Mercurial > mplayer.hg
view loader/loader.h @ 5412:db582be1b590
added soem debug prints, and fixed 10l bug of Alban
author | arpi |
date | Sun, 31 Mar 2002 02:45:14 +0000 |
parents | d11e510d0c04 |
children | 174e2a58b4cd |
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/******************************************************** Win32 binary loader interface Copyright 2000 Eugene Kuznetsov ( Shamelessly stolen from Wine project *********************************************************/ #ifndef _LOADER_H #define _LOADER_H #include <wine/windef.h> #include <wine/driver.h> #include <wine/mmreg.h> #include <wine/vfw.h> #include <wine/msacm.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern char* win32_codec_name; // must be set before calling DrvOpen() !!! unsigned int _GetPrivateProfileIntA(const char* appname, const char* keyname, int default_value, const char* filename); int _GetPrivateProfileStringA(const char* appname, const char* keyname, const char* def_val, char* dest, unsigned int len, const char* filename); int _WritePrivateProfileStringA(const char* appname, const char* keyname, const char* string, const char* filename); /********************************************** MS VFW ( Video For Windows ) interface **********************************************/ long VFWAPIV ICCompress( HIC hic,long dwFlags,LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiOutput,void* lpData, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiInput,void* lpBits,long* lpckid, long* lpdwFlags,long lFrameNum,long dwFrameSize,long dwQuality, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiPrev,void* lpPrev ); long VFWAPIV ICDecompress(HIC hic,long dwFlags,LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiFormat,void* lpData,LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi,void* lpBits); WIN_BOOL VFWAPI ICInfo(long fccType, long fccHandler, ICINFO * lpicinfo); LRESULT VFWAPI ICGetInfo(HIC hic,ICINFO *picinfo, long cb); HIC VFWAPI ICOpen(long fccType, long fccHandler, UINT wMode); HIC VFWAPI ICOpenFunction(long fccType, long fccHandler, unsigned int wMode, void* lpfnHandler); LRESULT VFWAPI ICClose(HIC hic); LRESULT VFWAPI ICSendMessage(HIC hic, unsigned int msg, long dw1, long dw2); HIC VFWAPI ICLocate(long fccType, long fccHandler, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiIn, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiOut, short wFlags); int VFWAPI ICDoSomething(); #define ICCompressGetFormat(hic, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput) \ ICSendMessage( \ hic,ICM_COMPRESS_GET_FORMAT,(long)(void*)(lpbiInput), \ (long)(void*)(lpbiOutput) \ ) #define ICCompressGetFormatSize(hic,lpbi) ICCompressGetFormat(hic,lpbi,NULL) #define ICGetDefaultKeyFrameRate(hic,lpint) \ ICSendMessage( \ hic, ICM_GETDEFAULTKEYFRAMERATE, \ (long)(void*)(lpint), \ 0 ) #define ICGetDefaultQuality(hic,lpint) \ ICSendMessage( \ hic, ICM_GETDEFAULTQUALITY, \ (long)(void*)(lpint), \ 0 ) #define ICCompressBegin(hic, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput) \ ICSendMessage( \ hic, ICM_COMPRESS_BEGIN, (long)(void*)(lpbiInput), \ (long)(void*)(lpbiOutput) \ ) #define ICCompressGetSize(hic, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput) \ ICSendMessage( \ hic, ICM_COMPRESS_GET_SIZE, (long)(void*)(lpbiInput), \ (long)(void*)(lpbiOutput) \ ) #define ICCompressQuery(hic, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput) \ ICSendMessage( \ hic, ICM_COMPRESS_QUERY, (long)(void*)(lpbiInput), \ (long)(void*)(lpbiOutput) \ ) #define ICCompressEnd(hic) ICSendMessage(hic, ICM_COMPRESS_END, 0, 0) #define ICDecompressBegin(hic, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput) \ ICSendMessage( \ hic, ICM_DECOMPRESS_BEGIN, (long)(void*)(lpbiInput), \ (long)(void*)(lpbiOutput) \ ) #define ICDecompressQuery(hic, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput) \ ICSendMessage( \ hic,ICM_DECOMPRESS_QUERY, (long)(void*)(lpbiInput), \ (long) (void*)(lpbiOutput) \ ) #define ICDecompressGetFormat(hic, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput) \ ((long)ICSendMessage( \ hic,ICM_DECOMPRESS_GET_FORMAT, (long)(void*)(lpbiInput), \ (long)(void*)(lpbiOutput) \ )) #define ICDecompressGetFormatSize(hic, lpbi) \ ICDecompressGetFormat(hic, lpbi, NULL) #define ICDecompressGetPalette(hic, lpbiInput, lpbiOutput) \ ICSendMessage( \ hic, ICM_DECOMPRESS_GET_PALETTE, (long)(void*)(lpbiInput), \ (long)(void*)(lpbiOutput) \ ) #define ICDecompressSetPalette(hic,lpbiPalette) \ ICSendMessage( \ hic,ICM_DECOMPRESS_SET_PALETTE, \ (long)(void*)(lpbiPalette),0 \ ) #define ICDecompressEnd(hic) ICSendMessage(hic, ICM_DECOMPRESS_END, 0, 0) /***************************************************** MS ACM ( Audio Compression Manager ) interface ******************************************************/ MMRESULT WINAPI acmDriverAddA( PHACMDRIVERID phadid, HINSTANCE hinstModule, LPARAM lParam, DWORD dwPriority, DWORD fdwAdd ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmDriverAddW( PHACMDRIVERID phadid, HINSTANCE hinstModule, LPARAM lParam, DWORD dwPriority, DWORD fdwAdd ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmDriverClose( HACMDRIVER had, DWORD fdwClose ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmDriverDetailsA( HACMDRIVERID hadid, PACMDRIVERDETAILSA padd, DWORD fdwDetails ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmDriverDetailsW( HACMDRIVERID hadid, PACMDRIVERDETAILSW padd, DWORD fdwDetails ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmDriverEnum( ACMDRIVERENUMCB fnCallback, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwEnum ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmDriverID( HACMOBJ hao, PHACMDRIVERID phadid, DWORD fdwDriverID ); LRESULT WINAPI acmDriverMessage( HACMDRIVER had, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2 ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmDriverOpen( PHACMDRIVER phad, HACMDRIVERID hadid, DWORD fdwOpen ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmDriverPriority( HACMDRIVERID hadid, DWORD dwPriority, DWORD fdwPriority ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmDriverRemove( HACMDRIVERID hadid, DWORD fdwRemove ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFilterChooseA( PACMFILTERCHOOSEA pafltrc ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFilterChooseW( PACMFILTERCHOOSEW pafltrc ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFilterDetailsA( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFILTERDETAILSA pafd, DWORD fdwDetails ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFilterDetailsW( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFILTERDETAILSW pafd, DWORD fdwDetails ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFilterEnumA( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFILTERDETAILSA pafd, ACMFILTERENUMCBA fnCallback, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwEnum ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFilterEnumW( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFILTERDETAILSW pafd, ACMFILTERENUMCBW fnCallback, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwEnum ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFilterTagDetailsA( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFILTERTAGDETAILSA paftd, DWORD fdwDetails ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFilterTagDetailsW( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFILTERTAGDETAILSW paftd, DWORD fdwDetails ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFilterTagEnumA( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFILTERTAGDETAILSA paftd, ACMFILTERTAGENUMCBA fnCallback, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwEnum ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFilterTagEnumW( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFILTERTAGDETAILSW paftd, ACMFILTERTAGENUMCBW fnCallback, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwEnum ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFormatChooseA( PACMFORMATCHOOSEA pafmtc ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFormatChooseW( PACMFORMATCHOOSEW pafmtc ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFormatDetailsA( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFORMATDETAILSA pafd, DWORD fdwDetails ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFormatDetailsW( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFORMATDETAILSW pafd, DWORD fdwDetails ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFormatEnumA( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFORMATDETAILSA pafd, ACMFORMATENUMCBA fnCallback, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwEnum ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFormatEnumW( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFORMATDETAILSW pafd, ACMFORMATENUMCBW fnCallback, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwEnum ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFormatSuggest( HACMDRIVER had, PWAVEFORMATEX pwfxSrc, PWAVEFORMATEX pwfxDst, DWORD cbwfxDst, DWORD fdwSuggest ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFormatTagDetailsA( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFORMATTAGDETAILSA paftd, DWORD fdwDetails ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFormatTagDetailsW( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFORMATTAGDETAILSW paftd, DWORD fdwDetails ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFormatTagEnumA( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFORMATTAGDETAILSA paftd, ACMFORMATTAGENUMCBA fnCallback, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwEnum ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmFormatTagEnumW( HACMDRIVER had, PACMFORMATTAGDETAILSW paftd, ACMFORMATTAGENUMCBW fnCallback, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwEnum ); DWORD WINAPI acmGetVersion( ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmMetrics( HACMOBJ hao, UINT uMetric, LPVOID pMetric ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmStreamClose( HACMSTREAM has, DWORD fdwClose ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmStreamConvert( HACMSTREAM has, PACMSTREAMHEADER pash, DWORD fdwConvert ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmStreamMessage( HACMSTREAM has, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2 ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmStreamOpen( PHACMSTREAM phas, HACMDRIVER had, PWAVEFORMATEX pwfxSrc, PWAVEFORMATEX pwfxDst, PWAVEFILTER pwfltr, DWORD dwCallback, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwOpen ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmStreamPrepareHeader( HACMSTREAM has, PACMSTREAMHEADER pash, DWORD fdwPrepare ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmStreamReset( HACMSTREAM has, DWORD fdwReset ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmStreamSize( HACMSTREAM has, DWORD cbInput, LPDWORD pdwOutputBytes, DWORD fdwSize ); MMRESULT WINAPI acmStreamUnprepareHeader( HACMSTREAM has, PACMSTREAMHEADER pash, DWORD fdwUnprepare ); void MSACM_RegisterAllDrivers(void); INT WINAPI LoadStringA( HINSTANCE instance, UINT resource_id, LPSTR buffer, INT buflen ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __LOADER_H */