view libao2/ao_kai.c @ 36892:f50427ad9ff6

Internally map item 'potmeter' onto 'hpotmeter'. Former version of the GUI treated a potmeter very similar to a hpotmeter (the Win32 GUI still does so) and lots of skins are solely using potmeters instead of hpotmeters, although this doesn't make sense at all. The current version of the GUI is treating a potmeter differently, but in order to not break old skins, restore the old behaviour. For the X11/GTK GUI, a potmeter is now simply a hpotmeter with button=NULL and (button)width=(button)height=0. For the Win32 GUI (where skins unfortunately are handled a bit differently and things are more complicated) a potmeter is now a hpotmeter without button but (button)width=(widget)width and (button)height=(widget)height. Additionally, print a legacy information, because the item 'potmeter' is obsolete now and oughtn't be used any longer.
author ib
date Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:32:29 +0000
parents d50e20b4e441
line wrap: on
line source

 * OS/2 KAI audio output driver
 * Copyright (c) 2010 by KO Myung-Hun (
 * This file is part of MPlayer.
 * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#define INCL_DOS
#include <os2.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <float.h>

#include <kai.h>

#include "config.h"
#include "libaf/af_format.h"
#include "audio_out.h"
#include "audio_out_internal.h"
#include "mp_msg.h"
#include "libvo/fastmemcpy.h"
#include "subopt-helper.h"
#include "libavutil/avutil.h"
#include "libavutil/fifo.h"

static const ao_info_t info = {
    "KAI audio output",
    "KO Myung-Hun <>",


#define OUTBURST_SAMPLES        512

#define CHUNK_SIZE  ao_data.outburst

static AVFifoBuffer *m_audioBuf;

static int m_nBufSize = 0;

static volatile int m_fQuit = FALSE;

static KAISPEC m_kaiSpec;

static HKAI m_hkai;

static int write_buffer(unsigned char *data, int len)
    int nFree = av_fifo_space(m_audioBuf);

    len = FFMIN(len, nFree);

    return av_fifo_generic_write(m_audioBuf, data, len, NULL);

static int read_buffer(unsigned char *data, int len)
    int nBuffered = av_fifo_size(m_audioBuf);

    len = FFMIN(len, nBuffered);

    av_fifo_generic_read(m_audioBuf, data, len, NULL);
    return len;

// end ring buffer stuff

static ULONG APIENTRY kai_audio_callback(PVOID pCBData, PVOID pBuffer,
                                         ULONG ulSize)
    int nReadLen;

    nReadLen = read_buffer(pBuffer, ulSize);
    if (nReadLen < ulSize && !m_fQuit) {
        memset((uint8_t *)pBuffer + nReadLen, m_kaiSpec.bSilence, ulSize - nReadLen);
        nReadLen = ulSize;

    return nReadLen;

// to set/get/query special features/parameters
static int control(int cmd, void *arg)
    switch (cmd) {
        ao_control_vol_t *vol = arg;

        vol->left = vol->right = kaiGetVolume(m_hkai, MCI_STATUS_AUDIO_ALL);

        return CONTROL_OK;

        int mid;
        ao_control_vol_t *vol = arg;

        mid = (vol->left + vol->right) / 2;
        kaiSetVolume(m_hkai, MCI_SET_AUDIO_ALL, mid);

        return CONTROL_OK;


static void print_help(void)
    mp_msg(MSGT_AO, MSGL_FATAL,
           "\n-ao kai commandline help:\n"
           "Example: mplayer -ao kai:noshare\n"
           "    open audio in exclusive mode\n"
           "    uniaud\n"
           "        Use UNIAUD audio driver\n"
           "    dart\n"
           "        Use DART audio driver\n"
           "    (no)share\n"
           "        Open audio in shareable or exclusive mode\n"
           "    bufsize=<size>\n"
           "        Set buffer size to <size> in samples(default: 2048)\n");

// open & set up audio device
// return: 1=success 0=fail
static int init(int rate, int channels, int format, int flags)
    int     fUseUniaud = 0;
    int     fUseDart = 0;
    int     fShare = 1;
    ULONG   kaiMode;
    KAICAPS kc;
    int     nSamples = DEFAULT_SAMPLES;
    int     nBytesPerSample;
    KAISPEC ksWanted;

    const opt_t subopts[] = {
        {"uniaud",  OPT_ARG_BOOL, &fUseUniaud, NULL},
        {"dart",    OPT_ARG_BOOL, &fUseDart,   NULL},
        {"share",   OPT_ARG_BOOL, &fShare,     NULL},
        {"bufsize", OPT_ARG_INT,  &nSamples,   int_non_neg},

    const char *audioDriver[] = {"DART", "UNIAUD",};

    if (subopt_parse(ao_subdevice, subopts) != 0) {
        return 0;

    if (fUseUniaud && fUseDart)
        mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_WARN,"KAI: Multiple mode specified!!!\n");

    if (fUseUniaud)
        kaiMode = KAIM_UNIAUD;
    else if (fUseDart)
        kaiMode = KAIM_DART;
        kaiMode = KAIM_AUTO;

    if (kaiInit(kaiMode)) {
        mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_ERR, "KAI: Init failed!!!\n");
        return 0;

    mp_msg(MSGT_AO, MSGL_V, "KAI: selected audio driver = %s\n",
           audioDriver[kc.ulMode - 1]);
    mp_msg(MSGT_AO, MSGL_V, "KAI: PDD name = %s, maximum channels = %lu\n",
           kc.szPDDName, kc.ulMaxChannels);

    if (!nSamples)
        nSamples = DEFAULT_SAMPLES;

    mp_msg(MSGT_AO, MSGL_V, "KAI: open in %s mode, buffer size = %d sample(s)\n",
           fShare ? "shareable" : "exclusive", nSamples);

    switch (format) {
    case AF_FORMAT_S16_LE:
    case AF_FORMAT_S8:

        format = AF_FORMAT_S16_LE;
        mp_msg(MSGT_AO, MSGL_V, "KAI: format %s not supported defaulting to Signed 16-bit Little-Endian\n",

    nBytesPerSample = (af_fmt2bits(format) >> 3) * channels;

    ksWanted.usDeviceIndex      = 0;
    ksWanted.ulType             = KAIT_PLAY;
    ksWanted.ulBitsPerSample    = af_fmt2bits(format);
    ksWanted.ulSamplingRate     = rate;
    ksWanted.ulDataFormat       = MCI_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
    ksWanted.ulChannels         = channels;
    ksWanted.ulNumBuffers       = 2;
    ksWanted.ulBufferSize       = nBytesPerSample * nSamples;
    ksWanted.fShareable         = fShare;
    ksWanted.pfnCallBack        = kai_audio_callback;
    ksWanted.pCallBackData      = NULL;

    if (kaiOpen(&ksWanted, &m_kaiSpec, &m_hkai)) {
        mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_ERR, "KAI: Open failed!!!\n");
        return 0;

    mp_msg(MSGT_AO, MSGL_V, "KAI: obtained buffer count = %lu, size = %lu bytes\n",
           m_kaiSpec.ulNumBuffers, m_kaiSpec.ulBufferSize);

    m_fQuit = FALSE;

    ao_data.channels    = channels;
    ao_data.samplerate  = rate;
    ao_data.format      = format;
    ao_data.bps         = nBytesPerSample * rate;
    ao_data.outburst    = nBytesPerSample * OUTBURST_SAMPLES;
    ao_data.buffersize  = m_kaiSpec.ulBufferSize;

    m_nBufSize = (m_kaiSpec.ulBufferSize * m_kaiSpec.ulNumBuffers) << 2;

    // multiple of CHUNK_SIZE
    m_nBufSize = (m_nBufSize / CHUNK_SIZE) * CHUNK_SIZE;

    // and one more chunk plus round up
    m_nBufSize += 2 * CHUNK_SIZE;

    mp_msg(MSGT_AO, MSGL_V, "KAI: internal audio buffer size = %d bytes\n",

    m_audioBuf = av_fifo_alloc(m_nBufSize);


    // might cause PM DLLs to be loaded which incorrectly enable SIG_FPE,
    // which AAC decoding might trigger.
    // so, mask off all floating-point exceptions.
    _control87(MCW_EM, MCW_EM);

    return 1;

// close audio device
static void uninit(int immed)
    m_fQuit = TRUE;

    if (!immed)
        while (kaiStatus(m_hkai) & KAIS_PLAYING)




// stop playing and empty buffers (for seeking/pause)
static void reset(void)

    // Reset ring-buffer state


// stop playing, keep buffers (for pause)
static void audio_pause(void)

// resume playing, after audio_pause()
static void audio_resume(void)

// return: how many bytes can be played without blocking
static int get_space(void)
    return av_fifo_space(m_audioBuf);

// plays 'len' bytes of 'data'
// it should round it down to outburst*n
// return: number of bytes played
static int play(void *data, int len, int flags)

    if (!(flags & AOPLAY_FINAL_CHUNK))
        len = (len / ao_data.outburst) * ao_data.outburst;

    return write_buffer(data, len);

// return: delay in seconds between first and last sample in buffer
static float get_delay(void)
    int nBuffered = av_fifo_size(m_audioBuf); // could be less

    return (float)nBuffered / (float)ao_data.bps;