # texels to the right and below
TEX tmp.r, pos.xyxy, texture[0], 2D;
MAD yuv.r, yuv.rrrr, {4}, -tmp.rrrr;
TEX tmp.r, pos.zwzw, texture[0], 2D;
SUB yuv.r, yuv.rrrr, tmp.rrrr;
SUB pos, fragment.texcoord[0].xyxy, sizes.xwwy; # texels to the left and above
TEX tmp.r, pos.xyxy, texture[0], 2D;
SUB yuv.r, yuv.rrrr, tmp.rrrr;
TEX tmp.r, pos.zwzw, texture[0], 2D;
SUB yuv.r, yuv.rrrr, tmp.rrrr;
TEX yuv.g, fragment.texcoord[1], texture[1], 2D;
TEX yuv.b, fragment.texcoord[2], texture[2], 2D;
# now do the normal YUV -> RGB conversion but include effect strength
# multiplication by 2 and 0.5 offset
MAD res, yuv.rrrr, {2.328, 2.328, 2.328, 0}, {-0.37416, 1.03133, -0.58599, 0.125};
MAD res.rgb, yuv.gggg, {0, -0.391, 2.018, 0}, res;
MAD res.rgb, yuv.bbbb, {1.596, -0.813, 0, 0}, res;
# do gamma texture lookup
TEX res.r, res.raaa, texture[3], 2D;
ADD res.a, res.a, 0.25;
TEX res.g, res.gaaa, texture[3], 2D;
ADD res.a, res.a, 0.25;
TEX res.b, res.baaa, texture[3], 2D;
# move res into result, this allows easily commenting out some parts.
MOV result.color, res;