view gui/win32/widgetrender.c @ 36892:f50427ad9ff6

Internally map item 'potmeter' onto 'hpotmeter'. Former version of the GUI treated a potmeter very similar to a hpotmeter (the Win32 GUI still does so) and lots of skins are solely using potmeters instead of hpotmeters, although this doesn't make sense at all. The current version of the GUI is treating a potmeter differently, but in order to not break old skins, restore the old behaviour. For the X11/GTK GUI, a potmeter is now simply a hpotmeter with button=NULL and (button)width=(button)height=0. For the Win32 GUI (where skins unfortunately are handled a bit differently and things are more complicated) a potmeter is now a hpotmeter without button but (button)width=(widget)width and (button)height=(widget)height. Additionally, print a legacy information, because the item 'potmeter' is obsolete now and oughtn't be used any longer.
author ib
date Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:32:29 +0000
parents 98568083fb1d
children 049db0aeea85
line wrap: on
line source

 * MPlayer GUI for Win32
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Sascha Sommer <>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Erik Augustson <>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Gianluigi Tiesi <>
 * This file is part of MPlayer.
 * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <windows.h>

#include "gui/util/bitmap.h"
#include "gui/util/string.h"
#include "gui/interface.h"
#include "gui.h"

#define MAX_LABELSIZE 250

static void render(int bitsperpixel, image *dst, image *src, int x, int y, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int transparent)
    int i;
    int bpp = bitsperpixel / 8;
    int offset = (dst->width * bpp * y) + (x * bpp);
    int soffset = (src->width * bpp * sy) + (sx * bpp);

    for(i=0; i<sh; i++)
        int c;
        for(c=0; c < (sw * bpp); c += bpp)
            if(bpp == 2)
                if(!transparent || (((src->data + soffset + (i * src->width * bpp) + c)[0] != 0x1f)
                    && ((src->data + soffset + (i * src->width * bpp) + c)[1] != 0x7c)))
                    memcpy(dst->data + offset + c, src->data + soffset + (i * src->width * bpp) + c, bpp);
            else if(bpp > 2)
                if(!transparent || !IS_TRANSPARENT(*((unsigned int *) (src->data + soffset + (i * src->width * bpp) + c))))
                    memcpy(dst->data + offset + c, src->data + soffset + (i * src->width * bpp) + c, bpp);
        offset += (dst->width * bpp);

static image *find_background(skin_t *skin, widget *item)
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i < skin->windowcount; i++)
        if(skin->windows[i]->type == item->window)
            return skin->windows[i]->base->bitmap[0];
    return NULL;

/*                      FONT related functions                    */

/* returns the pos of s2 inside s1 or -1 if  s1 doesn't contain s2 */
static int strpos(char *s1, const char* s2)
    unsigned int i, x;
    for (i=0; i < strlen(s1); i++)
        if(s1[i] == s2[0])
            if(strlen(s1 + i) >= strlen(s2))
                for (x=0; x <strlen(s2); x++)
                    if(s1[i + x] != s2[x]) break;
                if(x == strlen(s2)) return i;
    return -1;

/* replaces all occurences of what in dest with format */
static void stringreplace(char *dest, const char *what, const char *format, ... )
    char tmp[MAX_LABELSIZE];
    int offset=0;
    va_list va;
    va_start(va, format);
    vsnprintf(tmp, MAX_LABELSIZE, format, va);
    /* no search string == replace the entire string */
        memcpy(dest, tmp, strlen(tmp));
        dest[strlen(tmp)] = 0;
    while((offset = strpos(dest, what)) != -1)
        memmove(dest + offset + strlen(tmp), dest + offset + strlen(what), strlen(dest + offset + strlen(what)) + 1);
        memcpy(dest + offset, tmp, strlen(tmp));

/* replaces the chars with special meaning with the associated data from the player info struct */
static char *generatetextfromlabel(widget *item)
    char *text = malloc(MAX_LABELSIZE);
    char tmp[MAX_LABELSIZE];
        return NULL;
    strcpy(text, item->label);
    if(item->type == tySlabel) return text;
    stringreplace(text, "$1", "%.2i:%.2i:%.2i", guiInfo.ElapsedTime / 3600,
                 (guiInfo.ElapsedTime / 60) % 60, guiInfo.ElapsedTime % 60);
    stringreplace(text, "$2", "%.4i:%.2i", guiInfo.ElapsedTime / 60, guiInfo.ElapsedTime % 60);
    stringreplace(text, "$3", "%.2i", guiInfo.ElapsedTime / 3600);
    stringreplace(text, "$4", "%.2i", (guiInfo.ElapsedTime / 60) % 60);
    stringreplace(text, "$5", "%.2i", guiInfo.ElapsedTime % 60);
    stringreplace(text, "$6", "%.2i:%.2i:%.2i", guiInfo.RunningTime / 3600,
                 (guiInfo.RunningTime / 60) % 60, guiInfo.RunningTime % 60);
    stringreplace(text, "$7", "%.4i:%.2i", guiInfo.RunningTime / 60, guiInfo.RunningTime % 60);
    stringreplace(text, "$8", "%i:%.2i:%.2i", guiInfo.ElapsedTime / 3600,
                 (guiInfo.ElapsedTime / 60) % 60, guiInfo.ElapsedTime % 60);
    stringreplace(text, "$v", "%3.2f", guiInfo.Volume);
    stringreplace(text, "$V", "%3.1f", guiInfo.Volume);
    stringreplace(text, "$b", "%3.2f", guiInfo.Balance);
    stringreplace(text, "$B", "%3.1f", guiInfo.Balance);
    stringreplace(text, "$t", "%.2i", guiInfo.Track);
    stringreplace(text, "$o", "%s", acp(TranslateFilename(0, tmp, sizeof(tmp))));
    stringreplace(text, "$x", "%i", guiInfo.VideoWidth);
    stringreplace(text, "$y", "%i", guiInfo.VideoHeight);
    stringreplace(text, "$C", "%s", guiInfo.sh_video ? codecname : "");
    stringreplace(text, "$$", "$");

    if(!strcmp(text, "$p") || !strcmp(text, "$s") || !strcmp(text, "$e"))
        if(guiInfo.Playing == GUI_STOP) stringreplace(text, NULL, "s");
        else if(guiInfo.Playing == GUI_PLAY) stringreplace(text, NULL, "p");
        else if(guiInfo.Playing == GUI_PAUSE) stringreplace(text, NULL, "e");

    if(guiInfo.AudioChannels == 0) stringreplace(text, "$a", "n");
    else if(guiInfo.AudioChannels == 1) stringreplace(text, "$a", "m");
    else stringreplace(text, "$a", "t");

    if(guiInfo.StreamType == 0)
        stringreplace(text, "$T", "f");
    else if(guiInfo.StreamType == STREAMTYPE_DVD || guiInfo.StreamType == STREAMTYPE_DVDNAV)
        stringreplace(text, "$T", "d");
    else stringreplace(text, "$T", "u");

    stringreplace(text, "$f", acp(TranslateFilename(1, tmp, sizeof(tmp))));
    stringreplace(text, "$F", acp(TranslateFilename(2, tmp, sizeof(tmp))));

    return text;

/* cuts text to buflen scrolling from right to left */
static void scrolltext(char *text, unsigned int buflen, float *value)
    char *buffer = malloc(buflen + 1);
    unsigned int x,i;
    if(*value < buflen) x = 0;
    else x = *value - buflen;
    memset(buffer, ' ', buflen);
    for (i = (*value>=buflen) ? 0 : buflen - *value; i<buflen; i++)
        if(x < strlen(text))
            buffer[i] = text[x];
    buffer[buflen] = 0;
    *value += 1.0f;
    if(*value >= strlen(text) + buflen) *value = 0.0f;
    strcpy(text, buffer);

/* updates all dlabels and slabels */
void renderinfobox(skin_t *skin, window_priv_t *priv)
    unsigned int i;
    if (!priv) return;

    /* repaint the area behind the text*/
    /* we have to do this for all labels here, because they may overlap in buggy skins ;( */

    for (i=0; i<skin->widgetcount; i++)
        if((skin->widgets[i]->type == tyDlabel) || (skin->widgets[i]->type == tySlabel))
            if(skin->widgets[i]->window == priv->type)
                       find_background(skin, skin->widgets[i]),

    /* load all slabels and dlabels */
    for (i=0; i<skin->widgetcount; i++)
        widget *item = skin->widgets[i];
        if(item->window != priv->type) continue;
        if((i == skin->widgetcount) || (item->type == tyDlabel) || (item->type == tySlabel))
            char *text = generatetextfromlabel(item);
            unsigned int current, c;
            int offset = 0;
            unsigned int textlen;
            if(!text) continue;
            textlen = strlen(text);

            /* render(win, win->background, gui->skin->widgets[i]->x, gui->skin->widgets[i]->y,
                      gui->skin->widgets[i]->x, gui->skin->widgets[i]->y,
                      gui->skin->widgets[i]->length, gui->skin->widgets[i]->font->chars[0]->height,1); */

            /* calculate text size */
            for (current=0; current<textlen; current++)
                for (c=0; c<item->font->charcount; c++)
                    if(item->font->chars[c]->c == text[current])
                        offset += item->font->chars[c]->width;

            /* labels can be scrolled if they are to big */
            if((item->type == tyDlabel) && (item->length < offset))
                int tomuch = (offset - item->length) / (offset /textlen);
                scrolltext(text, textlen - tomuch - 1, &skin->widgets[i]->value);
                textlen = strlen(text);

            /* align the text */
            if(item->align == 1)
                offset = (item->length-offset) / 2;
            else if(item->align == 2)
                offset = item->length-offset;
                offset = 0;

            if(offset < 0) offset = 0;

            /* render the text */
            for (current=0; current<textlen; current++)
                for (c=0; c<item->font->charcount; c++)
                    char_t *cchar = item->font->chars[c];
                    if(cchar->c == *(text + current))
                               item->x + offset,
                               (cchar->width + offset > item->length) ? item->length - offset : cchar->width,
                        offset += cchar->width;

/*                   WIDGET related functions                     */

void renderwidget(skin_t *skin, image *dest, widget *item, int state)
    image *img = NULL;
    int height;
    int y;

    if(!dest) return;
    if((item->type == tyButton) || (item->type == tyHpotmeter) || (item->type == tyPotmeter))
        img = item->bitmap[0];

    if(!img) return;

    y = item->y;
    if(/* item->type == tyPotmeter */ /* legacy (potmeter) */ item->type == tyHpotmeter && item->width == item->wwidth)
        height = img->height / item->phases;
        y =  height * (int)(item->value * item->phases / 100);
        if(y > img->height-height)
            y = img->height - height;
        height = img->height / 3;
        y = state * height;

    /* redraw background */
    if(item->type == tyButton)
        render(skin->desktopbpp, dest, find_background(skin,item), item->x, item->y, item->x, item->y, img->width, height, 1);

    if((item->type == tyHpotmeter) || (item->type == tyPotmeter))
        /* repaint the area behind the slider */
        render(skin->desktopbpp, dest, find_background(skin, item), item->wx, item->wy, item->wx, item->wy, item->wwidth, item->height, 1);
        item->x = item->value * (item->wwidth-item->width) / 100 + item->wx;
        if((item->x + item->width) > (item->wx + item->wwidth))
            item->x = item->wx + item->wwidth - item->width;
        if(item->x < item->wx)
            item->x = item->wx;
    render(skin->desktopbpp, dest, img, item->x, item->y, 0, y, img->width, height, 1);