view Gui/skin/font.c @ 16534:cf10f859d829

Lists main A/V codecs supported by MEncoder, talks about how to select an imput file for encoding. Taken from D. Richard Felker III The Great's encoding guide
author gpoirier
date Mon, 19 Sep 2005 21:42:00 +0000
parents 9a495bdc3a1e
children 0e1471d9da74
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

#include "../app.h"
#include "skin.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "cut.h"
#include "../../mp_msg.h"

int items;


int fntAddNewFont( char * name )
 int id;
 int i;

 for( id=0;id<26;id++ )
   if ( !Fonts[id] ) break;

 if ( id == 25 ) return -2;

 if ( ( Fonts[id]=calloc( 1,sizeof( bmpFont ) ) ) == NULL ) return -1;

 strlcpy( Fonts[id]->name,name,128 ); // FIXME: as defined in font.h
 for ( i=0;i<256;i++ ) 

 return id;

void fntFreeFont( void )
 int i;
 for( i=0;i < 25;i++ )
   if ( Fonts[i] )
     if ( Fonts[i]->Bitmap.Image ) free( Fonts[i]->Bitmap.Image );
     free( Fonts[i] );

int fntRead( char * path,char * fname )
 FILE * f;
 unsigned char   tmp[512];
 unsigned char * ptmp;
 unsigned char   command[32];
 unsigned char   param[256];
 int             c,linenumber = 0;
 int             id = fntAddNewFont( fname );
 if ( id < 0 ) return id;

 strlcpy( tmp,path,sizeof( tmp ) );
 strlcat( tmp,fname,sizeof( tmp ) ); strlcat( tmp,".fnt",sizeof( tmp ) );
 if ( ( f=fopen( tmp,"rt" ) ) == NULL ) 
   { free( Fonts[id] ); return -3; }
 while ( !feof( f ) )
   fgets( tmp,255,f ); linenumber++;

   c=tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]; if ( ( c == '\n' )||( c == '\r' ) ) tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]=0;
   c=tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]; if ( ( c == '\n' )||( c == '\r' ) ) tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]=0;
   for ( c=0;c < (int)strlen( tmp );c++ )
     if ( tmp[c] == ';' ) { tmp[c]=0; break; }
   if ( !tmp[0] ) continue;
   ptmp=trimleft( tmp );
   if ( !tmp[0] ) continue;
   ptmp=strswap( ptmp,'\t',' ' );
   ptmp=trim( ptmp );
   cutItem( ptmp,command,'=',0 ); cutItem( ptmp,param,'=',1 );
   if ( command[0] == '"' )
     int i;
     cutItem( command,command,'"',1 );
     cutItem( param,tmp,',',0 ); Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].x=atoi( tmp );
     cutItem( param,tmp,',',1 ); Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].y=atoi( tmp );
     cutItem( param,tmp,',',2 ); Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].sx=atoi( tmp );
     cutItem( param,tmp,',',3 ); Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].sy=atoi( tmp );
     mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[font]  char: '%s' params: %d,%d %dx%d\n",command,Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].x,Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].y,Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].sx,Fonts[id]->Fnt[i].sy );
      if ( !strcmp( command,"image" ) )
        strlcpy( tmp,path,sizeof( tmp )  ); strlcat( tmp,param,sizeof( tmp ) );
        mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[font] font imagefile: %s\n",tmp );
        if ( skinBPRead( tmp,&Fonts[id]->Bitmap ) ) return -4;

 return 0;

int fntFindID( char * name )
 int i;
 for ( i=0;i < 25;i++ )
   if ( Fonts[i] )
     if ( !strcmp( name,Fonts[i]->name ) ) return i;
 return -1;

int fntTextWidth( int id,char * str )
 int size = 0;
 int i;

 if ( ( !Fonts[id] )||( !str[0] ) ) return 0;

 for ( i=0;i < (int)strlen( str );i++ )
   unsigned char c = (unsigned char)str[i];
   if ( Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].sx == -1 ) c = ' ';
   size+= Fonts[id]->Fnt[ c ].sx;
 return size;

int fntTextHeight( int id,char * str )
 int max = 0,i;

 if ( ( !Fonts[id] )||( !str[0] ) ) return 0;

 for ( i=0;i < (int)strlen( str );i++ )
   int h;
   unsigned char c = (unsigned char)str[i];
   if ( Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].sx == -1 ) c = ' ';
   h = Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].sy;
   if ( h > max ) max=h;
 return max;

txSample * fntRender( wItem * item,int px,char * fmt,... )
 txSample      * tmp = NULL;
 va_list         ap;
 unsigned char   p[512];
 unsigned int    c;
 int 	         i, dx = 0, s, tw, fbw, iw, id, ofs;
 int 		 x,y,fh,fw,fyc,yc;
 uint32_t      * ibuf;
 uint32_t      * obuf;

 va_start( ap,fmt );
 vsnprintf( p,512,fmt,ap );
 va_end( ap );


 if ( ( !item )||
      ( !Fonts[id] )||
      ( !p[0] )||
      ( !fntTextWidth( id,p ) ) ) return NULL;

 tw=fntTextWidth( id,p );

 if ( item->Bitmap.Image == NULL ) 
   item->Bitmap.Height=item->height=fntTextHeight( id,p );
   item->Bitmap.ImageSize=item->height * iw * 4;
   if ( !item->Bitmap.ImageSize ) return NULL;
   item->Bitmap.Image=malloc( item->Bitmap.ImageSize );

 obuf=(uint32_t *)item->Bitmap.Image;
 ibuf=(uint32_t *)Fonts[id]->Bitmap.Image;

 for ( i=0;i < item->Bitmap.ImageSize / 4;i++ ) obuf[i]=0xff00ff;
 if ( tw <= iw ) 
   switch ( item->align )
     case fntAlignLeft:   dx=0; break;
     case fntAlignCenter: dx=( iw - fntTextWidth( id,p ) ) / 2; break;
     case fntAlignRight:  dx=iw - fntTextWidth( id,p ); break;
  } else dx+=px;

 for ( i=0;i < (int)strlen( p );i++ )
   c=(unsigned int)p[i];
   if ( fw == -1 ) { c=32; fw=Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].sx; }
   fyc=Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].y * fbw + Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].x;
   if ( dx >= 0 ) 
    for ( y=0;y < fh;y++ )
      for ( x=0; x < fw;x++ )
       if ( dx + x >= 0 && dx + x < iw ) obuf[yc + x]=ibuf[ fyc + x ];

 if ( ofs > 0 && tw > item->width )
   for ( i=(int)strlen( p );i > 0;i-- )
     c=(unsigned int)p[i];
     if ( fw == -1 ) { c=32; fw=Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].sx; }

     fyc=Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].y * fbw + Fonts[id]->Fnt[c].x;

     dx-=fw; yc=dx;
     if ( dx >= 0 ) 
      for ( y=0;y < fh;y++ )
        for ( x=fw - 1;x >= 0;x-- )
         if ( dx + x >= 0 && dx + x < iw ) obuf[yc + x]=ibuf[fyc + x];

 return &item->Bitmap;