struct menu_priv_s;typedef struct menu_s menu_t;struct menu_s { void (*draw)(menu_t* menu,mp_image_t* mpi); void (*read_cmd)(menu_t* menu,int cmd); void (*read_key)(menu_t* menu,int cmd); void (*close)(menu_t* menu); m_struct_t* priv_st; struct menu_priv_s* priv; int show; // Draw it ? int cl; // Close request (user sent a close cmd or menu_t* parent;};typedef struct menu_info_s { const char *info; const char *name; const char *author; const char *comment; m_struct_t priv_st; // Config struct definition // cfg is a config struct as defined in cfg_st, it may be used as a priv struct // cfg is filled from the attributs found in the cfg file // the args param hold the content of the balise in the cfg file (if any) int (*open)(menu_t* menu, char* args);} menu_info_t;#define MENU_CMD_UP 0#define MENU_CMD_DOWN 1#define MENU_CMD_OK 2#define MENU_CMD_CANCEL 3/// Global init/uninitint menu_init(char* cfg_file);void menu_unint(void);/// Open a menu defined in the config filemenu_t* menu_open(char *name);void menu_draw(menu_t* menu,mp_image_t* mpi);void menu_read_cmd(menu_t* menu,int cmd);void menu_close(menu_t* menu);void menu_read_key(menu_t* menu,int cmd);//// Default implementationvoid menu_dflt_read_key(menu_t* menu,int cmd);/////////// Helpers#define MENU_TEXT_TOP (1<<0)#define MENU_TEXT_VCENTER (1<<1)#define MENU_TEXT_BOT (1<<2)#define MENU_TEXT_VMASK (MENU_TEXT_TOP|MENU_TEXT_VCENTER|MENU_TEXT_BOT)#define MENU_TEXT_LEFT (1<<3)#define MENU_TEXT_HCENTER (1<<4)#define MENU_TEXT_RIGHT (1<<5)#define MENU_TEXT_HMASK (MENU_TEXT_LEFT|MENU_TEXT_HCENTER|MENU_TEXT_RIGHT)#define MENU_TEXT_CENTER (MENU_TEXT_VCENTER|MENU_TEXT_HCENTER)void menu_draw_text(mp_image_t* mpi, char* txt, int x, int y);int menu_text_length(char* txt);int menu_text_num_lines(char* txt, int max_width);void menu_text_size(char* txt,int max_width, int vspace, int warp, int* _w, int* _h);void menu_draw_text_full(mp_image_t* mpi,char* txt, int x, int y,int w, int h, int vspace, int warp, int align, int anchor);