view loader/qtx/qtxsdk/components.h @ 15533:ddf15d233d58

Do not switch to audio tracks whose codec private data differs from the main audio track's as this will most likely result in messed up audio output. Patch by Michael Behrisch <list () behrisch ! de>
author mosu
date Sat, 21 May 2005 06:50:08 +0000
parents a9e2fda933be
children 6ac1ece1f9fe
line wrap: on
line source

// Basic types:

typedef char *                          Ptr;
typedef Ptr *                           Handle;
typedef int32_t                         Size;
typedef unsigned char                   Boolean;
typedef unsigned char                   Str31[32];
typedef int32_t                         Fixed;

typedef int32_t OSErr;
typedef int OSType;

typedef int32_t ComponentResult;
typedef unsigned char                   UInt8;
typedef signed char                     SInt8;
typedef unsigned short                  UInt16;
typedef signed short                    SInt16;
typedef uint32_t                        UInt32;
typedef int32_t                         SInt32;

#define FOUR_CHAR_CODE(a,b,c,d)       ((uint32_t)(a)<<24 | (uint32_t)(b)<<16 | (uint32_t)(c)<<8 | (uint32_t)(d)) /* otherwise compiler will complain about values with high bit set */

// codec private shit:
typedef void *GlobalsPtr;
typedef void **Globals;

//==================== COMPONENTS ===========================

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ComponentParameters {
    UInt8                           flags;                      /* call modifiers: sync/async, deferred, immed, etc */
    UInt8                           paramSize;                  /* size in bytes of actual parameters passed to this call */
    short                           what;                       /* routine selector, negative for Component management calls */
    int32_t                         params[1];                  /* actual parameters for the indicated routine */
typedef struct ComponentParameters      ComponentParameters;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ComponentDescription {
    OSType                          componentType;              /* A unique 4-byte code indentifying the command set */
    OSType                          componentSubType;           /* Particular flavor of this instance */
    OSType                          componentManufacturer;      /* Vendor indentification */
    uint32_t                        componentFlags;             /* 8 each for Component,Type,SubType,Manuf/revision */
    uint32_t                        componentFlagsMask;         /* Mask for specifying which flags to consider in search, zero during registration */
typedef struct ComponentDescription     ComponentDescription;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ResourceSpec {
    OSType                          resType;                    /* 4-byte code    */
    short                           resID;                      /*         */
typedef struct ResourceSpec             ResourceSpec;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ComponentResource {
    ComponentDescription            cd;                         /* Registration parameters */
    ResourceSpec                    component;                  /* resource where Component code is found */
    ResourceSpec                    componentName;              /* name string resource */
    ResourceSpec                    componentInfo;              /* info string resource */
    ResourceSpec                    componentIcon;              /* icon resource */
typedef struct ComponentResource        ComponentResource;
typedef ComponentResource *             ComponentResourcePtr;
typedef ComponentResourcePtr *          ComponentResourceHandle;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ComponentRecord {
    int32_t                            data[1];
typedef struct ComponentRecord          ComponentRecord;
typedef ComponentRecord *               Component;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ComponentInstanceRecord {
    int32_t                            data[1];
typedef struct ComponentInstanceRecord  ComponentInstanceRecord;

typedef ComponentInstanceRecord *       ComponentInstance;

// ========================= QUICKDRAW =========================

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) Rect {
    short                           top;
    short                           left;
    short                           bottom;
    short                           right;
typedef struct Rect                     Rect;
typedef Rect *                          RectPtr;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) RGBColor {
    unsigned short                  red;                        /*magnitude of red component*/
    unsigned short                  green;                      /*magnitude of green component*/
    unsigned short                  blue;                       /*magnitude of blue component*/
typedef struct RGBColor                 RGBColor;
typedef RGBColor *                      RGBColorPtr;
typedef RGBColorPtr *                   RGBColorHdl;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ColorSpec {
    short                           value;                      /*index or other value*/
    RGBColor                        rgb;                        /*true color*/
typedef struct ColorSpec                ColorSpec;
typedef ColorSpec *                     ColorSpecPtr;
typedef ColorSpec                       CSpecArray[1];

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ColorTable {
    int32_t                         ctSeed;                     /*unique identifier for table*/
    short                           ctFlags;                    /*high bit: 0 = PixMap; 1 = device*/
    short                           ctSize;                     /*number of entries in CTTable*/
    CSpecArray                      ctTable;                    /*array [0..0] of ColorSpec*/
typedef struct ColorTable               ColorTable;
typedef ColorTable *                    CTabPtr;
typedef CTabPtr *                       CTabHandle;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) MatrixRecord {
    Fixed                           matrix[3][3];
typedef struct MatrixRecord             MatrixRecord;
typedef MatrixRecord *                  MatrixRecordPtr;

typedef int32_t                         ImageSequence;
typedef OSType                          CodecType;
typedef unsigned short                  CodecFlags;
typedef uint32_t                        CodecQ;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ImageDescription {
    int32_t                         idSize;                     /* total size of ImageDescription including extra data ( CLUTs and other per sequence data ) */
    CodecType                       cType;                      /* what kind of codec compressed this data */
    int32_t                         resvd1;                     /* reserved for Apple use */
    short                           resvd2;                     /* reserved for Apple use */
    short                           dataRefIndex;               /* set to zero  */
    short                           version;                    /* which version is this data */
    short                           revisionLevel;              /* what version of that codec did this */
    int32_t                         vendor;                     /* whose  codec compressed this data */
    CodecQ                          temporalQuality;            /* what was the temporal quality factor  */
    CodecQ                          spatialQuality;             /* what was the spatial quality factor */
    short                           width;                      /* how many pixels wide is this data */
    short                           height;                     /* how many pixels high is this data */
    Fixed                           hRes;                       /* horizontal resolution */
    Fixed                           vRes;                       /* vertical resolution */
    int32_t                         dataSize;                   /* if known, the size of data for this image descriptor */
    short                           frameCount;                 /* number of frames this description applies to */
    Str31                           name;                       /* name of codec ( in case not installed )  */
    short                           depth;                      /* what depth is this data (1-32) or ( 33-40 grayscale ) */
    short                           clutID;                     /* clut id or if 0 clut follows  or -1 if no clut */
typedef struct ImageDescription         ImageDescription;
typedef ImageDescription *              ImageDescriptionPtr;
typedef ImageDescriptionPtr *           ImageDescriptionHandle;

/* values for PixMap.pixelFormat*/
enum {
    k16LE555PixelFormat         = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('L','5','5','5'),       /* 16 bit LE rgb 555 (PC)*/
    k16LE5551PixelFormat        = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('5','5','5','1'),       /* 16 bit LE rgb 5551*/
    k16BE565PixelFormat         = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('B','5','6','5'),       /* 16 bit BE rgb 565*/
    k16LE565PixelFormat         = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('L','5','6','5'),       /* 16 bit LE rgb 565*/
    k24BGRPixelFormat           = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('2','4','B','G'),       /* 24 bit bgr */
    k32BGRAPixelFormat          = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('B','G','R','A'),       /* 32 bit bgra    (Matrox)*/
    k32ABGRPixelFormat          = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('A','B','G','R'),       /* 32 bit abgr    */
    k32RGBAPixelFormat          = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('R','G','B','A'),       /* 32 bit rgba    */
    kYUVSPixelFormat            = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('y','u','v','s'),       /* YUV 4:2:2 byte ordering 16-unsigned = 'YUY2'*/
    kYUVUPixelFormat            = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('y','u','v','u'),       /* YUV 4:2:2 byte ordering 16-signed*/
    kYVU9PixelFormat            = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Y','V','U','9'),       /* YVU9 Planar    9*/
    kYUV411PixelFormat          = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Y','4','1','1'),       /* YUV 4:1:1 Interleaved  16*/
    kYVYU422PixelFormat         = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Y','V','Y','U'),       /* YVYU 4:2:2 byte ordering   16*/
    kUYVY422PixelFormat         = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('U','Y','V','Y'),       /* UYVY 4:2:2 byte ordering   16*/
    kYUV211PixelFormat          = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Y','2','1','1'),       /* YUV 2:1:1 Packed   8*/
    k2vuyPixelFormat            = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('2','v','u','y')        /* UYVY 4:2:2 byte ordering   16*/

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) PixMapExtension {
    int32_t                         extSize;                    /*size of struct, duh!*/
    uint32_t                        pmBits;                     /*pixmap attributes bitfield*/
    void *                          pmGD;                       /*this is a GDHandle*/
    int32_t                         pmSeed;
    Fixed                           gammaLevel;                 /*pixmap gammalevel*/
    Fixed                           requestedGammaLevel;
    uint32_t                        reserved2;
    int32_t                         longRowBytes;               /*used when rowBytes > 16382*/
    uint32_t                        signature;
    Handle                          baseAddrHandle;
typedef struct PixMapExtension          PixMapExtension;

typedef PixMapExtension *               PixMapExtPtr;
typedef PixMapExtPtr *                  PixMapExtHandle;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) PixMap {
    Ptr                             baseAddr;                   /*pointer to pixels*/
    short                           rowBytes;                   /*offset to next line*/
    Rect                            bounds;                     /*encloses bitmap*/
    short                           pmVersion;                  /*pixMap version number*/
    short                           packType;                   /*defines packing format*/
    int32_t                         packSize;                   /*length of pixel data*/
    Fixed                           hRes;                       /*horiz. resolution (ppi)*/
    Fixed                           vRes;                       /*vert. resolution (ppi)*/
    short                           pixelType;                  /*defines pixel type*/
    short                           pixelSize;                  /*# bits in pixel*/
    short                           cmpCount;                   /*# components in pixel*/
    short                           cmpSize;                    /*# bits per component*/
    OSType                          pixelFormat;                /*fourCharCode representation*/
    CTabHandle                      pmTable;                    /*color map for this pixMap*/
    PixMapExtHandle                 pmExt;                      /*Handle to pixMap extension*/
typedef struct PixMap                   PixMap;
typedef PixMap *                        PixMapPtr;
typedef PixMapPtr *                     PixMapHandle;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) BitMap {
    Ptr                             baseAddr;
    short                           rowBytes;
    Rect                            bounds;
typedef struct BitMap                   BitMap;
typedef BitMap *                        BitMapPtr;
typedef BitMapPtr *                     BitMapHandle;
typedef struct OpaqueRgnHandle*         RgnHandle;

struct Pattern {
    UInt8                           pat[8];
typedef struct Pattern                  Pattern;
typedef unsigned char                   Style;
typedef Style                           StyleField;
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) Point {
    short                           v;
    short                           h;
typedef struct Point                    Point;
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) GrafPort {
    short                           device;
    BitMap                          portBits;
    Rect                            portRect;
    RgnHandle                       visRgn;
    RgnHandle                       clipRgn;
    Pattern                         bkPat;
    Pattern                         fillPat;
    Point                           pnLoc;
    Point                           pnSize;
    short                           pnMode;
    Pattern                         pnPat;
    short                           pnVis;
    short                           txFont;
    StyleField                      txFace;                     /*StyleField occupies 16-bits, but only first 8-bits are used*/
    UInt8                           txFlags;                    /* QuickTime uses second 8 bits of StyleField for txFlags */
    short                           txMode;
    short                           txSize;
    Fixed                           spExtra;
    int32_t                         fgColor;
    int32_t                         bkColor;
    short                           colrBit;
    short                           patStretch;
    Handle                          picSave;
    Handle                          rgnSave;
    Handle                          polySave;
    /*QDProcsPtr*/void*                      grafProcs;
typedef struct GrafPort                 GrafPort;
typedef GrafPort *GWorldPtr;
typedef GWorldPtr *GWorldHandle;
#define anyCodec                ((CodecComponent)0)
enum {
                                                                /* transfer modes */
    srcCopy                     = 0,                            /*the 16 transfer modes*/
    srcOr                       = 1,
    srcXor                      = 2,
    srcBic                      = 3,
    notSrcCopy                  = 4,
    notSrcOr                    = 5,
    notSrcXor                   = 6,
    notSrcBic                   = 7,
    patCopy                     = 8,
    patOr                       = 9,
    patXor                      = 10,
    patBic                      = 11,
    notPatCopy                  = 12,
    notPatOr                    = 13,
    notPatXor                   = 14,
    notPatBic                   = 15,                           /* Special Text Transfer Mode */
    grayishTextOr               = 49,
    hilitetransfermode          = 50,
    hilite                      = 50,                           /* Arithmetic transfer modes */
    blend                       = 32,
    addPin                      = 33,
    addOver                     = 34,
    subPin                      = 35,
    addMax                      = 37,
    adMax                       = 37,
    subOver                     = 38,
    adMin                       = 39,
    ditherCopy                  = 64,                           /* Transparent mode constant */
    transparent                 = 36

typedef uint32_t                   GWorldFlags;

// ============================== CODECS ===========================

typedef Component                       CompressorComponent;
typedef Component                       DecompressorComponent;
typedef Component                       CodecComponent;

enum {
    codecLosslessQuality        = 0x00000400,
    codecMaxQuality             = 0x000003FF,
    codecMinQuality             = 0x00000000,
    codecLowQuality             = 0x00000100,
    codecNormalQuality          = 0x00000200,
    codecHighQuality            = 0x00000300

// callbacks:
typedef void* ImageCodecDrawBandCompleteUPP;
typedef int64_t ICMProgressProcRecord;
typedef int64_t ICMCompletionProcRecord;
typedef ICMCompletionProcRecord* ICMCompletionProcRecordPtr;
typedef int64_t ICMDataProcRecord;
typedef void* ICMFrameTimePtr;
typedef void* CDSequenceDataSourcePtr;
typedef void* ICMFrameTimeInfoPtr;

// graphics port
typedef struct OpaqueGrafPtr*           GrafPtr;
typedef GrafPtr                         CGrafPtr;

/*  codec capabilities flags    */
enum {
    codecCanScale               = 1L << 0,	// 1
    codecCanMask                = 1L << 1,	// 2
    codecCanMatte               = 1L << 2,	// 4
    codecCanTransform           = 1L << 3,	// 8
    codecCanTransferMode        = 1L << 4,	// 10
    codecCanCopyPrev            = 1L << 5,	// 20
    codecCanSpool               = 1L << 6,	// 40
    codecCanClipVertical        = 1L << 7,	// 80
    codecCanClipRectangular     = 1L << 8,	// 100
    codecCanRemapColor          = 1L << 9,	// 200
    codecCanFastDither          = 1L << 10,	// 400
    codecCanSrcExtract          = 1L << 11,	// 800
    codecCanCopyPrevComp        = 1L << 12,	// 1000
    codecCanAsync               = 1L << 13,	// 2000
    codecCanMakeMask            = 1L << 14,	// 4000
    codecCanShift               = 1L << 15,	// 8000
    codecCanAsyncWhen           = 1L << 16,	// 10000
    codecCanShieldCursor        = 1L << 17,	// 20000
    codecCanManagePrevBuffer    = 1L << 18,	// 40000
    codecHasVolatileBuffer      = 1L << 19,     // 80000                /* codec requires redraw after window movement */
    codecWantsRegionMask        = 1L << 20,	// 100000
    codecImageBufferIsOnScreen  = 1L << 21,     // 200000                /* old def of codec using overlay surface, = ( codecIsDirectToScreenOnly | codecUsesOverlaySurface | codecImageBufferIsOverlaySurface | codecSrcMustBeImageBuffer ) */
    codecWantsDestinationPixels = 1L << 22,     // 400000
    codecWantsSpecialScaling    = 1L << 23,     // 800000
    codecHandlesInputs          = 1L << 24,	// 1000000
    codecCanDoIndirectSurface   = 1L << 25,                     /* codec can handle indirect surface (GDI) */
    codecIsSequenceSensitive    = 1L << 26,
    codecRequiresOffscreen      = 1L << 27,
    codecRequiresMaskBits       = 1L << 28,
    codecCanRemapResolution     = 1L << 29,
    codecIsDirectToScreenOnly   = 1L << 30,                     /* codec can only decompress data to the screen */
    codecCanLockSurface         = 1L << 31                      /* codec can lock destination surface, icm doesn't lock for you */

/*  codec capabilities flags2   */
enum {
    codecUsesOverlaySurface     = 1L << 0,                      /* codec uses overlay surface */
    codecImageBufferIsOverlaySurface = 1L << 1,                 /* codec image buffer is overlay surface, the bits in the buffer are on the screen */
    codecSrcMustBeImageBuffer   = 1L << 2,                      /* codec can only source data from an image buffer */
    codecImageBufferIsInAGPMemory = 1L << 4,                    /* codec image buffer is in AGP space, byte writes are OK */
    codecImageBufferIsInPCIMemory = 1L << 5                     /* codec image buffer is across a PCI bus; byte writes are bad */

/*  codec condition flags   */
// FFD =  13 = 8+4+1
enum {
    codecConditionFirstBand     = 1L << 0,	// 1
    codecConditionLastBand      = 1L << 1,	// 2
    codecConditionFirstFrame    = 1L << 2,	// 4
    codecConditionNewDepth      = 1L << 3,	// 8
    codecConditionNewTransform  = 1L << 4,	// 10
    codecConditionNewSrcRect    = 1L << 5,	// 20
    codecConditionNewMask       = 1L << 6,	// 40
    codecConditionNewMatte      = 1L << 7,	// 80
    codecConditionNewTransferMode = 1L << 8,	// 100
    codecConditionNewClut       = 1L << 9,	// 200
    codecConditionNewAccuracy   = 1L << 10,	// 400
    codecConditionNewDestination = 1L << 11,	// 800
    codecConditionFirstScreen   = 1L << 12,	// 1000
    codecConditionDoCursor      = 1L << 13,	// 2000
    codecConditionCatchUpDiff   = 1L << 14,	// 4000
    codecConditionMaskMayBeChanged = 1L << 15,	// 8000
    codecConditionToBuffer      = 1L << 16,	// 10000
    codecConditionCodecChangedMask = 1L << 31	// 20000

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) CodecCapabilities {
    int32_t                         flags;
    short                           wantedPixelSize;
    short                           extendWidth;
    short                           extendHeight;
    short                           bandMin;
    short                           bandInc;
    short                           pad;
    uint32_t                        time;
    int32_t                         flags2;                     /* field new in QuickTime 4.0 */
typedef struct CodecCapabilities        CodecCapabilities;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) CodecDecompressParams {
    ImageSequence                   sequenceID;                 /* predecompress,banddecompress */
    ImageDescriptionHandle          imageDescription;           /* predecompress,banddecompress */
    Ptr                             data;
    int32_t                         bufferSize;

    int32_t                         frameNumber;
    int32_t                         startLine;
    int32_t                         stopLine;
    int32_t                         conditionFlags;

    CodecFlags                      callerFlags; // short
    CodecCapabilities *             capabilities;               /* predecompress,banddecompress */
    ICMProgressProcRecord           progressProcRecord;
    ICMCompletionProcRecord         completionProcRecord;

    ICMDataProcRecord               dataProcRecord;
    CGrafPtr                        port;                       /* predecompress,banddecompress */
    PixMap                          dstPixMap;                  /* predecompress,banddecompress */
    BitMapPtr                       maskBits;
    PixMapPtr                       mattePixMap;
    Rect                            srcRect;                    /* predecompress,banddecompress */
    MatrixRecord *                  matrix;                     /* predecompress,banddecompress */
    CodecQ                          accuracy;                   /* predecompress,banddecompress */
    short                           transferMode;               /* predecompress,banddecompress */
    ICMFrameTimePtr                 frameTime;                  /* banddecompress */
    int32_t                         reserved[1];

                                                                /* The following fields only exist for QuickTime 2.0 and greater */
    SInt8                           matrixFlags;                /* high bit set if 2x resize */
    SInt8                           matrixType;
    Rect                            dstRect;                    /* only valid for simple transforms */

                                                                /* The following fields only exist for QuickTime 2.1 and greater */
    UInt16                          majorSourceChangeSeed;
    UInt16                          minorSourceChangeSeed;
    CDSequenceDataSourcePtr         sourceData;

    RgnHandle                       maskRegion;

                                                                /* The following fields only exist for QuickTime 2.5 and greater */
    OSType **                       wantedDestinationPixelTypes; /* Handle to 0-terminated list of OSTypes */

    int32_t                         screenFloodMethod;
    int32_t                         screenFloodValue;
    short                           preferredOffscreenPixelSize;

                                                                /* The following fields only exist for QuickTime 3.0 and greater */
    ICMFrameTimeInfoPtr             syncFrameTime;              /* banddecompress */
    Boolean                         needUpdateOnTimeChange;     /* banddecompress */
    Boolean                         enableBlackLining;
    Boolean                         needUpdateOnSourceChange;   /* band decompress */
    Boolean                         pad;

    int32_t                         unused;

    CGrafPtr                        finalDestinationPort;

    int32_t                         requestedBufferWidth;       /* must set codecWantsSpecialScaling to indicate this field is valid*/
    int32_t                         requestedBufferHeight;      /* must set codecWantsSpecialScaling to indicate this field is valid*/

                                                                /* The following fields only exist for QuickTime 4.0 and greater */
    Rect                            displayableAreaOfRequestedBuffer; /* set in predecompress*/
    Boolean                         requestedSingleField;
    Boolean                         needUpdateOnNextIdle;
    Boolean                         pad2[2];
    Fixed                           bufferGammaLevel;

                                                                /* The following fields only exist for QuickTime 5.0 and greater */
    UInt32                          taskWeight;                 /* preferred weight for MP tasks implementing this operation*/
    OSType                          taskName;                   /* preferred name (type) for MP tasks implementing this operation*/
typedef struct CodecDecompressParams    CodecDecompressParams;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ImageSubCodecDecompressCapabilities {
    int32_t                         recordSize;                 /* sizeof(ImageSubCodecDecompressCapabilities)*/
    int32_t                         decompressRecordSize;       /* size of your codec's decompress record*/
    Boolean                         canAsync;                   /* default true*/
    UInt8                           pad0;

                                                                /* The following fields only exist for QuickTime 4.0 and greater */
    UInt16                          suggestedQueueSize;
    Boolean                         canProvideTrigger;

                                                                /* The following fields only exist for QuickTime 5.0 and greater */
    Boolean                         subCodecFlushesScreen;      /* only used on Mac OS X*/
    Boolean                         subCodecCallsDrawBandComplete;
    UInt8                           pad2[1];

                                                                /* The following fields only exist for QuickTime 5.1 and greater */
    Boolean                         isChildCodec;               /* set by base codec before calling Initialize*/
    UInt8                           pad3[3];
typedef struct ImageSubCodecDecompressCapabilities ImageSubCodecDecompressCapabilities;

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord {
    Ptr                             baseAddr;
    int32_t                         rowBytes;
    Ptr                             codecData;
    ICMProgressProcRecord           progressProcRecord;
    ICMDataProcRecord               dataProcRecord;
    void *                          userDecompressRecord;       /* pointer to codec-specific per-band data*/
    UInt8                           frameType;
    Boolean                         inhibitMP;                  /* set this in BeginBand to tell the base decompressor not to call DrawBand from an MP task for this frame.  (Only has any effect for MP-capable subcodecs.  New in QuickTime 5.0.)*/
    UInt8                           pad[2];
    int32_t                         priv[2];

                                                                /* The following fields only exist for QuickTime 5.0 and greater */
    ImageCodecDrawBandCompleteUPP   drawBandCompleteUPP;        /* only used if subcodec set subCodecCallsDrawBandComplete; if drawBandCompleteUPP is non-nil, codec must call it when a frame is finished, but may return from DrawBand before the frame is finished. */
    void *                          drawBandCompleteRefCon;     /* Note: do not call drawBandCompleteUPP directly from a hardware interrupt; instead, use DTInstall to run a function at deferred task time, and call drawBandCompleteUPP from that. */
typedef struct ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord;

/* These are the bits that are set in the Component flags, and also in the codecInfo struct. */
enum {
    codecInfoDoes1              = (1L << 0),                    /* codec can work with 1-bit pixels */
    codecInfoDoes2              = (1L << 1),                    /* codec can work with 2-bit pixels */
    codecInfoDoes4              = (1L << 2),                    /* codec can work with 4-bit pixels */
    codecInfoDoes8              = (1L << 3),                    /* codec can work with 8-bit pixels */
    codecInfoDoes16             = (1L << 4),                    /* codec can work with 16-bit pixels */
    codecInfoDoes32             = (1L << 5),                    /* codec can work with 32-bit pixels */
    codecInfoDoesDither         = (1L << 6),                    /* codec can do ditherMode */
    codecInfoDoesStretch        = (1L << 7),                    /* codec can stretch to arbitrary sizes */
    codecInfoDoesShrink         = (1L << 8),                    /* codec can shrink to arbitrary sizes */
    codecInfoDoesMask           = (1L << 9),                    /* codec can mask to clipping regions */
    codecInfoDoesTemporal       = (1L << 10),                   /* codec can handle temporal redundancy */
    codecInfoDoesDouble         = (1L << 11),                   /* codec can stretch to double size exactly */
    codecInfoDoesQuad           = (1L << 12),                   /* codec can stretch to quadruple size exactly */
    codecInfoDoesHalf           = (1L << 13),                   /* codec can shrink to half size */
    codecInfoDoesQuarter        = (1L << 14),                   /* codec can shrink to quarter size */
    codecInfoDoesRotate         = (1L << 15),                   /* codec can rotate on decompress */
    codecInfoDoesHorizFlip      = (1L << 16),                   /* codec can flip horizontally on decompress */
    codecInfoDoesVertFlip       = (1L << 17),                   /* codec can flip vertically on decompress */
    codecInfoHasEffectParameterList = (1L << 18),               /* codec implements get effects parameter list call, once was codecInfoDoesSkew */
    codecInfoDoesBlend          = (1L << 19),                   /* codec can blend on decompress */
    codecInfoDoesWarp           = (1L << 20),                   /* codec can warp arbitrarily on decompress */
    codecInfoDoesRecompress     = (1L << 21),                   /* codec can recompress image without accumulating errors */
    codecInfoDoesSpool          = (1L << 22),                   /* codec can spool image data */
    codecInfoDoesRateConstrain  = (1L << 23)                    /* codec can data rate constrain */

enum {
    codecInfoDepth1             = (1L << 0),                    /* compressed data at 1 bpp depth available */
    codecInfoDepth2             = (1L << 1),                    /* compressed data at 2 bpp depth available */
    codecInfoDepth4             = (1L << 2),                    /* compressed data at 4 bpp depth available */
    codecInfoDepth8             = (1L << 3),                    /* compressed data at 8 bpp depth available */
    codecInfoDepth16            = (1L << 4),                    /* compressed data at 16 bpp depth available */
    codecInfoDepth32            = (1L << 5),                    /* compressed data at 32 bpp depth available */
    codecInfoDepth24            = (1L << 6),                    /* compressed data at 24 bpp depth available */
    codecInfoDepth33            = (1L << 7),                    /* compressed data at 1 bpp monochrome depth  available */
    codecInfoDepth34            = (1L << 8),                    /* compressed data at 2 bpp grayscale depth available */
    codecInfoDepth36            = (1L << 9),                    /* compressed data at 4 bpp grayscale depth available */
    codecInfoDepth40            = (1L << 10),                   /* compressed data at 8 bpp grayscale depth available */
    codecInfoStoresClut         = (1L << 11),                   /* compressed data can have custom cluts */
    codecInfoDoesLossless       = (1L << 12),                   /* compressed data can be stored in lossless format */
    codecInfoSequenceSensitive  = (1L << 13)                    /* compressed data is sensitive to out of sequence decoding */

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) CodecInfo {
    Str31                           typeName;                   /* name of the codec type i.e.: 'Apple Image Compression' */
    short                           version;                    /* version of the codec data that this codec knows about */
    short                           revisionLevel;              /* revision level of this codec i.e: 0x00010001 (1.0.1) */
    int32_t                         vendor;                     /* Maker of this codec i.e: 'appl' */
    int32_t                         decompressFlags;            /* codecInfo flags for decompression capabilities */
    int32_t                         compressFlags;              /* codecInfo flags for compression capabilities */
    int32_t                         formatFlags;                /* codecInfo flags for compression format details */
    UInt8                           compressionAccuracy;        /* measure (1-255) of accuracy of this codec for compress (0 if unknown) */
    UInt8                           decompressionAccuracy;      /* measure (1-255) of accuracy of this codec for decompress (0 if unknown) */
    unsigned short                  compressionSpeed;           /* ( millisecs for compressing 320x240 on base mac II) (0 if unknown)  */
    unsigned short                  decompressionSpeed;         /* ( millisecs for decompressing 320x240 on mac II)(0 if unknown)  */
    UInt8                           compressionLevel;           /* measure (1-255) of compression level of this codec (0 if unknown)  */
    UInt8                           resvd;                      /* pad */
    short                           minimumHeight;              /* minimum height of image (block size) */
    short                           minimumWidth;               /* minimum width of image (block size) */
    short                           decompressPipelineLatency;  /* in milliseconds ( for asynchronous codecs ) */
    short                           compressPipelineLatency;    /* in milliseconds ( for asynchronous codecs ) */
    int32_t                         privateData;
typedef struct CodecInfo                CodecInfo;

enum {
    codecFlagUseImageBuffer     = (1L << 0),                    /* decompress*/
    codecFlagUseScreenBuffer    = (1L << 1),                    /* decompress*/
    codecFlagUpdatePrevious     = (1L << 2),                    /* compress*/
    codecFlagNoScreenUpdate     = (1L << 3),                    /* decompress*/
    codecFlagWasCompressed      = (1L << 4),                    /* compress*/
    codecFlagDontOffscreen      = (1L << 5),                    /* decompress*/
    codecFlagUpdatePreviousComp = (1L << 6),                    /* compress*/
    codecFlagForceKeyFrame      = (1L << 7),                    /* compress*/
    codecFlagOnlyScreenUpdate   = (1L << 8),                    /* decompress*/
    codecFlagLiveGrab           = (1L << 9),                    /* compress*/
    codecFlagDiffFrame          = (1L << 9),                    /* decompress*/
    codecFlagDontUseNewImageBuffer = (1L << 10),                /* decompress*/
    codecFlagInterlaceUpdate    = (1L << 11),                   /* decompress*/
    codecFlagCatchUpDiff        = (1L << 12),                   /* decompress*/
    codecFlagSupportDisable     = (1L << 13),                   /* decompress*/
    codecFlagReenable           = (1L << 14)                    /* decompress*/

static inline void dump_ImageDescription(void* xxx){
    ImageDescription* id=(ImageDescription*)xxx;
    unsigned char* x;
    int i;

	printf(" %02X",((unsigned char*)id)[i]);
	if((i%16)==15) printf("\n");

    printf("=============== ImageDescription at %p ==================\n",xxx);
    printf("idSize=0x%X  fourcc=0x%08X\n",id->idSize,id->cType);
    printf("ver=%d rev=%d vendor=0x%08X\n",id->version,id->revisionLevel,id->vendor);
    printf("tempQ=%d spatQ=%d  dim: %d x %d  dpi: %d x %d  depth: %d\n",
	id->width, id->height,
	id->hRes, id->vRes,
    printf("dataSize=%d frameCount=%d clutID=%d\n",id->dataSize, id->frameCount, id->clutID);
	printf("%02X %02X %02X %02X | %02X %02X %02X %02X | %02X %02X %02X %02X | %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",

static inline void dump_Rect(char* title,Rect *r){
    printf("%s: %d;%d - %d;%d\n",title,

static inline void dump_MatrixRecord(char* title, MatrixRecord *m){
    printf("%s: [%d %d %d][%d %d %d][%d %d %d]\n",title,

static inline void dump_PixMap(void* xxx){
    PixMap *p=xxx;
    printf("=============== PixMap at %p ==================\n",xxx);
    printf("base=%p  stride=%d\n",p->baseAddr, p->rowBytes);
    printf("pmVersion=0x%X packType=0x%X\n packSize=0x%X\n",
	p->pmVersion,p->packType, p->packSize);
    printf("hRes=0x%X vRes=0x%X pixelType=0x%X pixelSize=0x%X\n",
    printf("cmpCount=0x%X cmpSize=0x%X pixelFormat=0x%X\n",
    printf("pmTable=%p pmExt=%p\n",p->pmTable,p->pmExt);

static inline void dump_CodecCapabilities(void* xxx){
    CodecCapabilities* cc=xxx;
    if(!xxx) return;
    printf("=============== CodecCapabilities at %p =================\n",xxx);
    printf("flags=0x%X  flags2=0x%X\n",cc->flags,cc->flags2);
    printf("wantedPixelSize=%d extendWidth=%d extendHeight=%d band=%d+%d\n",
    printf("pad=0x%X  time=0x%X\n",cc->pad,cc->time);

static inline void dump_CodecDecompressParams(void* xxx){
    CodecDecompressParams* cd=xxx;
    ImageDescription **idh;
    int i;
    if(!xxx) return;
    printf("=============== CodecDecompressParams at %p ==================\n",xxx);
    if(idh && idh[0]) dump_ImageDescription(idh[0]);
	printf(" %02X",((unsigned char*)cd)[i]);
	if((i%16)==15) printf("\n");
    printf("data=%p  size=%d\n",cd->data,cd->bufferSize);
    printf("frameno=%d  lines: %d .. %d   condflags=0x%X  callerflags=0x%X\n",
	cd->frameNumber, cd->startLine, cd->stopLine, cd->conditionFlags,cd->callerFlags);
//    printf("maskBits=%p mattePixMap=%p\n",
//	cd->maskBits,cd->mattePixMap);
//    if(cd->mattePixMap) dump_PixMap(cd->mattePixMap);
    if(cd->matrix) dump_MatrixRecord("matrix",cd->matrix);
    if(cd->capabilities) dump_CodecCapabilities(cd->capabilities);
    printf("accuracy=%d  transferMode=%d  matrixFlags=0x%X matrixType=%d\n",
	(int)cd->accuracy, (int)cd->transferMode, (int)cd->matrixFlags, (int)cd->matrixType);
    printf("srcrect: %d;%d - %d;%d\n",cd->,cd->srcRect.left,cd->srcRect.bottom,cd->srcRect.right);
    printf("dstrect: %d;%d - %d;%d\n",cd->,cd->dstRect.left,cd->dstRect.bottom,cd->dstRect.right);
	unsigned int* p=cd->wantedDestinationPixelTypes;
	    printf("  0x%08X %.4s\n",p[0],&p[0]);
    printf("screenFloodMethod=%d value=%d  preferredOffscreenPixelSize=%d\n",
	cd->screenFloodMethod, cd->screenFloodValue, cd->preferredOffscreenPixelSize);
    printf("callbacks: progress=%p compl=%p data=%p ftime=%p srcdata=%p sync=%p\n",
     cd->progressProcRecord, cd->completionProcRecord,
     cd->dataProcRecord, cd->frameTime, cd->sourceData, cd->syncFrameTime);
//    printf("\n");

