view libvo/wskeys.h @ 27518:e54c9b7eb0d8

Revert bad changes to SSA/ASS subtitle packet format The following commits are reverted partially or completely: "a valid ASS line contains 9 ',' before actual text" "demux_mkv: output correctly formated ASS packets" "libass: add a new ass_process_data() to process demuxed subtitle packets" These commits converted the internal representation of SSA/ASS subtitle packets from the format used by Matroska to a custom format where each packet has contents exactly matching one line in complete SSA script files. AFAIK no files natively use such a format for muxed subtitles. The stated reason for this change was to use a format that could in principle be muxed into a maximal number of containers. SSA subtitles do not have an implicit duration so both start time and duration or end time need to be specified explicitly; the new format moved timing information inside the codec packet data so it could be muxed without modification into containers that can represent only start time at the container level. However such a change is wrong from the viewpoint of program architecture. Timing information belongs to the demuxer level, but these commits moved not only the duration but also the authoritative value of the start time to inside the codec data. Additionally the new format lost the value of the Matroska ReadOrder field which is used by MPlayer. This commit changes the internal packet format back to that used by Matroska and makes the internal Matroska demuxer output that format again. Libavformat still outputs the "new" format; it could be converted back to the Matroska format in demux_lavf.c, but I'm not adding that code at least yet. The current lavf code has similar problems as the reverted code in MPlayer, and it also currently fails to provide any way to access the value of the ReadOrder field. I hope that the lavf side will be improved; if it isn't conversion can be added later. For now I'll make MPlayer default to the internal Matroska demuxer instead of the lavf one in a separate commit.
author uau
date Mon, 08 Sep 2008 21:26:22 +0000
parents 4129c8cfa742
children 449297b8abb9
line wrap: on
line source


#define wsosbrackets '['
#define wscsbrackets ']'

#define wsq 'q'
#define wsa 'a'
#define wsz 'z'
#define wsw 'w'
#define wss 's'
#define wsx 'x'
#define wse 'e'
#define wsd 'd'
#define wsr 'r'
#define wsf 'f'
#define wsv 'v'
#define wst 't'
#define wsg 'g'
#define wsb 'b'
#define wsy 'y'
#define wsh 'h'
#define wsn 'n'
#define wsu 'u'
#define wsj 'j'
#define wsm 'm'
#define wsi 'i'
#define wsk 'k'
#define wso 'o'
#define wsl 'l'
#define wsp 'p'

#define wsQ 'Q'
#define wsA 'A'
#define wsZ 'Z'
#define wsW 'W'
#define wsS 'S'
#define wsX 'X'
#define wsE 'E'
#define wsD 'D'
#define wsR 'R'
#define wsF 'F'
#define wsV 'V'
#define wsT 'T'
#define wsG 'G'
#define wsB 'B'
#define wsY 'Y'
#define wsH 'H'
#define wsN 'N'
#define wsU 'U'
#define wsJ 'J'
#define wsM 'M'
#define wsI 'I'
#define wsK 'K'
#define wsO 'O'
#define wsL 'L'
#define wsP 'P'

#define wsSpace ' '
#define wsMinus '-'
#define wsPlus  '+'
#define wsMul   '*'
#define wsDiv   '/'
#define wsLess  '<'
#define wsMore  '>'

#define wsGrave      '`'
#define wsTilde      '~'
#define wsExclSign   '!'
#define wsAt         '@'
#define wsHash       '#'
#define wsDollar     '$'
#define wsPercent    '%'
#define wsCircumflex '^'
#define wsAmpersand  '&'
#define wsobracket   '('
#define wscbracket   ')'
#define wsUnder      '_'
#define wsocbracket  '{'
#define wsccbracket  '}'
#define wsColon      ':'
#define wsSemicolon  ';'
#define wsDblQuote   '\"'
#define wsAcute      '\''
#define wsComma      ','
#define wsPoint      '.'
#define wsQuestSign  '?'
#define wsBSlash     '\\'
#define wsPipe       '|'
#define wsEqual      '='

#define wsUp            0x52 + 256
#define wsDown          0x54 + 256
#define wsLeft          0x51 + 256
#define wsRight         0x53 + 256
#define wsLeftCtrl      0xe3 + 256
#define wsRightCtrl     0xe4 + 256
#define wsLeftAlt       0xe9 + 256
#define wsRightAlt      0x7e + 256
#define wsLeftShift     0xe1 + 256
#define wsRightShift    0xe2 + 256
#define wsEnter         0x0d + 256
#define wsBackSpace     0x08 + 256
#define wsCapsLock      0xe5 + 256
#define wsTab           0x09 + 256
#define wsF1            0xbe + 256
#define wsF2            0xbf + 256
#define wsF3            0xc0 + 256
#define wsF4            0xc1 + 256
#define wsF5            0xc2 + 256
#define wsF6            0xc3 + 256
#define wsF7            0xc4 + 256
#define wsF8            0xc5 + 256
#define wsF9            0xc6 + 256
#define wsF10           0xc7 + 256
#define wsF11           0xc8 + 256
#define wsF12           0xc9 + 256
#define wsInsert        0x63 + 256
#define wsDelete        0xff + 256
#define wsHome          0x50 + 256
#define wsEnd           0x57 + 256
#define wsPageUp        0x55 + 256
#define wsPageDown      0x56 + 256
#define wsNumLock       0x7f + 256
#define wsEscape        0x1b + 256
#define wsGrayEnter     0x8d + 256
#define wsGrayPlus      0xab + 256
#define wsGrayMinus     0xad + 256
#define wsGrayMul       0xaa + 256
#define wsGrayDiv       0xaf + 256
#define wsGrayDecimal   0xae + 256
#define wsGray0         0xb0 + 256
#define wsGray1         0xb1 + 256
#define wsGray2         0xb2 + 256
#define wsGray3         0xb3 + 256
#define wsGray4         0xb4 + 256
#define wsGray5         0xb5 + 256
#define wsGray6         0xb6 + 256
#define wsGray7         0xb7 + 256
#define wsGray8         0xb8 + 256
#define wsGray9         0xb9 + 256
#define wsGrayHome      0x95 + 256
#define wsGrayLeft      0x96 + 256
#define wsGrayUp        0x97 + 256
#define wsGrayRight     0x98 + 256
#define wsGrayDown      0x99 + 256
#define wsGrayPgUp      0x9a + 256
#define wsGrayPgDn      0x9b + 256
#define wsGrayEnd       0x9c + 256
#define wsGray5Dup      0x9d + 256
#define wsGrayInsert    0x9e + 256
#define wsGrayDelete    0x9f + 256

#endif /* MPLAYER_WSKEYS_H */