view gui/skin/skin.c @ 32734:cc58a1e919d9

Allow character in the font description file to be in UTF-8. A character defined in the font description file can be either an ASCII character, any character in the range of 0x80 to 0xFF or - to avoid character set problems, and that is recommended - a character in UTF-8 encoding now. Non-ASCII characters will be stored in the nonASCIIidx array. The indices 0..127 of this array correspond to the indices 128..255 of the Fnt array. (This also settles the "Translate messages shown in the GUI window(s) from UTF-8" issue.)
author ib
date Thu, 27 Jan 2011 18:04:19 +0000
parents 016e5fc1dead
children 01e248c1b369
line wrap: on
line source

 * This file is part of MPlayer.
 * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "cut.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "skin.h"
#include "gui/app.h"

#include "config.h"
#include "mp_msg.h"
#include "help_mp.h"
#include "gui/mplayer/widgets.h"
#include "libavutil/avstring.h"


listItems     * skinAppMPlayer = &appMPlayer;

// ---

static int             linenumber;

static unsigned char   path[512],fn[512];

static listItems     * defList = NULL;
static unsigned char   window_name[32] = "";

static wItem         * currSection = NULL;
static int           * currSubItem = NULL;
static wItem         * currSubItems = NULL;

#include <stdarg.h>

static void ERRORMESSAGE( const char * format, ... )
 char      p[512];
 char      tmp[512];
 va_list   ap;
 va_start( ap,format );
 vsnprintf( p,512,format,ap );
 va_end( ap );
 snprintf( tmp,512,MSGTR_SKIN_ERRORMESSAGE,linenumber,p );
 gtkMessageBox( GTK_MB_FATAL,tmp );

#define CHECKDEFLIST( str ) \
{ \
 if ( defList == NULL ) \
  { \
   mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_STATUS,MSGTR_SKIN_WARNING1,linenumber,str ); \
   return 1; \
  } \

#define CHECKWINLIST( str ) \
{ \
 if ( !window_name[0] ) \
  { \
   mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_STATUS,MSGTR_SKIN_WARNING2,linenumber,str ); \
   return 1; \
  } \

#define CHECK( name ) \
{ \
 if ( !strcmp( window_name,name ) ) \
  { \
   mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_STATUS,MSGTR_SKIN_WARNING3,linenumber,name ); \
   return 1; \
  } \

static char * strlower( char * in )
 int i;
 for( i=0;i<(int)strlen( in );i++ ) in[i]=( in[i] >= 'A' ? ( in[i] <= 'Z' ?  in[i]+='A' : in[i] ) : in[i] );
 return in;

int skinBPRead( char * fname, txSample * bf )
 int i=bpRead( fname,bf );
 switch ( i )
   case -1: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_16bit,fname ); break;
   case -2: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_FileNotFound,fname ); break;
   case -3: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_BMPReadError,fname ); break;
   case -4: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_TGAReadError,fname ); break;
   case -5: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_PNGReadError,fname ); break;
   case -6: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_RLENotSupported,fname ); break;
   case -7: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_UnknownFileType,fname ); break;
   case -8: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_ConversionError,fname ); break;
 return i;

static int cmd_section( char * in )
 strlower( in );
 if ( !strcmp( in,"movieplayer" ) ) defList=skinAppMPlayer;
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] sectionname: %s\n",in );
 return 0;

static int cmd_end( char * in )
 if ( strlen( window_name ) ) { window_name[0]=0; currSection=NULL; currSubItem=NULL; currSubItems=NULL; }
  else defList=NULL;
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] end section\n" );
 return 0;

static int cmd_window( char * in )
 CHECKDEFLIST( "window" );

 av_strlcpy( window_name,strlower( in ),sizeof( window_name ) );
 if ( !strncmp( in,"main",4 ) ) { currSection=&skinAppMPlayer->main; currSubItem=&skinAppMPlayer->NumberOfItems; currSubItems=skinAppMPlayer->Items; }
  else if ( !strncmp( in,"sub",3 ) ) currSection=&skinAppMPlayer->sub;
   else if ( !strncmp( in,"playbar",7 ) ) { currSection=&skinAppMPlayer->bar; currSubItem=&skinAppMPlayer->NumberOfBarItems; currSubItems=skinAppMPlayer->barItems; }
    else if ( !strncmp( in,"menu",4 ) ) { currSection=&skinAppMPlayer->menuBase; currSubItem=&skinAppMPlayer->NumberOfMenuItems; currSubItems=skinAppMPlayer->MenuItems; }
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] window: %s\n",window_name );
 return 0;

static int cmd_base( char * in )
 unsigned char fname[512];
 unsigned char tmp[512];
 int           x,y;
 int           sx=0,sy=0;

 CHECKDEFLIST( "base" );
 CHECKWINLIST( "base" );

 cutItem( in,fname,',',0 );
 x=cutItemToInt( in,',',1 );
 y=cutItemToInt( in,',',2 );
 sx=cutItemToInt( in,',',3 );
 sy=cutItemToInt( in,',',4 );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] base: %s x: %d y: %d ( %dx%d )\n",fname,x,y,sx,sy );
 if ( !strcmp( window_name,"main" ) )
   av_strlcpy(tmp, path, sizeof( tmp )); av_strlcat(tmp, fname, sizeof( tmp ));
   if ( skinBPRead( tmp,&defList->main.Bitmap ) ) return 1;
    Convert32to1( &defList->main.Bitmap,&defList->main.Mask,0x00ff00ff );
    mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  mask: %dx%d\n",defList->main.Mask.Width,defList->main.Mask.Height );
   mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  width: %d height: %d\n",defList->main.width,defList->main.height );
 if ( !strcmp( window_name,"sub" ) )
   av_strlcpy(tmp, path, sizeof( tmp )); av_strlcat(tmp, fname, sizeof( tmp ));
   if ( skinBPRead( tmp,&defList->sub.Bitmap ) ) return 1;
   if ( sx && sy )
   mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  %d,%d %dx%d\n",defList->sub.x,defList->sub.y,defList->sub.width,defList->sub.height );
 if ( !strcmp( window_name,"menu" ) )
   av_strlcpy(tmp, path, sizeof( tmp )); av_strlcat(tmp, fname, sizeof( tmp ));
   if ( skinBPRead( tmp,&defList->menuBase.Bitmap ) ) return 1;
    Convert32to1( &defList->menuBase.Bitmap,&defList->menuBase.Mask,0x00ff00ff );
    mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  mask: %dx%d\n",defList->menuBase.Mask.Width,defList->menuBase.Mask.Height );
   mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  width: %d height: %d\n",defList->menuBase.width,defList->menuBase.height );
 if ( !strcmp( window_name,"playbar" ) )
   av_strlcpy(tmp, path, sizeof( tmp )); av_strlcat(tmp, fname, sizeof( tmp ));
   if ( skinBPRead( tmp,&defList->bar.Bitmap ) ) return 1;
    Convert32to1( &defList->bar.Bitmap,&defList->bar.Mask,0x00ff00ff );
    mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  mask: %dx%d\n",defList->bar.Mask.Width,defList->bar.Mask.Height );
   mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  width: %d height: %d\n",defList->bar.width,defList->bar.height );
 return 0;

static int cmd_background( char * in )
 CHECKDEFLIST( "background" );
 CHECKWINLIST( "background" );

 CHECK( "menu" );
 CHECK( "main" );

 currSection->R=cutItemToInt( in,',',0 );
 currSection->G=cutItemToInt( in,',',1 );
 currSection->B=cutItemToInt( in,',',2 );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin]  background color is #%x%x%x.\n",currSection->R,currSection->G,currSection->B );

 return 0;

static int cmd_button( char * in )
 unsigned char   fname[512];
 unsigned char   tmp[512];
 int             x,y,sx,sy;
 char            msg[32];

 CHECKDEFLIST( "button" );
 CHECKWINLIST( "button" );

 CHECK( "sub" );
 CHECK( "menu" );

 cutItem( in,fname,',',0 );
 x=cutItemToInt( in,',',1 );
 y=cutItemToInt( in,',',2 );
 sx=cutItemToInt( in,',',3 );
 sy=cutItemToInt( in,',',4 );
 cutItem( in,msg,',',5 );

 currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].type=itButton;
 currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].x=x;
 currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].y=y;
 currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].width=sx;
 currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].height=sy;
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] button: fname: %s\n",fname );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  x: %d y: %d sx: %d sy: %d\n",x,y,sx,sy );

 if ( ( currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].msg=appFindMessage( msg ) ) == -1 )
   { ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_UnknownMessage,msg ); return 0; }
 currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].pressed=btnReleased;
 if ( currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].msg == evPauseSwitchToPlay ) currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].pressed=btnDisabled;
 currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].tmp=1;

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  message: %d\n",currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].msg );

 currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].Bitmap.Image=NULL;
 if ( strcmp( fname,"NULL" ) )
   av_strlcpy(tmp, path, sizeof( tmp )); av_strlcat(tmp, fname, sizeof( tmp ));
   if ( skinBPRead( tmp,&currSubItems[ *currSubItem ].Bitmap ) ) return 1;

 return 0;

static int cmd_selected( char * in )
 unsigned char   fname[512];
 unsigned char   tmp[512];

 CHECKDEFLIST( "selected" );
 CHECKWINLIST( "selected" );

 CHECK( "main" );
 CHECK( "sub" );
 CHECK( "playbar" );

 cutItem( in,fname,',',0 );
 av_strlcpy(tmp, path, sizeof( tmp )); av_strlcat(tmp, fname, sizeof( tmp ));
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] selected: %s\n",fname );
 if ( skinBPRead( tmp,&defList->menuSelected.Bitmap ) ) return 1;
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  width: %d height: %d\n",defList->menuSelected.width,defList->menuSelected.height );
 return 0;

static int cmd_menu( char * in )
{ // menu = number,x,y,sx,sy,msg
 int             x,y,sx,sy,msg;
 unsigned char   tmp[64];

 CHECKDEFLIST( "menu" );
 CHECKWINLIST( "menu" );

 CHECK( "main" );
 CHECK( "sub" );
 CHECK( "playbar" );

 x=cutItemToInt( in,',',0 );
 y=cutItemToInt( in,',',1 );
 sx=cutItemToInt( in,',',2 );
 sy=cutItemToInt( in,',',3 );
 cutItem( in,tmp,',',4 ); msg=appFindMessage( tmp );

 defList->MenuItems[ defList->NumberOfMenuItems ].x=x;
 defList->MenuItems[ defList->NumberOfMenuItems ].y=y;
 defList->MenuItems[ defList->NumberOfMenuItems ].width=sx;
 defList->MenuItems[ defList->NumberOfMenuItems ].height=sy;

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] menuitem: %d\n",defList->NumberOfMenuItems );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  x: %d y: %d sx: %d sy: %d\n",x,y,sx,sy );

 if ( ( defList->MenuItems[ defList->NumberOfMenuItems ].msg=msg ) == -1 )

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  message: %d\n",defList->Items[ defList->NumberOfItems ].msg );

 defList->MenuItems[ defList->NumberOfMenuItems ].Bitmap.Image=NULL;
 return 0;

static int cmd_hpotmeter( char * in )
{ // hpotmeter=buttonbitmaps,sx,sy,phasebitmaps,phases,default value,x,y,sx,sy,msg
 int             x,y,psx,psy,ph,sx,sy,msg,d;
 unsigned char   tmp[512];
 unsigned char   pfname[512];
 unsigned char   phfname[512];
 wItem         * item;

 CHECKDEFLIST( "hpotmeter" );
 CHECKWINLIST( "hpotmeter" );

 CHECK( "sub" );
 CHECK( "menu" );

 cutItem( in,pfname,',',0 );
 psx=cutItemToInt( in,',',1 );
 psy=cutItemToInt( in,',',2 );
 cutItem( in,phfname,',',3 );
 ph=cutItemToInt( in,',',4 );
 d=cutItemToInt( in,',',5 );
 x=cutItemToInt( in,',',6 );
 y=cutItemToInt( in,',',7 );
 sx=cutItemToInt( in,',',8 );
 sy=cutItemToInt( in,',',9 );
 cutItem( in,tmp,',',10 ); msg=appFindMessage( tmp );

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] h/v potmeter: pointer filename: '%s'\n",pfname );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  pointer size is %dx%d\n",psx,psy );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  phasebitmaps filename: '%s'\n",phfname );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]   position: %d,%d %dx%d\n",x,y,sx,sy );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]   default value: %d\n",d );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  message: %d\n",msg );

 item=&currSubItems[ *currSubItem ];

 item->x=x; item->y=y; item->width=sx; item->height=sy;
 item->psx=psx; item->psy=psy;

 if ( strcmp( phfname,"NULL" ) )
   av_strlcpy(tmp, path, sizeof( tmp )); av_strlcat(tmp, phfname, sizeof( tmp ));
   if ( skinBPRead( tmp,&item->Bitmap ) ) return 1;

 if ( strcmp( pfname,"NULL" ) )
   av_strlcpy(tmp, path, sizeof( tmp )); av_strlcat(tmp, pfname, sizeof( tmp ));
   if ( skinBPRead( tmp,&item->Mask ) ) return 1;
 return 0;

static int cmd_vpotmeter( char * in )
 int     r = cmd_hpotmeter( in );
 wItem * item;

 item=&currSubItems[ *currSubItem ];
 return r;

static int cmd_potmeter( char * in )
{ // potmeter=phasebitmaps,phases,default value,x,y,sx,sy,msg
 int             x,y,ph,sx,sy,msg,d;
 unsigned char   tmp[512];
 unsigned char   phfname[512];
 wItem         * item;

 CHECKDEFLIST( "potmeter" );
 CHECKWINLIST( "potmeter" );

 CHECK( "sub" );
 CHECK( "menu" );

 cutItem( in,phfname,',',0 );
 ph=cutItemToInt( in,',',1 );
 d=cutItemToInt( in,',',2 );
 x=cutItemToInt( in,',',3 );
 y=cutItemToInt( in,',',4 );
 sx=cutItemToInt( in,',',5 );
 sy=cutItemToInt( in,',',6 );
 cutItem( in,tmp,',',7 ); msg=appFindMessage( tmp );

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] potmeter: phases filename: '%s'\n",phfname );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  position: %d,%d %dx%d\n",x,y,sx,sy );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  phases: %d\n",ph );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  default value: %d\n",d );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  message: %d\n",msg );

 item=&currSubItems[ *currSubItem ];

 item->x=x; item->y=y;
 item->width=sx; item->height=sy;

 if ( strcmp( phfname,"NULL" ) )
   av_strlcpy(tmp, path, sizeof( tmp )); av_strlcat(tmp, phfname, sizeof( tmp ));
   if ( skinBPRead( tmp,&item->Bitmap ) ) return 1;
 return 0;

static int cmd_font( char * in )
{ // font=fontname,fontid
 char    name[512];
 char    id[512];
 wItem * item;

 CHECKDEFLIST( "font" );
 CHECKWINLIST( "font" );

 CHECK( "sub" );
 CHECK( "menu" );

 cutItem( in,name,',',0 );
 cutItem( in,id,',',1 );

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] font\n" );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  name: %s\n",name );

 item=&currSubItems[ *currSubItem ];

 item->fontid=fntRead( path,name );
 switch ( item->fontid )
   case -1: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_NotEnoughtMemory ); return 1;
   case -2: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_TooManyFontsDeclared ); return 1;
   case -3: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_FontFileNotFound ); return 1;
   case -4: ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_FontImageNotFound ); return 1;
 return 0;

static int cmd_slabel( char * in )
 char    tmp[512];
 char    sid[63];
 int     x,y,id;
 wItem * item;

 CHECKDEFLIST( "slabel" );
 CHECKWINLIST( "slabel" );

 CHECK( "sub" );
 CHECK( "menu" );

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] slabel\n" );

 x=cutItemToInt( in,',',0 );
 y=cutItemToInt( in,',',1 );
 cutItem( in,sid,',',2 ); id=fntFindID( sid );
 if ( id < 0 ) { ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_NonExistentFontID,sid ); return 1; }
 cutItem( in,tmp,',',3 ); cutItem( tmp,tmp,'"',1 );

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  pos: %d,%d\n",x,y );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  id: %s ( %d )\n",sid,id );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  str: '%s'\n",tmp );

 item=&currSubItems[ *currSubItem ];

 item->x=x; item->y=y;
 item->width=-1; item->height=-1;
 if ( ( item->label=malloc( strlen( tmp ) + 1 ) ) == NULL ) { ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_NotEnoughtMemory ); return 1; }
 strcpy( item->label,tmp );

 return 0;

static int cmd_dlabel( char * in )
{ // dlabel=x,y,sx,align,fontid,string ...
 char    tmp[512];
 char    sid[63];
 int     x,y,sx,id,a;
 wItem * item;

 CHECKDEFLIST( "dlabel" );
 CHECKWINLIST( "dlabel" );

 CHECK( "sub" );
 CHECK( "menu" );

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] dlabel\n" );

 x=cutItemToInt( in,',',0 );
 y=cutItemToInt( in,',',1 );
 sx=cutItemToInt( in,',',2 );
 a=cutItemToInt( in,',',3 );
 cutItem( in,sid,',',4 ); id=fntFindID( sid );
 if ( id < 0 ) { ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_NonExistentFontID,sid ); return 1; }
 cutItem( in,tmp,',',5 ); cutItem( tmp,tmp,'"',1 );

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  pos: %d,%d width: %d align: %d\n",x,y,sx,a );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  id: %s ( %d )\n",sid,id );
 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin]  str: '%s'\n",tmp );

 item=&currSubItems[ *currSubItem ];

 item->fontid=id; item->align=a;
 item->x=x; item->y=y;
 item->width=sx; item->height=-1;
 if ( ( item->label=malloc( strlen( tmp ) + 1 ) ) == NULL ) { ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_NotEnoughtMemory ); return 1; }
 strcpy( item->label,tmp );

 return 0;

static int cmd_decoration( char * in )
 char    tmp[512];

 CHECKDEFLIST( "decoration" );
 CHECKWINLIST( "decoration" );

 CHECK( "sub" );
 CHECK( "menu" );
 CHECK( "playbar" );

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] window decoration is %s\n",in );
 strlower( in );
 cutItem( in,tmp,',',0 );
 if ( strcmp( tmp,"enable" )&&strcmp( tmp,"disable" ) ) { ERRORMESSAGE( MSGTR_SKIN_UnknownParameter,tmp ); return 1; }
 if ( strcmp( tmp,"enable" ) ) defList->mainDecoration=0;
  else defList->mainDecoration=1;

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"\n[skin] window decoration is %s\n",(defList->mainDecoration?"enabled":"disabled") );
 return 0;

typedef struct
 const char * name;
 int  (*func)( char * in );
} _item;

_item skinItem[] =
  { "section",     cmd_section     },
  { "end",         cmd_end         },
  { "window",      cmd_window      },
  { "base",        cmd_base        },
  { "button",      cmd_button      },
  { "selected",    cmd_selected    },
  { "background",  cmd_background  },
  { "vpotmeter",   cmd_vpotmeter   },
  { "hpotmeter",   cmd_hpotmeter   },
  { "potmeter",    cmd_potmeter    },
  { "font",        cmd_font        },
  { "slabel",      cmd_slabel      },
  { "dlabel",      cmd_dlabel      },
  { "decoration",  cmd_decoration  },
  { "menu",        cmd_menu        }

#define ITEMS (int)( sizeof( skinItem )/sizeof( _item ) )

char * trimleft( char * in )
 int    c = 0;
 char * out;
 if ( strlen( in ) == 0 ) return NULL;
 while ( in[c] == ' ' ) c++;
 if ( c != 0 )
   out=malloc( strlen( in ) - c  + 1 );
   memcpy( out,&in[c],strlen( in ) - c + 1 );
  else out=in;
 return out;

char * strswap( char * in,char what,char whereof )
 int    i;
 if ( strlen( in ) == 0 ) return NULL;
 for ( i=0;i<(int)strlen( in );i++ )
   if ( in[i] == what ) in[i]=whereof;
 return in;

char * trim( char * in )
 int    c = 0,i = 0,id = 0;
 if ( strlen( in ) == 0 ) return NULL;
 while ( c != (int)strlen( in ) )
   if ( in[c] == '"' ) id=!id;
   if ( ( in[c] == ' ' )&&( !id ) )
     for ( i=0;i<(int)strlen( in ) - c; i++ ) in[c+i]=in[c+i+1];
 return in;

FILE * skinFile;

static void setname( char * item1, char * item2 )
  av_strlcpy(fn, item1, sizeof( fn ));
  av_strlcat(fn, "/", sizeof( fn )); av_strlcat(fn, item2, sizeof( fn ));
  av_strlcpy(path, fn, sizeof( path )); av_strlcat(path, "/", sizeof( path ));
  av_strlcat(fn, "/skin", sizeof( fn ));

int skinRead( char * dname )
 unsigned char   tmp[255];
 unsigned char * ptmp;
 unsigned char   command[32];
 unsigned char   param[256];
 int             c,i;

 setname( skinDirInHome,dname );
 if ( ( skinFile = fopen( fn,"rt" ) ) == NULL )
   setname( skinMPlayerDir,dname );
   if ( ( skinFile = fopen( fn,"rt" ) ) == NULL )
     setname( skinDirInHome_obsolete,dname );
     if ( ( skinFile = fopen( fn,"rt" ) ) == NULL )
       setname( skinMPlayerDir_obsolete,dname );
       if ( ( skinFile = fopen( fn,"rt" ) ) == NULL )
         setname( skinMPlayerDir,dname );
         mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_STATUS,MSGTR_SKIN_SkinFileNotFound,fn );
         return -1;

 mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin] file: %s\n",fn );

 appInitStruct( skinAppMPlayer );

 while (fgets(tmp, 255, skinFile))

   // remove any kind of newline, if any
   tmp[strcspn(tmp, "\n\r")] = 0;
   for ( c=0;c<(int)strlen( tmp );c++ )
    if ( tmp[c] == ';' )
   if ( strlen( tmp ) == 0 ) continue;
   ptmp=trimleft( tmp );
   if ( strlen( ptmp ) == 0 ) continue;
   ptmp=strswap( ptmp,'\t',' ' );
   ptmp=trim( ptmp );

   cutItem( ptmp,command,'=',0 ); cutItem( ptmp,param,'=',1 );
   strlower( command );
   for( i=0;i<ITEMS;i++ )
    if ( !strcmp( command,skinItem[i].name ) )
     if ( skinItem[i].func( param ) ) return -2;
 if (linenumber == 0) {
   mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_SKIN_SkinFileNotReadable, fn);
   return -1;
 return 0;