view loader/qtx/qtxload.c @ 27409:e2de11109139

If (has outline) blur(outline) else blur(glyph). If there is an outline, the glyph itself should not be blurred. Keeps the border between glyph and outline clear (unblurred), which is probably how it should be. Patch by Diogo Franco (diogomfranco gmail com).
author eugeni
date Thu, 07 Aug 2008 22:20:58 +0000
parents 0fdf04b07ecb
children b5a46071062a
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "qtxsdk/components.h"
#include "qtxsdk/select.h"
#include "ldt_keeper.h"
#include "mp_msg.h"

/* ilyen egy sima komponens */
ComponentResult ComponentDummy(
    ComponentParameters *params,
    void **globals,
    ComponentResult (*ComponentDispatch)(ComponentParameters *, void **))
    printf("ComponentDummy(params: %p, globals: %p, dispatcher: %p) called!\n",
	params, globals, ComponentDispatch);
    printf(" Dummy: global datas: %p\n", *globals);
    printf(" Dummy: returning 0\n");
    return 0;

char *get_path(const char* x){  return strdup(x);}

void* LoadLibraryA(char* name);
void* GetProcAddress(void* handle,char* func);

#define __stdcall __attribute__((__stdcall__))
#define __cdecl   __attribute__((__cdecl__))
#define APIENTRY 

unsigned int* x_table[0x00001837];

static    OSErr (*InitializeQTML)(long flags);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    void *handler;
    void *handler2;
    void* theqtdp=NULL;
    void* compcall=NULL;
    void* compcallws=NULL;
    ComponentResult (*dispatcher)(ComponentParameters *params, Globals glob);
    ComponentResult ret;
    ComponentParameters *params;
    ComponentDescription desc;
    void *globals=NULL;
    //unsigned int esp=0;
    //int i;


    printf("loading qts\n");
//    handler = LoadLibraryA("/root/.wine/fake_windows/Windows/System/QuickTime.qts");
    handler = LoadLibraryA("QuickTime.qts");
    theqtdp = GetProcAddress(handler, "theQuickTimeDispatcher");
    compcall = GetProcAddress(handler, "CallComponent");
    compcallws = GetProcAddress(handler, "CallComponentFunctionWithStorage");

    InitializeQTML = 0x6299e590;//GetProcAddress(handler, "InitializeQTML");
    printf("loading svq3\n");
    handler2= LoadLibraryA("/root/.wine/fake_windows/Windows/System/QuickTime/QuickTimeEssentials.qtx");
    dispatcher = GetProcAddress(handler2, "SMD_ComponentDispatch");
//    handler = expLoadLibraryA("/usr/local/lib/codecs/On2_VP3.qtx");
//    dispatcher = GetProcAddress(handler, "CDComponentDispatcher");
    printf("handler: %p, dispatcher: %p  theqtdp: %p\n", handler, dispatcher, theqtdp);

//    printf("theQuickTimeDispatcher = %p\n",GetProcAddress(handler, "theQuickTimeDispatcher"));

    // patch svq3 dll:
    *((void**)0x63214c98) = NULL;
    *((void**)0x63214c9c) = theqtdp; // theQt...
    *((void**)0x63214ca0) = compcall; //0xdeadbeef; //dispatcher; // CallCOmponent_ptr
    *((void**)0x63214ca4) = compcallws; //0xdeadbef2; //dispatcher; // CallComponentWithStorage_ptr

    params = malloc(sizeof(ComponentParameters)+2048);

    params->flags = 0;
    params->paramSize = 4;
    params->what = kComponentOpenSelect;
    params->params[0] = 0x830000; //0x820000|i; //(i<<16)|0x24; //0x820024;
    ret = dispatcher(params, &globals);
    printf("!!! CDComponentDispatch() => 0x%X  glob=%p\n",ret,globals);

//    memset(x_table,12,4*0x00001837);


    // params->what = kComponentVersionSelect;
    // params->what = kComponentRegisterSelect;
    // params->what = kComponentOpenSelect;
    // params->what = kComponentCanDoSelect;

    printf("params: flags: %d, paramSize: %d, what: %d, params[0] = %x\n",
        params->flags, params->paramSize, params->what, params->params[0]);

//    __asm__ __volatile__ ("movl %%esp, %0\n\t" : "=a" (esp) :: "memory" );
//    printf("ESP=%p\n",esp);

    *((void**)0x62b7d640) = &x_table[0]; //malloc(0x00001837 * 4); // ugly hack?

    printf("params=%p  &glob=%p  x_table=%p\n",params,&globals, &x_table[0]);

    ret = dispatcher(params, &globals);

//    __asm__ __volatile__ ("movl %%esp, %0\n\t" : "=a" (esp) :: "memory" );
//    printf("ESP=%p\n",esp);

    printf("!!! CDComponentDispatch() => %d  glob=%p\n",ret,globals);
//    if(ret!=-3000) break;

//    for(i=0;i<0x00001837;i++)
//	if(x_table[i]) printf("x_table[0x%X] = %p\n",i,x_table[i]);

    //return 0;